Monthly Archives: April 2020

May 2020 Energy Update with Lee Harris

Especially in these current times I feel insights like these can be of support to help navigate what you’re experiencing. Even if you don’t spend time tuning into what you’re feeling, just listening to something like this can trigger an activation within that can plant a seed for when you are ready. A-ha moments are flip-switchers.

Here’s Lee with the current energetic landscape including these themes:

  • The deep end of coronavirus
  • Truth surfacing
  • Fine tuning your values
  • Volcanic to the tender
  • Upgraded listening
  • People pleasers identity crisis
  • Rise of the hero archetype
  • Allowance and acceptance
  • You are love and you are loved
  • The chaos has a design right now

We’ll be back tomorrow with Ask Astrid Fridays.

Birth of a Star

Today always creates deeper presence for me because it was a day, twelve years ago, that I was taught the true gift of eternal being when my twin soul in rabbit body, Nestor, transitioned. Her passing was dramatic in every way, but that’s what a twin soul mirrors for you, the most resonant and most soulful depths that provide opportunity for greatest evolution.

She gifted me with expansion into knowing the true gift of life and death, the beauty in all contrasting experiences, and the alchemy of feelings. Truly too much to contain within words alone.

I thought that rather than post a photo that’s somber or brings up the past, I would celebrate Nestor with joy and how she truly ignited greater knowing of myself and how rabbits would continue to be a guiding force in my life with her as the brilliant star lighting the way.

rabbit faery

This photo was taken in late January, actually not too far from her birth date of February 1st. We were celebrating my dear friend’s birthday and she and I dressed as bunnies. I made sure to wear a special necklace I had made to embody Nestor’s energy. It features a gray bunny, like her, with a star crystal at her third eye, surrounded by a cosmic landscape tapering into a crystal point.

She wanted me to continue on with our work and let love and inner child wonder expand within my heart, rather than allow the pain of her passing to close it and wither my life force away. She lives within and through me forever, but is free to be her expansive self without restriction.

She was with me for five extraordinary years only, but they made an ever-lasting impression that transformed my life and led me to now. This to include guiding me to each of the bunnies and my tortoise who came after her, including my life partner.

She’s promised I will never be alone physically or spiritually. I cherish Astrid because she, too, was a gift from Nestor and embodies so much of Nestor’s energy.

I’ve never been the same since she cracked open my heart.

Through death I was reborn.

Perhaps this message might be of some comfort and support in some small way as you are navigating these uncertain and challenging times. I know there has been much loss in the world and it doesn’t go without saying it brings great pain.

I just know that the greatest pain was not meant to hinder, punish, or stop life. There is alchemy within pain to know as experience – an experience that resembles the birthing of a star.

Amplify the Light & Beauty


Spring has sprung here after a late Winter. We’re just starting a long streak of mid to upper 60’s temperatures edging to 70 and I’m seeing all the beautiful blooms beginning their debut. We ventured to slightly lower elevations for a hike today – well I hiked, while Dave biked – and down below sun-kissed color and new life caught my eyes around every corner. It also gave my skin a healthy infusion of vitamin D to kick off the season.

While things in the world continue on a roller-coaster ride of unknowns with every shade of experience, I still choose to open my heart to the gifts and make every day count.

This is just a short burst of inspiration to help lighten the weight of anything you might be carrying. If you can’t find something around you to lift the cloud, I hope these images might find their way to you just as you need them most.

I am ever the explorer, looking for the light, beauty, and love and choosing to amplify it.

You, too, can choose where to focus.

Find the light, beauty, and love and amplify it.

It’s not just a game-changer for yourself, but does wonders for the world.

Here is the wild beauty I found today and choose to amplify. Enjoy.


Earth Love


With a New Moon in Earthy Taurus, today’s 50th Earth Day celebration gets an extra boost of reflection upon what is of most authentic value in our lives and points a light at how we can together live in greater harmonious alignment with our Mother Terra – the most amazing mother we’ll ever have who gives unconditionally without ever asking from us in return. Let us take her example to heart and root a deeper level of compassion in action as a way of being.

Although today is the 50th celebration, every day is, and always has been, Earth Day and every day is opportunity to return to natural harmony within and without. May we walk with mindfulness, be the change, actively steward Nature with compassion and love, never take our beautiful Mother Terra and all of her children for granted, live with gratitude and greater awareness of all the gifts our home provides us, and come together to beautify and enrich this planet so that our ancestors and children will be proud and the universe smiles upon us.

We’ve been planting our love seeds for Earth by getting our yard and garden going here. Astrid has a small batch of fresh, homegrown yummies to look forward to in the Garden Tower to include her favorites – lavender, peppermint, sweet mint, dill, cilantro, curly parsley and flat Italian parsley. It seems like Terra and the Faeries are smiling down upon our new plant babies, infusing magickal rainbow light nurturing for them to grow with vibrancy. 


My larger garden is slowly growing back this year too, which includes a lot of lavender and other blooms. Yesterday we just had all of the front, side and back yards cleaned up from Fall and Winter, turned on the sprinkler system again now that temperatures are above freezing at night, and had our roof cleaned of pine needles. I cleaned up all the pots and garden of the old cycle of plants and today am going to plant some seeds in the larger garden.


There are so many new green shoots sprouting everywhere, daffodil and iris plants galore out front ready to pop with color, and a lot of new plant surprises seeded by the forest critters and elements on the way. Inside, kept safe, I have strawberry plants for Astrid too. I need to grow them indoors to keep the strawberries intact for her, as the forest animals love to gobble them up. That’s also why I only plant herbs, as they don’t seem to be interested in them and I don’t particularly want to do a lot of netting and extravagant housing to keep them away from plants.

I love everything to commingle naturally. One day I’ll get my small dream greenhouse, but for now I enjoy the simple life and organic ways of beautifying and cultivating.


Another way we’ve been giving back to our Earth Mother was by planting new tree babies.

Before hiking on Saturday we donated to Sugar Pines Foundation and picked up our bag of sugar pine tree seedlings to plant in Tahoe for the 50th Earth Day celebrations this week. Pick up was curbside to receive a bag of 15 babies to help with the restoration effort of natural regeneration of sugar and white pines in the Tahoe region and beyond. Sugar Pines are the world’s largest pine and they and the white pines are only about 5% of the trees here still, due to a non-native invasive fungus – blister rust – that killed them off.


This felt very resonant especially given my word for 2020 you might recall is “regeneration” and I love the forest and trees. We decided to plant ours around the house and in our forest yard. We look forward to nurturing them and watching them grow tall and strong over the years to come.


And indoors, Astrid is doing a lot of grounding, as you can see below by her nestled up against her Quartz and Amethyst friends. I love how both her nose markings and the Amethyst create a heart. She adores Mother Terra, as after all, rabbits are ground dwellers, feeling safest with all four feet solidly anchored and are at home within her womb.

Alongside outdoor cultivating and regenerating, I’ve also been a busy bee indoors, as new seems to be sprouting everywhere. I’ve done some Spring cleaning and have seen the blossoming of new client relationships from all over the world I’m honored to support, a potential new book cover project I’m exploring, been wrapping up Magick Rabbit gifts beautiful souls have been sending off to friends in need of a smile right now, and still crafting my novel with the continually shifting energies that come through.

It’s been busier than I had imagined, which means scaling down again and making sure to adhere to timeline schedules to maintain balance.

All in all, everything feels fresh and mirroring of Earth’s sprouting joy and colorful canvas strokes she gifts us with at this time of year. And I’m looking to Mother Terra as my example, leaning into her cycles and surrendering to the natural flow of inner wisdom that knows better than any contrived idea I try to create.

astrid earth love

May each step we take be gentle and kind and every footstep leave an imprint of love.


Goal: Impeccable Integrity


Goal: Impeccable Integrity

One of the things that is very important to me to consistently work on bringing through my embodiment is integrity. It’s something I hold of high value, respect deeply in others, and can feel the slightest nuances when something or someone is out of alignment with it, including myself.

What does integrity mean to me?

It is a consistent, unwavering commitment to stay the course of gracious and genuine trueness – where action merges with words and heart becomes transparent. It is living by your values as best as you can, which I believe leads to fulfillment and emanates a contagious resonance.

I believe it’s about accountability and doing the real work constantly – not just speaking about something, but actually putting it in motion in your own life. I always call it being a “walking example” of authenticity both inside and out.

I also believe it’s not something you ever stop working on.

Is it hard?

Of course it is.

And so having a commitment to constantly doing the work, being curious around our thoughts, feelings, and actions, and not thinking we’ve arrived simply because we mentally grasped an idea, I feel keeps us on course.

Integrity is something that can help us discern who and what we gravitate toward and why, rather than just following the instant rush or “celerbrity/guru” aura appeal that can be glamorous and magnetizing – in essence seductive to our immediate needs.

Integrity is a level of resonance you feel on the subtle levels and while easy to disguise on the outside to people who are in need of a certain fix, it will not go unnoticed by people who can feel the underlying currents.

I’m grateful to have Astrid in my life who helps me so much with staying on course, since she reflects and detects the finest frequency imbalances.

Alongside making personal adjustments and processing things I notice in the moment, one of the ways I work on bringing more integrity into my life is by sharing vulnerably and expressing where I have had challenges, or am working on current challenges. I feel that when we recognize and own exactly where we are without judgment, we help ourselves to ease more gently into authentic expression and integrity.

Some of the challenges I’ve been especially focused on strengthening for myself involve:

  • creating greater balance rather than extremes
  • more deeply loving and embodying my humanity rather than being tired of life or escaping into the ethereal and otherworlds
  • bringing through greater equilibrium by strengthening my inner sacred male
  • deepening into greater unconditional and compassionate non-attachment
  • stepping more and more out of old wounds (this or other lives)
  • alleviating procrastination tendencies around certain things

What are some of the areas you do or would like to work on more to increase your own personal integrity?

I believe that these honest conversations with ourselves can be liberating, as they help to reveal our true nature and any shadow parts that are working behind the scenes. Once we identify the areas that could do with a little or a lot of tweaking to align ourselves more with our values, we can begin to build a new life on a more stable basis than we’ve formerly been used to.

We will increasingly feel stability within our deep, empowered selves.

We become conscious in each cell of our bodies.

Might these times be directing us toward greater integrity in our lives as a whole?

It’s definitely something I ponder and will continue to ponder daily because it is an alignment I’d like to continue on the path of in greater ways.

Breathing in the fullness of experience helps to fill our lungs with the sweet aroma of life – and that includes all depths of its richness that are inherent within every experience fully being experienced for what it is.

Enrichment comes with continued deep integration into our powerful selves.

And the more you create greater alignment, the more you’ll shine your authenticity through every season of you.

Goal: Impeccable Integrity

That might not be everyone’s goal, but it’s one I am committed to continue working on every day of my life.



I hope that everyone is hanging in there and perhaps even finding that current conditions are guiding you to discover enrichment in previously unexplored ways. It hasn’t been easy for many and in fact, as I shared before, it seems the contrast between people who are experiencing peace and even thriving for the first time and the people who are spiraling in fear, confusion, loss, and challenge, is growing wider and more blatant. My hope is that where ever you find yourself, that you keep those hearts open to share love as a collective. There is so much gray area in what is going on and the only way to navigate it is by listening within, nurturing self trust, taking responsible action, choosing with accountability, and cultivating greater self care on all levels.

No matter the experience you are having, it feels like everyone is going through a recalibration and there is no shame if you have felt like you’ve been in a good place, and now find yourself reaching out for help. This is growth and strength, in recognizing we all go through ebbs and flows and that surrendering to others’ support for a while can be empowering. It may just be that you need a little helping hand to cross a threshold and reaching out is your way to meet in partnership with the Universe you’ve asked for guidance from. Action to support your intents is commitment and this demonstrates you’re serious about creating change and willing to be accountable for it.

When you partner with the universe, rather than take a back seat, you see things happen much easier and quicker. Soon, what seemed like just you making new choices, becomes a wave of new potential as a collective.

We just celebrated another Easter in the Northern Hemisphere and it is the epitome of Spring symbolism. Along with all that is going on, it feels like we’re planting our own spirit gardens – choosing the seeds we want to see blossom and learning what each needs to be cultivated and nurtured into fruition. This involves knowing that you are Spirit in motion of being and everything you do is a merging of this.

This includes a time to do inner (emotional, mental, spiritual) and outer (physical body, possessions, relationships, and home) house cleaning, organizing, redecorating, diet and lifestyle shifting, communing with Nature (whether outside or with a plant or animal), letting go, prioritizing, restructuring, and yes, planting those dreams, which will result in moving forward with greater ease and vision, and guiding your intentions into manifestation. The stronger your inner core experience, the greater your over health and well being will be. Try not to let outer circumstances define the way you choose to approach life. Although things seem out of your control, no one can ever take away the music of your heart you hear within. The stronger that frequency, the less circumstances can reach you.

Things you desire might seem so impossible from where you stand currently with your limited and conditioned beliefs. Yet, impossible is only an idea and its strength lies in your unwillingness to take some form of action. So long as you don’t commit to putting effort forth, impossible becomes your mantra for life. When you engage even small motivational steps, you begin to rewrite this idea and possible becomes the new story.

The word that keeps coming up for me recently is regeneration. It feels to be my theme for 2020. Perhaps it means something for you as well, or perhaps the collective at large.

I’m hearing the word whispered to me, dreaming about it, having it reflected, and feeling it profoundly. Regeneration is a process of renewal, regrowth, restoration, replacing, and in essence being born again. It speaks to resiliency, which every species is capable of from bacteria to human.

In literal breakdown, re means repetition or again. Generation is defined as all of the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively.

We are collectively in process of life regrowth from the ground up. Or, at least that might be the invitation before us. An offering of redoing things for the greater good of the whole.

Might we be experiencing a grand regeneration process that has healing and strengthening potential?

In recent dreams I’ve been visited by orcas, a red and black gila monster, and my special needs rabbit, Cosmo (who is no longer physically with me).

I’ve dreamed about orcas before and in fact they are the ones who gave me Cosmo’s name. These “Creators of the Cosmos”, as their wisdom is said to symbolize, have the ability to convert raw matter into stars, planets, etc., to free the soul into its innate expansion, and teach the ability to seal and repair fractured souls and energy leaks (embody wholeness). They also use the vibrational energy and harmonious frequency of song to heal, while assisting humans in finding their soul’s song. They spoke of regeneration on a Cosmic and ethereal level.

Cosmo, as you might recall, had a spinal injury that impaired him from using his back legs and walking. He’s shown up a lot for me in dreams recently, but just a week ago he appeared and kept showing me how strong he was, as he was sitting up on his own, walking for a bit, and even standing strong and anchored on his back legs – actually high up on the tips of his thumpers, even though he had a spinal injury. It was definitely demonstrative of him physically regenerating and a message to me on a grander scale.

And then there was the red and black gila monster, which was in a dream along with other reptiles. Red symbolizing root chakra energy, survival, security, courage and action. Black symbolizing the Great Mystery, chaos, the unseen, shadow, power, protection, invisibility, and for Egyptians it was the color of rebirth and resurrection. I dreamed of gila monster once before about three years ago, (it is one of two truly venomous lizards), and only knew at the time of its healing and transformative energy.  I also learned that it guides us to stand strong in what we believe and to protect that which is ours. It teaches about the rhythm of life and maintaining balance and flow, but keeping determined and quiet about things in your journey while you’re in process. They show you how to preserve your energy and not overextend yourself (gila monsters spend up to 95% of time underground and can go without eating for a year), are about survival, strength, and masculine energy. A message around active regeneration at very fundamental and primordial levels shifting us into a new paradigm. 

These dreams alone seemed to touch on all the layers of being.

And then there’s been a daily increase in dragon energy and focus. Dragons are harbingers of incredible abundance and achievement, but also carry wisdom, enlightenment, procreation, longevity, growth, yin and yang union, and regeneration as their medicine. The dragons in my experience are benevolent beings and they journey through space and time and across astral portals.

In my immediate world, I’ve observed generations of rabbits make our land here their home. I watch them grow up and every year they have evolved more and more into greater, outward spiritual presence, of which I can see in their star-lit eyes that mirror the Cosmos. Just after Spring Equinox one of the rabbit babies I connected with during Summer made her first appearance again, nibbling on greens the melted snow revealed. I believe it was Hope, returning much more grown up.


Rabbits and hares carry strong energies of hope, renewal, rebirth, balance, a kind of waking life resurrection, increased vitality, new found excitement, creative potency, and regeneration.

Then there’s been my front and side yard gardens. As mentioned in my return post, I saw eight miracle irises blossom against all odds before their season and now have some 40-50 daffodil and iris plants that have joined in. This is the most I’ve had since living here and look forward to the blossoms. I received the first one in time for Easter.


I also just did my garden clean-up yesterday, clearing away the old, cycled through growth and dead debris to make a clear slate for the new to burst forth and to prepare my Garden Tower for the new starter plants I was able to get on Saturday. I’m doing very little this year – mostly allowing Nature to do her thing and regenerate what is meant to come through – but did feel it important to get Astrid’s favorite herbs so she has greens during the growing season months here just in case it becomes unavailable. I’ve heard about some areas considering seeds and garden things as nonessential from a few friends, so I took matters into my own hands and got eighteen plants.


I didn’t go the seed route, as we have a shorter growing season here and I hadn’t started them early, as I would have needed to. However, while clearing out things yesterday I discovered so much new growth is already starting to flourish in green delight even with all the late snow and continued freezing temperatures at night. Amidst the new plants I’m finding even more things sprouting than I had last year, including plants I never had, as well as surprise duplicates of plants regrowing in new areas. Nature has seeded a new generation of life. 

To add to all of this, Astrid recently created a new design on her fur canvas. If you look you can see a perfect upside down rabbit reflection on her coat.

rabbit mirror

Alongside several personal messages this feels to impart for me, I also feel it is a reflection of our inner world as a collective – a parallel reality in existence/creation alongside this one and the bridge to it being the heart. Once again, regeneration in motion where a new outer world is possible through integration and transmutation.

And last, a ring story. This one has to do with the heirloom rings I’ve been gifted for my upcoming wedding. The first is the engagement ring that my mother-in-law-to-be sent me. I mentioned this also in my return post where I discussed ancestral energies, DNA activations/recalibrations, and how past and present will build upon, merge strengths, recreate, and support one another into a new future beginning. I wanted to expound upon the stories a bit, as they again reiterate the theme and my word for 2020.

The engagement ring from Dave’s great grandmother involves an interesting story. She was born in 1898 and her husband was a medical student during the Spanish Flu of 1918, which was the deadliest pandemic in history infecting 500 million people worldwide and killing an estimated 20-50 million (possibly as high as 100 million). Her husband died at 18 of the Spanish Flu that started in January, leaving her with their child who was born in June of 1918. And here we are now facing a new worldwide pandemic. It’s wildly synchronous and feels like we are carrying on anew from where they left off, as we feel strongly to anchor in love and hope amidst this challenge, refusing to allow circumstances to close our hearts nor dictate the way we approach life. I just received the ring last week and it felt like a rebirth to wear it. It combines diamonds and blue sapphires and even the fact that four tiny blue sapphire stones are missing on one side is perfect. We will have them replaced when I am able to get it resized, and this will merge past with present, creating an integrated new future. Another regeneration in process.

I also have my French and Spanish grandfather’s (on my mother’s side) simple gold wedding ring for my wedding band and delicate little ring from my great grandmother from Naples (on my dad’s side) that create a wedding set and are also part of this new beginning. My grandfather was in World War II fighting with the French against Germany. My great grandmother came through Ellis Island on a ship around 1904-1905. She had the Spanish Flu, but recovered. So both my grandfather and great grandmother also lived through the Spanish Flu pandemic and have seen and experienced much history at challenging times.

These rings feel significant in my own story of regeneration, but span through the ages and feel to be both healing and reshaping ancestral history on a bigger picture scale since we are all connected.

So much continues to come to a head at present for us all, and it is up to us to reseed the world anew with hopefully wisdom gained and compassion deepened. We are the new writers of our collective story and rather than let history repeat itself, nor allow others to feed us their renditions, we can arise and become the heroines and heroes our ancestors would be proud of – both on and off this planet. We can reshape a better world for generations to come. We can be more responsible stewards and converge the best of what we’ve learned to create something innovative that blends mission and heart.

We have the ability to be the writers of this story, rather than sit back and have someone else tell their version of it for us.

Regeneration is at hand and our conscious partnership with it will become the legacy new storykeepers will share and the experience that Earth’s children will sing proudly to one another.

Well Being & Transformation ~ Offerings for Spirit Blossoming in Challenging Times


I’ve been receiving questions about the recently announced discounted sessions and support I posted about upon my return on April 1st. I hadn’t designated a full post to it at the time (just a link) because my blog that day was very long as it was, so it appears some questions arose. I’m copying and pasting in the info from that link as its own post today, below, and adding a little to it to begin, as I think it will help answer some of those questions.

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In working with clients recently, I’m finding that with more time being at home people are feeling the extra push to take advantage of working through things that have been challenging for them on an ongoing basis, as well as are taking the opportunity to cultivate new paths and are needing some clarifying support with that. I receive messages from many who find themselves at radical change points and looking to make a leap or needing some help in navigating things amidst everything. I also see a stream of more subtle energy streams skewing inner trust, even more so, right now and sometimes that just takes an extra pair of intuitive eyes to help see through things.

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Whatever the reasons, there is definitely a collective uprising and blossoming in people really wanting to take the steps to create and anchor in change. I have many friends that are intuitives, Reiki healers, coaches, etc. that share with me the amazing energy that is on the rise with many of their clients. That is really exciting to hear. We are definitely co-creating a paradigm shift and to support that kind of empowering and far-reaching effect, is truly a gift.

tucson12 (3)

There are also people who used to feel more connected and trusted their sense of things, suddenly finding themselves like a fish out of water and as if some old things are resurfacing and causing fear and confusion.

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Reiki Healing Attunements can really help provide that needed boost, alignment, opening, integration, and release and guidance coaching sessions can help take things to the next level with helping to process what’s released and put things into motion.


It feels of value to create the experiences now with embodied action and move beyond intellectualizing alone.


I’ve laced this post with photos from our Tucson, Arizona trip that took place right before things with the current situation we’re facing really took hold. I loved being in the desert as it was starting to blossom with Spring colors and life. Dave and I were there for a family reunion, but took advantage of every day to do some really wonderful new hikes and explorations, which was refreshing and inspiring. Such a contrast to the snowy white landscape and precipitation we still have here in the mountains. I hope you enjoy them and feel the blossoming potential within.


Here is the info from the link on this website you may have missed:

In light of these extremely challenging and unknown waters the collective is navigating, it wasn’t surprising to me to receive the message from my guides to reopen some support systems to those in need or wanting to really catapult during what can also be opportune times of accelerating transformation and regeneration.


I know everyone is going through some level of change and integration – some more intense than others – and this is involving some pretty big stuff that can really affect your ability to feel balanced. You may feel confused, lost, scared, alone, knocked off of your feet, swinging from one extreme to another, unable to feel or see clearly through all that you’re empathing, unsure of things or the next step, or perhaps even stuck in paralyzing fear, and unable to trust what you’re feeling.


You may just simply want to take advantage of this inner and down time to really hone in on your goals, develop your skills, work on steps and accountability for creative projects, uncover blocks and ways you self-sabotage, do some emotional core work, or tend to some self-care on one or more levels that could give you that boost as a healer or creative after extending your energy in so many directions and supporting everyone, but yourself.


It’s a known fact that the greater stress, fear, confusion, worry, and anxiety we experience, the lower our vibration and immune systems. These are important times not to neglect self-care, as well as opportune times to take action on those creative projects or life changes that have been knocking at your door.


Following through on creative and soul nudges, as well as channeling your passion and gifts are crucial aspects to overall well-being and keeping a strong, protective, and vibrant energy force field consistently thriving. You’ll also find life to flow with greater alignment by bringing body and spirit together as one.

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I also know that some of you may be going through transitions with the state of things and finances, so I would like to create ways to help you when you may be needing it the most.

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I will need to also maintain my own self-care and goal needs, as I’m still deeply entrenched in novel revisions and my own private life. So, I am going to put aside a certain amount of hours each week to be there for you while maintaining a healthy balance in my own life. This creates some limits on the amount of clients I can work with, but I’m confident the perfect flow will reveal itself.

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For now, I’ll be re-offering support in two forms, which can easily and safely be done from the comfort of your own home:


  1. Intuitive Energy Guidance Session via phone and email
  2. Distant Reiki Healing Attunements 

You can read about the sessions and what each involves here: One-On-One Intuitive Energy Sessions

And here’s a little about Reiki Healing Attunements:  Concentrated support on any and all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Ideal for that extra boost in the midst of change, support greater alignment (being in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing) and ability to see the opportunities, help you to gain greater clarity in general, promote growth and integrative healing, support courage and peace, stimulate and ignite greater creativity, inspire breakthroughs, help reveal and clear blocks, dissolve energetic resistance, support you to start building new, more authentic patterns, assist with opening opportunity doors and manifesting desired experiences, while adding increased magick to your current trajectory. In a Reiki Healing Attunement the Higher Self is allowed more of an “active” role in the process of achieving goals and brings about the highest good for all concerned. Reiki Healing Attunements seem a natural fit to support rebalancing and to help move through the changes we are presently facing with more ease and grace, if you so choose to embrace the process that is involved with that. I find Reiki to be one of the channels that supports us to “be” the love of the New Earth experience and a way to help spread that energy of loving service to others.

I will be offering an across-the-board 20% discount for all Intuitive Energy Guide individual phone, email, or package sessions, as well as Reiki Healing Attunements.

You can use these for yourself or gift them to others. Please specify in an email to me if you are purchasing for yourself or someone else and the details of your request when you confirm your commitment. You can do that here: CONTACT TANIA

The updated discount prices and purchasing options are featured at the link below.

Please use these links starting April 1st, 2020 until further notice. (The link above that provides a description of the Intuitive Energy Guide Sessions are the regular pricing options only)

If you are experiencing extreme hardship during these times, but have a deep commitment to yourself, feel you really need the support right now, and are tired of putting things on hold for a “better” time, please contact me and we can discuss a sliding scale option to help – especially in terms of Intuitive Energy Guide sessions.

Below you’ll find the Paypal options, but I also accept Venmo. For Venmo, please contact me.


You can find the 11 Optimizing Single & Bundle discounted options to help create changes, raise your vibration, and boost your ability to experience greater overall well being (20% off all offerings is reflected in the price alongside reference to regular pricing and savings) here:

Special Discount Coaching Sessions & Reiki Support for these Challenging Times


Finding a New Equilibrium

Happy Libra Full Moon! Everything seems to point to our need of finding equilibrium – our own inner sacred balance that reflects without – and to shine full beam focus on our relationships – starting with the one we have with ourselves. We truly are diving more deeply into self-actualization. Nothing is only black and white. The middle way is through the heart (the heart of our bodies, the Earth, the Cosmos) – our bridge to everything. Focus is turning to more equal give and take flowing in alignment and harmony. By deepening into your body awareness and Earth’s grounding support you find your anchor, your home, that always was and will be centered within, without need to rise away from. Tension can bring rise to breakthroughs and radical change. Discomfort reflects growth opportunities and everything surfacing mirrors our desire for clarity and authenticity.

Not only do things want to come to the surface and be “seen”, but this can sometimes involve some surprising shocks and twists. Yet these ultimately are leading you to your authenticity, which results in direct connection to the collective/humanity’s highest good.

We’re in an innovative and shattering phase that can come in ways that will help us rise to the occasion. Let’s not see this as a problematic time, but rather an opportune time to exercise your gifts and harness energy in a new and empowering way that can provide expansive growth.

Truths are to be revealed, both to yourself and to others. Veils lifted. Fears faced. And courage will derive from vulnerability.

Hang on to your hats and remember the things you’ve asked for, as this will help you to understand the experiences that come up aren’t as surprising as they seem, but simply mirroring the highest good in reflection to what you desire. We can avoid creating a lot of drama if we realize what is really at work.

This is definitely a creative, expressive, and supercharged time for opening the heart wide and letting it flow in ways you haven’t before. Maybe that means an emotional release that will relieve and renew. Maybe that means an expansion that will stretch your heart to realms unexplored yet. In whatever way it flows, it will bring you more closely and intimately in alignment with your unique authenticity.

It’s the perfect time, if you haven’t already, to recognize the most divine relationship you’ll ever have is the one with yourself and that all else is a reflection of the type of dance you choose to partner in, each time you hit the dance floor of experience in the embodiment of your personal frequency aglow.

If there’s something feeling off, unfulfilled, or missing, take the time to tune into yourself, ask and truly listen to what that void space has to share. Chances are, your inner soul child is simply wanting to be heard. And being heard, actually entails you have taken to heart what he or she says, and make a new commitment to do at least one small thing each day to support the requests.

These requests aren’t simply whims, but reflect a deeper knowing that will likely surpass your ability in the now to comprehend, but if you take the trustful steps to support them and do what it takes to integrate what could be of assistance to that process, the results will bless you beyond measure of any one thing you feel lacking and have been chasing after.

A new kind of clarity and understanding is available to each of us. It will awaken and shift you the instant you recognize and embrace it. And it will always keep you in check so as to alert you of imbalances where you can then make different choices that will harmonize and return that balance that is so needed for everything to flourish. This will also help you to become more attuned to the natural world that will move you in divine cycles, rather than struggling against them to create artificial ones.

Where are the barriers to your self love?

Remove the veils and masks and be real about how you feel, not hiding behind what you think you “should” be feeling, saying, or showing to others. If you can’t be genuine with something – and you know when you’re not – then take time to explore what’s behind that.

We only fear what we don’t know and yet we are being asked to trust in the face of the unknown. This is the way through the fear and back to the very nature of who we are.

Let inspiration for what you want to do and bring to the world, be the guiding force of your creative spirit.

Wishing you an expansive journey into greater authentic love and compassion for self, others, and all of life.


Ask Astrid Fridays ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: Deliberate Presence & Instinctive Action


We haven’t had a message from Astrid in a while, so on today’s Ask Astrid Fridays slot, she’s asked me to share a few thoughts from rabbit’s perspective. In fact, she was quite insistent this morning, digging at my feet and pajama pant legs with her front paws over and over, and nibbling on the bows to my slippers. So here we go.

As rabbits are prey animals, Astrid knows well what it feels like to live in constant high-alert, always have an escape route mapped out, keep distance between herself and potential predator energies, manage fear in order to survive, invoke powerful territorial defense, and be choosy about who she lets into her close social space.

Sound familiar to what we’re facing currently?

Rabbits have amazing perceptive abilities and extremely fine-tuned instinctive responses that keep them aligned with actions needed. Their high-frequency, radar hearing is extraordinary, sense of smell is amazing, and with nearly 360 degree far-sighted vision (with only a blind spot in front of their nose) they can detect movement at great distances.

As animal messengers they remind us to nurture, develop, refine, and utilize the tools we have too.

Rabbits also know very well how it feels to be highly sensitive, extremely cautious, easily thrown off balance out of nervous anxiety or pain, and get worked up in a speedy heart-beat-frenzy out of fear or panic – all of which can compromise their health instantly.

And yet, they are such diverse, resilient beings and incredible, abundant survivalists, with an uncanny ability to navigate the dark labyrinth depths of life.

Astrid understands well the energetic and physical landscape we are all facing right now and she wants to assure us that we can and will get through this.

In the meantime, she urges us to spend time tuning into our intuitive hearts and trusting the instincts and nudges we have grown used to pushing aside, avoiding, or ignoring.

There are times for us to sit still as we gather helpful input from around and within us, and there are times for us to trust our instincts and intuitive guidance and act upon them in the moment to lead us where we need to go.

Astrid also encourages us to really embrace this “slow down” period to put into motion deliberate presence. By being ultra now-engaged we are more open to the gifts of the moment and learn to embrace all there is to offer for greater enrichment.

We also start to create more methodical processes, thoughtful actions, and make mindfulness an every-moment experience. Meditation no longer needs to only be a block of time you carve out separate to the rest of your life, but instead you can create life as a meditation of being.

The more we breathe in life and become more finely tuned into ourselves, the more we will take action because trust will be present.

As much as this is a time to reimagine, reinvent, and reprioritize, it is also a great practice zone for taking action on things now, and not later.

You don’t need to wait to know all the details. You simply need to take a step.

If a rabbit waited at every turn to make a move, they would definitely meet different end results. They trust, in the moment, they will know what maneuver to make when needed. Their bodies move in response to all senses on high and working in unison, not fight.

Astrid assures you it’s alright to change your mind along the way, and in fact it is necessary to be adaptable to the incoming stimulus that encourages different steps to arrive at the results you would like.

You need to take into account that things are rapidly shifting in each moment, so teaching yourself to be more flexible to the process can benefit you greatly.

Not only might you receive more along the way, but you will likely find yourself aligning with a greater good as a result.

So, embrace these times to really get to know yourself. How you respond to challenges will help you thrive in any environment. When you get through a crisis, you learn processes that will help you through anything and not only gain the assurance that you are resilient and capable, but the comfort that you can trust yourself too.

The more you decide to create presence of being as your natural way, the more you will feel comfortable taking instinctual action and lessen the restraints on being more of who you really are.

You’ll learn to relax more into your natural self and state of being, with the confidence of rising to any occasion.


“Have you ever seen the dawn? Not a dawn groggy with lack of sleep or hectic with mindless obligations and you about to rush off on an early adventure or business, but full of deep silence and absolute clarity of perception? A dawning which you truly observe, degree by degree. It is the most amazing moment of birth. And more than anything it can spur you to action. Have a burning day.” ~Vera Nazarian

Navigating New Paths ~ Individual & Collective Impact of Our Now


Hello again to all of our friends worldwide. Today is my first official day back after being offline for three months and so I hope you can bear with me, as this will be much longer than usual especially given the collective landscape we’re facing. I’ll be sharing some insights and experiences from these last few months, as well as announce, at the end, the special discount and support we are opening up during these challenges times, as well as our Spring, Easter, Anniversary Magick Rabbit shop sale that started yesterday.

April 1st came in a flash and with it my return to blogging and having an online presence again with our beloved community. A friend humorously asked if my return today was an April Fools’ Day joke, to which I giggled she was the only one who caught that irony, but a joke it isn’t, even though I debated about returning. Today would have been my grandmother’s 100th birthday (on my dad’s side) and interestingly she transitioned on my birthday when I was 17. That synchronicity has always held significance for me and became a legacy of hidden gifts for me to unwrap, as I have grown over the years.

Like that experience and the ancestral journey that has been my continual reframing for shifts in consciousness, ultimately I’ve come to accept invitations with an open, trusting heart, just like this return. The decision to come back earlier than planned was in answer to a collective nudge, spirit calling, and the love in my heart that feels deeply for all who have chosen to be together on Earth as she shifts so dramatically.

Speaking of DNA codes and ancestral links, during this inner time I uncovered a connection through patterns within my own lineage that shifted how I wanted to work with conditioning. While I’m aware of how fears can be passed down and feel them important to acknowledge and explore, rather than solely focusing on the shared fears I can see streaming through the line, I decided to reframe things and focus on the shared strengths/gifts/attributes and what collective result those fears created in blocking these – an unfulfilled dream. 

I could literally feel a weight lift and a rush of my ancestors’ happiness wash over me when I acknowledged and heard all of my family line’s deepest desires and secret wishes that had gone undone. It was not the fear stories they wanted me to keep retelling, but to tell their dreams and rewrite them through the manifestation of my own – individual and collective being one and the same. This meant not only to be clear with and voice them, but to actually do everything in my power not to let mine die, as that would perpetuate a haunting residual effect until it was broken.

Perhaps this may have some validity for what we are experiencing right now too. Our history holds events containing many losses that have triggered life as we know it. It also holds many keys as to how we’ve learned to carry on and continue in new ways – how consciousness has changed.

Things like this have played out before, but there feels to be a new invitation in what we face today.

It mirrored to me that within our DNA are codes we have yet to tap into and there might be a connection with things like this collective pandemic that could have the ability to ignite some of those latent codes. An activation, awakening, and/or recalibration. I don’t have the answer, but something clicked and maybe that’s all there is to feel for now.

I always receive and pass on the message, “Remember who you are.”

And then, I’ve pondered more around our current collective experience, which lead me to more possibilities worth exploring.

There is no denying the harsh realities spreading for many as people are faced with no jobs, loss of income, the potential of losing homes, the rise of stress and anxiety, the threat of not having needed healthcare or support because it’s being drained and limited, the sadness of much needed human contact, and the list goes on. Unfortunately, there are no easy, quick answers, but I know we are capable of so much more than we think. I can only offer a few of my thoughts surrounding some of these things, which I’ve pondered to help me in navigating the unknown. The more we explore outside of the box, we just might find ways to make this a little bit easier and maybe, just maybe, spark ideas to bridge the gap between those suffering most and those of us who feel more grounded and have something to offer.

By forcing us into sitting with the fear of being alone and isolated, perhaps we are provided opportunity to face this fear, realize and heal stories of separation into realization and value of togetherness, connection, and compassion as a society and consciousness as a whole. Entering the dark womb within, inevitably thrusts us out into the Great Cosmic Mystery at our heart and core. Perhaps we might see and finally experience how our very nature is unified and this includes with all of Nature, herself, and the Cosmos.

I thought that this link Dave shared with me about interconnectedness and our unity with one another and the Cosmos was a great one on The Fullness of Emptiness by Thich Nhat Hanh.

It’s not selfishness we’re being placed into experiencing, but self-actualization into greater recognition of fundamental truths that connect all of us and consciousness. Through Love’s embodiment, we are sharing with others and this just might be the greater path unfolding, rather than furthering into the illusion of isolation and division.

Love and kindness are our superpowers. And as Dave always hears me say, I do feel love is the answer to all things.

Perhaps we are experiencing an invitation, both individually and collectively. Maybe even an initiation of opening greater consciousness around all things lying below the surface we have yet to unwrap. It’s not just about the shadowy parts that remain hidden, while still operating vibrationally. It’s also about the incredible gifts that have been dormant that could free us.

Yes, we are being asked to dismantle things, reintegrate, exercise responsible choice, and transmute mourning into hope.

This may be an incredible struggle, especially for so many who are experiencing the harshest parts of what is unfolding. So, for those of you who have it less challenging, or are more comfortable with navigating these unknowns, you have a lot to offer. This isn’t time to close our hearts – no matter our circumstances. This is time to open them wider so not only can we receive support, but also give it.

Love is an endless, bottomless well. How we each show up in greatest heart fullness is the definition of success.

Together we can change old “norms” and create new ones.

I believe creativity is necessary on all fronts to live and to be.

It is a hope of mine that we see the blossoming of creativity and more collective-higher good innovations that can benefit the many and not the few – that to include all of nature and not just humans, planetary and not just city, state or country wide. This speaks to our place within the entire cosmic tapestry as well – all of these being taken into consideration for how our evolution affects the galaxy, universe, and multi-verses.

Perhaps this will continue to spawn new services and online outreach as people turn to their creative nature to not only entertain themselves, but to bring innovation, joy, beauty and inspiration to others.

I don’t feel this should be a time of shutting down everything out of despair, as much as it could be about one door closing in order to open many other doors of possibility – creative impulse birthing from within chaos.

It isn’t about denying feelings that are surfacing either, but about having curiosity around them. I feel the challenge is that most people have the tendency to dwell in an emotion, become debilitated or stuck in an endless downward spiral, and in fact magnetize more of that energy until they can transform it. Although rock bottom can produce an eventual, insightful change, it doesn’t always happen that way or that gracefully. I believe being curious prompts our innate creative nature to explore solutions and sometimes we need a helping hand with that and open heart to receive it.

The presence of worry can create an access point to move through and instantly shift into productive exploration and action. Evoking creative response in place of worry is curiosity in motion of stimulating creative potentials to explore and implement. The question being, is it worry or our innate nature as a creative being that leads us to remedies and results? Are they in fact connected, or has one become predominant because we are still in process of learning to trust our nature?

Maybe it doesn’t matter, as however we get to a productive result and learn a healthy process, we can reproduce more effectively each time, I feel is a great thing. Worry might be conditioned, but our nature seems to be creative energy.

We’re all being affected by what is happening, in one way or another, either directly or indirectly. We are each experiencing a wide range of emotions and thoughts on a daily basis. We all know people who have been or will be challenged.

I currently have an elder cousin, in her mid 70’s in New Jersey, and her daughter who were both infected. My cousin was diagnosed with Covid-19, quarantined, and treated in the hospital for a few weeks, but luckily has returned home after the severity subsided. I also have a friend affected. And although I do not have fear around things, I do still implement self-care measures to be at my best for any unforeseen events, to be grounded for others, and to stay strong in case my parents need me.

My life-long weakness has been my lungs since I was a little girl, so I am keeping up continued immune system support so as not to compromise respiratory health. This has progressed as I’ve gotten older with having a condition called EIB (exercise-induced bronchoconstriction) – mine not being asthma connected like it can be for others, and only brought on by very strenuous exercise that induces very fast, heavy breathing, deep laughing, and sensitivities to irritants in the air and food that constrict my lungs and produce a mucous-filled cough for 15 – 30 minutes with mild wheezing sometimes. I have learned how to keep it at bay and regulate my breathing during such things as more challenging hikes involving steep inclines.

Yet, I still maintain a steady stream of peace, love, joy, and creative output because I know these are key in moving energy in healthy ways. I also continue to work on breathing in life, embodying my own space, and living well, rather than constricting and contracting out of a feeling of not belonging here. We are here right now for a reason.

Personally, this quiet, removed period of my three month sabbatical has been productive and insightful, and I find it interesting it came during this collective darker period. I could feel the anxiety and fear circulating, yet I felt guided to continue nurturing what was calling me and maintaining my own equilibrium so as to be of greatest benefit.

As things have progressed in the world and I feel more stabilized, it feels of importance to maintain channels of connection beyond energetic alone.

This led me to return earlier than planned. I will, however, remain ultra-conscious of my time and keeping things in check and balance as I continue novel revisions and tend to things unfolding in my private life. I also want to ensure I am at my best so I can be there for others optimally.

One thing I feel we all can offer to each other, alongside greater love and compassion, is the example of our own experiences with things and sharing our own attempts at making things better. Even what we view as our own little world is in fact part of the greater sum whole of the collective world and as even science teaches – there are no isolated systems and separate parts….in simplistic terms, space is the unification of all things. Einstein has referred to it as the unified field theory and in Tibetan Buddhist teachings, Oneness is expressed as dependent arising.

In other words, both simply being, choosing, acting upon, changing, integrating, and healing within our own experience and sharing about these things, has quantum and immeasurable effects on the sum collective.

We see and experience ourselves in one another.

I know I learn a lot from others sharing their experiences, as well as receive inspiration, joy, and reiteration from their timely messages. We live in a time of amazing bridging opportunities through technology that with discernment and filtering, can provide wonderful access to a plethora of information, support, connection, comfort, and creativity.

Life continues strange and unknown for us all right now, but despite the energy pervading I’ve felt particularly stable. That doesn’t mean I don’t go through different streams of feelings, but I find my way back to center. That becomes particularly helpful when empathing everything going on. I don’t think that in the past I would always have been able to maintain peace, but perhaps because of committing to a practice of supporting what I feel in my heart, rather than taking on what is outside of it, I believe this may be my saving grace.

It seems like the more we can connect with and trust that heart anchor, the less we get thrown off balance. This indeed takes consistent and committed practice and it likely won’t go without some stumbles, but with curiosity and kindness toward our process, it does strengthen and get easier.

While I know there is a lot of uncertainty and concern dominating thoughts and actions in the world, I feel guided to focus on ways we can bring more love, creativity, and changes we do want to see into the forefront of discussions. That isn’t to downplay the real, harsh, and sad experiences, but it is to refocus our energies on productive momentum that can help us navigate ways to harness that silver lining just as Nature continues on after each season or devastation.

And all of it is about taking each step, one at a time. We’re all learning to navigate new ways and this will take adjustments, tweaking, exploring, and experimenting, in order to find a new balance. Even just little changes or embarking on something new and creative in your life can make a huge difference right now. It will involve open hearts and minds and a willingness to take new actions with kindness toward self and others. It may involve greater trust and deeper respect for that which we can’t readily see, but is inherently sacred in experiencing.

Tempering of mind and heart calls us forth to play with this alchemy. What feels like a jolt of incredulous surprises may be a flash of genius in disguise. Improvisation and leaps of faith will accompany this New Earth curriculum we are being trained in. The Fool may in fact be the Wise One.

As a way to share my thread and how I’ve been funneling my energy and focus, I’m going to touch upon some of the things that have taken place since the start of the year. If you’re on Instagram or Facebook, I’ll likely share more photos from the last few months on those platforms with accompanying messages or insights, rather than bombard this blog post with everything.

The photos shared in this blog are the most recent and symbolic for me of this time period and the journey ahead. They include Astrid and me on the Spring Equinox of the 19th of March and a new beginning marker that took place two days later on the 21st – more on that to come.

As mentioned in my Spring Equinox A Message of Hope post, we saw a Miracle March here with Spring snow after a very dry Winter. These first few photos were taken after five magickal snowy days that brought a few feet our way. Astrid and I received inspiration to mark this memorable time with a short photo shoot right off the back deck.

I love the contrast of an enchanted white landscape (like a pure, blank canvas awaiting) and the two of us full of fertile creativity merging together and woven into the scene.

Rabbits are the epitome of Spring. They embody the energies of rebirth, balance, vitality, creative potency, regeneration, fertility of mind, body, and emotion, inspiration, prosperity, agility, receptiveness, and eternity. This symbolism manifests in associations with Springtime, the Dawn, the Moon and Sacred Fire, the Cosmic Egg from which the Cosmos is produced, the Circle and Infinity symbol, Marriage, Androgyny and Hermaphroditism, as well as Madness, Genius and Inspiration (which seem to go hand in hand). Rabbits can bring a message of nurturing your intuitive impulses and nudges from your heart and soul.

My off-white dress adorned with golden stars (reminding me of our Cosmic connection) leaped into mind when I got the idea to capture a symbolic photo of this portal and create an inspiration-marker for this time period.

Astrid was very excited about this too and we giggled together when a gust of wind blew snow from the tree branches down upon us, adorning our fur and hair with magickal snowflakes. It felt like pixie dust that Nature celebrated as a sprinkling of shared delight.


During my time away these past three months I would say the key words that jumped out at me around my experience were nurturing, peaceful, productive, regenerative, and clarifying. When I saw these photos after – as you never know what will be captured – I felt these words reflected again.

I didn’t realize how much I really needed this time and was so grateful I committed to listening to my needs. I feel it also helped me to prepare for what we are all now facing and to understand how I could funnel energy more productively.

I found myself resting a lot (I still continue to enjoy even more sleep than I already get, which speaks to integrating everything out there to help acceleration in here), continuing to immerse in nature and outdoor exercise, spending time on strengthening inner vision, focusing on the steps without rushing or pushing, and working on my craft (writing) as if I were taking college courses I never did, which included tons of researching, reading novels in my genre and writing craft books. In fact, at one point I read about fifteen books of 250-500 page length in just under three weeks while still doing other things in my life alongside this. They do say that writing and reading go hand-in-hand and of benefit is to be doing both always as a writer.

I feel solid with the precursor work I needed and as if I condensed years of training into these three months. Although I’ve only recently just embarked on the next very involved and tedious writing phase, I feel equipped and clarified with my direction and process at hand. There are many layers yet to come, as writing is definitely the art of process, but I love how it is reflecting so much about life as a journey. Writing and living are great reflective companions for me right now in teaching me how to cultivate a new approach and seed new experiences.

So, although my novel is not complete yet, I feel really good about the groundwork I was able to achieve and that I now have behind me exactly what I need. I feel it’s healthy to adapt to what shows up that may provide a more effective path for your goal.

During this time I have also been implementing more imagination and visualization, alongside exercises to expand in new ways and have seen great benefits to releasing and stepping away as needed.

We did enjoy several celebrations that included birthday travels in January to celebrate a dear friend’s 45th, celebrated my mom’s 77th, my brother’s 50th, and my 47th birthdays, did some family reunion travel to Tucson, celebrated Dave’s transition to part-time on his way to retiring, and hosted friends. I was floored and warmly surprised by so many sweet gifts and messages that poured in for my birthday, despite my being offline and out-of-touch. It moved me greatly to receive such loving gestures and was a precursor to showing me how connected we still can be and how that can touch us, even under these distancing circumstances.

This connection has continued in an upsurge of Dave organizing virtual lunch dates with friends and family so that we can enjoy connecting and sharing time – a super fun way to bridge distance. Dave has been attending online meditations, having been displaced out of regular local gatherings, and we’ve been keeping a healthy connection via virtual outreach in general.

On a self-nurturing, but eerie note, alongside doing things important to me, Dave and I are over three months in on implementing many lifestyle changes, budgeting, reprioritizing, and self-care for long-term vibrancy. I also did some big cleaning out purges and reorganization. We actually started all of this on 12/26/19 and that is what I find so ironic, as none of what is here now was there then.

One of the things we implemented is time-restricted eating – a form of fasting where we eat normally during a shorter window of time each day and fast the rest of the time. This has been shown to have many health benefits including on the immune system. We’ve chosen a 6 hour eating and 18 hour fasting window as a lifestyle change and not a diet. (Note: Please do your own research on this or consult a doctor especially if you have any pre-existing conditions or take medications before implementing anything). We’re enjoying the benefits of feeling good, having more energy, inner calm, and mental clarity (Dave actually sleeps the best he has in years) and it suits our lifestyle, as we do it in the breakfast and lunch window when we are most active. We also happen to be vegan (14 years strong for me), eating plant-based whole foods and are active daily outdoors. We feel extremely blessed and grateful that we live in a low populated mountain community where access to nature is easy and right out the back door, so we are still able to enjoy this lifestyle even with current social restrictions.

I also find myself baking a lot again and enjoy creating new meals. I’ve even implemented new processes for Astrid to prepare her greens with even more gourmet touches that make it both easier for me and tastier for her!

And speaking of Astrid, she has gone through her own upgrades during these few months to include new bunny adornments and friends for our shared room, new bunny cams so mom can check in on her always and a new sitter for all the fur babies (these were implemented before everything happened in the world), new toys and treats from friends that came on mom’s birthday, and even a royal coronation!

After all, every rabbit queen that presides over realms and lives in castles must have her very own crown too.

queen astrid

As you can see, hers is a delicate lacing of gold with six of our favorite sunflowers adorned all around it.

A unique crown of sixteen quartz crystal points and three ethically and responsibly obtained (through the natural cycle of life and antler shedding) roe deer antlers found its way to me a few years ago.

Astrid insisted that we take at least one photo on Spring Equinox with us both wearing crowns and so we did. Somehow it just felt empowering and activating. Astrid knows. 🙂

She also loves wearing hers and sits proudly with it on without shaking it away. Dave laughed at how much Astrid enjoys wearing her crown.


Another thing that showed up included us recently coming across the tree we saved three years ago in one of our largest winter snow seasons ever. We not only found him strong and taller, but now had a baby! You can see the baby (who we dug out of the snow from our recent snow fall) next to Dave below. We plan to make sure his offspring will fair strong and well too!

Seeing our tree and his baby was another sign of hope and renewal in my eyes.


I’m such a nature faery and animals are always direct messengers for me – this time period away being no exception. There’s been a couple of giant jackrabbits (one deliberately slowing to cross our path while hiking in Tucson on a Full Moon – this was also the official adoption day of our special needs rabbit, Cosmo), many cottontails leading up to that Full Moon (we even saw our first Spring cottontail on our front lawn nibbling on exposed greens peeking through the snow on the day after the Equinox – maybe a grown-up Blueberry or Hope), coyotes, chickadees, hawks, and even two great horned owls cross my/our paths as spirit guides these months.

I share these as reminders that answers and messages show up all around us, for anyone big on animal spirit totems and symbolism. The great horned owls were especially auspicious and showed up at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument in Coolidge, Arizona. They are a couple that have made the ruins their home for the last 20 years. We saw the female in her nest perched on the ruins and the male above in the rafters of the roof that protects the ruins. Talk about ancestral spirits.

One of the other interesting interactions took place twice for me with chickadees. On a mid-February snowshoe I had chickadees landing on me several times and several at once. I put my arm out and they came to sit on my shoulder, arm, and out-stretched finger. This was right on and around the Mercury in Pisces and Mars in Capricorn of  2/16 and 17 – these just so happen to be my natal astrological chart placements. A nice pre-birthday gift from Nature.

This happened again on 3/21, right after a very significant unfolding that took place while on a snowshoeing picnic at one of our favorite spots.

Dave and I got engaged.

This wasn’t something high on our radar, as it’s not something we feel is a “should,” but we also don’t hold any judgment one way or another around it either. We’ve lived committed as life partners for nearly 12 years already, yet the message came through around this on another level and we listened. Even the date of the wedding was received without thought. It will be on 6/20/2020.

While I have heard about many events including weddings being understandably cancelled and postponed, this was not an option for us and we decided to be creative and open to ways to bring in the essence of our intentions. It was clear for us that holding the energy of hope and light amidst darker, challenging, and unknown times was exactly the alchemy we wanted to anchor for ourselves and others.

It was also clear for us, personally, to not allow anything to dictate or control our desire to deepen, initiate, and emanate greater potentials of love. Just as death and sadness can be portals to love – darker, chaotic times I feel are asking for us to reach deeper into the lining of love surrounding it all. And therefore, we wanted to anchor in and bring forth love and celebration amidst chaos. We will shine our own lights now, not later, in the ways we feel called to bring our pieces of the thread into greater clarity.

Yes, we can and will still celebrate love! In times like these, that is exactly what I feel we need the most. Not recoiling, but rejoicing in the power we do have to share – love.

The frequency we embody and emanate has profound effects.

We later learned that the date that came through held potent alchemy and was in fact the Summer Solstice – a very special and favorite day personally to me. It happens to be the day Astrid came into our lives, there will be a New Moon, it’s the longest day of the year with most light, it’s nearly exactly in the middle of both of our birthdays, and the next day is Father’s Day, a Solar Eclipse, and happens to be the day my rabbit Joy transitioned from her earthly body.

Anyway, we our planning to hold a very simple, no-frills ceremony in nature here in Lake Tahoe on our own while we live-stream it as a virtual wedding to our family in blood and heart. That way they can still be there with us, while we anchor in and create a new beginning.

To seal things with a confirming sign, right after we got engaged I saw a chickadee on the tree next to us. As Dave stood by my side, I put out my finger and the chickadee landed on it. He/she sat there for about 4-5 seconds and then returned to the tree-top.

Since there was no ring involved and everything has been an organic unfolding, it felt like Nature blessed our union and provided the elements of most meaning for us, sealed with a chickadee kiss upon my finger.

Chickadees are fragile, joyful songbirds that symbolize flexibility, curiosity, courage, good fortune, and encourage more trust and positive outlooks around social behavior. But don’t let appearances fool you. I love how vulnerable they are and yet how brave. They are small, but fierce, rising to the occasion. Unaware of their tiny physical stature, they will protect their own from much larger birds, as well as voice themselves with clarity.

On a side note: As far as rings go, although there were none officially involved with the engagement, like with everything so far, that as well has unfolded organically and symbolically. Dave’s mom so generously offered me her grandmother’s beautiful ring – Dave’s great grandmother – as an engagement ring. And for my wedding band I’ll be using my grandfather’s (on my mom’s side) simple wedding band – he and I have the exact same finger size. My mom also found my great grandmother’s (on my dad’s side) simple wedding ring – also a perfect fit – that is a sweet match with my grandfather’s band, so that can be a set. All of them are rich with history and symbolism to me. I love heirloom pieces and repurposing these rings feels perfect for these times we’re facing and meaningful. It also goes well with the ancestral energies I’ve been working with.

In the past I would have wanted all my own things, but now I love the connection and evolution – how past and present will build upon, merge strengths, recreate, and support one another into a new future beginning.

The remainder of the photos in this post are from that special day, to conclude this return post with love, hope, and light we felt strongly seeded in the landscape around and within us.


So yes, a lot of significant changes have happened and are happening in my life, as a result of these past few months of turning inward. It’s all unfolding alongside significant worldwide changes.

And if it wasn’t enough to simply know things are shaking up for some big shifts, the Earth, herself, did some literal shaking too.

The day after the Equinox, on the 20th, we experienced a 5.0 earthquake just 27 miles away that rocked the house and when we returned home on the 21st of our engagement we experienced a 3.5 aftershock of that same epicenter. We normally don’t feel earthquakes around here, but we were definitely in alignment with these.

In fact, Astrid alerted me about the first one, although I didn’t know it at the time. She has a plant-based stack of cups that were gifted to her by a dear fellow bunny mom and her bunny that she hasn’t shown much interest in until the day of the earthquake. Right before the earthquake rumbled through the house, Astrid started playing with her stacking cups while I sat at my desk. I turned around to see what the clanking was about and was so happy to see her playing with them. She did this for several minutes before I decided to start videoing it so that I could show our friend that gifted them to her. I then video’d about a minute of the fun and thought she might be done. I stopped the video, but realized she was continuing, so I restarted.

The new video only lasted ten seconds, as right as I hit record she suddenly stood still with eyes bugged out and ears and body in alert mode. Then the earthquake rolled through, shaking the house and our downstairs room a lot – accompanied by that earth rumble noise. Well, Astrid took off like a flash as soon as the rockin’-and-a-rollin’ kicked in, dashing around and behind her castle to make for her tunnel to hide. Once under cover, she gave out one loud thump.

I felt it was wild that I caught this all on video and after things settled, I realized Astrid in fact had been using the stacking cups as a way to alert me to what she knew was about to happen. Animals know, but especially very tuned in, underground rabbits who are strongly connected to inner Earth and her vibrations, as well as finely attuned to slight frequency shifts in the energy field.

Luckily, Astrid didn’t stay hidden for long like she can do when frightened by something she senses, sees, or hears. After a few minutes she came out and went to her cups again, moving them around just briefly, then ran over to me and nudged my foot. I felt she was confirming the cups were indeed her way of coding to me and now used them as an “all is well” message.

Interestingly, since then she has begun to “play” with her cups more regularly, but now that she knows I understand they are one way to communicate to me I find her playing with them when she knows it’s feeding time, or any other particular thing she wants to draw my attention to, as a way to tell me.

So, I’ll definitely be keeping on alert to further cup codes in the future.


If you’ve stuck with me this far, a big thank you is in order. Being away for so long definitely built up a lot to share, even though it’s not all expressed in this post. And it is all definitely leading me on new, unknown paths along with all of you.

Yet it all brings me to where I feel led currently.

I have received a lot of clear messages these last few months and unlike times in my past, I immediately listen to, trust, and implement them. And as I started off this post with, one of the messages received was about opening back up a couple of support lines in order to be there for others in need.

Because I’ve created a strong base and implemented the important precursor work needed, although I’ll still be deeply immersed in an extensive amount of novel revision work, I feel confident in being able to stay committed and balanced.

This means I can once again offer one-on-one coaching sessions, which I refer to as Intuitive Energy Guidance Sessions.

I will also offer distant Reiki Healing Attunements for energetic support to help with greater peace, clarity, immune boosting, alignment, and any other needs mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually.

Not included on the page is that I’m open to discussing the possibility of online Reiki training for the students that have shown interest in wanting to complete their levels, as I feel this could be important on a bigger picture level in raising collective vibrations and supporting you with more empowering tools that can bridge distance. You’ll need to please contact me so that we can have a discussion around this.

Please refer to this new page on my website for details about how these offerings might be of benefit. The page will also have the new discount pricing and sliding scale details available:

Special Discount Coaching Sessions & Reiki Support for these Challenging Times

As of yesterday, March 31st through April 30th, our Magick Rabbit Etsy shop is also hosting a big store wide Spring Easter Anniversary Sale to help infuse some joy, inspiration, and sweetness into your life while you nest at home. It could also be a sweet an easy way to share love and connection with family and friends right now.

Details are found here, including the direct link to our creative shop:

The Magick Rabbit

There is future potential of my creating some free weekly or monthly messages and/or videos you will be able to subscribe to. This could include some virtual gatherings. Currently, I am holding off on implementing any of that, as I need to see how things go with what I already have on my plate in terms of my individual projects and these new offerings. I’ll keep you posted though and as always, am open to hearing from you on how you’re doing, any questions, or interests in relation to any or all of this in the comments below.

As an extra line of support, I thought I’d share Lee’s April Energy Forecast message (I hope you were able to see his forecasts the last couple of months including a mid-March special update). As always I smile at how they align with what I receive (we are ALL SO CONNECTED), which is the only reason I share them since they vibrate at the same frequency for me. I smile hugely at several things he said that chimed in with my experience, including ancestral energies and a very brief Atlantis mention that coincided with an Atlantean dream I had two nights ago where I found a coded gift.

Holding you all in heart and envisioning the highest good for everyone.

Keep nurtured, implement responsible action, indulge creative response, and love even more.

Sending you all a huge energetic hug of love.


“I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise. I choose to risk my significance; to live so that which comes to me as seed goes to the next as blossom and that which comes to me as blossom, goes on as fruit.” ~Dawna Markova
