Monthly Archives: November 2017

Reverence for the Void

For whatever reason this morning this blog post from 4 years ago came to me to reshare. Perhaps it has meaning or supportive words for some of you who are going through challenges, transitions, confusion, or unknowns in your life at this time. I couldn’t reblog it for some reason, so here is the link: Reverence for the Void

From Treehouse to Forest Portal


We officially moved into our new home this past Saturday 11/25 and what a wild ride that all was. I always marvel at how we manage to get things done and in general, what is possible when you set your mind and heart to it. Our first full day we enjoyed rain, cleaning the slate so to speak, and this morning (our second day and start to a new week) we were greeted by a white Winter wonderland that the snow Faeries gifted us as welcome.

I’m a Winter Faery myself, being born in the month of February, so I love the white purity of rebirthing energy blanketing our enchanted forest backyard to mirror this huge shift and transformation underway.

It was also synchronous and felt aligned with a house blessing we did last evening and a big Reiki Healing Attunement done by one single, tall, white candle I held for the ceremony.


I won’t bore you with all the details we’ve been managing here and what yet has to be done, but let’s just say it is, and has been, one huge process that keeps spiraling around to reveal new layers of the bigger picture.

We started off living in just one section of the upstairs and soon will be able to take over the whole upstairs. Layer by layer we move forward.

All of our fur babies are doing great. They have actually gotten even more loving since here and enjoying exploring and looking out into the forest at all of the little animals. I’m excited most for Astrid because of the flooring choice we made (porcelain tile that looks like wood with texture) that is so perfect not only for all of our animals and life use durability in all ways, but allows her to be able to run confidently throughout the house without sliding like wood floors or other smooth surfaces might. Plus it’s completely waterproof! I’ve so enjoyed seeing her exploring all over without worry of not feeling stable. Yay!


The fun parts are starting to weave in more now, which involve making creative decorating decisions with some furniture ordering we’ve kicked into gear. I’m so excited for the full tapestry of what we’ve been weaving to come together. It’s completely all new and different in style than anything we’ve had so far…and rightfully should be since we are different and this is a new beginning and path in every and all ways for us.

I also really love organizing and thoroughly enjoy the sifting through of things, purging, finding the perfect space, and getting things in order. Must be my Capricorn energies and Saturn placement. That will continue as we receive our stuff from storage we had tucked away while in the Magick Bus. Although we didn’t store furniture except for 2 or 3 pieces, there’ll be things to go through and discover again like opening Christmas gifts.

We have A LOT still to do here, but it’s incredible how much we’ve accomplished in a short time…things most people said were impossible here in Tahoe due to contractors both being booked out for months and having a very laid back approach to work. That’s not to say we haven’t had our share of challenges, but we’d always find a way and there’d always be a reason that worked out better.

Delays help alignment sometimes.


Anyway, this is just a little update of where things are with us and my first blog from our Forest Portal, which we loving refer to our headquarters here as.

This weekend was definitely bitter sweet to say goodbye to our Treehouse in the sky overlooking the expanse of Lake Tahoe. We will definitely miss those spectacular views, but at least our condo will always be our little gem even though we’ve outgrown it. We lovingly hand it over to our new tenants on 12/1, whom we really love and know will take great care of our baby for us.

Although we’ll miss our Treehouse, we find it easy to move on and like with everything in our lives these days, the transitions are much more fluid and emotionally gentle and graceful. That I’m grateful for – having moved into a flowing process of ease.

So much has taken place from our Treehouse headquarters over the last year… so much more than I’m able to share here, but literally it’s been like moving mountains. It’s so incredible what the energy of that space supported, inspired, revealed, and ignited into motion and manifestation.

There’s still this amazing sense of flying, like all the birds we’ve engaged with from the vantage point it offered, even though we’re anchoring in more now.

We’ve moved from 7500 to 6600 elevation – still the same numerological vibration, just 900 feet and 5 minute winding drive directly down from the Treehouse. We’ll still sit above the lake, but are now within walking distance from it, have hiking and mountain bike trails directly out back, can snowshoe off our deck, not to mention are only 3 to 5 minutes from grocery stores, restaurants, and entertainment. We also only have one human neighbor directly next to us, but with lots of space between, who isn’t full time – it’s their vacation home – and tons of animal neighbors. We’ve met 4 of our neighbors (3 others across the street) already and everyone seems very nice.

We now have a forest view, views of Heavenly Ski Mountain (especially clear from my office), tiny peeks of the Lake as enchanted little gems shining through the trees, and a fenced yard touching the forest where we’ll be creating a secret garden sanctuary over time.


So, now we find ourselves living on the enchanted forest and although it is more grounded and Earthy in nature (perfect for my Capricorn North Node), it feels very light, rich, and creatively abundant here. It’s very expansive in its own way, and of course quite nurturing and nourishing. The smells, feels, textures, and energies are prolific.

It was fun early this morning to wake up to snow and go out on our deck in my jammies taking in the smells and silence, yet listening to the whispers of my Otherworld family here, while watching squirrels still preparing for Winter before the rest of the humans woke up. I sense some Cosmic encounters upcoming.

Looking forward to the magickal adventures ahead, as I root deeper with this land and all of the surprises that await.







Gratitude Expanding

I know that today is a day of various forms of feasting and celebrations and for me this day of sharing gratitude is also an extension of expressing my compassion and to be in presence of the life I have chosen to live as a direct mirror of that. This, however, is not limited to just this one day, but is a consistent, daily experience I choose to deepen into a more intimate relationship with. For me, compassion extends to all of life, every day of my life. There hasn’t been (for the last 12+ years), and won’t be, any animals in or on my body as long as I’m breathing simply because my soul recognizes the sacred relationship I have with these spirits in animal bodies as my family and as the powerful beings that they are who have chosen a different form to inhabit for reasons we have yet to fully grasp in the bigger picture. My spirit sees no boundaries between people of all colors and races, animals, plants, elements, and those from beyond this realm. For me, we are all consciousness expressing through different vehicles, the intelligence of the creative heart – each beautiful, worthy, and inherently deserving of my reverence and love. This is the life I have chosen to live for the rest of my days here on Earth and for all of eternity where ever I may be beyond that. And this has supported the vibration I choose to embody that reflects the frequency of my origins.

There is no all-ideal way since everything in some way still is tied into some form or another that doesn’t support my desires, but I do choose the best I can to live a life that most closely connects me to my heart resonance and I realize the perfection of it all despite my feelings.

So while today is about gratitude for many things and the people in our life, I am also giving thanks to and celebrating creative extensions of love, life for turkeys, and all of Mother Earth’s creatures and children on this day of gratitude and every day that deserves our gratitude. Every extension of consciousness, to me, is precious, equally valuable, and embodies wisdom and lessons that each so bravely and lovingly share with us to receive.

In addition, today I am really anchoring in an even greater presence of recognition and love for everything and everyone in my life that has contributed to this new journey and shift I find myself embarking on – to which we are all interconnected to in our own relative ways and reflections of these shifts.

We originally thought we might be moving in to our new home today, but instead will be on Saturday – just two nights remaining in this tree house above the lake we’ve called home for over a year now. There is so much to sit in presence with and so much here that has ignited and supported all the new in motion. From this place in the sky I have been able to be in things, but not of them, allowing me to experience my own reality and tap into the clearest channel of what is next for me, as an extension of my creative origins here. So much is here that has ignited and supported all the new in motion and it is no wonder we remain still on Thanksgiving in this creative brainstorming and expansive embodiment of new vision, to anchor all of that in before moving on.

Today we will be moving more boxes to the new home (we’ve been doing some each day to make that easier). This is a very deliberate and present experience since each time we carry down boxes to the car we are traversing 105 steps each way. That seems significant and symbolic on many levels and layers. Not to mention, definitely is keeping us fit and me very conscious of every single step being grounded safely and securely! It is also quite perfect that my foot healed just before this all became necessary. I have new feet to carry me forth!

I will be spending this morning baking some vegan goodies to share with two of our amazing contractor teams that are working on Thanksgiving to help bring our new home together for us. This is a way I can extend gratitude to them, as they truly have been working so hard and giving their all to helping us. Last week I did the same for our drywall team who were incredible. Today it’s our painter and flooring crews.

Alongside moving more boxes down to the house today, we’ll be enjoying our forest yard a bit before joining a vegan Thanksgiving celebration we were invited to, which was perfect since we haven’t been out doing anything other than home stuff and nature walks. So we are grateful to be nurtured by all the vegan community we have here to give us a nice break before our last two days of big-time shifting.

Which brings me to a sweet symbolic thing that happened yesterday. So small an experience, but not unnoticed by me.

While at the new house yesterday handling things, I walked up to the entry where one of our contractors was putting our new front door on and literally right at the threshold of the doorway I found a precious little tannish brown feather – imperfectly perfect, as has been this process.

Our entry is quite long to the door and covered above, so this truly felt to be a welcoming gift and sweet befitting having this new door created to access a whole new portal of experience that awaits in this home.

Days lately have thrown us curve balls and surprises, but it has all pointed to surrendering into flexibility and understanding how these things are actually gifts, which in fact they are because each not only creates a deliberate presence and slowing down, but weaves an even better outcome into being because of this. You have to giggle at some of it when it happens. Too much to share, but definitely this huge remodeling project is much more than about a house….it’s about a whole new embodiment we are creating and rewiring on all levels, which it reflects.

Every aspect of life is something inherently beautiful and provides hidden treasures to be grateful for.

I know that during the holidays there is not only an increase of togetherness that is experienced, but can also herald an experience of separation and bring up feelings of loss, sadness, or of being alone.

For everyone experiencing separation in one form or another, whether through physical transitions of loved ones, the inability to be with loved ones, or even feelings of being fragmented, lost, or disconnected from parts of yourself I wish for you to know on some level that perhaps right now your feelings can’t grasp, but will be heard within the very essence of your spirit and the DNA of your beingness.

Even though you feel or physically sense that there is something or some part that is away from your body right now, within your heart there is always an open portal of connection that never leaves you. This is the bridge to all unified experiences of harmony and love and where you are never alone.

With gratitude I extend a hand on one side of that heart bridge to welcome you home.

Lee on Grounded Spirituality

A short video excerpt from Lee you may find helpful with some quick tidbits of wisdom on grounding spirituality as important in these times – something that doesn’t get old in reiterating.

To add to his reflections, here is something I shared yesterday on my Instagram and Facebook profiles that feels to go along with things energetically, touching on feelings:

Your greatest pains and feelings of loss have a valuable purpose, just as joy and pleasure do, but somewhere you learned that feelings weren’t good and so you avoid them. These painful feelings create a depth of experience within you that assists you in truly appreciating life and in expanding your capacity for compassion and gratitude, when the sun shines through again.

Feelings are natural. It is when we suppress, deny, attach to, and try to control the natural course of life, that we create challenges and blocks. If we allow the loss we feel to run its course, it does not turn into depression. Chronic debilitating feelings are a result of resisting life and when we push away the natural pains, we also push away the ability to feel the sun again in our hearts.

Children are perfect examples of the natural cycle of an experience evoking an emotion that then fully gets expressed and is ready for the next new experience directly thereafter. It is a very “in the moment” way of being. We all have this ability if we choose so.

Matching Proceeds to Help Rabbits ~ Your Gift Can Help

Holiday gift-giving and shopping time is here and if you are looking for something of meaning, uniqueness, and creativity that holds compassionate purpose, this might be an idea for you. Art for Rabbits is an offering I’m sharing to support bunnies in need, with proceeds going to the rabbits and me matching your generosity. No gift is too small – there are little items and larger ones available depending on your ability to give. All details at the link. Thank you in advance, so much, and to those who have already given sweetly from their hearts.

Tania Marie

As a reminder, now through end of year 12/31/17, I am donating 50% – 100% of sales to Save A Bunny of my animal artwork series Universal ARKitecture. I’d like to add that I will be matching the total sales at the end of the year and am grateful to everyone who has and may feel called to help out while perhaps doing your holiday shopping. Items include some original paintings and giclee prints, as well as smaller fun and unique items like keepsake boxes, mugs, bags, yoga items, tea light candles, greeting cards, and more. Everyone has their calling and while I focus on the bigger picture with personal things and work I share, a big part of my path involves the bunnies and their bigger picture gift to the world.

You can find all details about this sale and holiday donation, as well as place orders here:

Art For Rabbits ~ 10%…

View original post 340 more words

Faery Succulent Garden Update


It’s been incredible to watch my mini magickal gardens expand and flourish in just six and a half months since first creating them. I didn’t realize how fast these succulents would grow, but I now have these mini enchanted Faery forests. I think I only lost one along the way, and have added a couple of new ones (one gifted and one I couldn’t resist), as well as transplanted/moved a couple to increase density since some have been reaching for the sky and leaving sparse areas down below. Just incredible!


I’ve since added some new treasures to them as well that I’ve found along travels and here in Tahoe (some from our new backyard forest).


I love them so much and can’t wait to create my new sacred space with them, along with the new tortoise and rabbit topiaries I have, my Lamb’s Ears, and a new magickal addition – all of which you’ll see as the space is created.


For now, I thought it would be a fun quick share to show you how much these have grown and what is possible even if you don’t have an outdoor garden, the time, or feel you have a green thumb. Succulents are a sweet and easy way to create Nature’s harmony in your home.


You can see the original post here for comparison:

Faery Succulent Gardens

The Impossible Becomes Possible


Doing something anyway that you feel is impossible, were told is impossible, or simply feel challenged by based on where you are right now in shifting your beliefs about the “possible”, will help you access the door to where the possible dwells and embody the frequency that aligns you with that reality.

If you devote your heart to realizing your limitless potential, making the “idea” of impossible, possible, and nurturing your imagination to stretch further, you will find your feet supported across the bridge of dreams where steps don’t appear to be right now.

Keep stretching your heart and mind to expand a little more each day.

The possible would love to embrace you with open arms.

Don’t let the impossible hold you back.

(Photo taken yesterday after already seeing a double rainbow over the lake)

Harmonic Frequency

Being able to know and experience peace doesn’t equate to constant bliss, but instead speaks to your ability to move into that centered place of harmony at any moment amidst chaos.

To me, ecstatic bliss is the opposite of chaos or the doldrums and creates a “this” or “that” view, but the harmonic frequency is one that dances without conditions and judgment, is always in tune with the origins of its voice, and knows only of the IS.



Play More

“Play liberates our soul, grounds us into our body, and frees our creativity. Play gifts our spirit to the world!” ~ Vince Gowmon


“Play energizes us and enlivens us. It eases our burdens. It renews our natural sense of optimism and opens us up to new possibilities.” ~ Stuart Brown, MD

“Life is playfulness…We need to play so that we can rediscover the magic all around us.” ~ Flora Colao

“Play is not a break from learning. It is endless, delightful, deep, engaging, practical learning. It’s the doorway into the child’s heart!” ~ Vince Gowmon


“When you are dancing and singing with joy, with deep acceptance of yourself as you are, wisdom starts happening.” ~ Osho

“The gift of Play is that it invites us to create without attachment, explore without a destination, and enjoy without complexity.” ~ Vince Gowmon


“We fear our spontaneity because we are afraid of being wrong. To compensate, we plan, and over plan. We overthink our words and actions to make us feel safe.” ~ Vince Gowmon

“It is in playing, and only in playing, that the individual child or adult is able to be creative and to use the whole personality, and it is only in being creative that the individual discovers the self.” ~ D.W. Winnicott


White Turkey and a Dream ~ The White Theme Continues & Pairs Up with Rabbits

This morning I was reminded of my dream from the night before last, which felt important and followed in the theme of “white” that has shown up QUITE A BIT, as you’ll see below – this time being a huge white turkey. Dream time has been rich and layered again and although I dream all the time (well we all do even if we don’t remember), the ones that linger with me usually hold significance I feel that I’m meant to know and/or continue to process and bring forth into the light of day.

Sometimes I remember every detail and sometimes just the main parts or essence that are significant.

This is just a brief share of the simple part that stood out most of that dream.

I found myself at a sanctuary – a rabbit and turkey sanctuary, that is. They were all running around loose and free together and I was walking among them.

The turkeys were all white. They were all beautiful, large, and plumply healthy.

They intermingled with the roaming rabbits and it was such a wonderful, ethereal, and magickal sight to see in these open fields, much of which was like golden oat or something and the rabbits seemed to blend well with the fields.

The next thing I remember was one of the turkeys stepped forward to me. He or she was HUGE! The turkey was about my height and round and plump with perfect soft white feathers and fanned tail.

The turkey opened its wings and drew me in, our chests and hearts connected, as it then wrapped its wings around me and hugged me close and snug, sinking me softly into its thick plumage.

I felt an energetic exchange and igniting or activation take place in that embrace – heart to heart.

And that’s all I remember.

I have since made the connections to the meaning for me personally about this, which takes into account the new journey that I’m on and the creative projects I’ve begun down the path of, so it may not all fully be clear to others what that would be.

If you do have your own insights, I’d be more than happy to hear what this visual brings up for you in connection with turkey symbolism the white turkey, or any of it. It IS fun to interpret dreams or explore different perspectives!

It is also very interesting how many white animals and symbols have shown up in dreams, meditations, and waking life at significant periods of time.

Here are some past links to those you might enjoy when you have time and/or want some reading material:

White Jaguar and a Dream

White Conch and a Dream

Soaring Through a New Shade of White – this about a white owl

Divine Surprises ~ Following the White Rabbit Blew Zephyr in & Cosmically Aligned Astrid – not only about the real life white rabbit, but I dreamed of the white rabbit as well, leading up to this

White Butterfly, Garden Delights & Magick Ovens

Running With My Dreams ~ A Little Nudge from White Horse

Blythe Intaglios ~ A Journey Deeper Into Origins & a Message of Hope – this link includes my visions at this sacred site that included an indigenous man on a white horse, White Buffalo and White Buffalo Calf Woman

Unicorn of the Sea ~ Dream Message from the Narwhal – about a white narwhal

Sacred Initiation with the White Mountain Wild Horses of Pilot Butte, Wyoming – although this one isn’t about a white animal, it took place on White Mountain and was a very sacred experience with wild horses – two of which at the end appeared to us deliberately with white markings on their third eyes in the form of a heart and diamond