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An Energy Check-In ~ Appreciating Our Puzzle Pieces to Each Other

I’m feeling like doing a little energy check-in with you all and seeing how you’re experiencing this month of April and the way the Eclipse energies may have woven into your life. Sometimes this can be as simple as a pause and asking some questions of yourself to receive a gauge from your own intuitive and body wisdom.

Doing these little check-ins, at the least, help with becoming more present about what you’re feeling and reflects that you are in fact worthy of giving love and acknowledgment to.

If you look at recent days with what is on the table and compare this to the past that you’ve made it through, what are you noticing different about what is showing up now and how you are feeling about it?

Are there areas you notice to no longer be as important, whereas others are taking on more prominence?

Are you caught in between a new and freeing feeling you caught glimpse of and an old one that’s felt painful, but familiar?

For many this recent period has been a highlighting of things – underscoring that which has felt promising and that which has felt uncomfortable. The two feel connected to me, and through the contrasts, life’s purpose reveals itself as a way to experience each layer with the same gratitude and embrace for how it invites you to entertain a new relationship in each circumstance.

The Eclipse energies felt light for me, but I acknowledge, and am grateful for, being strategically anchored as such to be able to assist others because I know it has been intense for many. And I’m grateful to see the contrasts, as they help me to deepen my own practices around unity. We are all a perfect puzzle fit with each other.

My own feelings around the Eclipse were about a slow and organic undercurrent that mirrors Earth’s shifts over time, rather than anything explosive on either side of the fence.

What I CAN share about some of the experiences the Eclipse brought through, include the following things.

I had some potent dreams, the two nights leading up to the New Moon Eclipse that I recognize were about clearing and rewriting layers of old that were ready to be easily released. The dreams were gentle, but powerful, as I deliberately walked through dark and old tunnels connected to childhood and faced the ghosts (represented by literal spirits of dead people) and fears head on. I just kept moving through it, and actually traveled the tunnels twice – there and back – with greater lightness achieved.

I also remember part of the dreams of the second night where I actually pulled out what appeared to be a small branch of dried arteries from one of my nostrils. This happened without any pain or blood…it came out fluidly even though it was branched out like a fan and there was no possible way it could have come through that narrow passage. That felt amazingly potent.

This pointed to something unknown and deep-seeded that was hindering flow in some area of my life having been removed – things that no longer served me or the support system of my life, which could have been some kind of stress, pressure, belief, or fear, I had now eliminated from within.

I was so amazed at the ease and gentleness of it all and again, how the Eclipse energies had overall felt this way for me.

I know that everyone has had a lot of varying experiences to move through (including Dave who’s been navigating rough, but potent waters with Boojum’s transition) and so, once again, I feel that where ever we each find ourselves is a place of synergy to others and exactly where is perfect to be.

Some are maybe being asked to lean into community, support from loved ones, or more inner trust and love of self while reflecting needed alchemy to their puzzle piece companions.

And others perhaps being that support or energetic anchor and creators of possibilities on the other side of the bridge where the pieces join.

Each integral to the other and even if not interacting directly in these ways, we are all frequency holders of equal value to the whole.

That second dream was the night before the Eclipse, and again, it moved with a flow that made it feel like an alignment had ignited and the portal the Eclipse opened, enabled the readiness within to move forward.

And in fact, I had a special interview lined up for three days after the Eclipse and when I viewed the video there was a noticeable frequency emanation I saw and felt when watching myself. We don’t often see ourselves, so it was very interesting to me, as it was truly like looking in the mirror and being able to see direct shifts embodied from what I recognized taking place in dream time. A very powerful reflection.

That’s why taking that pause to tune in with ourselves, how we’re feeling, and where find ourselves in the moment can be helpful as so often we overlook just how much we have actually evolved. It’s healthy to honor those steps.

Some other things that happened around the Eclipse were two nights of coyote packs howling and yipping directly behind our house in the forest. The first took place just as we went to bed, on the actual night of the Eclipse. A pack went on for a while to the left of the house in the forest, just down the trail we usually walk.

And then the very next night, after the Eclipse, they loudly woke us up at 3am, but this time we were both surprised as to how close they were. They sounded to be directly in back of our house, maybe no more than fifty feet from the back deck.

Coyote medicine is a prominent force on my current path, weaving in with my other key animal guides. I feel that their vocalization is a big part of that because sound is so front and center and speaks to me of creative self expression in communicating one’s authentic song, or voice. Even their ability as guardians to see things that others don’t feels important, as they highlight the potency of cycles from death to rebirth.

There’s been a lot of excitement here on the edge of the forest with birds and ground dwellers in a dance of joy for Spring’s presence. I’ve been watching all the varieties of birds going crazy, literally…as wild songs and excited chirps, as well as spiraling chases amidst lovers take place.

Even the little furry ones are squealing in delight, playing games of tag, and exploring my garden to discover what a new season offers them to enjoy. Chipmunk and squirrel cuteness run by the windows round the clock and of course Frith is reigning over it all like the Lord himself that he’s named after from Watership Down. Lord Frith is the Sun whom the rabbits basically see as the God of Rabbits.

And wouldn’t you know it…Frith was front row and center in our front yard bed on the morning of the Eclipse, just at the start of its cycle to totality.

We were heading out to drop Dave off to ski, while I was going to do some errands and personal things, and a feeling made me turn my head to find Frith sitting quietly, but regally as if he was awaiting us. I told Dave and we both watched him peacefully sit, munch, and sit some more – watching us.

Dave even noted that he wasn’t afraid at all with all the noise we were making loading the car and pulling out.

Of course Frith would be there for this potent event.

Later that day I found half of a bird’s eggshell on our hike out in the back forest, which spoke to me of cycles always renewing themselves and fresh ideas and possibilities were in the beginning phases of growth.

And even though our location visually experienced only 36% of the Eclipse, the animals were at 100% in terms of what they were mirroring to me of what I felt as a subtle dimensional roll although could have resulted as some being caught in between.

Our yard and garden here reflect that as well…the in between. I have so many bulbs flourishing in green brilliance with first the purple then white, and followed by yellow crocus beginning to blossom, but the ground is covered in the memories of seasons before.

I went out front to take a closer look at everything in the beds and I was greeted by two giant bumble bees enjoying the first crocus blooms.

I decided to take some photos, both of these harbingers of new beginnings and messengers between the spiritual and physical realms, while also of the merging of old and new in the beds before my Spring yard cleanup begins.

I thought I’d be starting this on Friday, but we had some thunderstorms and on and off showers that afternoon after a couple of days of warm 60’s temps.

And the forecasts also changed, yet again, so that the weekend’s predicted rain to snow visitors didn’t happen as thought. Saturday was precipitation free and the kisses of snow flurries got pushed to a short window on Sunday evening.

So, I’ll begin today after a hike, as the weather is perfect to get my clearing mode on during the partly cloudy and mild temps up ahead.

It feels really good that this process will begin and complete this week, as it’s one of the in betweens that will feel freeing to move into the next phase.

In crystal news, the afternoon of the Eclipse also highlighted some things around crystal cocreators I have with me. In particular, a Sirius Quartz known as one of The Pures that connects with Mt. Kailash and so much more, wanted to be front row, center stage and taken outside to be explored and in the energies of the day’s unfolding. I discovered rainbows I had never seen literally drenching the entire crystal in faery dust sparkles of color and light. The whole crystal just lit up and also revealed a key to me and a hidden manifestation. So, I would say that this crystal had been activated with the Eclipse energies to take me to the next step of the adventure. And since that time I spent with this being, there’s been extra sparkle and aliveness I can see, even indoors, from where it sits next to me at my desk and has called in another cocreator not long after that.

All of my crystals and crystal skulls feel and look like they’ve gone through an upgrade this week actually. There’s rearranging being called to order for refreshing grids, a lot of chatty activations going on between everyone, and a readiness approaching for tuning in on receiving messages and names that have been holding out for the right time. This all may lead to one more, final release – I’ll keep you posted if anyone tells me so, as it would make sense why they’ve stayed quiet in that regard until after the Eclipse kind of rearranging things in the subtle fields for connections.

Until then, for anyone who is looking for a first skull friend or an addition to your council, there are five special crystal skulls remaining and I am happy to assist with exploring the energies of any that may have been speaking to you. Four of them are perfect little travel companions and one is quite the powerhouse anchor. I added two videos at the top of the page link below that gives an overview of the last five, and then their individual listings, videos, photos, and info are found below that. Three are magickal children – these can be a softer access point for people to connect with deeper energies (for example the black obsidian supports a soft, playful entry into what one might deem more challenging) – one is humanoid (the amazing heart chakra emerald bridge), and the largest is a cross between galactic being and humanoid (the incredible blue apatite and orange calcite channels Arcturian energy to me).

Crystals & Crystal Skulls

Stay tuned, as there are a couple of new Talks With Crystal Skulls episodes upcoming too.

So a lot of momentum fluidly releasing and I can sense there’s going to be some interesting things developing.

But if you have felt, or still do feel perhaps, like you are in the in between and it is feeling uncomfortable, the first thing I have found to be helpful is making peace with exactly where you’re at and recognizing its perfection.

It also helps not to compare yourself to anyone else’s process and to remain present to your own experience.

In general, really focusing on your own journey, tuning in with yourself, your process, and your expression in life, I feel strengthens your sovereignty and nurtures the beauty of your own unique voice to flourish.

Some other things that could help include being curious about how you’re feeling, checking in with your body AND moving your body, shifting your perspective where possible, finding ways to feel gratitude for what you do have, tuning in to assess your core values and to identify what your heart truly wants, believing in yourself and that you deserve what you want, and taking the time to focus on self care to assist a recharge.

We are edging toward Taurus Season on the 19th, Earth Day on the 22nd, followed by a Scorpio Full Moon on the 23rd – all of which feel like a lot of deep healing at core levels to our very nature that can lead to regenerative experiences.

Makes sense, as this Moon is also the Full Moon of Primal Forces. Makes me think of the coyote packs that keep howling through my days. It’s also a Full Pink Moon and I love that tenderness leaning into the transformative process of such shadowy depths we can learn to play in, like the playful coyote as well.

That, to me, is key….to learn how to play in all fields of potential and not have judgment against one or the other being better or worse – simply a choice and also a choice as to how to experience it.

However we find ourselves to be experiencing life right now, leaning into compassion for self and others more can help to close the gaps between the differences – whether that’s contrasting spaces each person inhabits, or contrasting spaces you might feel caught between at the moment.

Everything we experience has its perfect tone within the harmonics of being.

Intuition Nurtures the Parts of Us We Have Yet to Understand

I’m constantly reminded how important nurturing and supporting intuition is, the more convoluted the energetic landscape around me gets. There are SO many voices literally and subconsciously barking at us from all corners that it can become extremely challenging to navigate anything without wondering which voice is running the show. The more the world turns upside down and tries to play tug-of-war with me, the more I turn within, as the only voice that speaks my truth the best, is MY voice…the one that whispers softly to me through the vortex of my heart.

If we don’t practice listening though, then we’ll never learn how to distinguish it from the rest. Listening to intuition is the way to your truest heart calling. It’s the bridge to greater peace and strength, even when chaos is swirling all around.

The last few days have continued to be filled with messengers and sign posts of support and upcoming change that I’ll share about likely in another post, as I listen to where to focus my energy next. My head healed rather quickly, but not surprisingly, given what I know about its origins and the work I’ve been focused on. There only remains a single 3/4 of an inch long scab that is already starting to come off naturally. I still to date have had no repercussions in physical challenges, including no dizziness or pain. Very grateful for all of that.

And through it all I’ve continued to take pause when anything arises that doesn’t feel resonant, so that I can stay centered and wait for the spirit connected part of me to respond from the highest place within, rather than get caught up in any momentary ego trigger. This is how I stay in control and work with my energies in a balanced way.

Your intuition is a master navigator. So, if we can learn to take pause, listen, and feel for it before we start running on old programming and ego battles, then we can save ourselves and others a lot of unnecessary challenges.

Listening to that subtle or not so subtle inner nudge, voice, vision, or feeling you have that doesn’t always make sense, is your support system that keeps you in alignment and always has your back. We don’t need to know the why or how. That only comes through experience, once you trust the innate wisdom you DO already have within.

Intuition is always speaking to us, but we may need to retrain ourselves to pause, listen and back it up. The more we do, the easier it gets and eventually will become a seamless experience.

We are intuitive beings by nature. We just have a lot of noise in the way of believing that.

If I feel something heavy coming at me or in me, I stop to reframe things and support energy to move rather than keep me down by listening to intuition and what it is telling me in that moment to do, even if it doesn’t make sense. Sometimes intuition might tell you to do something completely opposite or seemingly random than you think you feel like doing, but if you stretch yourself for a moment to just be curious about that voice and explore a little courage to follow it, you will find yourself likely feeling a whole lot better even if you don’t have the meaning of life or even the vision yet of what the end result will be of your current quandary.

It’s perfect to go through every kind of feeling. It’s when things get stuck that having a natural guiding system can be helpful to see you through so energy keeps moving.

It’s not necessarily that you arrive at answers, but you become able to feel more balanced, hopeful, and refreshed to try things from another perspective.

Over the course of my life I’ve had a lot of intuitional voices run through me. Some I ignored and others I didn’t. The latter being my more consistent experience these days, which I’m grateful for as the ignoring didn’t make things easier.

One of the big hits I received through the voice of intuition has to do with where I currently reside.

I’ll use it as an example for what I’ve been sharing so far, to give you an idea of how something rather “random” seeming and that makes no sense at all, came to unfold for me. I remembered something I was shown years before it happened, but I tucked it away because I knew it was meaningful.

Sometimes intuition can tell us how to navigate something immediately, or it may come beforehand to help prepare the way and remind you when the time is aligned.

The healing waters of Tahoe have always been activating for me, but I never knew anything about this lake – at least not the current me. This lake and area carry ancient memories from times long ago and these were in my DNA to awaken at the perfect timing they would be needed.

This lake called to my soul long before I even knew of her. Back in my mid 20’s during one of my biggest and most profound healing transformations while I lived in Sedona, part of my studies and inner work led me to a map and intuitive hit that pointed to Lake Tahoe. One of the things I was exploring as part of the big shifts I was undergoing at the time, was where would be most supportive for me to live.

I didn’t know anything about Lake Tahoe other than my parents mentioning they’d been there when I was growing up, nor was it ever on my conscious radar in any way. I received then the vision I was to live there. The when was unknown. I was told of a vortex and given nothing else, but a knowing around a place I had personally never even visited.

I tucked it away and forgot about it, as the timing obviously wasn’t aligned yet.

At 33, life took me there in my previous marriage to look for a house over a long weekend’s first-ever visit, knowing I was to be here even without exploring the area.

I hadn’t been comfortable living where we were in Washington state on Puget Sound, although we had a dream location on the water and a private beach with a view of Seattle. What you think you might love, doesn’t always pan out the way you’d think, as experiencing the energy of something is completely different than simply idealizing something.

We discussed this and in wanting to find that balance, even though I didn’t want to live in his home state and house, I also didn’t feel it right to live in mine or anything familiar for me either.

We decided we needed a place that was not of his or my family past…a new beginning. I remembered the strong intuitive nudge about Lake Tahoe and mentioned it to him as a possible idea. He proceeded to say, with a surprise in his eyes that I would bring it up since I’d never even been there, that he loved Tahoe, as he had visited it before and spent time skiing and working there for a Winter. It was an instant click and we made plans to explore it for a long weekend.

The intuitive hit I had was supported the moment we got to Tahoe, feeling so good to me, and within two days we were in contract to buy the perfect home overlooking the lake. We moved immediately from the Seattle area, traveling with my then twin soul rabbit, Nestor, who was a large part of navigating my life.

And so, Tahoe would come to be the place of my next transformative journey, but my intuition had been right.

It ended up being where I got a divorce, but also where I met my now husband after that happened.

I lived in Tahoe 3 years before moving away, but I constantly felt her pull. My life took many twists and turns on every front, but I always thought of and missed Tahoe, and I found my way back to her where we’ve been for the last nearly 5 years.

There is much more to the story, but the bottom line is…these waters, mountains, forests and land speak to what I have energetically needed and match my essence. My intuition knew more about me and the future me I would become, then I knew of myself in the moments I simply was wondering where would be most supportive for me to live.

And since then, I integrated into being more myself than ever on all fronts – spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I began my biggest ventures onto my path in Tahoe. I became my own person – independent and empowered in Tahoe.

I learned how to balance my astrological energies in Tahoe. I discovered how to heal many things in Tahoe.

I became an avid hiker, biker, and skier in Tahoe. The nature girl I always had been within, but never put into motion, got activated into being, right here. I’ve met the key people in my life in Tahoe, or while living in Tahoe. All of my most influential animal companions have lived in, come to me in, and visited Tahoe. And so much more.

I learned, through many adventures and explorations around the area that Lake Tahoe has the best of all the worlds I personally love, in one place – mountains, forests, meadows, wetlands, lakes galore, rivers, creeks, beaches, tropical colored waters like the ocean, stone outcroppings, desert-like areas, places that remind me of the surface of the Moon or another planet and some of my other favorite exotic areas of the world, and has the four seasons to mirror life cycles.

I also discovered that I thrive at high altitudes and it suits my essence so well.

“Although I deeply love oceans, deserts and other wild landscapes, it is only mountains that beckon me with that sort of painful magnetic pull to walk deeper and deeper into their beauty. They keep me continuously wanting to know more, feel more, see more.” ~Viktoria Erickson

I trusted an insight without seeing, simply because my soul knew something beyond explanation and it’s proven accurate.

There are other places I enjoy in the world, but only a few fingers counting of where my soul loves and knows to be resonant enough for living- I keep them close to heart and listen in case they ever call like Tahoe has in her own divine timing.

I have learned to trust my intuition even when it doesn’t make sense because it’s always proven to nurture and care for me. Intuition is not out to hurt us, even if the things it tells us equate to massive unknown changes. There is a meaning we don’t need to understand. That’s simply our minds trying to work it out. I had no idea how I would come to be here, but here I am once and again. 

This isn’t a post about Tahoe, but about following intuition, and one of the ways I have around the subject of where to live, which I know can oftentimes be a big one for people.

Intuition will guide you best, not only doing research about an area (or anything for that matter), alone, as there is no cookie-cutter place that is better than any other place on the planet for EVERYONE. There is only the place that resonates, aligns, and is most supportive for YOU at any GIVEN TIME in your life, as this can evolve based on what is best for your evolution.

I have spent time in places that others love and are also considered high-energy, vortex, and super nature-stunning places that very spiritual and in-tune people feel drawn to, support more eco-conscious and Earth-based living, as well as places that artisans love and reside in, and I found them to not work for me at all.

I am not one to name places or bad-mouth anything, as I don’t like to create biases and blanket statements or opinions that are merely from my own experience. All I know is that I’ve experienced non-harmonious, low energy, not great feelings, and heavier, denser spaces where others don’t and vice versa.

I also know that my own state of being plays a huge part in what I experience. Therefore when someone shares all the negativity they are experiencing by living somewhere, this isn’t everyone’s experience necessarily. Our own experience can cloud perspective since we will continue to magnetize or draw in things that support our beliefs and feelings adopted or support a message we may not be listening to. This could come in the form of telling you that a move would be most supportive, or you might think a move is supportive, but in actuality the place you live is activating parts of you that are needing to change and be active in new ways you have been neglecting or pushing aside.

Places can be transformational springboards for us to help us to shift and stay, or shift and move on.

And there’s nothing wrong with that, as perhaps that’s the way to move you forward. I just know that we carry ourselves where ever we go and even if we find a place that feels right, the current state we are in can magnetize more of that outwardly simply as a messaging system to view our lives through and make different choices at every moment.

I’ve only focused on intuition navigating me to where I currently am, but I’ll continue to use intuition to let me know if at any given point things change with that, but also with any part of my life in general.

There’s so much emphasis on analyzing things, but when we partner both sides of our brain together – left AND right – and infuse the heart as the mediator for that partnership, then we get led to more aligned experiences.

It’s not “just” about intuition, but indeed the better we get at listening to intuition we will find that it is the part of us that “knows” what all parts of us use their own language system to try to tell us. Each part has their own way of going about things and it can get kind of exhausting at times to appease them. They’re there for a reason to understand the power of each, yet they also simply exist within a marriage of unity.

Intuition merges gut feelings with higher self guidance and already knows the details of our analyzing side of the brain, but in a snapshot of innate inner knowing and wisdom.

Fear, doubt, expectations, misconceptions, pressure, ego, and beliefs can all be some of the stumbling blocks to hearing, trusting, supporting, and acting upon intuition. They all make it harder to receive information from spiritual sources. Intuition isn’t as dramatic of an experience as we think it’s supposed to be, or hear it to be maybe from others who experience it that way.

Don’t discount the subtle things. When I was looking at where would be best for me to live, it wasn’t this big dramatic scene that played out with lightning bolts and an angel landing in front of me speaking the words, “Lake Tahoe” and tapping my head and having a clear movie vision of myself there with rainbow lights and trumpets playing.

It was like a treasure hunt that kept unfolding and leading me to clues along the way that I kept following in the moment that seemed random and having nothing to do with a place to live. I was having a fun time exploring the dots in each moment that led me to Lake Tahoe on a map and then the feeling I had arrived at the treasure chest, but in a subtle resonance of peace and comfort. I then trusted to make mental and physical note of this to see how it would unfold since there was nothing in sight of how at the time for it making any sense to my analytical brain. I just knew somewhere within me that felt alignment with it.

If you put too much pressure on yourself and try to force things it shuts you down or you become unclear. This can be a form of self-sabotage to keep yourself small.

You doubt yourself because you weren’t supported in trusting from the time you were a child, so you have to practice to create a new support system with this and back yourself up.

Intuition nurtures the part of us we have yet to understand and I believe that the process of trusting that voice is our way of unraveling the pieces in order to return us back to it – all things are part of the whole. Intuition already has the answers of clarity without separation. Just one more of the divisions we are working toward uniting so the war within our parts no longer has to play out in the world around us.

When we learn to listen more to our intuition, we begin to experience what it truly is to live our best life yet.

June Energy Update with Lee

We welcome in June today and edge closer to nearly half way through 2021 already. I read this morning how the Earth is spinning at a faster rate than it has in the last 50 years and with the increase in everything, things are actually being sped up even though it feels like dragging your feet in the mud at times.

This is a big month for me personally, with some key things hitting mid-month and a threefold anniversary on the upcoming Summer Solstice, as well as a big life shift birthing that will begin come end of the month I sense, but as you’ll see from Lee’s update, it’s also energetically big for the collective.

I’m no longer surprised when I listen to Lee’s updates about the nearly exact synchronicity of themes and wording used to describe current energies and experiences that I have either just shared in a blog, have come through as messages and revelations in my personal life, or that I was about to share. We are all connected and share the web of energy waves. Whether we’re conscious of that or not, it’s happening and the echoes are confirmations to that unified field.

I think you’ll see what I mean in the upcoming blog I post, which I’ve been piecing together as it channels through over the last few days. There’s a lot involved with it and I’ve been told to take my time with it, as the frequency of anything put out is very key, especially these days.

The rest of what I add here is a summary in either exact or paraphrased words from Lee’s beautiful share, just in case you don’t listen to it.

I’ve added a few photos from recently, of the trail out back in the forest I journey often. They felt like the perfect reflection of June energy emerging and I particularly loved the dance of light and shadow playing together, as well as the rainbow lining the path below.

A rainbow bridge connecting the two in harmony.

Here begins info included in Lee’s share:

None of us are here to do this alone, as he says. “We’re all taking care of our patch of the garden…we’re all a whole group of gardeners creating a very different garden together.” – That felt like an echo to my last blog, The Many Faces of My Garden.

Pressure around restrictions has been felt, but we’re going to start feeling ease and see restrictions crumble faster because of the wave of people gathering together to do this.

Density is being lessened as far as its hold on people, partially because of our exhaustion with it all and being done with it – more people will be breaking out of the chrysalis and cocoon. Heart power is coming back out in a bigger way.

Revelations and things being revealed that have been lied about, the shadow that’s been hidden and misused will continue to come to light in the next few years. Things you thought or were told are going to have a hanged man result in showing you a whole other perspective you had hidden from you.

Lean into balancing yourself while revelation and reckoning continues on for the next few years.

Different beliefs over things is what’s caused war against others. You can still love one another and have different beliefs. This is where we need to focus and be with these feelings to make greater peace with the fact that different realities will be experienced by everyone and different layers of experience will be all around you the next few years. We need to reckon with how we feel and react, as that is going to play a huge part in it.

Most of you will be here now to birth the new, not to clean up or battle the old world. You need to create and have a creative practice in some way even if just behind closed doors.

Emergence of higher mind and clarity is on the rise around what you do and don’t resonate with and then taking action on that clarity. June presents support for visionary ideas on new things this month and activating forward direction and momentum.

Energy spikes will be lively and on the rise collectively with heightened experiencing. Lee recommends waiting out the spikes before rearranging your life. The amplified energy can feel like a super power in the moment, but let it settle so you have greater clarity from a more peaceful space where things will be smoother and cleaner when you do take action. Your body is slower than your soul to move, so let things settle and integrate, while you tend to your inner garden and allow a more natural mergence to flow.

Deep internal healing is leading to group awakening. More tenderness and vulnerability is awakening within people, taking us away from autopilot and robotic experiencing. It’s like relearning a whole new way of being like fresh curious children emerging from the cocoon womb.

Unification is on the rise even though we see and experience division. The awareness of feeling of the division indicates the process of change is in motion for group awakening.

The integration is happening from the inside out and life reviewing may be more prevalent right now to support new life directions. Upgrades will continue to be presented, so don’t be desperate to take the first offering.

Many of these themes I’ll be expounding on in my own personal share soon. But for now, here’s Lee:

Ask Astrid Fridays ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: Where Heaven & Earth Meet – A Story of Becoming

Let me tell you a little story about a girl who was born looking human like many of you, but what pulsed through her blood was something quite different. Her brother always told her she was more animal (amongst other things) and it made sense given her connection with them. He also used to play telepathic games with her to test his intuition about these “other” parts he felt her to be. It was a bit unnerving when she discovered the game.

At age 12 her first rabbit companion came into her life and this changed everything. No longer did she feel quite so alone when looking at the stars. Her rapid heart rate when under duress or moving her body physically, mirrored that of rabbit. In rabbit, she found solace. Where there had not been an anchor to Earth, rabbit became the way shower to deepen into her chosen embodiment.

Life grew more challenging and at every turn of greater intensity and needed transformation, another rabbit companion would find her. The relationships deepened beyond outside human understanding. And it made sense to the little girl, now woman, that these souls in rabbit bodies were the only ones who could reach her.

Their starry essence was disguised to outsiders, but to the woman stardust was all she saw. And although quite Cosmic, these rabbits were so connected to Earth’s womb that it supported the woman’s journey to the union of spirit and body.

As the years went on, and through deep loss of her soul family in rabbit bodies, she came to know herself even more. Through pain she grew. To her surprise, her heart expanded with every trauma and, again, it was rabbit that taught her the gift within every experience.

When offered the invitation to be with them forever, she chose to stay and be as they had been for her – a way shower to unify spirit and body and bridge peace and harmony on Earth. Through that choice life changed in every way, beyond what she could have imagined possible.

Through that choice, I found her, and was also supported into greater alignment I had been waiting for.

Nature became the cathedral where essence was easily accessible. Here she could hear the whispers of all remnants of stars within every creation before her. And that included herself.

It became easy to drop into her own nature, by listening to the stories within every cycle unraveling before her. And as rabbits do, she found her joy playing in Earth’s realm. Her senses heightened, her body strengthened, and agility of being increased. There were times to go deeper underground and times to leap with elation. Times to be on high alert and times to lay still and listen. Even the foods she ate and loved, mirrored her rabbit friends and her world made sense through these new eyes.

Rabbit and woman were one.

It’s been incredible to watch this unfolding and with every day of her transformation comes a deepening to our bond as well.

I am able to go with her on every adventure she takes because we have merged through this evolution, too.

There is no separation. Essence brings Unity.

I love the journeys she takes me on daily in the mountainous forests where we live. I can feel the snowflakes on my nose, as they kiss hers. I hear the chickadees in my large ears, as they sing to her. I smell the fresh pine through my twitching nose, as she luxuriates in their aroma. I binky with joy when she becomes elated with wonder. I feel nurtured by the vibrations beneath my large thumpers, as she walks with deliberate and present footsteps.

And most of all my heart expands as hers does, every time she drops into essence and becomes both Heaven and Earth.


Origins Renewed

After teaching Reiki yesterday morning where a group of sixteen of us gathered together to intentionally raise vibrations, the water energy called. We shared a most beautiful synergy together and I’m still in awe of the incredible energy that was threaded together by everyone who embraced the invitation to another opening on their journey that has far-reaching potential.

As we stand in the doorway of Leo’s New Moon tomorrow, it’s no wonder to me that this group gathered at this time to anchor in a new level of visionary leadership with bravery, integrity, and inspired creativity. These souls are people who are not afraid to step up, show up, and help guide the way. They are bridge workers who I see forging connections for others to cross and move into a more essence and truth filled life.

Awakening is a return to alignment and the gridding of energies from across the globe yesterday was a declaration of arising new potentials being seeded. I love it!

It’s also, to me, about origins and reclaiming this in a more conscious and embodied way.

After class and a little lunch nourishment, we felt called to Fallen Leaf Lake, which was the perfect way to keep the energies fluid and integrated. I spent a lot of good earthing time leading up to the class and continued moving that energy through me to encourage continued integration, balance, and merging of experiences as one and not separate.

I can’t explain it, but being in and around these waters was like a return to origins. The alpine lake temperatures were perfect to me and I spent prolonged time floating in the crystalline-activated lake while soaking in mountain sunshine.

The feeling was freeing, expansive, fluid, and connective.

There was no separation and I experienced the realization of how merged life has become. More effortless instead of a struggle or split between realities.

I mentioned to a dear friend who shared a reflection with me this morning of how she saw a big shift in me. I responded “there’s definitely been an increased dropping into embodiment shift for me, able to more consistently bring through the ‘other’ here and now….whereas I used to feel much more anchored elsewhere.”

There is an increased fluidity of worlds – human and spirit as one…Terra and Cosmos living in unity and harmony.

I am seeing this as a new reality potential emerging on a grander scale, as we continue to crack open.

I found this feather and stone while I laid on the pebble-laced beach.

They speak to me of this integration. Ancient and timeless…Earth and Spirit…a new vision and more freeing way of navigating…of possibilities…

I’ve continued to have a lot of different animal spirit guides showing up, but I’d have to say that coyote and snake medicine has been the most profound and frequent lately.

Sweetly my big lizard friend, Fantasia, ran by the door and is sun bathing right now on a rock as if to say – “Hey, don’t forget me!”

I shared about these spirit guides already. This is just one of them in the photo above – more of a youngster – but we have larger ones in the back forest (one of which I just saw again this morning) and both morning and night we can hear packs of them howling that soul-haunting sound that is both mysterious and eerie.

An ancient call of origins.

I’ve also seen more garter snakes than I ever have. There’s one that continues to show up in the garden and front yard when I’m out watering and she literally stopped to stare at me with her little neck and head up as I spoke to her. Her sweet little red tongue ssssslithering in and out. She even opened her mouth as if to speak and just kept it open, revealing her fangless mouth, while she looked at me.

I felt a message of change through authentic voice was whispered.

So yes, significant and dramatic change continues to unfold and it’s not isolated to my experience, as I see and hear it all around to some degree or another in relative ways, reflective of each soul’s journey.

Origins, is the word that came through for me yesterday while at the lake, immersed in the water of life all around and within me.

I sense a continued deepening into accessing those roots and remembrance is coming alive and more to the surface for many.

It’s much more than an integration process, but seems to be almost like opening a time capsule that is now aligned to access as keys to what was once behind closed doors. And this creates an organic merging that for some, unless you stop to recognize it, can go almost undetectable.

It’s been an ongoing journey, but things have been showing up more and lighting up an intuitive treasure map. It’s definitely more on an esoteric level so it’s hard to put into words, but that percolation is igniting subtle seeds of activation into being.

The things we’ve envisioned or felt were happening or coming, are now starting to take form and it’s subtle, but profound. There’s a lot of richness in the overall experience of it, although still is blossoming.

I saw and felt it yesterday with the group as well. And I marveled at the courage and energy that was all gathered in one place. My sense is that not everyone saw that about themselves, but did in each other.

My hope is that everyone will feel the beauty I and others did, and know the value of who they are, how far they’ve come, and what a gift they are being for others in their own way.

May the origin of your soul song be the voice that carries your frequency into everything and to everyone you touch.

Unifying Layered Realities as the Living Dream

June feels ripe with much in motion and round-the-clock fullness, which is being mirrored in all the flowers and green blossoming everywhere. I mentioned recently in conversation that dream time is stepping forth in grand ways because it is where the layered realities of our multi-dimensionality are. This reality we are focused on in waking life is but one offshoot of what really is and things will flip when the collective is ready to “live the dream.” This last week has been layered with interweaving parts that are merging into a new creation. I’m sensing many can feel what I’m saying and are experiencing the difference, as well as likely have been involved in a lot recently too.

The first three photos you see here are of our home on the forest. Everything right now is coming up flowers and is completely enchanted. I can’t get enough of all the variety of wild flowers surrounding our house and throughout the forest, as we let our hearts wander the paths. I can’t help but stop to take them in with all of my senses, which sparks a feeling within to skip and frolick to join in Nature’s dance.

The layers of lush beauty and blooms seem to reflect the many layers of fertile potential stirring in the cauldron of our inner desires and dreams. Anything is possible. We just simply have to choose what we want to nurture, cultivate, and grow with all of that potential.

And speaking of dreams, I can’t emphasize enough how potent these are and have been for me. Things have been amping up and increasing there. I’ve always been a vivid dream weaver, but I’m experiencing so much more there than ever, including more of that cohesion of bringing together the multiple realities going on at once so that things are becoming more seamless.

I continue to dream in excess of people I know and having remote viewings, very clear psychic experiences – that I would rather say are simply tapping into the other realities and living and remembering them in the now, rather than actually being this psychic experience that seems supernatural – and when I touch in with people they confirm what I “dreamed” as being exactly what is going on with them.

This in part has to do with my Pisces boundless energy, but I’d like to emphasize that I feel this is where we’re headed as a collective in progressively tapping into our multi-dimensionality as no longer a concept in our minds, but a reality we live and co-create in. It would be too much for many if it simply opened fully and immediately, so in stages, the more each of us are tapping into it, the more the collective at large is, and vice versa it also speaks to the readiness of the collective that this is possible too.

This is the progressive spiral of humanity moving into a wider experience of dimensional cognition that the other parts of ourselves are already experiencing.

I’m finding that the more this happens, the more full my life is and the more I am experiencing the direct alignment and effects of every little thing I do very clearly. When we stop to recognize and be curious about it all, we expand and draw in more possibility.

It’s been a full week and continuing. I know many of you have found yourself with full plates as well. I always like to review things in my life and connect the dots, as it ignites things more and bringing things together.

And what a week it’s been:

  • I read four books – just started my 5th – that had the perfect ingredients for the next leaps. I haven’t read much recently, but Dave has a library card and the last time I went with him I suddenly found myself with a stack of six books coming home – I’ll likely have the last two done here shortly. I followed my intuition and was led to the exact books perfect for the next phase of experience and creation. Even the order I’ve been reading them has unfolded in perfect cohesion.
  • Cleaning out and organizing was at the forefront again – I am finishing our bedroom closet, started my office closet, and Dave and I have been working on our garage – the last piece of our house getting fully settled since moving in. We marvel at the fact that nearly 100% of the garages people have here in Tahoe are unusable, meaning they are full of stuff people store or throw in there and they park their cars on driveways – yes even in the snow of Winter. And even the few who do park inside have disorganized garages that are a storage area for mostly old and unused things. Feels very symbolic to me about the subconscious and unconscious parts of the collective that are running the show in the shadow. I feel that even our unseen spaces speak to our lives and it’s bothered me that the garage was, to us, unorganized even though to others it wasn’t. And the same for my office closet, although organized, just has way too much in it that I had to find space for at the time and now is going to be cleared. This speaks to clarity of mind, heart, vision, and manifestation to me and also of shadow integrated rather than hidden, denied, or tucked away. As I look through every piece it reflects a piece of my inner world I am putting into productive use or releasing. The timing on getting these clear as the last steps, mirrors what’s ready to come forth. We even decided not to just organize and open our last boxes for the garage, but are getting rid of things, got shelves and storage boxes to have it all organized, are hanging our bikes to have clear space, and before all this we’ve been prepping the foundation of the garage – also symbolic – by cleaning it, filling cement cracks, and painting it in a nice finish to keep it clean and look good. No reason the garage can’t be special! It feels like taking care of the shadow in a way of valuing and merging it as usable.
  • I found a magickal horse duffel bag hidden in the garage – in the process of all the moving around a bag of stuff showed up that I thought I had lost, got stolen, or I threw away by accident. But in going through this process it showed up tucked away behind things. In the bag were some very cool things that were meaningful and special, including a portal tapestry I’ll be hanging downstairs in the guest room that will mirror mine and create a dual doorway reflecting layers of multi-dimensionality we have access to. Treasures found in the process of clearing.
  • I found our telescope – my parents had given us a telescope when we moved back to Tahoe and there it was in the garage all dusty and in a corner. I cleaned it up and brought it in and set it up downstairs for now. This feels like a treasure too with clarity, vision, and connection bringing the Cosmos in closer merging with Earth, as the two become one through our physical forms
  • Honing in on details for more effectiveness – I/we have been doing a lot of this and especially so in the shared business/work I have with Dave. In the interim it may seem like more work, but sets things up to be passive and supporting the intents we have for our life
  • Anchored in new sacred rituals – in bringing to light more ways to be effective and aligned, I’ve added in some different practices to enrich my/our life further and it’s definitely making a difference
  • Deepening shadow work and increased daily vitality and magick – this has included another level of awareness and application to bring more unification to life and making things easy and natural to discern and experience in each moment
  • Taking action on intuition and putting in place the steps for actualization – by listening to myself I’m seeing the thread on the weave tighten from being a loose loop and the image of the tapestry reveal itself by bringing things together. I’ve put my ideas out there vulnerably and have received welcoming yes’s to them. This is bringing together the perfect collaborations and I know will continue to
  • Garden tower recycling prolifically – I’ve harvested quite a lot and the last big harvest left the tower quite bare, but it’s all grown back in again. This tower has been even more abundant and rich than my last one and I feel its reflective of the things I’ve shifted, as well as the endless abundance available to us in our heart wells. I love seeing everything as a metaphor for my life
  • Blueberry sightings amped up – the wild baby mountain cottontail that lives here outside my office has been coming around abundantly. I named him Blueberry based on a dream I had of a bunny I adopted. The interactions between us and seeing him daily is another metaphor for things and to me is reflecting the path I’m on and have been cultivating, as well as the book I’m completing and its process
  • Fun news about Astrid – TBA but not only have her ears healed, but she is stepping out more and more collectively in her work and visibility
  • Sunshine immersion – during all of this I have been getting out daily in our beautiful 70’s weather and getting some great Vitamin D time, which I thrive on and that infuses extra vitality. I’ve also started using my Sun Oven again, which also infuses extra vitality in our food. So while dream time is revving, it is in balance with daytime immersions. All things in harmony create wholeness of being and experience
  • Dreams going crazy with psychic, remote, and symbolic messages that are bringing waking and dream life together – I already mentioned that above
  • And amidst all of it I’m still on track to finish my book this potent month of June with the Solstice portal aiding it. This is my last editing/reworking before I surrender it to the next phase and a professional editor

So, yes there are many layers going on and these are just the main ones I’m sharing to express how I integrate the meaning, reflections, and symbolism into my life as a unified field of experience.

These last photos are of the Forest Portal we live on, where this magick is unfolding, and of all the beauty blooming here in the wild, enchanted garden of my heart.

Gratitude Expanding

I know that today is a day of various forms of feasting and celebrations and for me this day of sharing gratitude is also an extension of expressing my compassion and to be in presence of the life I have chosen to live as a direct mirror of that. This, however, is not limited to just this one day, but is a consistent, daily experience I choose to deepen into a more intimate relationship with. For me, compassion extends to all of life, every day of my life. There hasn’t been (for the last 12+ years), and won’t be, any animals in or on my body as long as I’m breathing simply because my soul recognizes the sacred relationship I have with these spirits in animal bodies as my family and as the powerful beings that they are who have chosen a different form to inhabit for reasons we have yet to fully grasp in the bigger picture. My spirit sees no boundaries between people of all colors and races, animals, plants, elements, and those from beyond this realm. For me, we are all consciousness expressing through different vehicles, the intelligence of the creative heart – each beautiful, worthy, and inherently deserving of my reverence and love. This is the life I have chosen to live for the rest of my days here on Earth and for all of eternity where ever I may be beyond that. And this has supported the vibration I choose to embody that reflects the frequency of my origins.

There is no all-ideal way since everything in some way still is tied into some form or another that doesn’t support my desires, but I do choose the best I can to live a life that most closely connects me to my heart resonance and I realize the perfection of it all despite my feelings.

So while today is about gratitude for many things and the people in our life, I am also giving thanks to and celebrating creative extensions of love, life for turkeys, and all of Mother Earth’s creatures and children on this day of gratitude and every day that deserves our gratitude. Every extension of consciousness, to me, is precious, equally valuable, and embodies wisdom and lessons that each so bravely and lovingly share with us to receive.

In addition, today I am really anchoring in an even greater presence of recognition and love for everything and everyone in my life that has contributed to this new journey and shift I find myself embarking on – to which we are all interconnected to in our own relative ways and reflections of these shifts.

We originally thought we might be moving in to our new home today, but instead will be on Saturday – just two nights remaining in this tree house above the lake we’ve called home for over a year now. There is so much to sit in presence with and so much here that has ignited and supported all the new in motion. From this place in the sky I have been able to be in things, but not of them, allowing me to experience my own reality and tap into the clearest channel of what is next for me, as an extension of my creative origins here. So much is here that has ignited and supported all the new in motion and it is no wonder we remain still on Thanksgiving in this creative brainstorming and expansive embodiment of new vision, to anchor all of that in before moving on.

Today we will be moving more boxes to the new home (we’ve been doing some each day to make that easier). This is a very deliberate and present experience since each time we carry down boxes to the car we are traversing 105 steps each way. That seems significant and symbolic on many levels and layers. Not to mention, definitely is keeping us fit and me very conscious of every single step being grounded safely and securely! It is also quite perfect that my foot healed just before this all became necessary. I have new feet to carry me forth!

I will be spending this morning baking some vegan goodies to share with two of our amazing contractor teams that are working on Thanksgiving to help bring our new home together for us. This is a way I can extend gratitude to them, as they truly have been working so hard and giving their all to helping us. Last week I did the same for our drywall team who were incredible. Today it’s our painter and flooring crews.

Alongside moving more boxes down to the house today, we’ll be enjoying our forest yard a bit before joining a vegan Thanksgiving celebration we were invited to, which was perfect since we haven’t been out doing anything other than home stuff and nature walks. So we are grateful to be nurtured by all the vegan community we have here to give us a nice break before our last two days of big-time shifting.

Which brings me to a sweet symbolic thing that happened yesterday. So small an experience, but not unnoticed by me.

While at the new house yesterday handling things, I walked up to the entry where one of our contractors was putting our new front door on and literally right at the threshold of the doorway I found a precious little tannish brown feather – imperfectly perfect, as has been this process.

Our entry is quite long to the door and covered above, so this truly felt to be a welcoming gift and sweet befitting having this new door created to access a whole new portal of experience that awaits in this home.

Days lately have thrown us curve balls and surprises, but it has all pointed to surrendering into flexibility and understanding how these things are actually gifts, which in fact they are because each not only creates a deliberate presence and slowing down, but weaves an even better outcome into being because of this. You have to giggle at some of it when it happens. Too much to share, but definitely this huge remodeling project is much more than about a house….it’s about a whole new embodiment we are creating and rewiring on all levels, which it reflects.

Every aspect of life is something inherently beautiful and provides hidden treasures to be grateful for.

I know that during the holidays there is not only an increase of togetherness that is experienced, but can also herald an experience of separation and bring up feelings of loss, sadness, or of being alone.

For everyone experiencing separation in one form or another, whether through physical transitions of loved ones, the inability to be with loved ones, or even feelings of being fragmented, lost, or disconnected from parts of yourself I wish for you to know on some level that perhaps right now your feelings can’t grasp, but will be heard within the very essence of your spirit and the DNA of your beingness.

Even though you feel or physically sense that there is something or some part that is away from your body right now, within your heart there is always an open portal of connection that never leaves you. This is the bridge to all unified experiences of harmony and love and where you are never alone.

With gratitude I extend a hand on one side of that heart bridge to welcome you home.

Thank You


Sharing my deepest love and gratitude with each and every one of you who so lovingly extended your wishes, beautiful memories, sweetest of reflections and messages, and simply your presence with me yesterday for my birthday, but also with yourself, each other, and our Earth Mother, as you connected in heart through the magickal New Moon Eclipse collectively shared. Perhaps it was the heightened energies of this day, or perhaps it is because of the deepened place my sensitivities have taken me in experience, but it was profoundly felt and in my private moments, brought me to tears of love that felt like alchemy to the spirit.

I read and listened to every single message, more than once in many cases, reflecting on the connections and how powerful we are when unified in our hearts. It made me reflect on how strongly challenges in the energetic field have brought people together more than ever and that is a beautiful thing to see people arise, take action, and vulnerably extend themselves to others.

Yesterday, I spent my time engaged in the things I love, in taking actions toward my dreams in order to create that extra momentum through the new doorways offered and to hold my frequency for a new reality, and made stronger commitments and promises to it all.

Some of this included writing a page in my book, creating a magick wand to full completion, doing a Reiki Healing Attunement with my crystal grid for very clear intentions with highest good in mind, spending time communing in nature snow shoeing, time reflecting on connection with others and including intents of love and highest good for everyone, time with loved ones, but also embodying a peace so deeply experienced it took me to a meditative place of beingness that created what I can only describe as a state of grace in suspension….nothing could affect or change this and I knew this was my origin of being – all of ours.

And that, in and of itself, was the greatest of gifts received.

Thank you from my heart to yours

Life is a Sacred Art that Turns Awareness into Rhythmic Being – Gabrielle Roth

I have shared this before, but it has recycled its way back energetically as feeling important once again.

Today’s reblog comes from Gabrielle Roth – I just love her! – an incredibly influential teacher of meditative dance, creator of the 5Rhythms movement practice, and a shaman in her own right.

Gabrielle felt that physical movement was an integral key to unlocking spirit and integrating spirit with your sacred temple body. She was dedicated, heart and soul, to exploring ways to engage spirit and creativity through movement, but ultimately to “create life as a work of art” (something we both share) and to access unity of experience as a cosmic dance:

“Mine is the art of inspiring people to turn themselves inside out, transform their suffering into art, their art into awareness, and their awareness into action.” ~ Gabrielle Roth

Perhaps her words shared below may provide impetus to ignite your spirit to move through you:

“We all share the wound of fragmentation.  And we can all share in the cure of unification.  Healing is the unification of all our forces — the powers of being, feeling, knowing, and seeing.

I look in the mirror and I look out the window and I see myself and others struggling to be in our bodies.  Struggling to know who we are and what we need.  To like ourselves, rather than wanting to be somebody else, or somewhere else.  I see our inability to relate, to communicate from the heart, to overcome our distance and alienation from one another.  I see us avoiding each other’s eyes, at a loss to know what others need.  I see people searching for direction, trying to summon up their personal power, longing for the strength to be independent.

The wounded healer in me knows that healing our driven selves comes from our ability to empower our bodies, hearts, minds, souls, and spirits once more, bringing them into vital unity.  Spiritual healing means taking responsibility for being a whole person.  We have to take responsibility for being a body, for having a heart, for possessing a mind, for awakening our soul, for opening to our spirit.  We need to do right by our body, purify our relationships, use our mind for creative freedom and not enslavement, free the soul from the ego, and undertake the spiritual journey.  A whole person is an inspired person, one who embodies the spirit.

Disease is inertia.  Healing is movement.  If you put the body in motion, you will change.  You are meant to move: from flowing to staccato, through chaos into lyrical and back into the stillness from which all movement comes.

If you let your heart be moved, be open to the risk and the adventure of feelings, letting them work through to completion, you will change.  Tears turn into smiles, anger into embraces.

If you free your mind to experience and complete each of your life cycles, integrating their teachings and tasks, you will change.  It’s when you stop moving through life that you get caught out of place, that you react to adult situations with childhood emotions.  Moving completely through your life makes you whole.

If you awaken your soul, you will change.  Engage your characters.  Watch yourself act them out.  Master them, and you’re free to be, feel, think, and act as your distinct self.

The spirit in motion heals, expands, circles in and out of the body, moving through the layers of consciousness from inertia to ecstasy.  Open to the spirit, and you will be transformed.

Movement is my medium and my metaphor.  I know that if a wave of energy is allowed to complete itself, it yields a whole new wave, and in fact that is all I really know.  Riding these waves means joining the cosmic dance that, as Dante says, ‘moves the sun and the other stars.’ 

Movement is the movement of change. In my experience, if you put your psyche in motion it will heal itself. Movement is the medicine. Each of us has the power and responsibility to heal ourselves, to be our own medicine man or woman. Awakening our innate powers of being, loving, knowing, seeing and healing involves ongoing work at all levels and in all dimensions of our self. In your deepest center, you are the stillpoint. You are the rhythm beyond stillness, the feeling beyond compassion, the sexual energy beyond celibacy, the life force beyond death, the vibration beyond inspiration. The moving center is within you.

…Our soul, our true self, is the most mysterious, essential, and magical dimension of our being.  In fact, it is not a separate reality, as traditional Western thought views it, but the cohesive force that unites our body, heart, and mind.  It is not a ghost trapped somehow in the physical machinery of our body but the very essence of our being.

Each soul is unique, and we are called upon to break out of the minimum security prison of conformity and mediocrity to experience our soul’s true magic and power.  Like a plant it needs to be nurtured to grow and blossom, and to be freed from the entangling, obscuring weeds that tend to take over.  The soul is an artist.  Its nature is to create, and its natural expression is in the sacred archetypical roles of the dancer, the singer, the actor and the healer.  Life is a cabaret, and our challenge is to act out our essential self on the stage for the world.

Though the soul is not a thing, it is our beingness, that which gives us being.  So its presence and absence are visible.  Its presence manifests in being awake, attentive, energetic, alive.  It is the spark of life.  It is absent or dampened when we lack vitality, elan, energy.  It is the true self we are seeking in all our explorations, and yet it is not somewhere “out there” but right here now, underneath the false roles we’re always casting ourselves in.

Freeing the soul, freeing ourselves to be soulful, means empowering ourselves to really see what’s going on in ourselves, in others, in our lives.  This seeing is not the ordinary sort of looking we’re habituated to.  Looking operates on the surface; seeing probes beneath to discern the essence, the motion, the energy.  Looking is just a matter of regarding things things according to our preconceived, static ideas.  But as the new physics and biology have clearly shown, our surface impression of the nature of reality as static naively misses the truth of the constant motion and infinite space that truly constitute reality.

Carlos Castenada in “A Separate Reality”, gives an arresting example of the difference between seeing and looking.  Don Juan describes the death of his son who was crushed by rocks on a highway.  “The workers stood around looking at his mangled body.  I stood there too, but I did not look.  I shifted my eyes so I would see his personal life disintegrating, expanding uncontrollably beyond its limits, like a fog of crystals, because that’s the way life and death mix and expand.  Had I looked at him I would have watched him becoming immobile and I would have felt a cry inside of me, because never again would I look at his fine figure pacing the earth.  I saw his death instead, and there was no sadness, no feeling.  His death was equal to everything else.”  Later he tells Carlos that seeing is “hard work.”

Seeing implies detachment.  Looking implies attachment.  Looking is with the eyes.  Seeing is with the whole being.  Looking at myself in the mirror, I think that my nose is crooked and too big, my eyes too small, my hair too fine, my hips too wide.  I judge.  I assess myself by some external criteria that have by now become part and parcel of how I look at people.  But if I stare into my left eye in the mirror I see only a still, perfect little doll-like figure of myself in the midst of a deep pool of subtly changing reflections, probably an image much closer to the truth.  It is when I can see myself with interpretation that the magic of being, the pure wonder of existing is revealed…

… Life is sacred.  Life is art.  Life is sacred art.  The art of sacred living means being a holy actor, acting from the soul rather than the ego.  The soul is out of space and time and hence always available, an ever-present potential of our being.  It is up to each of us to celebrate and actualize our being, and to turn each meal, conversation, outfit, letter, and so on, into art.  Every mundane activity is an opportunity for full, authentic self-exploration.  The soul is our artistic self, our capacity for transforming every dimension of our lives into art and theater.”

Gabrielle Roth


The Heart is the Bridge



For everyone experiencing separation in one form or another, whether through physical transitions of loved ones, the inability to be with loved ones, or even feelings of being fragmented, lost, or disconnected from parts of yourself…. ❤