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An Energy Check-In ~ Appreciating Our Puzzle Pieces to Each Other

I’m feeling like doing a little energy check-in with you all and seeing how you’re experiencing this month of April and the way the Eclipse energies may have woven into your life. Sometimes this can be as simple as a pause and asking some questions of yourself to receive a gauge from your own intuitive and body wisdom.

Doing these little check-ins, at the least, help with becoming more present about what you’re feeling and reflects that you are in fact worthy of giving love and acknowledgment to.

If you look at recent days with what is on the table and compare this to the past that you’ve made it through, what are you noticing different about what is showing up now and how you are feeling about it?

Are there areas you notice to no longer be as important, whereas others are taking on more prominence?

Are you caught in between a new and freeing feeling you caught glimpse of and an old one that’s felt painful, but familiar?

For many this recent period has been a highlighting of things – underscoring that which has felt promising and that which has felt uncomfortable. The two feel connected to me, and through the contrasts, life’s purpose reveals itself as a way to experience each layer with the same gratitude and embrace for how it invites you to entertain a new relationship in each circumstance.

The Eclipse energies felt light for me, but I acknowledge, and am grateful for, being strategically anchored as such to be able to assist others because I know it has been intense for many. And I’m grateful to see the contrasts, as they help me to deepen my own practices around unity. We are all a perfect puzzle fit with each other.

My own feelings around the Eclipse were about a slow and organic undercurrent that mirrors Earth’s shifts over time, rather than anything explosive on either side of the fence.

What I CAN share about some of the experiences the Eclipse brought through, include the following things.

I had some potent dreams, the two nights leading up to the New Moon Eclipse that I recognize were about clearing and rewriting layers of old that were ready to be easily released. The dreams were gentle, but powerful, as I deliberately walked through dark and old tunnels connected to childhood and faced the ghosts (represented by literal spirits of dead people) and fears head on. I just kept moving through it, and actually traveled the tunnels twice – there and back – with greater lightness achieved.

I also remember part of the dreams of the second night where I actually pulled out what appeared to be a small branch of dried arteries from one of my nostrils. This happened without any pain or blood…it came out fluidly even though it was branched out like a fan and there was no possible way it could have come through that narrow passage. That felt amazingly potent.

This pointed to something unknown and deep-seeded that was hindering flow in some area of my life having been removed – things that no longer served me or the support system of my life, which could have been some kind of stress, pressure, belief, or fear, I had now eliminated from within.

I was so amazed at the ease and gentleness of it all and again, how the Eclipse energies had overall felt this way for me.

I know that everyone has had a lot of varying experiences to move through (including Dave who’s been navigating rough, but potent waters with Boojum’s transition) and so, once again, I feel that where ever we each find ourselves is a place of synergy to others and exactly where is perfect to be.

Some are maybe being asked to lean into community, support from loved ones, or more inner trust and love of self while reflecting needed alchemy to their puzzle piece companions.

And others perhaps being that support or energetic anchor and creators of possibilities on the other side of the bridge where the pieces join.

Each integral to the other and even if not interacting directly in these ways, we are all frequency holders of equal value to the whole.

That second dream was the night before the Eclipse, and again, it moved with a flow that made it feel like an alignment had ignited and the portal the Eclipse opened, enabled the readiness within to move forward.

And in fact, I had a special interview lined up for three days after the Eclipse and when I viewed the video there was a noticeable frequency emanation I saw and felt when watching myself. We don’t often see ourselves, so it was very interesting to me, as it was truly like looking in the mirror and being able to see direct shifts embodied from what I recognized taking place in dream time. A very powerful reflection.

That’s why taking that pause to tune in with ourselves, how we’re feeling, and where find ourselves in the moment can be helpful as so often we overlook just how much we have actually evolved. It’s healthy to honor those steps.

Some other things that happened around the Eclipse were two nights of coyote packs howling and yipping directly behind our house in the forest. The first took place just as we went to bed, on the actual night of the Eclipse. A pack went on for a while to the left of the house in the forest, just down the trail we usually walk.

And then the very next night, after the Eclipse, they loudly woke us up at 3am, but this time we were both surprised as to how close they were. They sounded to be directly in back of our house, maybe no more than fifty feet from the back deck.

Coyote medicine is a prominent force on my current path, weaving in with my other key animal guides. I feel that their vocalization is a big part of that because sound is so front and center and speaks to me of creative self expression in communicating one’s authentic song, or voice. Even their ability as guardians to see things that others don’t feels important, as they highlight the potency of cycles from death to rebirth.

There’s been a lot of excitement here on the edge of the forest with birds and ground dwellers in a dance of joy for Spring’s presence. I’ve been watching all the varieties of birds going crazy, literally…as wild songs and excited chirps, as well as spiraling chases amidst lovers take place.

Even the little furry ones are squealing in delight, playing games of tag, and exploring my garden to discover what a new season offers them to enjoy. Chipmunk and squirrel cuteness run by the windows round the clock and of course Frith is reigning over it all like the Lord himself that he’s named after from Watership Down. Lord Frith is the Sun whom the rabbits basically see as the God of Rabbits.

And wouldn’t you know it…Frith was front row and center in our front yard bed on the morning of the Eclipse, just at the start of its cycle to totality.

We were heading out to drop Dave off to ski, while I was going to do some errands and personal things, and a feeling made me turn my head to find Frith sitting quietly, but regally as if he was awaiting us. I told Dave and we both watched him peacefully sit, munch, and sit some more – watching us.

Dave even noted that he wasn’t afraid at all with all the noise we were making loading the car and pulling out.

Of course Frith would be there for this potent event.

Later that day I found half of a bird’s eggshell on our hike out in the back forest, which spoke to me of cycles always renewing themselves and fresh ideas and possibilities were in the beginning phases of growth.

And even though our location visually experienced only 36% of the Eclipse, the animals were at 100% in terms of what they were mirroring to me of what I felt as a subtle dimensional roll although could have resulted as some being caught in between.

Our yard and garden here reflect that as well…the in between. I have so many bulbs flourishing in green brilliance with first the purple then white, and followed by yellow crocus beginning to blossom, but the ground is covered in the memories of seasons before.

I went out front to take a closer look at everything in the beds and I was greeted by two giant bumble bees enjoying the first crocus blooms.

I decided to take some photos, both of these harbingers of new beginnings and messengers between the spiritual and physical realms, while also of the merging of old and new in the beds before my Spring yard cleanup begins.

I thought I’d be starting this on Friday, but we had some thunderstorms and on and off showers that afternoon after a couple of days of warm 60’s temps.

And the forecasts also changed, yet again, so that the weekend’s predicted rain to snow visitors didn’t happen as thought. Saturday was precipitation free and the kisses of snow flurries got pushed to a short window on Sunday evening.

So, I’ll begin today after a hike, as the weather is perfect to get my clearing mode on during the partly cloudy and mild temps up ahead.

It feels really good that this process will begin and complete this week, as it’s one of the in betweens that will feel freeing to move into the next phase.

In crystal news, the afternoon of the Eclipse also highlighted some things around crystal cocreators I have with me. In particular, a Sirius Quartz known as one of The Pures that connects with Mt. Kailash and so much more, wanted to be front row, center stage and taken outside to be explored and in the energies of the day’s unfolding. I discovered rainbows I had never seen literally drenching the entire crystal in faery dust sparkles of color and light. The whole crystal just lit up and also revealed a key to me and a hidden manifestation. So, I would say that this crystal had been activated with the Eclipse energies to take me to the next step of the adventure. And since that time I spent with this being, there’s been extra sparkle and aliveness I can see, even indoors, from where it sits next to me at my desk and has called in another cocreator not long after that.

All of my crystals and crystal skulls feel and look like they’ve gone through an upgrade this week actually. There’s rearranging being called to order for refreshing grids, a lot of chatty activations going on between everyone, and a readiness approaching for tuning in on receiving messages and names that have been holding out for the right time. This all may lead to one more, final release – I’ll keep you posted if anyone tells me so, as it would make sense why they’ve stayed quiet in that regard until after the Eclipse kind of rearranging things in the subtle fields for connections.

Until then, for anyone who is looking for a first skull friend or an addition to your council, there are five special crystal skulls remaining and I am happy to assist with exploring the energies of any that may have been speaking to you. Four of them are perfect little travel companions and one is quite the powerhouse anchor. I added two videos at the top of the page link below that gives an overview of the last five, and then their individual listings, videos, photos, and info are found below that. Three are magickal children – these can be a softer access point for people to connect with deeper energies (for example the black obsidian supports a soft, playful entry into what one might deem more challenging) – one is humanoid (the amazing heart chakra emerald bridge), and the largest is a cross between galactic being and humanoid (the incredible blue apatite and orange calcite channels Arcturian energy to me).

Crystals & Crystal Skulls

Stay tuned, as there are a couple of new Talks With Crystal Skulls episodes upcoming too.

So a lot of momentum fluidly releasing and I can sense there’s going to be some interesting things developing.

But if you have felt, or still do feel perhaps, like you are in the in between and it is feeling uncomfortable, the first thing I have found to be helpful is making peace with exactly where you’re at and recognizing its perfection.

It also helps not to compare yourself to anyone else’s process and to remain present to your own experience.

In general, really focusing on your own journey, tuning in with yourself, your process, and your expression in life, I feel strengthens your sovereignty and nurtures the beauty of your own unique voice to flourish.

Some other things that could help include being curious about how you’re feeling, checking in with your body AND moving your body, shifting your perspective where possible, finding ways to feel gratitude for what you do have, tuning in to assess your core values and to identify what your heart truly wants, believing in yourself and that you deserve what you want, and taking the time to focus on self care to assist a recharge.

We are edging toward Taurus Season on the 19th, Earth Day on the 22nd, followed by a Scorpio Full Moon on the 23rd – all of which feel like a lot of deep healing at core levels to our very nature that can lead to regenerative experiences.

Makes sense, as this Moon is also the Full Moon of Primal Forces. Makes me think of the coyote packs that keep howling through my days. It’s also a Full Pink Moon and I love that tenderness leaning into the transformative process of such shadowy depths we can learn to play in, like the playful coyote as well.

That, to me, is key….to learn how to play in all fields of potential and not have judgment against one or the other being better or worse – simply a choice and also a choice as to how to experience it.

However we find ourselves to be experiencing life right now, leaning into compassion for self and others more can help to close the gaps between the differences – whether that’s contrasting spaces each person inhabits, or contrasting spaces you might feel caught between at the moment.

Everything we experience has its perfect tone within the harmonics of being.

Healing Dreams – My Lioness Friend

lionessWow! So last night I had a very mirroring dream to the one I had with a dolphin, which I shared about in my July 1st post: Dolphin Dreams. Only this time, the animal spirit guide and companion was a lion. Well, a lioness to be exact, and she was a young one at that. She wasn’t a cub, but she was about my size in length – 5’5″ – perhaps slightly bigger, and had a child-like essence, although wise.

I can’t remember all that was surrounding the front and back end of this dream, but a lot was. However, I do very much remember the part where she and I were connecting. And it was so much like the dolphin and I. So much so, I would have to say that the two souls are one in the same, but coming through in different animal bodies. This of course would mean that she was my beloved Nestor in disguise, once again. 🙂

I was walking through some open area when she (the lioness) approached out of no where. There did seem to be others around, but at a distance. She came out of the darkness toward me and I wasn’t sure at first what to make of this lioness coming to me, but I was calm and not afraid. She was then right upon me and literally then on top of me. She had gentle/lovingly knocked me down, like a large dog may do when he/she is excited to see you and runs at you to greet you. And then, just like in my dolphin dream, she and I laid there together for a long while.

She was mostly on top of me, with her back into my right side, my arms around her, and our heads nestled touching each other, while her left front leg wrapped around my head and her large paw held my face. We hardly moved from this position. We just laid still and her big, plush paw stayed on my face the entire time. I realized she was giving me healing energy from that enormous paw of hers and I remember how amazing to have this powerful creature that could easily take me out with one swipe or bite, but here she was like a kitten, with claws retracted and only a soft pillow for my face to be cradled in by her touch. We communicated telepathically and energetically.

I just remember a beautiful communing between us and like we were one, as we laid there in this position. And some people were calling out that I should get away because a lion is dangerous. And I told them to please stop worrying about me and to stop yelling out, as I wasn’t going to leave her and I was safe and happy.

Anyway, at some point our time was complete and her work was done. She got up and slowly walked off back into the darkness from which she came.

The energy of the connection was the same. Very sweet, tender, loving, and like a best friend. But we were not as sad, nor tearful this time upon parting, but simply embraced the time we had and fully enjoyed it. I did sense this little cub inside of this large animal, but it was more like a human in animal clothing. And likely because of our last connection time, we did not have to be so sad, as there seems to be a window of opportunity for us to have more connections right now in this way. And because of the understanding we both have in where we’re needed right now, there was no need for the sadness.

But of course I immediately was interested to look at lion/lioness symbolism to see what she was bringing to me in added message this time, alongside the beautiful healing and connection.

As with all symbols, the meaning is relative to you and should be personal and individual. There are general collective meanings that things can symbolize, or have come to symbolize, but how something translates for you, is your experience alone.

We all have different ways of interpreting things and the more we practice looking deeper and understanding ourselves, the more we are able to interpret more clearly what the meaning is for us.

You determine your own relationship to symbols.

That said, I found some information I’ll share, in case the lion is a power animal for you or is showing up. The interesting thing was that all the dream symbolism and much of even the symbolism in general that I found, all talked about the lion coming in a threatening way, being fearful of it, it biting you, and so on, and what that symbolism meant. But I couldn’t find anything really talking about a gentle and loving encounter. I found that interesting and wondered about what that means in terms of the collective accepting certain group symbolism and ideas about things.

Anyway, I read that the lion has often been a symbol of the Sun, which I knew, but being primarily a nocturnal animal, also symbolizes the Moon and being an authority over subconscious thought. Hunting is mostly done by the lioness at night and therefore she is a Lunar animal. The lion would be more the Sun symbolism, but this all speaks to the lion being a symbol of balance.

In my dream, it was a lioness and she came from the darkness. So I feel her Lunar quality, which is also Nestor’s and my own connection.

But the lioness can also represent Solar Feminine Power and the power of Diana the Huntress. Lions live in prides, so they can symbolize the group or community and working in cooperation and respect with each other. The lioness is also the best hunter that does most of the work, and so this is an assertion of the Feminine and the rising of Feminine energies.

Since the Sun (the bringer of the dawn and a new day, and of life, and nurturing of life) has not always been associated with Male energy, this lends to the Feminine energies bringing in this new birthing of power in the world when it is integrated into our lives more. A time of new awakening that honors the Divine Feminine and her imaginative creativity and intuition.

Some of Lion’s wisdom includes strength in overcoming difficulties, letting go of stress, strong family and community bonds, personal power, assertiveness, self confidence, ability to lead, courage, energy, wisdom, self fulfillment, authority, justice, dignity, and royalty.

When a lion shows up it may be supporting you to have more courage and faith, to come more fully into your sovereign power, to remember your birthright and live from the integrity and dignity of who you are, to support yourself and what you need with all of your heart, to lead with your heart, and to be your own authority.

As mentioned, most of the information I found talked about being frightened by the lion that shows up in your dreams, in which case it may be telling you that you need to look at your shadow self and bring the truth of that to the surface to integrate, not reject or stuff for any reason. Since my lioness friend came from the dark, literally representing this shadow aspect, and my not fearing her, I feel it is a representation of my integrating my shadow self in a deeper way and this is very healing for me, as represented by the healing energy she provided out of that “embrace” we shared in unity together.

Always, these animal spirit guides bring forth aspects of ourselves to integrate and bring to resolution, so that we may understand ourselves more and live with more empowerment.

I feel that there was twofold meaning in this dream, including connection with my beloved and her healing gift she came once again to give to me, as well as bringing to light aspects to continue to cultivate within myself, as these things are actually things I’ve been working on, and this will continue to provide me the balance I seek.

Again, words can’t express my gratitude for these kinds of experiences, but my heart-full thanks goes out nonetheless to this beautiful soul that merges with me in the twilight hours.