Monthly Archives: October 2023

Happy Halloween & Homecoming

Happy Halloween and Samhain blessings to all! Today is always a special one for me, and I know many of you also have your own sacred rituals around this portal that kicks off the Celtic New Year and marks the midpoint between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice.

Cosmo departed on this day, seven years ago, and now Astrid joins him and all my other loves on the other side of the veil. So today is extra potent, to include a little spreading of ashes I plan to do while integrating back with continued nature time.

Every day is sacred, of course, yet this day adds an extra underscoring to being conscious of and honoring the other side of the veil, while tuning into the subtle energies. I’ve spoken about the unseen realms merging more into the light of day ever more so now – with all the magick mushrooms that have been popping through from the faery realms and the incredible experiences and messages that Astrid has added her own exclamation point to. Everything speaking to things being revealed, no longer separated, and to walk in the wholeness of all energies.

This is a time rich in lineage and sacred remembrance, to help bridge heart wisdom and integrate codes long forgotten.

And speaking of lineage and integrating, I’ll be sharing about our time away soon. In fact, this month I’ll probably be sharing more than I have been, as there are some new things in the mix. I’m still energetically settling back so I’m taking time to gather thoughts about the trip, plus have a bunch of things I’m working on, getting caught up on life, and just enjoying being home.

Yet, I wanted to pop on to say hello and send warm wishes as we end October and get ready to kick off a new energetic landscape with November.

I thought the perfect way to do that would be to share some beautiful windows into the enchanted alpine realms of Autumn that we have been enjoying here. These first photos are from the two days before we left on our trip.

As you can see, the colors have been gorgeous, unseens and cosmic light continue to shine through, and mushroom magick was still in high gear.

It was indeed a glorious Autumn send-off to immerse in the feeling of this season with all of the colors, smells, and feels that hug the heart like a warm friend.

We even got to see the salmon spawning before we left, which is always a special experience to witness and feel into their wisdom.

Salmon hold powerful warrior keys to great fortitude, resiliency, steadfastness, and rebirthing potency.

To know that this is their last few days when they leave their legacy and surrender into the next part of their spirit journey is a sacred honor, and beautifully interwoven into today’s Samhain celebrations.

May we learn from Nature how to align with the forces of creative energy in motion of innovating new potentials.

See from new perspectives – perhaps even turning life upside down (think Hanged Man)…

And know that our life choices are potent ripples across the collective, even without doing anything else but expressing our vibrational frequency.

These next photos are from our first hike, the day after we returned. We received an enchanted greeting with Autumn beauty still dancing in the light and foliage, but with Winter in the air.

While away, a first snow had fallen here in the alpine realms and the night of our return brought gusts of snow falling through the light of the Full Moon.

Night temperatures for the past week and a half have been in the teens and although slightly warmed up, we’re still going to have nights below freezing as far ahead as the weather forecasts can see.

This has gifted us with magickal ice sculptures to discover upon the trails like those framing this waterfall on our first hike back.

Even our shoes crunch over frosted ground while we make our way through the realms we call home.

The light was pure magick, welcoming us home in Fae style and reminding me of that message again – no boundaries between realms or between the parts of who I am anymore.

And although I’ll share more about birthday celebrations, we did continue those yesterday with a birthday bash in style that only my parents can do.

I’ve mentioned the big year this is for many things and that includes Dave’s big 60 that took place while we were away.

Mom and dad made the fun continue, with their Autumn decor highlighted by birthday extravaganzas of gold and black, a giant four layer vegan cake with chocolate, jelly, and vanilla fillings (compliments of dad), and a cozy meal mom used to make while we were growing up (vegan style), with scrumptious appetizers of bruschetta topped with glazed mushrooms and onions.

We even returned home to our living room decked out in similar decor by our friends who house and kitty sat for us.

They left fun decorations hanging and even baked Dave a big dish of brownie delight.

Tomorrow kicks off a whole new cycle of things here and with the start of a new month, we always have a fresh canvas to paint how we want to experience and align for the days ahead.

I hope this photo walk through the golden kissed forest and enchanted mountain terrain touches you in some way and perhaps helps ignite the new you intended during the eclipses of the last couple of weeks.

May we connect more deeply with our hearts so that we experience more connection with others and all of life on Earth.

October Wishes & Daily Magick Through Your Heart Portal

In this season of letting go, learning how to embrace and surrender to transformation and seeing loss through knowing eyes that hold the vision of all seasons and their unified cycles, go hand-in-hand with a lot of enchanting elements to notice from Autumn’s presence – in both cases, rich gifts to unwrap.

October is a month that reminds us of those hidden gifts, as well as the visual displays of splendor.

It’s a time that seems extra enchanting in feeling and in color bursts, especially if you are lucky to live in a place where Nature’s shifts are more visible.

And even if you don’t live in a four-season location, bringing daily magick to your life doesn’t have to be hard. Sometimes it’s simply about taking notice, being present, and stopping to see with the heart. And sometimes we can aid it by infusing some changes to our habitual patterns.

Crafting your days in ritual, aligning with the flow of energies, slipping in simple joys between your routines, adding in sacred moments, and creating beauty or innovation with your hands, imagination, and actions can all help to make each day more magickal – helping you to also harness the gifts of the seasons cycling through.

Do you take time to vision, nourish, earth, be artsy, play in the field of potential, sing, dance, breathe, or just be?

Even just a few minutes of intentional ritual helps you to craft a new way of magickal living.

And presence leads you to experience all the ways in which life conspires with you to cocreate that magick.

Like how I caught this fleeting magickal moment of the orb in the Moon Faery of my garden filling with the Sun’s golden energy.

This is just a short and last blog post inspiration until I return. I’m taking some extra few days off before heading out, as I have a full week of prep but wanted to leave you with a little magickal whisper for the rest of this enchanted month.

I’ll always remember Astrid’s witchy cuteness and how we both wore our magick out loud for Samhain celebrations over the years.

I hope you enjoy these memories of the magick rabbit and me, along with some of the wild Autumn areas of our front yard that I love, and some enchantment that took place yesterday in the garden.

Frith showed up again…catching my eye from upstairs like a flash.

I went down and connected for a while, as a bunch of chipmunks and squirrels kept racing by.

You can see one here with him.

It was like a wild frenzy of forest fun! Those little ones sure are in preparation mode, scurrying about!

So, even though we’ve been enjoying a flashback to Summer the last few days with gorgeous beach time temps – just the nurturing we both needed – I do feel Jack Frost is hiding in the shadow of the trees.

Anyway, before Frith showed up I had intention to go down to the garden because it looked so lovely in the morning light. So, he must have heard and thought to join me, which was a sweet surprise.

He’s grown so big! You can’t tell in the photos, but in person he’s a healthy presence and those thumpers sure are powerful! I love watching him zoom through the garden and wiggle his cottontail bum under the fence.

I took these photos of the garden right after he went off into the front yard, and the magick that lit up was just stunning.

I had spoken to Frith about Astrid, and I feel she was shining upon us both.

The heart is your most magickal portal.

Remember the power lies within and that you create your own reality.

Just a reminder that Tuesday 10/10 is the last day to get in any orders of things you might want shipped out right away. Everything available will stay up on my website while I’m away, but any orders after 10/10 will not go out until 11/1.

There are three crystal friends and three ready-to-ship Magick Rabbit Ornaments remaining. I might still have 1 spot for the Life Transition Support (as I’m waiting to hear back), so please reach out if this was of interest so I can see what’s possible.

Wishing you an empowered and enchanting October!

There’s a lot of potent energies for you to harness with the New Moon Solar and Full Moon Lunar Eclipses upcoming, so make them your heart portal to the magick within.

Building Bridges Through the Heart ~ Plus My Journey Up the Mountain & Into this New Season (Updates at End)

Sipping on some chai spice tea – my daily evening indulgence right now – I find myself reflecting on connection and looking even more deeply into the heart energy, both physically and energetically, and how it is experiencing new energy flows of awakening and/or activations in these times. When there are bigger flows than usual and intense growth taking place within, the subtle body may have more than it’s used to and some energy centers in turn can feel the effects of that. The heart chakra and physical heart may feel and operate differently, and even go through noticeable shifts as it tries to use all that new energy to build connections to the spiritual channels flowing in. And in these cases it may help the balance by supporting those connective threads the soul is asking for in terms of a new relationship to your conscious self. Our bodies are going through a process of adapting to new levels of consciousness being integrated and embodied and therefore unusual physical experiences can often be supported by taking action on the prompts from spirit.

This also takes place because of processing grief…and there is much transmutational grieving around the planet on many levels being experienced either directly or indirectly as souls move on, ways of life are changing, and the very foundations things have been built upon are making way for new energy and fresh ideas. Unresolved grief, anger, resentment, heaps of anxiety, and feelings of powerlessness or inability to cope anymore can all manifest experiences within the body, and especially the heart, that can feel unstable and create imbalance.

Just as Nature adapts to changes and works out the balancing scales, so too does our body adapt to new environments and experiences that are streaming in spiritually. Huge frequency shifts are rapidly taking place within and around us far more than we are even aware of, but the body will always be our best friend in letting us know when it’s in process of that integration or needing our assistance to breathe more into that integration with greater conscious awareness and a lot of extra love.

How often do you dialogue with your heart center and listen to its needs?

What might it desire most these days or need more of?

When ever we stop the clock and get present enough to even just ask the questions, a new relationship and connection is fostered within that honors the divine purpose of each of our parts. This opens the communication airwaves to start receiving the innate wisdom that lies within each of us. Then if some parts are moving forward more quickly than others, we help build bridges so as not to abandon that which could use some light and understanding.

These are just some thoughts that have been flowing through as I feel into things, and was prompted to put them down in words here to share for whom ever they might speak to. The rest of this post will reflect on recent personal experiences continuing to unfold here, as my thread of the collective tapestry.

And if you haven’t already listened to Lee’s new Energy Update for October, he synchronously speaks to “transformational grief,” “rebirth,” and “messy multidimensional integration,” as some of the eight themes for this month, and so much more that you may find connective and resonating.

Last time I wrote, we were about to head off on a big hike for our Aries Full Moon immersive (Friday 9/29) and it turned out to be quite an epic hike indeed. We hadn’t done this particular hike all year, and this was only the third time ever in fact, as it’s quite a long hike. We thought we were cutting off a few miles, but taking a different route, but in fact what we thought was 11 miles (long enough as that would have been) turned out to be 13.5 miles with 3300 feet of cumulative elevation gain as we climbed up to 9200 feet. The Cosmic set up for the day truly wanted us in Aries mode and I can’t even begin to express how that literally played out.

When we started the hike it was sunny and perfect warm temps, but as we journeyed up the very steep and strenuous trail, clouds rapidly filled the sky with intermittent winds and dropping degrees followed quickly. This was the day before a weekend storm hit and being farther south east of where we live, the weather was coming in faster there.

The start of the hike felt very initiatory for me, as not only were we climbing a super steep and gravely path for two and a half miles, but my tailbone contractions began, which usually only happens when I’m integrating and moving new and/or a lot of energy at the core of things. It made the climb extra challenging, but rather than stop, I breathed into it and kept moving the energy physically and consciously. It didn’t matter how fast I went…it only mattered that I kept moving, as that is energy’s natural way. It took a lot to keep climbing and moving, while also integrating the energy release causing temporary pain. It released fully about a quarter of a mile from the first plateau before the continuous climb ahead until the top. I then felt I had passed what ever initiation was in motion and was freed the rest of the way. In fact, I felt invigorated and full of energy – which was perfect since I would need it for the rest of the 11 miles ahead.

As I mentioned, this was only the third time we have done this hike, due to how long and physically demanding it is, but the first time approaching it from this way. A new perspective indeed to rewrite things from. The first time we did this hike in September of 2017, I fractured my foot, but have since rewritten that story.

I wondered what beauty and magick we might experience and knowing that we would be passing through quartz fields and exploring new terrain, I did put on my apprentice hat once again to work out some manifesting with Astrid. We intended at least one special feather and one crystalline beauty, but left with much more, as is Astrid’s style to make sure I know the extent of our love’s power within my heart to always draw upon.

In fact I told her, let’s manifest a quartz that is pure or almost all crystal.

So we journeyed up the trail with some beautiful vistas and magickal sights along the peace filled day, and in all hit about three quartz fields with some sprinkled about in between. I mentioned to Dave that they looked like quartz mushrooms just blossoming forth from the Earth here and there in hidden places.

In between them I saw this purple mushroom beauty and this family of biggies, but there were very few mushrooms at this much higher elevation to be found.

And then we hit this incredible field where the giant elders reigned.

Huge quartz guardians greeted us amidst kingdoms of quartz light warriors. The energy was potent and knowing that these were just scratching the surface of all that lies below the forest floor was incredible to feel.

I was led to touch and connect with some, and place some in areas I would see them on the return back that I knew were to bring home for Astrid and me. I didn’t want to be carrying weight on the big ascent. There were a couple of times that way up the hill from the trail something would catch my eye and call me to climb up to it. I trusted the instinct even though I couldn’t quite tell what was there calling. The first time I did this, this is what I found.

To me it’s a crystalline heart that Dave even said was pinkish in color when I showed him – it’s also quite peachy and golden healer.

I knew Astrid wanted me to receive that, as a gift of our love shared.

A Cosmic crystalline heart only the highest altitude could produce – this mountain top being a bridge to the stars.

But again, the intent to find at least one very crystalline friend, turned into much more.

And these WERE the most abundant crystalline finds I’ve discovered yet from tiny to big.

It is hard to capture them in photos, but these might give you a little idea.

And to say they have rainbows in them, many with so much clarity, and interesting inclusions, golden, and more is an understatement. Astrid, you – or I should say “we” outdid ourselves together.

I knew that these crystalline beings were key for what we’ve been setting up in our Wonderland space for the new. I will say I was very particular with energy signature to welcome home and left many beauties behind. I also left behind the two biggest I unearthed that were so resonant, as I played it safe and also knew the others were more needed for gridding. I felt that the two I left would hold anchor there and connection to the family who jumped aboard my backpack on the way down.

And as we were in the last quarter of a mile stretch to our 9200 foot destination for a picnic lunch, the other manifestation took place, as you can see with these two (not just one) small owl feathers.

The lake was beautiful and we had it all to ourselves. A heavenly jewel itself that brings you close to the stars.

In fact, there was not another hiker the entire hike up and down the 13.5 miles. We only saw a handful of bikers descending the mountain.

It was quite the ascent and we were happy to warm up against a rock, sheltered from the wind to fuel up for the long journey back down. But the peace and beauty had an extra grace to it all and was gift in and of itself.

We didn’t stay too long, as the afternoon would soon turn to evening and there were very short intervals of sunshine through the clouds. We descended much more quickly, which made it colder so I hooded up under my hat. I giggled at how my braid made a fun little chin goatee hehe!

Can you say mountain or billy goat? Mars in Cappy (Capricorn) energy at your service.

We even had a skip in our steps, which was cute to see in Dave who was singing to songs playing in his earplugs he had on the whole time. He gets especially cold easier than me, while I create much more body heat from exercise and my Mars energy. In fact, I was in my tank top the whole way up. So the quickening steps, little dances, singing and giggles indeed helped him, as he had a thin and much less of a cozy layer than I did.

We got back to the quartz field where my friends awaited me to take them on a ride…finding them, I placed them in my backpack and we continued on. I ended up carrying them protectively for about 4 and a half miles back to the car, which was quite the feat with steep descending and some last hills at the end to climb, including crossing over creeks several times via rocks and tree limbs.

My hoody didn’t stay on for long.

I was in Aries ram mode – quite literally. My strength was enduring and I did literally bend over in half as if I was charging with my ram horns so that I could easily get up the last hills, propelled by the weight and all that potent energy on my back pushing me forward and onward. I didn’t look ahead…only down at the ground before me and lowered my “rack” to charge on up. Dave thought this was hilarious and was amazed how quickly I got up, faster than him, which is not the way things normally go down. This indeed was the trick…when in Aries Full Moon energy, do as the Aries rams do.

I later learned I had 25 pounds on my back that I carried over the last 4 and a half or so strenuous miles, including descending that steep gravel filled path that we started up. Indeed I’ve become a sure-footed Cappy goat, stable and enduring. Quite the workout I received and I knew my muscles would feel that later. You can bet that I slept really well that night.

As we were in the last mile stretch or so I then saw a type of lizard on the ground I’d never seen. It was laying upside down, so I knew immediately she had transitioned.

By the looks of her it felt to have happened very recent. Her belly was so pearly and beautiful. I turned her over and saw that even the top of her body was just as unique as the bottom.

I thought at first she was pregnant by the larger size of her belly (which would have been weird given by pregnant dream I’ve mentioned now having twice), but when we got to the car I did a search with my photo on Google Lens and discovered it was a Northern Alligator Lizard, which we’d never seen before.

We, of course buried her before continuing on and I again reflected on life transitions and the regenerative energy this beauty reflected. Lizards are generally seen as good omens/luck of new, refreshed, or abundant things coming into your life. And with the passing of this one, it spoke of that hinge point between death and life and endings and beginnings – all being connected and equally valuable. The world of dreams are a gateway lizard points to and I continue to feel a transmutational process or shedding through the emotional realms I’ve been moving through.

We then headed home and not far from arriving, a large and very healthy coyote ran out into the street in front of us. A car had just passed, which scared him back into the bushes, but we had a full view of his beautiful presence and that thick, gorgeous tail.

His fluid and adaptable movement reflected what we’re capable of with sudden and big changes that come knocking. Natural balance is in motion and creation through the doorways of life and death are potent for our extracting the seeds of value from.

Rather than a way-shower, he is a way-maker, demonstrating the creative life force available to harness and direct in every resilient moment.

The new quartz family has been soaking in garden energies and connecting with their friends Astrid and I already had here at home that came from the same mountain. I will be feeling into their gridding soon and seeing where others might want to go – perhaps a few might even make their way to some of you in any potential upcoming packages as surprise gifts with orders.

And the storm did come over the weekend, starting on the Last day of September (Saturday) and going through the first day of October (Sunday). It brought a lot of rain and some hail at the house, with our first snow dusting just a couple of hundred feet above us on the mountain that lasted a few days, with the most at the very tops.

This made for a perfect weekend to stay cozy and get stuff done in the house. I made butternut squash soup with vegan cheese and tomato sandwiches, penne with chunky delicata squash and bell pepper sauce, and homemade “everything” trail bars. And of course, I sipped on my chai spice tea while working at my desk and watching the rain, hail and snow simultaneously coming down since I have a view of the mountain from my office. So, in fact, the scurrying of little ones prepping their Winter beds feels like a foretelling of Winter sooner than we might think.

Until then, this week will be see-sawing back to sunny days and highs returning to as much as 73 by week’s end. Layers are always a good choice for mountain living…that and versatility, as everyday and moment can change everything.

We slipped out again on Monday to hike our backyard forest and received a surprise welcome from a family of three (dad, mom and baby protected beneath them) Amanita Musacaria in a new location when we thought all were done for the season.

Three is my life path number so the special mushroom numbers continue – this one feeling to point to that path receiving a regenerative refresh, just as the landscape before us received one from the rains to birth these magickal ones.

And then we were back to biking Tuesday and kayaking is on the mind for a while this week with these great temps.

I loved seeing all the Autumn beauty lining the neighborhood streets we biked through as part of our trail. I only wished I could have stopped to capture the abundant brilliance, house after house, the likes of which I haven’t seen anywhere in so many colors and varieties of flowers and plants, as I think you would have felt your heart flutter. I just snapped these few photos in front of where we parked our car at onset of our ride before my breath was taken away – and I don’t mean by the biking.

They still give off lovely Autumn vibes.

I especially loved the strawberry plants being used as ground cover and providing a feast for forest friends.

In the meantime, my garden keeps on trucking with new and different blooms and some straggling veggies who are lingering longer than usual. I’m still awaiting the last four of my tomatoes, but they’re getting close.

And discovered I have some shishito peppers ready and bell peppers might still be deciding what’s up, as night temperatures near freezing sometimes.

Until then, I found these organic beauties at the store yesterday – a rainbow of mini sweet peppers and some vibrant heirloom tomatoes. I also picked up another delicata squash to roast and fill with goodness and a sugar pie squash I’m looking to bake filled with savory stuffing.

I plan to plant all of my bulbs by end of this warmer week/weekend, clean up, and harvest. I have a bunch of pineapple sage that has been growing wild and lemon balm, and already have ideas what I’ll be making with them.

I found a recipe for pineapple sage pesto and salsa and these croquettes stuffed with beans in a lemon balm sauté. Creativity is revving for this kitchen faery. This is the time of year I go all out in making yummies for the tummies.

And such is how life flows…always creatively weaving itself in every new moment. While Astrid’s departure already helped to change routines, I’m making an effort to implement more change and be extra flexible and open even when it’s uncomfortable or challenges my usual ways.

Everything can change on a dime, as Nature constantly shows me and how the fragility of life demonstrates. Just as Astrid departed so quickly without warning, I know every moment is an opportunity I will not waste. It all points to the present and presence. Even I could be gone tomorrow, therefore what do I want to do with this life while I AM still here?

That is the question I ask each day and am making sure I’m living by. Instead of worrying about how I can enjoy something I want…I just enjoy it and know I’ll find a way as to how that will be supported when I align with my heart.

What does your heart want to enjoy while you are here on Earth right now?

Be open to the creative ways this can play out, as there is never just one way to experience something you desire. Tap into the essence of what you want and the highest good way will reveal itself.

I may only blog briefly once more until November, as we’re prepping for a good chunk of time away that I feel will be a great reset for us and especially nurturing for me, my integrative wellness, and to bring through the next transformative and inspiring layer.

In the meantime I wanted to let you know that I’ll be closing up things starting October 10th, as I need some time for prep, and then will resume November 1st.

So that means that 10/10 is the last day to put in orders for anything currently available, as I won’t be able to ship things out until I settle back for a bit and start up again on November 1st.

There are currently 3 ready-to-ship Magick Rabbit Ornaments still available. They include Garden of Life, Marriage of Celestial Bodies, and Winter Solstice, as pictured below in that order (front and back following each other).

You can order them here:

Magick Rabbit Ornaments

Holidays are around the corner so if you’re thinking of gifts or something for your Christmas tree these are a great option.

Customs are also available, but there’s limited time to create so please keep that in mind if you decide on something not available currently.

There is currently 1 spot left for the Life Transition Support. These are sessions to help you navigate changes in any area of life. If you’ve been on the fence about this, please reach out and we can discuss your needs and questions. You can see the page below for details on that:

Life Transition Support

And last, I have a surprise personal release upcoming of five unique crystal friends that includes skulls. Everything else has found a home and I didn’t think there’d be more at least for a while, but I got a big hit that these ones were ready to move on to new cocreators as our work together is complete. They’ll of course be connected to my crystal family and Astrid, since they were with us both. One reason I’m getting they are to move on is to connect others in being a part of the work going on that has been unfolding here and to ripple that out. It will make more sense soon. I know some of you still are looking for that special one, are curious, or adding to your collective for the work you’re engaged in with these transformative times. These will be posted tomorrow morning – Friday, October 6th. So check back at the page below for these. I won’t make a separate announcement. I’m thinking I’ll do short videos instead of writing about them, as I think that might show them better and be better use of my time. And a heads up, there will be one lightning strike crystal that is rare and powerful. So, in case you’ve wanted one, Friday morning will be a chance to see if this one speaks to you. And again, anything ordered by 10/10 will go out right away. After that, shipping won’t commence until November 1st.

Crystals & Crystal Skulls