Monthly Archives: January 2012

Circa 92 Runway and Tania Marie Art Show

I would like to announce and share a special event production of many more to come for my company, Emerald Bridge. On Saturday 2/25/12 at Circa 92 Salon in Santa Ana, CA I will be debuting new paintings and pieces from my signature collection. There will be a runway show featuring hair and makeup from Circa 92 and potent crystal pendants from the new creative collaboration between Allison Jacobson and myself. My highly acclaimed book, Spiritual Skin, will also be available for purchase and signing at this event.

Complimentary food and beverages, including vegan/raw vegan delights from Bella Savour and 118 Degrees. Featuring music from DJ oso Nice and a chance to win raffle prizes!

What an awesome way to celebrate my birthday weekend, as this event precedes my birthday on Sunday 2/26! I love how things manifest synchronously. A great way to ring in the new cycle of energy and to celebrate in joyous fun and creative style with positive people and vibes coming together! So exciting and I’m so appreciative.

I’d like to share my gratitude with all the beautiful people that are collaborating on this event:

Allison Jacobson, Designer, Reiki Master Teacher, event coordinator and Emerald Bridge partner

Circa 92 Salon Owners, Yoshi Ito and Mato Marushima

Bianco Blanco, Chef and Owner of Bella Savour

Jenny Ross, Chef and Owner of 118 Degrees

Alanna Xochitl Airitaml, Owner and Photographer of 2nd Chakra Studio

DJ oso Nice

And the rest of the collaborative efforts in food, videography, stylists and models that will be part of the evening.

Also tons of loving gratitude for all of the support from those dear to my heart and to all of you that have helped to fuel my inspired passions!

If in the area, I hope you will join us for an evening of creative inspiration, music, good food and fun.

The event goes from 7-9:30 pm and the location is:

Circa 92 Salon

31 E MacArthur Cres #104, Santa Ana, CA 92707

You can rsvp for the event and get event details on facebook: or simply contact me for details.

For more information on Emerald Bridge:

This is an Emerald Bridge production

Mood Music to “Be” in the Flow

Always love to discover new ambient music and today’s comes to me via a sweet soul (Vi, as I lovingly refer to her as) – Vidushi Bundhun of  Rivers Flow ~ Viggo featuring Glow – A reminder to embrace  and express YOUR natural flow.

Hope it adds to the “flow” of your day!


“To travel like a bird, lightly to view | Deserts where stone gods founder in the sand, | Ocean embraced in a white sleep with land; | To escape time, always to start anew… | Hooded by a dark sense of destination… | Travelers, we’re fabric of the road we go; We settle, but like feathers on time’s flow.

~ C. Day Lewis


Reiki Support for Cancer and Any Dis-eases – Plus 50% off Reiki Classes Special Offering

A healing crisis is not uncommon, especially these days, with all the changes taking place that require new perspectives to penetrate the core origination of our experiences. As we continue to shift into the new, any unfinished business is going to surface so that we don’t drag it along with us, the things we “have” been working on will be detoxing out in that process, as well as, our bodies are going to reflect the messages more clearly to us in the state of their health so that we pay attention to what needs tending to. We are seeing that many are also deciding to leave this incarnation because the vibrations of what the new asks of us may be more than can be managed, they have completed their parts, or can be of more assistance to the collective new energy in another form.

Cancer is one of many dis-eases that may manifest due to varying factors and that many have been challenged with. There are different types of cancers and each will have varying emotional, psychological, spiritual and physical core probable causes, all working simultaneously.

According to Louise L. Hay (author of You Can Heal Your Life and survivor of terminal cancer, which she cured herself) cancer, in general, stems from “deep hurt, longstanding resentment, deep secret or grief eating away at the self, carrying hatreds, and the feeling of “what’s the use?”  She has found that if one works at the core of whichever of these issues are feeding the cancer, then it can disappear along with its root cause. “I lovingly forgive and release all of the past. I choose to fill my world with joy. I love and approve of myself” – these are some life affirming starting points to repeat daily, as one processes the deep core originations.

Karol K. Truman, author of Feelings Buried Alive Never Die…concurs with these same ideas and includes her own list of probable causes for different types of cancers to include: “intense depression, anger or ill will, repressed anger, feeling an emptiness in life, unresolved resentments, feelings of hostility being suppressed, rejecting the self, feelings of despair, feelings of loneliness being repressed, poor relationship with parents, inability to cope with a traumatic loss, feelings of hopelessness/helplessness being repressed, mental depression, holding on to deep anger, resentment, hate, revenge or jealousy, not open to “light” or divine help, sub-conscious death wish – no desire to live.”

“My research has shown me that when emotions are expressed–which is to say that the biochemicals that are the substrate of emotion are flowing freely–all systems are united and made whole. When emotions are repressed, denied, not allowed to be whatever they may be, our network pathways get blocked, stopping the flow of the vital feel-good, unifying chemicals that run both our biology and our behavior.

~ Dr. Candace B. Pert

There are many who can assist with uncovering and working through these core originating factors, but the key is the soul acceptance, openness and readiness of each individual and where they are, on their chosen paths.

And of course dietary changes can also aid the healing processes immensely which usually involves incorporating a plant-based diet, green juices and other alkalizing protocol, as studies have proven that the high acidity levels is part of the root cause feeding cancer. And this supports the findings of Louise and Karol, as those repressed and lingering emotional energies are stress-producing and create acidity in the body. It’s proven that stress equates to high acidic levels in the body – a breeding ground for dis-ease. When one is at peace and balanced, they are more alkaline and integrated.

There is always hope and nothing is a lost cause or life sentence, as there are many ways we can support ourselves and any moment is a miracle in the waiting. We have many alternatives these days to compliment any given choice of treatment. Alternative methods, like Reiki is one of those complimentary treatments to any and all other modalities, including western medicine. It is not meant to replace professional medical advice and Reiki practitioners do not diagnose or prescribe medication, but it can help improve the effectiveness and benefits of other treatment options and helps to stimulate the body’s own natural healing abilities.

I found this information from Stress Solutions ~ Holistic Assessment & Practical Tools on Eastern vs. Western Medicine to be insightful and helpful in understanding some of the differences between the two: In this way, one can have an integrated, conscious and whole, balanced perspective and approach to treatment choices for what the perfect ingredient mix that is most supportive to your recipe of life is.

Reiki (pronounced ray-key), a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Force Energy, which permeates all living things is a gentle and powerful system of natural healing that reduces stress, induces relaxation, supports intentions and provides many other healing benefits through the channeling of this energy. As a very powerful aid to personal growth, Reiki works on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. It can support any intention, person or animal you desire to help, while simultaneously activating self-empowerment. Reiki is based upon a loving, nurturing touch or channeling of energy, with an intention to heal, and can be refined for personal use and in our service to others.

Because it works at the core to support the re-balancing and healing of the basis for the experiences and dis-ease we are having, it is very powerful in aiding in the treatment of cancer and any other undesired experiences that are present. Reiki helps balance, harmonize and restore your energy systems by using the energy centers in the palms of the hands, which are placed in varying positions on, or over, the body. It is not necessary that a client be physically present for a session, as Reiki can also be administered from a distance. This creates the same results and helps alleviate the roots of ill-health, while stimulating a great feeling of general well-being. It is a beautiful compliment to support those healing cancer, as it has shown to be helpful in reducing side effects from treatments, providing more peace and calm to encourage healing, allows the body to restore, rebalance and strengthen during the process and provides nurturing and increased healing inducement.

Some other benefits of Reiki include:

Here is some more information regarding Reiki as support for cancer from Penn Medicine’s Focus on Cancer blog, where they share on a wide variety of cancer-related topics. They wrote a great blog that I am sharing here for readers’ convenience and if you want to see the whole blog and their site, click the link after the information I am pasting in here:

Penn’s Abramson Cancer Center is a national cancer center in Philadelphia providing comprehensive cancer treatment, clinical trials for cancer and is a cancer research center. The National Cancer Institute has designated the Abramson Cancer Center a Comprehensive Cancer Center, one of only 40 such cancer centers in the United States.

Kimberly Fleisher, MEd and Reiki master, is the founder and director of The Reiki School + Clinic in Philadelphia. Kim specializes in Reiki education, particularly in the healthcare field and is the team leader for Penn Medicine’s Volunteer Reiki Program, providing Reiki sessions to patients receiving cancer treatments.

For patients undergoing treatment for cancer, the stress can be overwhelming. Finding tools that help you stay calm are invaluable.

Reiki is a gentle therapeutic practice… Reiki is facilitated through light touch and is an easy addition to most medical treatments to help many cancer patients handle the stress of cancer treatment.

Here are five ways Reiki practice can help reduce stress during cancer treatment:


After receiving a Reiki session, it’s not uncommon for the recipient to say, “I feel like myself again.”

Reiki creates an opportunity for patients to restore inner harmony and a sense of connection with their inner selves that might seem lost during the whirlwind of cancer treatment.

One cancer patient recently remarked after a session “…it connected me to a place inside myself that I forgot all about.”


During a Reiki session, patients sit comfortably or lie down while the practitioner places their hands gently on or right above different areas on the body for several minutes at a time. During a Reiki a session, there is nothing that a patient has to do. It’s a space for the patient to rest, and to focus on their well being.

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh often refers to the importance of stopping as a way to cultivate inner healing:

“At first, ’stopping’ may look like a kind of resistance to modern life, but it is not… Humankind’s survival depends on our ability to stop rushing. Stopping is not only to stop the negative, but to allow positive healing to take place.”


How often do you allow yourself the space to be cared for? During a session, patients are totally immersed in the experience of care through the light touch of the practitioner’s hands.

Most people report that sessions are very soothing and supportive. Whether someone learns Reiki practice to treat him or herself, or receives a session from a trained practitioner, the time spent practicing Reiki creates a nourishing space for healing.

A patient noted: “It had a very calming effect on me. I could actually feel my body relaxing. I was able to let go of a lot of my anxiety.”


Reiki is a completely non-manipulative and non-diagnostic adjunct to conventional care. A practitioner doesn’t press, poke or ask a patient to ingest something. They don’t talk about cancer, or how to fix cancer.  They don’t need to know specific information about your cancer treatment, or any other thing that’s going on with you, and they won’t touch you anywhere where you don’t like to be touched.

A Reiki practitioner simply places their hands on or slightly above your body in spots where you are comfortable being touched and they allow the session to unfold naturally.

Reiki sessions promote well being while giving patients the opportunity to be completely in control of the session, empowered to receive only what feels good to them.


Most people know that rest and sleep are critical components for allowing the body to heal. One of the most commonly reported benefits heard from clients is that Reiki sessions help them sleep better.

People often find Reiki sessions restorative and rejuvenating. When you sleep better and feel rested, you feel better in general and are then more capable of dealing with life’s stressers.”

Here is their link:

And for more information about Reiki and how Reiki treatments and classes can help with your personal empowerment journey to wholeness please visit my site:

A Special Supportive Reiki Class Offering Discount Through This  Post To Aid Your Personal Journey & Collective Service:

Receive 50% Off Any Reiki Class or Reiki Class Package Between Now And May 31st. Contact Me And Mention This Special. For Regular Reiki Prices And Info See The Link Below Or Visit At 

Loving the synchronicity continuously flowing. Definitely “in the zone” of things. I was just in the last couple of days intuiting, activating and processing the same energy related to the Mars Retrograde in Virgo that we are experiencing, as Laura Bruno shared in her blog through Electra Jung’s astrological insights. Felt this was so important to share because it so speaks to the focuses needed to activate freedom, cleansing and healing at this time and to really allow us to create the new. A lot of good info in this blog that I couldn’t have shared better myself. My favorite being:
“Don’t cling onto anything of the old; enter the new completely free and unfettered. Be open and willing to accept new ideas, new ways, to accept that all things are possible, that
 you can change and can change now, that you can leave all the old behind without any regrets and move forward with real joy and complete abandonment.”

I’ve been currently working on totally being in the present and closing doors, saying goodbye to all non-resonating and non-reflective energies, things, people, experiences, patterns in my life. I lovingly am releasing them, but they have no place in the new experience of life I am intending and I DO have the ability to choose that experience, unfettered and uninfluenced or drained by anything. Maintaining necessary boundaries with loving, responsible realism.

Thank you Laura and Electra for sharing!

Laura Bruno's Blog

I’ve already shared some information on Mars Retrograde in Virgo, but here we have the lovely Electra Jung weighing in from a professional astrological perspective. I’m personally feeling these energies, and I know so many others are, too. Many thanks to Electra for her insights and clarity:

Mars Retrograde in Virgo

Jan. 23 – April 13, 2012

Free Yourself

“The moment you can visualize being free from the things that hold you back, you have indeed begun to set yourself free.”


Mars is known as the God of War, the Passionate Warrior, and the Red Planet of desire, action, competition war and conquest. Mars is also the planet which rules instinct, ambition and power…the will to overcome adversity at all cost.

Mars is absolute action fueled by passion and anger providing the focused energy to achieve.

Mars in retrograde is energy turned inward rather than outward. Pressure becomes volcanic…

View original post 936 more words

Integrative Music – Enigma

Have been listening to Enigma all day today and I find myself constantly reaching for their CDs when I am working and moreso recently it’s what I instantly fall back on when in doubt of what music would suit the energy best.

Likely it’s because I find their music to be very integrating for me in ways I can feel on all levels. There is a very primal, yet progressively consciousness raising essence to the vibrations. Enigma was precedent-setting with their unique blends of New Age with chants and old world culture, bringing this genre to the forefront of dance clubs, as well as being very radio-friendly. The etheric essence, penetrating beats and culturally eclectic vibes of the music not only make me soar, but one can’t help but start moving the body in resonance with the vibrations that are felt on deep levels.

I love the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional places this music takes me to. I am very sensitive to vibrational tones and I find many of Enigma’s creations to be balancing to all of the Chakras. At least, for me.

So I wanted to share these two songs/videos. The message symbolism of both represent the present and our return to innocence and natural harmony with the pure and free child essence within that is much needed on our evolutionary journeys. The second is one of my, and current, Enigma fav, which I’ve been playing repetitively today.



Crystal Elixirs – Alternative Support for Today’s Light Workers

As I posted yesterday, many of us along this journey of expansion, shifting and re-calibrating into new forms and templates of experience, are going through the processes of integration in order to balance out the inbalances we have created along the way. To read more on this see yesterday’s post:

Along this process many light workers who have so diligently been expanding and fortifying their gifts, spiritual consciousness and visionary energies, have lost parts of themselves along the way in doing so. The imbalances created and the charges that remain, along with the processing out of any last remnants of old pieces, angers, frustrations, judgments, etc., (which are releasing toxic cleansing) are now what we are faced with integrating so that we can operate optimally and not fragmented.

So as we start our journey towards this centering integration to natural harmony with all of our parts, each other and the earth and cosmos, different modalities, tools, and new perspectives become increasingly more useful to the DNA restructuring that has taken place. Many may be experiencing blow outs or increased healing crises at this time and may find that the old ways that used to work in helping to heal, no longer are, and alternative ways of nurturing support more aligned with our current energy may be of more benefit now. This is because our bodies are operating at a different frequency and denser things no longer match our new vibrations. The DNA shifts are raising our frequencies and energetics into becoming more crystalline and light form.

It’s not that these alternatives are new, but they may be new to what your usual protocol has been, they may only resonate for you now as opposed to when your body was more dense and could be regulated with resonating matches of that energy, and they are being infused with different energy that matches the now, that was not before.  Our temple bodies need fortifying to match the frequency of our vibrations and to receive the proper rebuilding reflections for the newly created divinity of being we are becoming.

We need very grounded and strong foundations for these new forms we are becoming and creating.

With that being said, I can share from my own experience, the reality of this. Remember, everyone is on their own timeline and stage of their journey, so this is only to share the changes I’ve gone through that might resemble or reflect some of your own. I have found myself naturally gravitating towards things I normally would not have resonated with at the level I do now. New crystals and stones call me now that before I appreciated, but wasn’t working with. Different foods that are grounding and more cooked vegan as opposed to all raw vegan have felt more appropriate for my energy and the balancing needed. Each of these providing the integration from over-expansion in one way. Different shifts with the exercise I was engaging in that feels gentle, balancing and freeing rather than overly extreme, which equates to things like just walking on the beach and easy hikes, biking or simply more time spent with my little lovely animal friends connecting – earthy, peaceful grounding. Focusing on the remnants of any unfinished pieces to really solidify into a strong foundation, based only on the new and not the old, and focus on being, doing and manifesting everything I’ve energetically put focused work into for years, in bigger ways, which includes surpassing any fears that may have previously blocked any of it – in general just showing up always and saying yes and letting the how work itself out in the moment. This equates to knowing that the dress rehearsal was all the behind-the-scenes work and I need only to just pop out on stage with courageously vulnerable readiness and do what I know naturally in my heart to do.

And so came the partnership call I answered to start creating and working with crystal elixirs. Thanks Laura for the nudge! And thank you my crystal friends for your eagerness and joy to always work with me. It’s not that this is a new concept, but in this life I had mostly worked with crystals in their external forms while tuning into their energies they provided for healing and support that they shared, but now the journey would involve things at the essence level and blending things on all levels.  I have been working with crystals a lot, but now we would join forces and start alchemically working our magick on new levels reflecting current energetic needs.

Crystal elixirs, which I like to refer to them as, but many call them gem elixirs, are a means by which we can create essences of the metaphysical properties that the crystals are, through a process that utilizes these as energies in a charged elixir, liquid mixture to our intentions and needs that can be taken internally, applied or sprayed externally on us or in our immediate environment. They are infusions of one or more crystals, spring or distilled water combined with the power of the sun, moon and any other special magickal goodies you feel drawn to incorporate into the process. Since supplements are more dense than my current needs call for, more homeopathic and crystalline essences are much more aligned and of benefit to me right now.

These crystal elixirs are similar to flower essences in the way that they are made so that they contain the “essence” of the vibrations of the chosen crystal and stones that are used. Each crystal and stone holds different metaphysical properties and have energies that work to support and empower different things. You can consult a crystal healing book or research each crystal online to discover their properties and which would be more useful for you and what you are needing support with. I always like to intuit which to use or consult my pendulum for which would be best at this time for me. Usually what you are drawn to on a heart level, not by eye, is revealing as to which crystals would be good for you. But if your intuition isn’t working strongly for you, or quite as up to speed as you’d like right now, you can simply look up the properties and let yourself be guided in trust when something clicks a light bulb or a ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. There is always the option of consulting someone else who can tune in for you too.

These high quality crystal essences work in harmony with the body by interacting with our bio-sheath and chemical and energetic physiology and are natural and self-adjusting. When the crystals are activated by natural sun or moonlight they transfer their vibrational signature into water, creating a safe, effective supportive remedy that can be used in conjunction with, and in complement to, all other healing modalities. They are not meant to replace professional medical advice. They need to be made with only the safest, non-toxic crystals in order to ingest them and can be used with children, pets and plants as well. Externally they can be gently sprayed over the body, in a room, or any space where the energy is needed. They can also be applied to specific body parts or areas needing extra healing or empowerment.

As you consume the elixir over time, the vibrational essences work on the root cause of “dis-ease” to support clearing of the issue that originally created it so that the “dis-ease” can be relieved. They can be made for immediate consumption or can be preserved and used sublingually. The magick is in the choosing, or being chosen by, the most potent crystals for you and the intents and sacredness created around the process, as it is a VERY sacred process indeed and a very special bonding relationship that is created between the crystals and the person helping to alchemically brew and program them. So, the most important part is the crystals from which the essence will be made and there are different ways, as shared, that you can figure this out, including kinesiology testing.

They can be used singly or in cool combinations. Mixing them can really make for some potent elixir magick! This also makes it easier than having to make a lot of separate ones and taking a number of them for the desired results. Again, it’s important they are not water-soluble or toxic – meaning do not contain mercury, arsenic, copper, or other toxic substances. You can look them up in a good mineral guide if in question.

Again, crystal elixirs can be created for immediate consumption, in preserved sublingual form, or into sprays, essential oils, bath, body, or ritual oils, and used for any sacred healing purpose you desire.

I just created a crystal elixir over Sunday’s Aquarius New Moon. First, ritually cleansing my chosen powerhouse blend of crystal friends in a process and then setting them out in the moon and sunlight to take advantage of the powerful igniting energy of this New Moon doorway that is good for planting seeds for the future as an energetic doorway to pull in the things desired to manifest into experience. Aquarius was rocking its unconventionally innovative sparks to the mix. I made a ton of this potent mixture which included: Carnelian, Bloodstone, Citrine, Quartz, Jade, Red and Orange Calcite, Tibetan Turquoise and Rose Quartz. I’ve learned a technique to be able to utilize the energies of toxic crystals so that I can still add them to the mix without adding them to the actual mixture physically, hence leaving out anything harmful in the process. Faery magick always comes in handy 🙂

So, I’m enjoying this elixir, which I’ve shared also with my friend Allison who was in need of similar supportive energy and we are enjoying the process. Everyone is different, so a different dosage may be called for and intuited for each. This was the case for us. I started off drinking a full glass and a half of the unpreserved immediate mixture, at the consulting of my pendulum, and then continue each day with 8 drops, three times a day under the tongue. Allison has been doing 6 drops, five times a day. Allison also made us a crystal spray that we are misting around our spaces as well. Can feel the difference with each dosage and spray. And even in the sacred process of creating the elixir I was in a different space of high vibes as I created them. It is important to be emotionally calm, centered, and in the heart and honoring the relationship with the crystals while going through whatever process with them that feels right. I did a lot of magickal things in my ritual brewing. Fun!

I know that crystal elixirs are exactly the right energy vibrations and modalities to work with right now that reflect and align with me most optimally at this time and are most supportive to the integration process I am in. It’s important to trust your intuition for guidance as to what is best for you. I’m sensing that others would likely gain the same if experiencing similar shifts on their journey. This is why I am looking at creating many more of these to offer others in service, as I feel these would be very supportive. Given my love for and relationship with crystals, this is a natural process for me and one I honor and do not take lightly as a crystal keeper, guardian, and caretaker of the Earth and her children. I look forward to sharing more crystal magick with you.

~ Crystal elixirs are vegan and cruelty free, earth, animal, human, crystal and cosmos friendly. No crystals were harmed in the process. ~

Gaia’s Gift – Return to Natural Harmony

Close up of Gaia's Gift by Tania Marie

Gaia's Gift by Tania Marie












I recently finished my newest painting, Gaia’s Gift – first of many to come that are leaping out of my heart to be created right now. I have been away from painting for sooooo long, but the creative energy has been percolating and is bursting forth. I had so much fun creating this “Heart Vision,” as the paintings I’m channeling are called, and am excited for all the rest that will follow. Each painting has their own unique expression of channeled inspirations from the collective heart I am connecting with to create these visually encoded messages. They hold a resonant vibration that helps to access integration with your highest heart.

I like for these portals of experiences to speak for themselves. The experience is always relative to the person viewing.

Gaia’s Gift comes through at a time when a return to natural harmony within ourselves, each other and our beautiful Mother Earth is essential. Receive her gifts. The time is now.

This painting will be one of the paintings featured and for sale at my upcoming art opening in Orange County on Saturday 2/25 (details to follow), alongside other paintings, new crystal pendant collaborations with Allison Jacobson, my book, Spiritual Skin and some vegan and raw vegan yummies, including a fashion show!

For now, I would like to leave you with these quotes to ponder:

“Those of us who consider ourselves to be somehow involved in the birthing of a new age, should discover Gaia as well. The idea of Gaia may facilitate the task of converting destructive human activities to constructive and cooperative behavior. It is an idea which deeply startles us, and in the process, may help us as a species to make the necessary jump to planetary awareness.”
– James Lovelock
“Pleasure is spread through the earth in stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find.”
– William Wordsworth
“There is hope if people will begin to awaken that spiritual part of themselves, that heartfelt knowledge that we are caretakers of this planet.  “
– Brooke Medicine Eagle
“A human being is part of the whole called by us universe … We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.”
– Albert Einstein
“Look deep, deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
– Albert Einstein

Money, Physical Well Being…The Abundant Journey to Center – Integrating It All Without Any Charge

Being, doing, and having….

We can think of life having three dimensions: being, doing, and having. Often we attempt to live our lives backwards. We try to have more money in order to feel we can do more of what we want, so we can be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. We must first be who we really are, then do what we feel guided to do, in order to have what we want.

Shakti Gawain

~ I allow myself to be; I do what feels right; I have everything I truly want. ~

Today’s post was actually one I had wanted to post about 2 weeks ago and is based on information I once posted on facebook about the topic of abundance and money. Prompted by a lot of recent personal reflections, discussions, sharings by a dear friend, and feeling the collective energy, I felt it important to repost some of this and offer a few perspectives.

While none of this is really new information, as everything is recycled with new perspectives and energy, just because we mentally “know” something doesn’t mean we have learned to fully integrate it into our lives in every way. We get easily convinced that the buck stops at the mental understanding. Remember, we also have the emotional, physical and spiritual bodies to process. The emotional and physical, usually being the most challenging and last pieces, as emotional is very deep-seeded and works in trickier, subconscious, more hidden and potentially self sabotaging ways. And the physical is one that many light workers have moved so far away from in developing their spiritual consciousness, while expanding energetically.

Life is not about pulling to one end of the spectrum of duality over the other, or that one is “better” than the other. If that were true, we would not be in human form and have emotional and spiritual bodies simultaneously. We are full spectrum beings with full spectrum experiences available to us! We mustn’t forget any one of our parts. It’s about the need for integration and balance and returning to that which we have journeyed away from in order to develop the other side and help to shift things collectively. The real shift will come, though, when we make friends with all of our parts and are able to become master magicians of our ENTIRE life. We may end up looking like the proverbial “fool” card (card #zero or 22 in the tarot deck) to many along our journeys, yet the fool holds secret mastery that so simplistically encapsulates the seeming complexity of the complete cycle of the rest of the “cards of life” #’s 1-21.

We are all on different legs of the journey and have different parts to play. There is no place for judgment of where anyone is at. In simplified terms, a very male oriented and traditionally and physically based, structured, aggressive, powering over energy has been slowly balanced out by those shifting into the more female oriented, unconventionally and spiritually/emotionally based, flowing, peaceful and empowered within and power to create energy. In doing so, many light workers have turned their backs on the old ways in order to strengthen the new ways to level out the balancing scale. This was needed to equalize the playing field so to speak and to help shift things into a new reality of experience. However, there is the tendency to continue further and further towards one end of duality, pulling the rubber band so tight between its opposite that it will eventually snap, blow out, or short circuit! Not to mention, an imbalance gets created and there can still be a subconscious or conscious charge in opposition to the opposite, also creating the constant turmoil and battle within and without.

Many have started their journey back towards center, which is the experience of integration that is now needed in our return to natural harmony with all.

With the wisdom gained, we are able to make the journey back with our sack full of all of our goodies (the fool card again – see right) that we’ve acquired in our processes along the way and are able to utilize these gifts to magically master all of the elements. We can stand in the middle of anything, integrating it all without charge and flowing in oneness with bigger picture vision of the wholeness of everything.

While necessary to have strengthened the feminine side, it is not the “end all” answer. The key lies center at a third position that encompasses all things simultaneously and can dip in and out of each polarity or be of both at any given moment without any judgment or attachment to either. I believe that many of us have at least mentally grasped this in it’s entirety, as stated, since this is the easiest part to integrate. Where we fall short is in emotionally and physically integrating. My guess is that some may be partially or half way there emotionally and the physical is the remaining fullness to incorporate. Which brings us back to abundance and money, and even our physical health.

I have found that for myself, I have also expanded so much in the polarity opposite of the male (yang) into the female (yin) that I’ve actually short circuited or blown out. According to Laura Bruno, medical intuitive, and my own naturopath and my own intuiting, it then appears as a yin deficiency alongside a yang deficiency. Not that either are not operating, but the yang would be in non-full or non-productive form and the yin would be way overblown. This coincides with the DNA shifts and our body’s energetics becoming more crystalline and light form, requiring and calling for “new” ways to support and nurture it that are not the ways we have been used to. However, the intent is not to disengage and allow our temple bodies to disintegrate or break down, but rather to rebuild them into new and revitalized forms by operating at optimal with all of our pieces integrated with the new energy and new ways of being from both sides of duality, as one newly created divinity of being.

Many light workers are experiencing the physical breakdowns and manifestations of what seems like unhealthiness, but rather it is a call to action that we take a new approach and not turn our backs on our bodies, but harmonize them with our gained understandings and work with them with our acquired learnings and new energies, while aligning them in natural harmony with earth. To follow the natural rhythms guided by intuitive flow and being in our hearts with love for all of creation, which includes all of what we each are embodiments of, is key. There is no sin of the body and no sin of things. It is an illusion and the way we have attached ideas to, and value to, or used things in control over or with unhealthy fears at core, or the values we have assigned some things over others, and the judgments based on conditioned patterns and instilling from others, that is the real issue. The culmination of getting hit with so many seeming “issues” right now really is a sign that all things are progressing perfectly and reminding us of the last pieces to integrate so that the new experiences can be in their entirety – not on a half full tank.

We need very grounded and strong foundations for these new forms we are becoming and for the new we are creating, so as not to recreate the same again. So completely stripping away the old foundation and rebuilding a new is of importance. We can’t continue building the new, as we have, on an old, outmoded and weakened foundation, which is what we have  been doing. We have been building taller and taller, our sky scrapers, but in order to ensure them not crumbling, we are getting the nudges to go back and work at the ground level with the new wisdom we have gained. We need not tear down all that we built, as we have the ingenious capability to work below the surface from a new perspective that will not topple our work, but merely strengthen it deeper.

This reflects in our Chakras and our movement back into the lower Chakras now from a new enlightened perspective to regenerate them into full and optimal empowerment and expression, just as we have been doing with our upper Chakras. The beauty and magic lies in the clicking on of all lights simultaneously at full potential.

It is time to explore those last pieces that are holding you back in whatever part of your life that seems to be operating at less than and understand the message and hidden teaching that can unlock and release you from the perpetual patterns and hindrances.

So, the judgment of money as evil, negative, bad, something to control with, or even the judgments of it being something you have to work hard for, isn’t spiritual, doesn’t come easy, or isn’t something that you create from doing what you love, as those are meant to be hobbies and not real jobs or meant to be given away free…these are all some of the core reasons preventing abundance for many light workers. Not to mention, not valuing yourself, not valuing that your work is important and equal to any other kind of work, fears of being all that you are, guilt around having more than others, fear that the money will make you into others that use it as power over, and non-trust in yourself as to being able to utilize the abundance in productive and beneficial ways…all come into play and then some, in hindering the ability to have the abundance the universe offers us (which isn’t limited to any definition of what abundance includes). We are not meant to live with scarcity programming in any way. That was something learned, to unlearn.

Money is a tool for exchange. For people to complain about money in any form, even complaining about having to use it to pay for creative and healing services is something that takes place a lot. It takes energy to create and money is ONE form of exchange of energy. It is not the end with all, but it is also NOT the enemy. True we were once all involved in a beautiful time period of being our true selves and exchanged our gifts freely with each other. It wasn’t viewed as our “work” but simply an extension of who we are and freely giving and receiving with each other and there was no mind to payment – just simply being you and having everything you needed because of that way of living collectively. And potentially we will, and are returning to that, but in the meantime, the current form of money is simply that…an exchange of abundant energy between us, that may shift its form again, as we shift, but will do so when we shift our relationship to it and our judgment perspectives to match the rest of the ways we have been shifting.

Money isn’t the only form of exchange to energetically balance goods and services shared. Yet, there is nothing wrong with money. I have always found it very curious that some believe that being an abundant being means to have abundance in every way, BUT financially. Where was it written that money was not part of that equation? At least as long as that is our collectively chosen form to operate within for now. We are on this earth to learn to live as the abundant beings we are in every sense of that word, whatever way abundant translates in your life. It’s the attachment we have on things, the way we let things control us, or our misuse, judgment or scarcity programming that can get in the way.

Just because others abuse things doesn’t mean that you will. That is a conscious choice you can create for yourself. It’s something many have bought into, that money is wrong. It’s how people have abused it that is the issue, not the money itself. And yes, at some point money may not come into play again and trade services will be the focus, but until then, a shift in perspective on money and the value we place on ourselves is important and will help get us to a new experience.

As more visionaries, creative and spiritual innovators step forward, this is increasingly PART of the embracing needed and integration with that movement back towards center, along with our physicality. We are not to give up anything in our journey to center, but to incorporate all things in a new way, in order to be one with all and to experience all. This involves realizing your worth and equality and that what you have to offer is valuable in every sense of the word and by realizing that, others will mirror it. Don’t let others invalidate you or allow those viewpoints to further disintegrate your feelings towards yourself. Don’t allow the misinformed beliefs of others to shape your beliefs and life.

Just something to think about. If something isn’t operating at its potential in your life, there is something there to look at and shift in order to create the balance and fullness of experience we are born with access to.

The issue is not to chase after money, or anything for that matter, but to allow things to flow in and out of our lives without judgment, attachment or need for control. Things will reflect our abundant full potentials in natural ways however that is meant to be mirrored in your life, whether monetarily or otherwise. But believe you are always taken care of and that everything is in divine order.

What is the definition of abundance? Something that is plentiful and flowing in large quantities. The way our abundance works in this now moment is with consciousness of the flow in and out of anything and everything for a higher good in a loving, compassionate way. Nowhere does it talk about having a limit as to what can be part of that abundance. It doesn’t only, but can include money or not. Key is not to have a negative energy towards it or anything else for that matter, as it’s WE who foster the energy of something by how we perceive it and how we attach reflection to it. And anything we have learned or had subconsciously programmed into us, CAN be undone. Especially now. We have available to us SO much support and energy to shift things instantly. We need only to intend it and consciously see, to have things shift. And of course, it is always helpful to ask for assistance in any form that you are drawn to and to start “being” the new.

Scarcity consciousness limits the universal flow of abundance, and is rooted in fear. If you move beyond this and know that the universe provides “all” that “you” will allow, then there is never any fear of running out or not having. As my good friend Tim Fullerton (poet extraordinaire) shared in his good analogy, “It’s like electricity. There is not a good electricity that lights your home, and a bad electricity that gives you a shock. It is all in the use and value we put upon it.”

You may find that for the moment, depending on your individual place in the process, that you may need to divorce yourself from things, beliefs, or certain people or exposures and shut out that type of energy while you strengthen your natural “you” ways of being and believing. But then remember that the now is not about isolation or being separate and opposed to things. It is about being able to then re-enter anew with all the foundational gifts you acquired and then enjoy the magical fruits of integration and new perspectives you’ve gained that will create a new and full experience.

As a Pisces, I understand the need to create energetic AND actual boundaries in order to process and strengthen my own feelings without infiltration of anything “not” of me. But after stepping outside, I now know the importance of returning and relearning how to be able to, as I shared before, stand in the middle of anything and integrate it all without any charge.

So remember to be who YOU really are, and do what is in your heart, in order to have all the abundance that is available for you to embrace. At the core of who we each are is an integrated being that like the Universe, is all things and nothing at once. No judgment and no attachment, yet complete and abundant fullness of experience we can walk in and out of with unconditional love. We are the innovators of a new template in creation!

More on the physical aspects and some ways to help with these shifts, will be in the next blog.

Until then live, love, laugh, enjoy, create, share and give abundantly.

Dawn of a New Era – Enter in the Water Dragon and Liberating Aquarius New Moon

Water Dragon by Lumaris

I always like to share the info of the energies we are moving into just before they actually arrive, as that way we have time to reflect and align more harmoniously with what we are given to work with. That said, the year of the Dragon is upon us and what a potent year! So many doorways opening with all this shifting energy. The Dragon year approaching is specifically that of a Water Dragon: Water has a calming effect on the Dragon’s fearless temperament. Water allows the Dragon to re-direct its enthusiasm, and makes him more perceptive of others. These Dragons are better equipped to take a step back to re-evaluate a situation because they understand the art of patience and do not desire the spotlight like other Dragons. Therefore, they make smart decisions and are able to see eye-to-eye with other people.

It will be a year of harmony and integration with powerful wisdom and magickal intent indeed! A culmination of success and happiness to all we have been working towards will be supported.

For more on the year to come I hope you enjoy this blog post by the staff at California Psychics:

And this blog post by Laura Lenhard:


We are also experiencing the liberating energy of an Aquarius New Moon that takes place late tonight and early morning tomorrow, depending on your time zone, but as always we will experience this energy for a cycle. It’s a time for being, doing, thinking and feeling outside of the box and to experience a personal revolution, as you allow your innovative visionary free! But with the energies around, including the Water Dragon, it’s not time for rash impulsing. Rather, it is time to take these leaps in conscious, patient, heart-calculated ways that align yourself with all the elements so that you become the masterful magician of your life and are able to intuitively sense the right divine timing. Then bam! You make your moves without wasted efforts and the result is lasting, grounded, and optimal with efficient use of energy.

Here are a couple of good articles about the New Moon in Aquarius also taking place. Both are from The first combines both the New Moon and the Year of the Water Dragon:

Aquarius New Moon:
Let the Dragon Roar!
by Simone Butler


The second article is specifically focused on the energies of the Aquarius New Moon:

Aquarius New Moon:
Call and Response
by Dana Gerhardt




A Journey, Closure, New Energy, Higher Hearts and Rooted Bodies, Unification and Integration, and a Beautiful Message for 2012

Chamuel - my Master Lemurian Seed Crystal

After literally “just” returning from a whirlwind, very mission-focused trip to the Reno/Tahoe, Nevada area (my previous home of 3 years) I am feeling the energies of everything really taking root. I had returned to Nevada to finalize some business and pick up the last of my things from my parent’s house that they had been storing, which comprised of my original paintings (the In Lak’ech series of potent 5 included) and other items, as well as a few crystals – one of which was my giant Master Lemurian Seed Crystal I had been guided to leave with my mom, a few years ago, to work with and to anchor and grid in Reno. This Master Crystal revealed its name to be Chamuel, as it channels the energy of Archangel Chamuel, the Archangel of Unconditional Love. For information on Archangel Chamuel here is a cool link:

I was grateful to have my sweet friend and business partner, Allison, join me for the journey – a perfect reflection of co-supporting and co-creating with no more isolation. It was her first trip there, so it was too bad we weren’t able to do more, but we did complete the mission and having her with me was a valued gift. From the moment we arrived we were greeted by a very strange and ominous sky that looked as if lava was flowing in the clouds. None of us had ever seen

Our grounding veggie feast my mom made us the only full day we had in Reno - rosemary potatoes, herbed mushrooms atop roasted veggies and salad with squash...mmmmmmm

anything like it. Dark grayish purple clouds with channels of blood red flowing through. Very odd. Then the next day a huge fire raged not far from my parent’s house that had already taken out 10 homes and was threatening many more. This all preceded the storms that were about to roll in. Many very interesting signs and unfoldings that were definitely sending a message. We were able to enjoy a partial day of some work and then explored the crystal shop, Stone Age, and returned from the 80 mile an hour winds and smoky air, to a cozy home and meal courtesy of mom (pictured left).

But with a little intuited trust, we sped up the trip, changed our plans and grabbed our rental truck a day early (the next morning) to get out while we still could, without getting snowed in. Some of the roads had already been closed due to the fire and snow, but luckily the 80 out of Reno, only met us with torrential rain storms, fog and impending storm clouds. We learned that last evening, after we took advantage of the intuited window, the electricity went out where my parent’s lived and the snow came in as promised. This would not have bode well for us driving a 17 foot truck, where closed roads and chains would have been quite the challenge, if not dangerous.

Some of my new friends from Reno, and old, in their new home on my desk. All attuned to specific energy I am working with currently. And of course my dear Nestor's photo and ashes that are always with me.

But, we did manage to make it to one of my favorite crystal shops to pick up some intended crystal friends to help ground in the new energy we are working with and that I would be utilizing in my new magickal crystal elixirs. (I intend to keep you posted on these, as they are brewing) And I also managed to finalize some business and put to closure things in Reno, to fully move into the new back in California. Since returning, the energy feels very different here at home with my new crystal friends, in listening to where they wanted to go and hanging new paintings in the house that all together make for some really nice energy and Feng Shui. Gaia, my Russian tortoise, and Joy, my lop eared bunny, are both in my room with me today (Gaia only comes in my room on certain occassions, as she’s usually busy working the rest of the house) anchoring in the new energies of our crystal buddies.

It just goes to show you that it is important not to hold to ideas and plans and to always listen to your inner heart guidance, as well as to be in tune with the Earth. Our bodies and the planet mirror each other and this is a time for a return to natural harmony, which begins with flowing with, rather than fighting the shifts within and without.

This is also a time of really grounding and rooting everything that we have been working towards, which equates to bold action, or as one of my favorite things to say is: Do it! We are creating a new template of being and it involves integration – another of my favorite words. (I have several if you haven’t already noticed) Many of us have spent a lot of time developing higher aspects of ourselves (as in our upper chakras) and spirituality, while forgetting our bodies and the need to always be in communion with our base aspects (lower chakras). This is where our heart chakras (or the emerald bridge, as I like to refer to it as) comes into play, in supporting that integration into present and heart-full living with trust, knowingness and honor of your feelings on all levels. The heart chakra lies center of the upper and lower chakras and will be a guiding force of authentic expression and unification within ourselves, with each other, and our relationship with earth and cosmos.

I’m really excited about the new directions, energy and clarification on what is unfolding. It’s always so cool to get loud reiteration of the nudges and things you were already doing or starting to incorporate and be guided towards. It is very empowering to realize your intuitive heart always knows what is best for you, even if you weren’t conscious of the specific understanding or details of why or how it was all taking place.

So a journey comes to closure and a new one begins. I am loving my new crystal friends that will be co-creating with me and I am feeling the click of the pieces of the puzzle all coming together with what I have been focused towards for most of my life. I know others are also feeling it. We’ve been on a journey from one polarity aspect, moving towards another to balance out the imbalance, but we have created another imbalance by staying put in that new polarity with continual focus and in many cases, denial or charge against the other. The journey back to center integration is taking place now rapidly for many of us, as we unify our parts through our higher hearts.

This is a nutshell of information that I have been working with and all of this, which I spent several hours talking about with my brother in the limited time I was in Reno (as we often spend hours doing when together), and which I had been formulating and processing beforehand, was beautifully essence-captured in Lee Harris’ visions for 2012 that my dear friend, Laura Bruno, posted today on her blog. It is so PERFECTLY mirroring of my own channeled feelings and visions that I told Laura I had to repost it.

Some of the key things that stood out from Lee’s sharing that I loved are these:

Trust what you choose. Live as you feel.

this is a year of action

Begin it. Become it. Do it.

…no more isolation

…a new template is needed – become an ambassador of loving silence and space…this creates a shared template


the heart is always required

a time to be in our highest hearts…when heart, throat and third eye unify so that you speak from your heart and see with spirit

we must remember our base/grounding energy

get into your lower parts of the body – this is very important and will allow those that have worked on the higher parts to bring things together

be bold in what you share

I hope you enjoy reflecting on Lee Harris’ visions: