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Intuition Nurtures the Parts of Us We Have Yet to Understand

I’m constantly reminded how important nurturing and supporting intuition is, the more convoluted the energetic landscape around me gets. There are SO many voices literally and subconsciously barking at us from all corners that it can become extremely challenging to navigate anything without wondering which voice is running the show. The more the world turns upside down and tries to play tug-of-war with me, the more I turn within, as the only voice that speaks my truth the best, is MY voice…the one that whispers softly to me through the vortex of my heart.

If we don’t practice listening though, then we’ll never learn how to distinguish it from the rest. Listening to intuition is the way to your truest heart calling. It’s the bridge to greater peace and strength, even when chaos is swirling all around.

The last few days have continued to be filled with messengers and sign posts of support and upcoming change that I’ll share about likely in another post, as I listen to where to focus my energy next. My head healed rather quickly, but not surprisingly, given what I know about its origins and the work I’ve been focused on. There only remains a single 3/4 of an inch long scab that is already starting to come off naturally. I still to date have had no repercussions in physical challenges, including no dizziness or pain. Very grateful for all of that.

And through it all I’ve continued to take pause when anything arises that doesn’t feel resonant, so that I can stay centered and wait for the spirit connected part of me to respond from the highest place within, rather than get caught up in any momentary ego trigger. This is how I stay in control and work with my energies in a balanced way.

Your intuition is a master navigator. So, if we can learn to take pause, listen, and feel for it before we start running on old programming and ego battles, then we can save ourselves and others a lot of unnecessary challenges.

Listening to that subtle or not so subtle inner nudge, voice, vision, or feeling you have that doesn’t always make sense, is your support system that keeps you in alignment and always has your back. We don’t need to know the why or how. That only comes through experience, once you trust the innate wisdom you DO already have within.

Intuition is always speaking to us, but we may need to retrain ourselves to pause, listen and back it up. The more we do, the easier it gets and eventually will become a seamless experience.

We are intuitive beings by nature. We just have a lot of noise in the way of believing that.

If I feel something heavy coming at me or in me, I stop to reframe things and support energy to move rather than keep me down by listening to intuition and what it is telling me in that moment to do, even if it doesn’t make sense. Sometimes intuition might tell you to do something completely opposite or seemingly random than you think you feel like doing, but if you stretch yourself for a moment to just be curious about that voice and explore a little courage to follow it, you will find yourself likely feeling a whole lot better even if you don’t have the meaning of life or even the vision yet of what the end result will be of your current quandary.

It’s perfect to go through every kind of feeling. It’s when things get stuck that having a natural guiding system can be helpful to see you through so energy keeps moving.

It’s not necessarily that you arrive at answers, but you become able to feel more balanced, hopeful, and refreshed to try things from another perspective.

Over the course of my life I’ve had a lot of intuitional voices run through me. Some I ignored and others I didn’t. The latter being my more consistent experience these days, which I’m grateful for as the ignoring didn’t make things easier.

One of the big hits I received through the voice of intuition has to do with where I currently reside.

I’ll use it as an example for what I’ve been sharing so far, to give you an idea of how something rather “random” seeming and that makes no sense at all, came to unfold for me. I remembered something I was shown years before it happened, but I tucked it away because I knew it was meaningful.

Sometimes intuition can tell us how to navigate something immediately, or it may come beforehand to help prepare the way and remind you when the time is aligned.

The healing waters of Tahoe have always been activating for me, but I never knew anything about this lake – at least not the current me. This lake and area carry ancient memories from times long ago and these were in my DNA to awaken at the perfect timing they would be needed.

This lake called to my soul long before I even knew of her. Back in my mid 20’s during one of my biggest and most profound healing transformations while I lived in Sedona, part of my studies and inner work led me to a map and intuitive hit that pointed to Lake Tahoe. One of the things I was exploring as part of the big shifts I was undergoing at the time, was where would be most supportive for me to live.

I didn’t know anything about Lake Tahoe other than my parents mentioning they’d been there when I was growing up, nor was it ever on my conscious radar in any way. I received then the vision I was to live there. The when was unknown. I was told of a vortex and given nothing else, but a knowing around a place I had personally never even visited.

I tucked it away and forgot about it, as the timing obviously wasn’t aligned yet.

At 33, life took me there in my previous marriage to look for a house over a long weekend’s first-ever visit, knowing I was to be here even without exploring the area.

I hadn’t been comfortable living where we were in Washington state on Puget Sound, although we had a dream location on the water and a private beach with a view of Seattle. What you think you might love, doesn’t always pan out the way you’d think, as experiencing the energy of something is completely different than simply idealizing something.

We discussed this and in wanting to find that balance, even though I didn’t want to live in his home state and house, I also didn’t feel it right to live in mine or anything familiar for me either.

We decided we needed a place that was not of his or my family past…a new beginning. I remembered the strong intuitive nudge about Lake Tahoe and mentioned it to him as a possible idea. He proceeded to say, with a surprise in his eyes that I would bring it up since I’d never even been there, that he loved Tahoe, as he had visited it before and spent time skiing and working there for a Winter. It was an instant click and we made plans to explore it for a long weekend.

The intuitive hit I had was supported the moment we got to Tahoe, feeling so good to me, and within two days we were in contract to buy the perfect home overlooking the lake. We moved immediately from the Seattle area, traveling with my then twin soul rabbit, Nestor, who was a large part of navigating my life.

And so, Tahoe would come to be the place of my next transformative journey, but my intuition had been right.

It ended up being where I got a divorce, but also where I met my now husband after that happened.

I lived in Tahoe 3 years before moving away, but I constantly felt her pull. My life took many twists and turns on every front, but I always thought of and missed Tahoe, and I found my way back to her where we’ve been for the last nearly 5 years.

There is much more to the story, but the bottom line is…these waters, mountains, forests and land speak to what I have energetically needed and match my essence. My intuition knew more about me and the future me I would become, then I knew of myself in the moments I simply was wondering where would be most supportive for me to live.

And since then, I integrated into being more myself than ever on all fronts – spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I began my biggest ventures onto my path in Tahoe. I became my own person – independent and empowered in Tahoe.

I learned how to balance my astrological energies in Tahoe. I discovered how to heal many things in Tahoe.

I became an avid hiker, biker, and skier in Tahoe. The nature girl I always had been within, but never put into motion, got activated into being, right here. I’ve met the key people in my life in Tahoe, or while living in Tahoe. All of my most influential animal companions have lived in, come to me in, and visited Tahoe. And so much more.

I learned, through many adventures and explorations around the area that Lake Tahoe has the best of all the worlds I personally love, in one place – mountains, forests, meadows, wetlands, lakes galore, rivers, creeks, beaches, tropical colored waters like the ocean, stone outcroppings, desert-like areas, places that remind me of the surface of the Moon or another planet and some of my other favorite exotic areas of the world, and has the four seasons to mirror life cycles.

I also discovered that I thrive at high altitudes and it suits my essence so well.

“Although I deeply love oceans, deserts and other wild landscapes, it is only mountains that beckon me with that sort of painful magnetic pull to walk deeper and deeper into their beauty. They keep me continuously wanting to know more, feel more, see more.” ~Viktoria Erickson

I trusted an insight without seeing, simply because my soul knew something beyond explanation and it’s proven accurate.

There are other places I enjoy in the world, but only a few fingers counting of where my soul loves and knows to be resonant enough for living- I keep them close to heart and listen in case they ever call like Tahoe has in her own divine timing.

I have learned to trust my intuition even when it doesn’t make sense because it’s always proven to nurture and care for me. Intuition is not out to hurt us, even if the things it tells us equate to massive unknown changes. There is a meaning we don’t need to understand. That’s simply our minds trying to work it out. I had no idea how I would come to be here, but here I am once and again. 

This isn’t a post about Tahoe, but about following intuition, and one of the ways I have around the subject of where to live, which I know can oftentimes be a big one for people.

Intuition will guide you best, not only doing research about an area (or anything for that matter), alone, as there is no cookie-cutter place that is better than any other place on the planet for EVERYONE. There is only the place that resonates, aligns, and is most supportive for YOU at any GIVEN TIME in your life, as this can evolve based on what is best for your evolution.

I have spent time in places that others love and are also considered high-energy, vortex, and super nature-stunning places that very spiritual and in-tune people feel drawn to, support more eco-conscious and Earth-based living, as well as places that artisans love and reside in, and I found them to not work for me at all.

I am not one to name places or bad-mouth anything, as I don’t like to create biases and blanket statements or opinions that are merely from my own experience. All I know is that I’ve experienced non-harmonious, low energy, not great feelings, and heavier, denser spaces where others don’t and vice versa.

I also know that my own state of being plays a huge part in what I experience. Therefore when someone shares all the negativity they are experiencing by living somewhere, this isn’t everyone’s experience necessarily. Our own experience can cloud perspective since we will continue to magnetize or draw in things that support our beliefs and feelings adopted or support a message we may not be listening to. This could come in the form of telling you that a move would be most supportive, or you might think a move is supportive, but in actuality the place you live is activating parts of you that are needing to change and be active in new ways you have been neglecting or pushing aside.

Places can be transformational springboards for us to help us to shift and stay, or shift and move on.

And there’s nothing wrong with that, as perhaps that’s the way to move you forward. I just know that we carry ourselves where ever we go and even if we find a place that feels right, the current state we are in can magnetize more of that outwardly simply as a messaging system to view our lives through and make different choices at every moment.

I’ve only focused on intuition navigating me to where I currently am, but I’ll continue to use intuition to let me know if at any given point things change with that, but also with any part of my life in general.

There’s so much emphasis on analyzing things, but when we partner both sides of our brain together – left AND right – and infuse the heart as the mediator for that partnership, then we get led to more aligned experiences.

It’s not “just” about intuition, but indeed the better we get at listening to intuition we will find that it is the part of us that “knows” what all parts of us use their own language system to try to tell us. Each part has their own way of going about things and it can get kind of exhausting at times to appease them. They’re there for a reason to understand the power of each, yet they also simply exist within a marriage of unity.

Intuition merges gut feelings with higher self guidance and already knows the details of our analyzing side of the brain, but in a snapshot of innate inner knowing and wisdom.

Fear, doubt, expectations, misconceptions, pressure, ego, and beliefs can all be some of the stumbling blocks to hearing, trusting, supporting, and acting upon intuition. They all make it harder to receive information from spiritual sources. Intuition isn’t as dramatic of an experience as we think it’s supposed to be, or hear it to be maybe from others who experience it that way.

Don’t discount the subtle things. When I was looking at where would be best for me to live, it wasn’t this big dramatic scene that played out with lightning bolts and an angel landing in front of me speaking the words, “Lake Tahoe” and tapping my head and having a clear movie vision of myself there with rainbow lights and trumpets playing.

It was like a treasure hunt that kept unfolding and leading me to clues along the way that I kept following in the moment that seemed random and having nothing to do with a place to live. I was having a fun time exploring the dots in each moment that led me to Lake Tahoe on a map and then the feeling I had arrived at the treasure chest, but in a subtle resonance of peace and comfort. I then trusted to make mental and physical note of this to see how it would unfold since there was nothing in sight of how at the time for it making any sense to my analytical brain. I just knew somewhere within me that felt alignment with it.

If you put too much pressure on yourself and try to force things it shuts you down or you become unclear. This can be a form of self-sabotage to keep yourself small.

You doubt yourself because you weren’t supported in trusting from the time you were a child, so you have to practice to create a new support system with this and back yourself up.

Intuition nurtures the part of us we have yet to understand and I believe that the process of trusting that voice is our way of unraveling the pieces in order to return us back to it – all things are part of the whole. Intuition already has the answers of clarity without separation. Just one more of the divisions we are working toward uniting so the war within our parts no longer has to play out in the world around us.

When we learn to listen more to our intuition, we begin to experience what it truly is to live our best life yet.

Spring is in the Air ~ Refresh, Updates & Celebrations

Although it was a busy week, I seized some time in nature as a way to both celebrate being home and to balance out my days.

Alongside some gorgeous weather, we also received a fun welcome back snow of a few new inches that added an extension to our Winter fun we enjoyed on our trip, and made up for missing out on the snow that came while we were gone.

The three days of hikes above the lake, lakeside, and in our backyard forest creek area were perfect ways to support and tune into the energies.

You can definitely feel and see Spring in the air and a refreshing new wave of energy sweeping through.

To further amplify the new Spring energy, I got myself a refresh hair cut on the 11th, on the 12th I celebrated the 20 year anniversary of my legal name change to Tania Marie (when I made my middle name my last), welcomed in the Pisces New Moon on the 13th, and then immersed with the beautiful group we had for our online Intuition & Reiki class yesterday, on the 14th, when Daylight Savings Time began.

After class, I received a text from our friend that joined us skiing over my birthday. You might recall that I helped her with her skiing, which was a huge evolution for us both. Well, she texted me some photos of her skiing this weekend with that beaming face and smile of hers, along with hands up in celebration!

Her text read, “I came to Mammoth skiing with my friends and I went down the blue run! It was all thanks to your ski lessons that I was able to join them. Thank you again!” And concluded, “Thank you for opening up the opportunity for my enjoyment.”

AWWWWWW! So, so happy for, and proud of, her. What a perfect New Moon kick off!

And to top off celebrations, at onset of yesterday’s class we took a moment to cheer each other on with the life changes taking place for several, and honored some fellow soul family that have been part of classes in 2020, but were not present yesterday. We acknowledged the incredible upgrades and leaps they are making since going through their full round of Reiki classes – one who is embarking on opening her own hair and wellness salon where she’ll offer Reiki, and another already teaching HER first Reiki class in just nine days beginning with Reiki Level 3 instead of 1! We even had a birthday girl amongst us, whose birthday is today – a very dear soul to us all whom I’m sending out extra beams of love to with this blog. The nature photos here are for you sweet MMM because I know how much you love them! 🙂

My heart was overflowing! I love these beautiful souls so much!

It’s an incredible gift to be able to witness the powerful souls in human bodies that I am lucky enough to support and co-create with, and yesterday’s class was no exception. We are blessed to have the souls that we do on Earth at this time. It fuels much continued hope for me.

I’m feeling much gratitude for a beautiful class. Every joining of souls in these kinds of way is indeed an activation on larger levels.

Thank YOU!

To add to refreshing energies and blossoming beginnings, things are still transitioning with my focuses, work load, and personal space. It’s Spring cleaning time, after all, right?!

So, yes there’s a bit of cleaning, reorganizing, and realigning going on with my office, bedroom closet, and garage shelves, as well as completing all current projects, sessions, and classes so that I will be clear for the next wave of focuses anchoring in.

These are some March reminders to take into account, as I ready for those changes:

Last call for March sessions – I won’t be offering Intuitive Energy Guide Sessions or Reiki Healing Attunements after March. I’ll be taking a break with these to have more time to infuse elsewhere.

Custom Sacred Tattoo and Intentional Art Designs, of course, have already been put on hold – I’m still finishing my last three projects, but then taking a break with these as well.

I did temporarily reopen The Magick Rabbit Etsy Shop, when I returned, for the upcoming Spring and Easter season, but there are no new items currently in it.

I’ll be teaching the last new class of 2021 on March 28th – in just two weeks! There’s 3 spots left if anyone still is interested in joining: Crystal Healing & Reiki ~ Deepening through Integrative Healing Sessions

And last, March 20th – just five days away – is the last day to get applications in for the Mentor Muse 1:1 Immersives. I’m finalizing current ones and scheduling free phone consults so we can align the perfect fit for three people I’ll be working with over the next five months. So, far one spot is full, with two remaining, as I continue processing. I made a personal video thank you on social media to everyone who has been interested. I wanted to share it here, but was unable, so I am extending my personal gratitude to those of you who you who have felt called to step into this new space and who have chosen me to walk this path with you. It’s a huge honor I don’t take lightly and which is why I’m also taking this through layers of initiation so that everything is aligned.

Wishing you all a beautiful start to the week, as we ready for Spring Equinox!

A Celebratory Homecoming Inside and Out

I wasn’t going to post a blog today, but I was so excited upon returning home to discover these welcome back gifts that I thought I’d share them so I can pass on some signs of renewal already underway. You might recall that last February, for my birthday, some surprise purple irises bloomed out of no where as a message of hope – irises I don’t remember planting there and at high mountain altitude, were an early amazement. I wondered if the same would happen this year and was sad of the potential that I might miss them, since we were away for my birthday. But the moment we pulled up to the house I caught sight of two purple beauties peeking out as you can see!

They are the very first ones, with another about to bloom. I understood that they waited just for me, continuing in the vein of birthday celebrations and also reflecting another hopeful outlook on the year ahead.

I know this past Winter has continued trying for many and there’s been a lot of challenging energies to integrate, but as Spring is just around the corner so, too, does it feel that there is promise to believe in and inspired action to put into motion.

After saying hello to my “birthday irises,” as I’m now calling them, I discovered that some of my other bulbs were also pushing through.

I shared in September how I planted 150 new tulip and daffodil bulbs and the ones I discovered upon returning home were in fact the very ones I planted this past fall! Another beautiful reflection of seeded intentions that were woven, in fact are starting to sprout. They feel to foretell of nurtured goals and dreams not only having potential, but are in fact a reality beginning to manifest – step-by-step.

Another interesting reflection came through random photos I took of myself on Friday after our last day skiing before we headed out the next day. I noticed when I took off my helmet, how the silver was really showing up all over both woven throughout and in the stripes along the front. It was even more noticeable in person, but I snapped shots anyway because my hair had a wild, witchy look to it I wanted to document for how it also felt reflective.

I didn’t realize until it was pointed out, that somehow parts of my hair showed up as vibrant teal when in fact I have no teal in my hair what so ever and there was no teal light shining on me.

Check out the left side of my hair especially in the above two photos, and then the overall aura glow on the one below that almost has a touch of violet in the teal emanating.

I did at one time have teal put into my hair for Spring two years ago, as you may also remember, but this was odd. It reminded me of those cameras that catch auras on film and it felt like the teal was being revealed as my aura color, which makes sense if you know me and my energy and that aqua/teal has always been my favorite color.

Essence reflections, perhaps?

Does it speak to the evolution and integration I underwent this past Winter into a greater embodiment of the nature of me?

Bare-faced and silver woven, I feel a great sense of peace that cannot be swayed by anything outside of me – enhanced by experiences this Winter where I learned I could navigate any terrain with calm.

I went out this morning to say hello to our land and check everyone out, as well as introduce this new addition to the Enchanted Garden Portal.

These two sweeties are another solar light decked out in succulents to match the one my parents gave to me. They are actually going to be in the garden soil itself, but I took the photo below to show how sweetly they go together.

I couldn’t resist and felt they’d be a perfect addition, home coming, and a great way to welcome Spring with a big Hoppy Ostara/Oestara!

Ironically, although it appears like Spring is on the way, we actually have a storm that is making itself known a little earlier than expected. We’ll have snow the next few days, but on and off snow flurries already just started a couple of hours ago. There is still a lot of snowy patches all around and the mountains are covered, but I’ve noticed green sprouts peeking through here and there.

Feels like we still have some incubating to do while growth is underway.

I know we’ve only just landed to our Forest Portal yesterday, but it feels oh so good. No matter the adventures and beauty we go off to enjoy, we always feel most gratitude for our home right here. Oh how we missed our tree guardians that encircle the house, the Fae of the land, our forest, Sierra Nevada mountains, and the incredible mystery jewel – Lake Tahoe – which is beyond compare for us.

The comfort of a sanctuary you’ve created in a land that you love is priceless.

The fur babies are all enjoying being back, each in their happy places. Astrid knew mom promised we’d return and while she had quite the evolution this Winter, she’s super pleased and at peace being in her royal faery realm.

What a trooper they all have been, but Astrid is truly the Rabbit Traveler Extraordinaire! I’m amazed by her, as anyone who knows rabbits would likely tell you what she accomplished through road trips alone was nothing but incredible.

We’re grateful to our friends who have sent so much loving support and good energy.

As Astrid and I entered our Wonderland room we nearly lost our breath because we’d forgotten how much we adore it. Everything has a freshness to it and feels as if the Fae sprinkled extra magick into everything while we were away, to prepare it for us as a welcome home.

To say she and I are in bliss, is an understatement.

(UPDATE: I forgot to mention that on our travels back home we saw pronghorn again and an owl flying in plain sight of daylight. The owl was in the exact area we saw her at the start of the trip so that felt potent and full circle, including how I saw on the clock every consecutive repetitive time: 1:11, 2:22, 3:33 (owl showed up right after this), 4:44 and 5:55! Also the night we returned I woke in the middle of it with tailbone aches. I haven’t had that in a while and usually it happens at very shifting times. Being that this area of the coccyx and sacrum are a portal, it seems powerful to note.)

First Snow & Enchanted Encounters ~ Magick You Can Believe In

Snow, to me, is magickal. There’s something mysterious and enchanted about the way it looks, feels, falls, tickles your nose with crystalline snowflakes, and drapes the Earth with a blanket of refreshing purity. It creates a white wonderland that makes you believe in Jack Frost and his mischievous ways – especially when you stumble upon unusual snow creations, frosted trees and stones, and hand sculpted icicles. You can almost feel him lurking in the dense forest that closes behind you.

Yesterday morning we woke to an overnight enchanted white forest from our first snow storm. There was about eight inches after a continued morning fall and much more at the tops of the mountains. Everything draped in white was a sure sign Jack Frost had whistled his song of Winter through the Autumn painted trees that have been quickly letting the wind put them to Earth slumber.

I’m like a little kid on Christmas every time I see snow and run around from window to window to take all the beauty in. There’s nothing like spending a cozy morning by the fireplace watching the snow and enjoying a vegan latte and my homemade muffins with the fur babies and Dave.

It’s like Christmas everyday. And it’s so good for the environment to get all the moisture we and nature need. I hope this is a good snow year.

Having grown up in southern California where weather was year-round moderate, living in the mountains with the four seasons is such a gift to me and nurtures my Faery heart. I’m a Winter baby, born in February, and until I moved to the mountains I didn’t know what that truly meant.

Of course we decided to immerse in the beautiful stillness and grace of wandering powdered forests with our first snow shoeing adventure of the season.

It was as if Jack Frost set it all up with us in mind, as the mountain top vistas were full of mystery and shifting light, and the dense forests would drape around us with snowy arms that kissed my skin. It was all so silent you could only hear the song of the mountain chickadees and the tiny tussle of snow from the Unseens.

Each new terrain we looked out over and journeyed through was ethereal and dreamy…and yet it was all so very tangible by every one of the senses.

Wandering a snow-covered mountain through forests and meadows is enough to make you believe that magick is real.

And to add to the surreal made real, were the above experiences I caught on video of chickadee magick.

I’ve shared before about the gifts they have given me in being able to commune with them so close. They always fly around me when I’m in their presence and talking to them and they often visit me when I’m working in the garden – even briefly landing on my shoulder. There’s something so beautiful in feeling their fragile wild touch. It’s what my Faery heart is made of.

I normally haven’t been able to capture this experience, but yesterday was unique, as you can see in the videos. I wasn’t feeding them, nor had food on me because I never feed wild animals, but look how playful, curious and brave they are.

Mountain chickadees have become so special to me, living here, and I love their bold, spunky and sweet, innocent essence around me when I’m in the garden and out in the forest. They are very social and playful, filled with joy, and although tiny and fragile in appearance, they are tough and adaptable to the harshest of cold winter elements. Many believe them to bring good fortune and to be keepers of wisdom. I love their sweet songs that remind us that beauty and riches are found in the simplest of things and that hope and love is worthy of always nurturing and believing in.

I hope you enjoy their purity and the magick of these moments that nurture the heart to believe and encourage continued hope.

I find that the incredible and unbelievable are happening more and more these days and refuse to keep hidden any longer for any of us.

Mystical Wings & New Frontiers

There’s been quite a lot of interesting, strange, expansive, and potent energy and experiences in the last few weeks that feel to indicate an initiation into a whole new arena of life. Of course, the collective is sharing a wild ride of swift and unknown changes as well. So, the two are definitely mirroring one another – individual and collective, that is.

Some very rare physical encounters have been taking place for me, which have involved the avian clan of spirit messengers. I always have a lot of bird energy around me and find feathers literally every time I’m outdoors hiking. Some special feathers have been part of that mix, including a variety of owl, hawk, osprey, sooty grouse, wild turkey, pheasant, and most recently, bald eagle for the first time. But actual physical encounters add an extra powerful punch since some of these birds are quite rare to see in the wild unless divinely in alignment.

However, as I shared in a recent post, last week great horned owl made a very prominent and deliberate appearance while we ventured through her slot canyon lair with feathers arriving in conjunction with her grand entrance. This took place the day after burrowing owl showed up for us, which I haven’t seen since being in the Galapagos Islands several years back, synchronously as we had just been talking about dreams of a potential future revisit to these special islands.

And just recently I found my first bald eagle feather, but we hadn’t actually seen one in maybe a year. That dry run came to an end on Wednesday the fourth when one made another deliberate appearance for us and my parents, whom we were taking on a walk by the river. You can see him captured here in the photo and video.

We also had just seen osprey the day after great horned owl and yesterday a most gorgeous, giant hawk (largest I’ve seen in some time) made a deliberate glide across the front of our car as we were driving to a hike, and came to rest on a light post to stop and make visual contact. Interestingly, the eagle seemed to do the same, as after he flew overhead he came to rest on the tree you see him in and waited for us all to get under that tree to have a little eye-to-eye before flying off again. Since Dave had missed seeing him fly and couldn’t make him out, this pause the eagle did, ensured very clear sight of him once we reached where he was. No one was to meant to miss him.

Although back in Costa Mesa I’ve seen great horned owl in the physical, when no one else had, sitting on the roof of a house in the distance, a barn owl that flew across my windshield while on the freeway, and bald and golden eagles in extremely rare moments since 2006 living in Tahoe and on our Alaska trip, these new encounters have been bunched up all at once – one after the other – and accompany energies that feel vastly different.

Being that these are all very large and rarely seen birds – at least for us here – and their symbolism is quite powerful and filled with insightful wisdom and higher consciousness and cosmic connection, they feel significant to the shifting path ahead. I thought it also quite interesting to see bald eagle right after election day, continuing to unfold its direction.

But alongside the actual birds and feathers, there have been other mystical wing encounters.

I found an actual small bird’s wing feather on a hike this last weekend. This, on a day that was quite still and calm, followed by several days of extreme calm, nearly no wind, placid water on every lake we hiked by, and a loud stillness in the air. Similar to the calm before a storm, which in fact literally is happening here as we today had our first rain in a while and winds that are preparing for our first snow storm on the way this weekend.

The timing of everything is always fascinating.

Another incredulous “mystical wing” encounter, took place on Saturday’s Halloween/Samhain Full Blue Moon. While we were sitting by the river enjoying a distanced picnic lunch, I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my left elbow.

I immediately brushed at it, feeling some kind of creature, and then looked at my elbow to find an odd stinger in it that looked three-pronged. It hurt and burned a lot and I had Dave immediately yank out the stinger.

No one saw what it was except one friend who said, “I saw something with very large wings, but couldn’t make it out.”

I’ve never “randomly” been stung like that on purpose. Only two times in my life did I get stung, but they were my own unfortunate doing. Each of those were from bees. Once when I was a little girl and stepped on one on the grass by accident. And once, incidentally, when I sat on a bee on the seat of the boat we were on in the Galapagos Islands. Each time giving me crazy skin reactions lasting a long time. I was actually told when I was a child that the only thing I was allergic to was bee stings, so this made sense.

But my skin reacts hugely from stings or bug bites of any kind. Luckily I’m not allergic in terms of getting anaphylactic shock, serious illness or sick feelings, etc., but my body goes on major localized attack of anything foreign introduced.

So, the sting burned and hurt quite a bit and in the days to follow it swelled like a small tumor, hurt like a bad bruise to the touch, and got very red and itchy. It’s currently just a bit blotchy red and itchy, but is healing.

The strangeness though is the auspicious timing/day of the incident and that no one can identify what got me. It wasn’t a bee, nor a wasp or yellow jacket – neither of these fit the large winged description nor do any of them leave a stinger, let alone a three pronged stinger. Our friend that got a glimpse said the only thing he could find online to somewhat mirror it was an Asian Giant Hornet. That’s highly unlikely, but apparently even hornets don’t leave stingers.

Something that large is nothing we’ve ever seen around here, but otherwordly visitors coming through dimensions is a whole other thing. 😉

I’m convinced it was a cosmic faery initiation that came through the thin veils that day to activate a new crossroads. Even my faery sister, Laura, reiterated the same sense when we were talking about it and our shared bee allergies.

The potent Full Blue Moon Samhain zap seems to indicate big shifts and combined with the rare, powerful avian sightings, I’m curious to see what’s in motion.

“The elbow represents the capacity for radical change in direction in what we do in our lives regarding our own path, our goals. It represents a professional change or one that concerns our objectives.”

And, since elbows also symbolize our flexibility, there’s an increased focus on expanding that to incorporate even more possibility and an intention around changes involving freedom to act in accordance with our identity, drive, and dreams. The left elbow is also yin/feminine, so there’s a shift with all things of this essence taking place.

Synchronously during the time period of all of these experiences, I have actually been reviewing and receiving a lot of inspired guidance and nudges. This led to a big redo of my office and shared Wonderland room with Astrid.

I’ve expanded and revamped my creation space with two side-by-side matching desks to have one elongated area to work. When I first got my desk it had arrived partially damaged, so the company ended up sending me another. That one also had partial damage and so they sent me a third. So I ended up with three for the price of one and with a little transfer of parts from one to another had two perfect desks out of it.

I had only ever had one in my office and the other we stored in the garage, but I got inspired to create an expansive and comfy work space that would be much more useful and inviting for my non-traditional ways of working. I also got rid of my desk chair and replaced it with my super cozy reading chair so that I now feel like work time is welcoming and supportive to my Pisces dreamy energy. It also puts in me in better view of seeing out to my garden.

I’ve never liked the office desk and chair concept, and throughout my school career always did my work, studying, and typing (on a type writer) of papers on my bed despite having a small desk in my room.

This new set up feels inspiring and with of course my decorative touches, it is more of an imaginarium space that happens to be work-friendly.

I am still in process of redecorating, but all the major clearing out/organizing is done and it feels good. What I love about it all is that not only is it so much more fun now to be there, but I feel this was necessary in order to do the next phase of my writing.

I hadn’t felt called to do what was next with my novel, but now this feels like the exact invitation and nurturing “someone” knew I needed, which also aligns with the energetics shifting. I’m glad I listened.

So, that’s one big change that took place and more are in process, as I’ve embraced nudges around doing work I previously felt complete with. In fact, next week I’ll likely have another update on some offerings upcoming because of this.

I also just did another big purge of clearing out things and am actually off to Goodwill as soon as this blog posts. And it looks also like another upcoming short get away is in order. It seems like a bunch of new energy activations are streaming through in overdrive.

In the midst of it all Astrid has been excited with all the changes too. She loves the new hidey space it created behind my reading chair, under the desk and the whole set up actually created more open space and an expansive look and feel to the whole room.

And speaking of Astrid, she also received her own “mystical winged” faery initiation, as you can see here.

These are photos of the night we returned home from our time away and I introduced Astrid to her very own faery bunny! The tag attached to her named her “Fiona,” but I’m sure Astrid will let me know if in fact that’s who this little one really is.

She took to her right away and gave her the usual enchanting with some energy-infused nose nudges.

No matter where I put her, Astrid was right by her side giving her magickal nose kisses.

She’s enjoying the new energy and is excited about the upgrades she’s also receiving alongside mom. This to include some brand new mats on the way for her sweet little feet and thumpers so she can lay cozy by mom through the colder seasons and have her feet cushioned with support where she likes to sit/lay most.

These new little islands of comfort and joy are like the new frontiers mom is also embarking on and together we’re excited for a very different winter experience upcoming.

Even our recent hikes since we’ve returned home have all taken us to great climbing heights overlooking expansive, more secluded vistas and anchoring with the sacred stone outcroppings in each of the areas.

These vantage points have offered me a broader perspective and nurturing nudge to open and trust even wider, despite the strangeness I sense about.

The energetic landscape of the world is shifting greatly and has many unknowns, but our personal piece of the story can be a different kind of journey if we commit to the work.

Climbing a mountain is always filled with reflections of growth. And while the view may be incredible, it’s truly how we embrace the climb that makes the difference.

And although summit may seem like a natural end, peace comes when we embrace each part of the mountain as rich and treasure-filled.

There are layers of mountainous journeys to traverse, but remember that the journey is where we discover ourselves and learn to anchor amidst anything.

I’m seeing with new eyes and feeling into things with all parts of me. One thing I know is that only I can control how I feel, or what my experience of life is like, and I refuse to let anything or anyone have reign over that domain.

It didn’t always used to be that way, as I never had boundaries to my energetic world. I used to have trouble differentiating between what was mine and others’ and I was susceptible to persuasion and telepathic undernotes. Now, I’m on high alert and am always privy to what other’s are really up to and I keep a strong sense of self even though I have a strong sense of unity-loving connection.

I love how in the photo above you can actually subtly see the red site on my left elbow where the faery initiation zap of radical new change took place. This photo feels very symbolic of the new frontiers ahead, demonstrates connection, but with different vantage points of our experience of life, and anchors a joy and strength for the unknown journey.

This is the most strenuous hike we do around here because it steeply climbs 2000 feet in only two miles. We do it in only an hour, which is a big accomplishment for me.

This is the first time we’ve done it where the air was still without a breeze and the water below was equally mirroring.

In the stillness of presence there is much to receive.

I also love that my eyes are protected by the shade of my hand – creating shadow or diffusion of light in order to see.

Yes, we are capable of clarity and finding direction even amidst seeming darkness. In fact, sometimes going through caverns of experience can be necessary in order to understand with new wisdom and bring forth greater richness.

We are traveling new frontiers of experience together, step by step, and with trust we’ll find new wings to carry us further.

Magickal Update: Today, the day after posting this, the “mystical wings” theme and symbolism continued double fold with the finding of a bird’s wings. While hiking I found the wings with the feathers in separate, but connected pieces creating sections of the wings and almost making each large wing look like many little wings. The photo above is of the gathered wings in my large vest pocket. I like to honor the energy of each being and message in special ways. The large feather in front is a separate feather I found on its own – feels like goose – along with a beautiful, tiny spotted mystery feather. They’re pictured below.

Ask Astrid Fridays ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: Navigating the Illusion of Loss

Last night while we headed out for our second wind of the night’s outings, just as we turned the bend at the tip of the forest, a raccoon caught my eye to the left. It was no more than a day or two ago that we were having a conversation with friends where Dave mentioned not ever seeing a raccoon, opossum, porcupine, etc. and I told him – “Oh they’re out there, they just don’t show up when you want, plus you’re usually asleep when they’re exploring about. They slip through the veils when needed.” And then she did.

When asking Astrid to think about what she wanted to share for today’s message of her blog, she told me to go ahead and go out first to enjoy the snow and more snow shoeing, while she thought about it and would send me her ideas while out in the forest. And, of course she did.

While out in the forest I received two messages from her. One, was the image of the raccoon and the second was some sadness – my own – and some words “illusion of loss.” I continued snow shoeing, wondering about the tie-in and why she wanted me to go out, but it then hit me while the snow was coming down all around us and all of the forest was deep in blankets of white.

Everything around me had changed pretty much overnight since the eve of Thanksgiving, going from Fall’s warm colors and brittle leaves, to a slumber where signs of life are dormant and the purity of snow infuses its own cleansing alchemy.

It might appear like life is no where to be found, but in fact it is never gone and is in process of deep renewal – the kind you believe in, but won’t answer to your hopes until you’ve all but forgotten your dreams.

Astrid reminds me that the holidays can be very beautiful and warm times because of the love in our hearts the magick kindles, but they are also full of nostalgia, memories, and in many cases – a sense of loss, emptiness, and loneliness.

These are times people reflect on dear ones who are no longer physically with us and Astrid knows that lately we’ve heard of many souls moving on, which makes it challenging for those of us left behind with our feelings that are magnified now.

She reminds me that I, too, am one of those souls who deeply misses my dear ones and she brings this up for me to impart a message from her she knows won’t immediately take away the pains any of us feel, but assures us can be the alchemy we desire.

She prompts me to share what I’ve learned through my “losses,” while she helps channel her message through my processing. And by “loss” she means, having experienced my dearest friends that resided on Earth in animal bodies with me, returning to the stars.

So I reflected on the snow, bitter wind, and the blankets of white draped over the once colorful landscape and the feelings that flow through watery tears and sometimes cast a frozen burn upon my heart. They are one and the same….an illusion of something we think we can’t see or touch anymore in the same way, but underneath it all, remains and is ever-renewing, expanding, and preparing to blossom again and again.

She reminds me how much I LOVE the snow and its magick, even though it can be harsh and even take lives away from the creatures of Earth when her presence is thick with icy illusion.

Yet, I have not thought of snow and Winter as wrong or hurtful. It simply is another form of beauty that transforms and kindles a spark of inspiration in my heart and brings me closer to pure grace of being.

The same is how I’ve experienced physical death – when I allow myself to go through the flow of icy tears and memories, I’ve arrived at the magick of pure and simple love that suddenly drops into the true experience of eternal spirit that inhabits the vortex of my heart.

The loss is no longer truth because the gain is far more permeable and returns me to essence.

Winter. Death. They are both passing cycles and they are both ironically beautiful. Inherent in the state of each, is a remarkable alchemy that draws forth the depths of our hearts to feel things we normally want to run from or put a coat over to keep the chill out. But if we run our fingers over an icicle, we can begin to feel the burn.

This is the flame of life – the fire that raises the ashes – the burn of Cosmic love – the inferno of eternity.

Astrid knows I go through this burning continuum every time waves of memories and winds of spirit flash through me of my loved ones gone. They are a merging of then, now, and beyond, and once I move through the reminders of then, inherent is the presence of now.

The bridge becomes the heart and we become One.

I am seeing eternity through the eyes of loss and death. Just as I am seeing promise and inspiration through the eyes of Winter’s veil.

And so, raccoon reveals herself.

No longer to be hidden away in the dark, striking behind the shadows.

I/we come face-to-face with the truth.

Raccoons are known as great shapeshifters and tricksters.

Some may even refer to them as thieves, stealing away or hiding things from you in the dark of night.

Caroline Myss has written about the thief archetype saying that he, “sheds light on the potential wealth within you that can never be stolen.”

Our dear ones, our dreams, the things we think we have lost and can’t touch or experience the way we used to love, were never truly taken from us.

The only thing we ever lost was our understanding of real love.

Love that truly sees.

Love that truly feels.

Love that truly is eternal.

Love that bridges all illusions and boundaries.

Love that knows the inherent beauty in all things.

Love that brings everything into the now.

Love that expands and renews, over and over again.

Astrid reminds us that we have the strength and courage, just like fearless raccoon, to see through any difficult situation with ingenuity, flexibility, and possibility.

Like Spring inevitably comes after Winter, it is also inherent in Winter’s embrace.

They aren’t a one-after-the-other experience, but part of each other right now.

You experience things as beautiful because inherently your spirit recognizes the totality of something even if your ego and conscious mind only sees one thing.

Just as Nature recognizes our true nature and hopes to remind and reflect back to us the totality of who we are at any given moment – every cycle, every experience, every emotion, and thought are all of who we are now.

Our loved ones are all of who we are now.

They are eternally here behind the veils we erect.

And when you catch those glimpses of their spirit moving through the wind, when you feel their breath send the hairs on your arm and back of your neck to stand on end, when you see a shadow and spark out of the corner of your eye, or simply when your heart swells with enormous floods of love…you’ve pulled down the veils, removed the masks of slumber and judgment, you’ve turned on the light in the dark, and opened a locked door.

Those we love are with us and in everything around us.

We’re ready to experience the multi-dimensionality of life and open to new potentials and great change.

Astrid walks between worlds…between being grounded and on Earth and far-off in the Cosmos and although she understands the challenge we have of grasping these concepts, it is her desire to help open the portals to our hearts so we can walk with her into the realms of possibility. When we see only half the story, we are choosing to keep our lives compartmentalized.

We are choosing to remain small and separate.

We are choosing to keep those we love away from us, rather than with us.

Creatures of the night, like raccoon, can help reveal the truth of the heart and bring us the gifts they’ve been hiding away – into the light.

And what was lost can now be found.

Those that left, we’ll discover just tucked themselves away in our hearts, revealing the greatest magick trick there is – the power of love to unlock everything.

Astrid sends her love to everyone and hopes the seeds within her words take root.

Where Do We Go From Here? ~ New Realities Underway

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Wow! Where do I start? It’s always hard to find the words that will encompass the totality of experience had, but since this is impossible I can only do my best to express what feels most important to impart from my heart. The last week, as you know, I’ve been immersed in the alchemy of weaving cycles into seamless progression while sweet Laura joined for a Faery visit and an important Equinox and Full Moon gathering. We had no idea what was in store, nor the totality of reasons for it all, but we followed the nudges and committed to seeing it all through.

I’ll do my best attempt at summarizing the key points and expressing the nearly impossible to put into words. I’m also only sharing a fraction of the photos taken during this week, although if you’re on Instagram you can see more of the nature and magick we were gifted via that channel.

For sake of energetic completion and being that this was also the first and last time for Laura and I to teach together, most of what is shared is the synergy between us through photos, as we journeyed the spirals of experience.

equinox faeries

And what a powerful, but gentle and nurturing week it has been for us and everyone. This softness mirrors the extensive work we’ve both been doing to get to this point and unlike more dramatic or even intense times we’ve been known to share and heal through, this was instead very anchoring, supportive, and empowering of the choices we’ve made and the paths we’re being led forward on.

All of it beginning just before the Equinox, as we came together for the first time in two years. We noted that the gaps between in-person visits are shortening, whereas they used to be years upon years in the beginning. Now it’s turned into a yearly or bi-yearly event and feels to mirror the quick shifts and activations that these gatherings both reflect and create.


This led us to 9/22’s event that brought 11 of us together for a very special gathering, which I’ll share a bit more on since it is a marker point for many. Even the number felt, once again, to reflect divine alchemy at work, given its potency, our address being an 11, and our house blessing with the Gaden Shartse Monks also bringing together 11. I’d been led to prepare bottles for all of us, equaling sharing the holy water they left us for the participants to take away from our time together, as well as to receive extra activation they could then bring home to use. Each bottle was lovingly prepared and infused with quartz, amethyst, and golden selenite blossom crystals, fastened with a butterfly and three Steller’s Jay feathers from the Forest Portal.

I had a feeling 11 is what was meant to be, which was then reiterated by my only having 11 bottles. And this logistically worked itself out due to 1) our change of dates that made others who wanted to come unable to and 2) the shuffling around of energies that created last minute drop-out and synchronous incidences with others that put in place those that were meant to be here. Things always work themselves out for the highest good when we release attachment and expectations and although we would have loved having all who originally felt called here, we know that everything has its perfect reasons.

Astrid was a huge part of preparations, both energetically and with details, working her magick as she does. And although she chose not to make a physical appearance during the event, she was there right beforehand, running laps and jumping exuberantly, as she sprinkled her magick and moved the energy to get it ready for everyone. I later discovered that 9/22’s Equinox was also International Rabbit Day and so I know she was ultra busy not only anchoring and supporting energy from below us, but also sending out energy to the rabbit collective.

It was also a weekend pilgrimage that seemed key to the event, as everyone who gathered came from out of state or drove in from out of the area. So although Laura and I didn’t know the full why’s of this seed idea that manifested, there was no doubt it was meant to be, which was reiterated when we all came together and heard the reflections for why each soul was there that involved huge transitions on one level or another.

There would definitely be personal evolutions ignited, but also collective significance for this powerful group of Sacred Feminine energy to gather as we’ve done in another time and place before.

To add to the alchemy, we also had within our group, representatives of the Maiden, Mother, Crone energies with a mother, daughter, grandmother trio, as well as an unborn coming through one of our lovely members who was 34 weeks pregnant. Talk about potent – it’s things like this and so much more, that you just can’t make up.

Nor could I have asked for a more perfect closure to my last teaching experience (at least in this vein and platform), but also as the marker for the end of everything I’ve been doing up until now, which has been a full circle closure to all versions of me from other timelines/”past” lives. I’m very ready to move forward and retrieve future me’s, instead, to merge into now.

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It was an incredible gift and honor to be with everyone who joined us for a day that blended a workshop experience with nature immersion time and concluded with quite the sacred ceremony for activating the new – a ceremony that was joined by many of the avian clan around who chimed in with their songs and calls, beginning with Ravens, and where the Wind blew through at very aligned moments, while the Sun cast its timely light.

The day before the event, my dear wild rabbit friend, Blueberry, had also made his first appearance in months making it clear he, too, was preparing the energy at the Forest Portal along with all of his friends. It was also the big reveal of my staff I made in time for the event, which was part of the ceremony in opening the new portal timelines for us each to walk through. Perhaps I’ll share a photo in a future post.

Topics included tapping into our multi-dimensional selves, working with our timeless selves and creating new realities, communicating with other worldly and cosmic beings, animals, and Faeries, sound healing, shapeshifting, ways to recognize and trust what’s within, tapping into greater empowerment and embodiment of essence, perspective shifts that help you to live a more magickal life, several powerful meditations and exercises, and more.

It was quite the day where time merged and felt both short and endless and brought together souls we’d either never met in person, this life, or souls we hadn’t seen in years.


Each and every soul that was with us is incredible and powerful beyond what they even know, but hopefully are now truly feeling the truth of and understanding even more.


The potent sharing concluded with a fun and yummy pizza night out with everyone except one person who needed to get back home, before the rest of the group headed out that evening and the next morning.

A few people remained for the next day, which enabled us to share a gorgeous hike that integrated more nature time for grounding.

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The messages were clear and the energy seeded during our time together will continue to grow and blossom in the days to come. My gray mouse friend just came by the sliding glass door, as I wrote this.

The message of re-membering who we are, lingers.

faery adventures

And the rest of the time Laura and I were able to focus our energies on receiving the gifts of now, nurturing ourselves after all we’ve been through up to this point, reflecting on closure, and visioning the futures we’re now focusing on.

virginia city faeries

What we noticed was great peace, clarity, and anchoring of everything and we did that through moving the energy via hiking, talking, and touching in at various potent areas.

enchanted faeryland

We also noted how some experiences and things that showed up were specific for one of us, where as other things were meant for both of us.

reunion faeries

This reconnecting time also gave us the chance to have a Faery reunion in Reno with our dear friend Timothy Glenn, whom many of you know from Laura’s blog and his astro-insight updates. We picked right back up from our over 11+ years of last having seen each other all together and continued the Faery feasting we used to do after workshops and gatherings.

silly faeries

We then got to visit Storey County’s old Virginia City in the Virginia Mountains where we loaded aboard the train taking us forward and backward in time (literally) through tunnels along the old mining grounds of the 19th century mining boom, visited two sister crystal shops where we found special items to take home for the adventures ahead (I even found a 5 piece broken crystal geode in the dirt as we strolled), walked down memory lane through the historical little city, giggled to tears, and stopped at the 111 church that seemed to message completion for things Laura had felt drawn to go here for.

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The rest of the week was full of morning and day hikes, relaxing, rest, talks of what’s to come – interesting that these are “now”and “future” oriented whereas before we would focus on “past” events we were healing and integrating, Tarot readings for each other, and of course LOTS of continued yummy Faery feasting.

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We also shared a Full Moon activation we did for each other with Astrid assisting. We used new wands I got for us as gifts a few months back, but at the end of the activations, I went to put my wand back with the wand Laura had given me two years ago and the older one flew off my shelf, breaking the quartz at its tip perfectly in half. It was evident I’d made a clear cut and closure with the old and when we contemplated the wand’s break, Astrid chimed in. I held up the point that broke in one hand and the wand with half quartz in the other, several times to her and each time she was quite adamant about the broken one being the new way and that it should stay broken, as to welcome in new energies through that opening. She did this by wrapping her teeth and mouth around it and giving it a little nibble, but nudging away the broken piece. Such a wise one!

tahoe laura and tania

And speaking of wise ones, we had quite a few potent visitors and sightings that shared their medicine including a fox. Oddly, but not surprisingly, I saw its reflection across the street in my mirrored closet door while I sat in my chair – basically reflecting it backwards to me and I called Laura over so we could look at it outside. Interestingly, a few women from our Equinox group also chimed in with fox synchronicities, as well as Laura’s husband.

I found an owl feather hidden in the birch trees.

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Laura will share more about the fox and owl synchronicity in her share.

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We also stumbled upon many Faery portals and stone and tree guardians, not to mention, were gifted gorgeous weather, journeyed to six lakes, crossed several creeks, and wandered enchanted forests.


But to continue with the animal spirit guides and sightings, we found the remains of a bird in the forest with feathers spread about.

Butterflies and dragonflies were always flitting about, along with tons of the usual forest creatures here.


A caterpillar wiggled across our path.

tahoe faeries

Sleeping and flying geese greeted us at the lake.

Hawks were in ultra abundance and turkey vultures also ventured forward near the end.

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Steller’s Jays were prolific, but especially notable was an extremely sweet elder female that made a point of getting our attention and hanging out. I was particularly moved by her.

rubber boa

And an incredibly rare, beautiful, luminescent baby Rubber Boa made its appearance on our last big day of hikes. We both felt this one was for me, especially given my snake/serpent connection, snake dreams I’ve had recently, and the shedding of skin and big transformation I am making currently and ended with our Equinox gathering.

We (Laura, Dave, and I) even “accidentally” all wore animal spirit guide shirts without knowing until we saw this photo.

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We each had our own very powerful reflections and mergings, but I’ll let Laura speak to her own things in her share.

What I noted for myself, also, was that before the baby Boa sighting we’d taken a photo together in which the a-line style of my top made me look as though I was quite pregnant and ready to give birth, as you can see here.


That felt symbolic of the new journey I’m embarking on and what I am literally birthing forth in creation with my book and what’s to follow. Being a baby boa truly indicated this new birthing moving through me and I noted it was the size of the serpent I wear as a sacred tattoo wrapped around my right wrist and hand.

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I can’t thank everyone enough who said “yes” to this weekend’s Equinox gathering and events and opened your hearts more courageously. You helped make this a rich and beautiful experience for us all and without a doubt, for me. You are all truly leaders in your own right and through your example, are lighting up the collective grid into new realities of unlimited potential. Keep anchored in the energy we created together and call it up when you need to. You all have a very special place in my heart. ❤

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And to Laura, thank you for being a constant supportive light in my own life and for always saying “yes” to the changes knocking at your door. I’m beyond grateful to have you along for this wild ride and to share many an adventure with. I’m so excited to see how our lives shift after this potent time together, since each time seems to invoke leaps. And although we do things differently, the parallels are uncanny, and it’s all more fun with you there. I can’t wait to see all the new you’re channeling through. I love and appreciate you. ❤

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I found the entire week reiterating, anchoring, and freeing. There was also a very gentle deepening and sweet essence to everything and the clicking in of something that can’t be put into words, but merges the Earth and Cosmos within that I’ve come to know as me. Perhaps others are feeling their own version of this too.

It will be fun to see what evolves for everyone who was part of our gathering and in general, to observe the micro and macro reflections overall.

Where do we go from here?

That’s a question I pose to each of you. And ultimately, it’s an answer you get to choose how to bring forth from your heart into embodiment.

Regardless of the unknowns, I know it will be amazing.

May all possibilities be open to you.


Where Do I Go From Here?


During our week together, a very special Faery named Orla and Merlin piece (falcon, activating more of my Horus connection and new energies needed for the journey now) for my Wonderland office also arrived home to me – something I gifted myself for this time period and as an accompaniment to a magickal piece with a White Hare, three Moon Sylphs, and five toadstools that arrived earlier from the same artist just in time for the Equinox. These will be companions for my continued writing adventures – in fact, the Hare and Sylphs sit to the left of me on my desk. I also love the acorn caps and twigs on the Orla and Merlin piece that come from a huge old oak tree in England. The artist is going to send me a few more of these and something special from magickal Dartmoor from her time there as well.

And on the day I took Laura to the airport to head back home, a butterfly ring I’d gifted myself for this transformational stage in my life was ready for pick up, as I had it resized. That also felt especially potent since the butterfly was the very first symbol that came to me at the onset of my spiritual journey so long ago, as the symbol of my path, and was the first tattoo I ever got. So to now have this new ring was yet again a full circle ignited.

I’m spending this weekend finalizing a bunch of little things here, so I’m fully ready to jump back into my writing full time come Monday, October 1st. I had a great 2+ month break of closures and stepping away from my book to refresh since receiving it back from my editor. I know I’m ready to get going, as the last couple of nights I’ve been dreaming about my editor and editing again. Astrid is quite anxious, but has patiently assisted this transition. We are both VERY ready to walk fully into the new.

And part of that new also entails some fun artwork upcoming that I will be doing alongside my writing to keep a healthy creative flow going. These will be available when I do and will keep you posted on that.

There will also likely be a crystal sale update coming soon – so keep an eye out, as these move quickly.

I begin my new fitness program Tuesday, October 2nd to balance the very focused time ahead.

Synchronously this all aligns with what seems to be an initiation into my upcoming personal #4 year (in numerology) that kicks off in February on my birthday, which is the year of setting foundations – a more serious year after a lighter one. It involves a lot of deep cleaning, building, working in more structures to my life and systematic ways for optimizing and creating more effectiveness in the years to come. Although I’m still finalizing this last year’s energies, which will still weave into things, it seems I’m already starting to fasten my seat belt for the challenge of this new ride.

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Autumn in the Air & Short Break


Autumn is definitely in the air and I find myself busy like the squirrels and chipmunks here preparing for things, including this Saturday’s Equinox and our workshop event taking place. We have an incredible group joining us from all over – people are flying in from Wisconsin, Texas, Arizona, Oregon, and Southern California, with a few people driving in from Northern California. And of course my co-partner and Faery in all of this, Laura, is flying in from Michigan to join me here in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Quite the gathering of incredible souls, which is sure to make for some powerful activations.

Because of this and Laura’s being here for a week, I won’t be blogging until I’m back to being on my own again here (last few days of September), as these in-person gatherings with her tend to be very potent time portals for us to anchor in the next legs of the journey. So, we’ll be fully immersed, just as we will be on the Equinox with everyone. Faery mischief and mystery awaits!

Also very excited for Laura to meet her niece, Astrid, for the first time in person, although they’ve already met virtually and know each other from long ago. 😉

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know why you may not be hearing from me for a little bit and thought to send you off some of the Autumn magick already beginning here. Soon all of the beautiful warm colors will fill the forests and Winter will be close at hand.

I sense an earlier Winter this year and perhaps a colder one. Looking forward to the seasonal shifts and a new cycle of life for me here shortly, beginning the 1st of October.

What are you looking forward to?


Crystals, Mystery Wands, Reiki Healing Attunement Zappers & Workshops

I mentioned in my blog post yesterday that with me having some downtime while my book is being reviewed, I have the ability to create and offer just a few fun things, although I will still be immersed in other layers of steps upcoming for my project. This opened the ability to put out a few inspired offerings (I’m always listening) you can read about below that excite me, are aligned in how I feel, and that I know would be of benefit currently with everyone’s journey, as well as feel supportive to my creative energy.

I plan to utilize this time to finish creating my personal, magick staff and in seeing that I have three pieces of prepared wood all ready to go, I felt called to offer three magick crystal wands (you likely remember these from last year) to anyone who wants a little extra amplification and focus with your power and intents. Wands can help you to harness your power, direct it, and increase the flow.

I will be channeling them, as I get their energies coming through, so will not be posting them as completed wands to choose from, but rather as mystery wands you can feel into and choose accordingly. For some, price may be your leading factor of choice, and for others, you may feel what each will be manifesting as and that will be your resonance.

You can choose your magick crystal wand below, by purchasing through the link of choice.

Shipping and handling will be a separate invoice, once your order is ready to ship and destination/packaging cost is all compiled.

Mystery Magick Crystal Wand #1 ~ $111 – SOLD

Mystery Magick Crystal Wand #2 – $177

Buy Now Button

Mystery Magick Crystal Wand #3 – $222

Buy Now Button

I only have three pieces of wood and only have enough time to create them, so no, I won’t be doing more at this time, as I would have to have wood find me in the forest and also need another window of opportunity. This is it for right now.

reiki hands

The next offering is a Reiki Healing Attunement to receive a zap of support.

I don’t offer Reiki sessions or Attunements anymore, except in the last Reiki Workshops I’ve been teaching this Summer in terms of Initiation Attunements. So, this is a special and surprise opportunity if it calls to you.

With a small window of time on my hands, these fit perfectly and also align with what I sense could be an extra boost for people in the midst of shifts, healing, changes, wanting more alignment, ability to see the opportunities, gain greater clarity in general, support courage, creativity, and anything you want to enhance or bring forth more, help reveal and clear blocks, open doors, add increased magick to your current trajectory, etc.

I use these all the time for myself and Dave and I always stress to pass students who know how to do these, not to forget to actually utilize this tool, as they are super potent. Every time I do one, the intentions I have, one-by-one start happening – sometimes immediately. I like to keep a list of the things and check them off as they come true. Pretty incredible.

So, if this speaks to you, or you were wanting one – as I know a few of you have contacted me because you were interested and at the time I wasn’t available – then here it is.

I will only be making this available to 5 people, as that feels most aligned for me.

You can purchase your Reiki Healing Attunement below and then please get in touch with me via my CONTACT page to let me know your name, location, some options of good times for us to tune in together for this where you can be open to receiving peacefully and mindfully, and your intents for it and then we’ll be ready to go.

Reiki Healing Attunement ~ $55 – ALL SPACES FILLED

And last, we have some very special crystal beings that are ready to have new guardians, as our time has come full circle. I’ve been moving through things fast and so I don’t hoard crystals simply because I love them. I love them enough to know they have service to do and want them to keep moving their energy like I am.

Here are the 3 crystals currently available, which will all be Reiki infused and charged before heading off to you from the Forest Portal:

fluorite 4



fluorite 3

Earth & Cosmos Fluorite ~ $155 – SOLD

This incredible Fluorite is like nothing I’ve seen and truly embodies the essence of bringing together and merging Earth and Cosmos – as the bottom half is this exquisite layered journey through Earth’s womb in the brown and the top half is this ethereal experience of violet and white. Within each there are remnants of both interlaced, creating balance. And then we find sparks of rainbow and one larger one at top.

Harmony within and without. It stands 8 1/2 inches tall and about 3 inches at widest.

The colors will intensify and become more subtle as you have it with you. I love how crystals constantly shift.


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ocean jasper

Sacred Geometry Ocean Jasper Sphere ~ $44 – SOLD

This incredible Ocean Jasper sphere with portals and amazing naturally infused sacred circles in perfect geometric synergy throughout (hard to capture, but you can kind of see one of these in two of the photos above, including a reflection of Eeyore from my shirt – hehe). You’ll have fun discovering all of them, as they are very faint unless the right light and perspective reveals them. Amazing! I love that this crystal’s energy feels merging of Water and Earth, has that nature, Faery, and heart-centered aura with a zap of joyous empowerment.

It is a 2 inch sphere in mossy green, yellow green, and yellow. Looks like an Otherworldly planet.

Here’s a link on its properties: Ocean Jasper



Golden Ray Selenite Cosmic Blossom ~ $222 – SOLD

  • Also known as Golden Ray Selenite
  • This particular kind comes from Canada
  • It’s a completely natural formation that will carry the energy of Selenite, but with additional metaphysical properties due to its golden essence
  • Is a powerful, beautiful, and high vibrational crystal known to call in the highest frequency of white light and the Golden Ray of Buddha
  • Some say it stores Ancient Priestess teachings and can be used for a variety of metaphysical purposes – making them excellent for any healing environment
  • Connects to the Solar Plexus, Third Eye, Heart, and Crown Chakras – helps to integrate, open, and activate
  • Supports creative manifesting from your heart
  • Directs your will in a loving, joyful manner
  • Assists you to create your reality based on intention, trust, and joyful wisdom
  • Helps you to become attuned to, and harmonized with, your soul purpose for this lifetime
  • Focuses on joy, manifestation, and creation/creative energies and is really good for digestive issues and addictions, as the dis-ease of one’s will

I love both the inner Earth and Cosmic essence it embodies, which makes sense since Selenite is an embodiment of “As Above, So Below”.

It is a little over 3 inches tall and a little over 2 1/2 inches wide. It shifts in color all the time from lemony yellow, deeper yellows, and indoors and without light almost yellow green.

This is a very rare and unique specimen of this crystal – WOW!!! It’s like holding a star from the Cosmos in your hand.


Since I continue to move rapidly through things, there may be more in the coming weeks or months, but these are the three that jumped out right now.




Upcoming/Last Workshop Reminders:

One month from today, on August 11th, is the last chance to register for the Reiki 3 Master Teacher Workshop on August 18th. I have 4 spaces remaining for either new or return/review students. Remember review students of mine can join for free so if you want to brush up or think one of those big changes for you involves starting to teach, please reach out so we can make that happen!

And there are two months and four days – on September 15th – remaining to register for the Fall Equinox “Living a More Magickal Life” with Laura Bruno and myself on September 22nd.

We have only 3 spaces remaining, as we are limiting this to an intimate gathering of just 12.

The links to register for both can be found here:

Workshop Changes & Updates


I love surprises! Love and creative magick to you!

Unifying Layered Realities as the Living Dream

June feels ripe with much in motion and round-the-clock fullness, which is being mirrored in all the flowers and green blossoming everywhere. I mentioned recently in conversation that dream time is stepping forth in grand ways because it is where the layered realities of our multi-dimensionality are. This reality we are focused on in waking life is but one offshoot of what really is and things will flip when the collective is ready to “live the dream.” This last week has been layered with interweaving parts that are merging into a new creation. I’m sensing many can feel what I’m saying and are experiencing the difference, as well as likely have been involved in a lot recently too.

The first three photos you see here are of our home on the forest. Everything right now is coming up flowers and is completely enchanted. I can’t get enough of all the variety of wild flowers surrounding our house and throughout the forest, as we let our hearts wander the paths. I can’t help but stop to take them in with all of my senses, which sparks a feeling within to skip and frolick to join in Nature’s dance.

The layers of lush beauty and blooms seem to reflect the many layers of fertile potential stirring in the cauldron of our inner desires and dreams. Anything is possible. We just simply have to choose what we want to nurture, cultivate, and grow with all of that potential.

And speaking of dreams, I can’t emphasize enough how potent these are and have been for me. Things have been amping up and increasing there. I’ve always been a vivid dream weaver, but I’m experiencing so much more there than ever, including more of that cohesion of bringing together the multiple realities going on at once so that things are becoming more seamless.

I continue to dream in excess of people I know and having remote viewings, very clear psychic experiences – that I would rather say are simply tapping into the other realities and living and remembering them in the now, rather than actually being this psychic experience that seems supernatural – and when I touch in with people they confirm what I “dreamed” as being exactly what is going on with them.

This in part has to do with my Pisces boundless energy, but I’d like to emphasize that I feel this is where we’re headed as a collective in progressively tapping into our multi-dimensionality as no longer a concept in our minds, but a reality we live and co-create in. It would be too much for many if it simply opened fully and immediately, so in stages, the more each of us are tapping into it, the more the collective at large is, and vice versa it also speaks to the readiness of the collective that this is possible too.

This is the progressive spiral of humanity moving into a wider experience of dimensional cognition that the other parts of ourselves are already experiencing.

I’m finding that the more this happens, the more full my life is and the more I am experiencing the direct alignment and effects of every little thing I do very clearly. When we stop to recognize and be curious about it all, we expand and draw in more possibility.

It’s been a full week and continuing. I know many of you have found yourself with full plates as well. I always like to review things in my life and connect the dots, as it ignites things more and bringing things together.

And what a week it’s been:

  • I read four books – just started my 5th – that had the perfect ingredients for the next leaps. I haven’t read much recently, but Dave has a library card and the last time I went with him I suddenly found myself with a stack of six books coming home – I’ll likely have the last two done here shortly. I followed my intuition and was led to the exact books perfect for the next phase of experience and creation. Even the order I’ve been reading them has unfolded in perfect cohesion.
  • Cleaning out and organizing was at the forefront again – I am finishing our bedroom closet, started my office closet, and Dave and I have been working on our garage – the last piece of our house getting fully settled since moving in. We marvel at the fact that nearly 100% of the garages people have here in Tahoe are unusable, meaning they are full of stuff people store or throw in there and they park their cars on driveways – yes even in the snow of Winter. And even the few who do park inside have disorganized garages that are a storage area for mostly old and unused things. Feels very symbolic to me about the subconscious and unconscious parts of the collective that are running the show in the shadow. I feel that even our unseen spaces speak to our lives and it’s bothered me that the garage was, to us, unorganized even though to others it wasn’t. And the same for my office closet, although organized, just has way too much in it that I had to find space for at the time and now is going to be cleared. This speaks to clarity of mind, heart, vision, and manifestation to me and also of shadow integrated rather than hidden, denied, or tucked away. As I look through every piece it reflects a piece of my inner world I am putting into productive use or releasing. The timing on getting these clear as the last steps, mirrors what’s ready to come forth. We even decided not to just organize and open our last boxes for the garage, but are getting rid of things, got shelves and storage boxes to have it all organized, are hanging our bikes to have clear space, and before all this we’ve been prepping the foundation of the garage – also symbolic – by cleaning it, filling cement cracks, and painting it in a nice finish to keep it clean and look good. No reason the garage can’t be special! It feels like taking care of the shadow in a way of valuing and merging it as usable.
  • I found a magickal horse duffel bag hidden in the garage – in the process of all the moving around a bag of stuff showed up that I thought I had lost, got stolen, or I threw away by accident. But in going through this process it showed up tucked away behind things. In the bag were some very cool things that were meaningful and special, including a portal tapestry I’ll be hanging downstairs in the guest room that will mirror mine and create a dual doorway reflecting layers of multi-dimensionality we have access to. Treasures found in the process of clearing.
  • I found our telescope – my parents had given us a telescope when we moved back to Tahoe and there it was in the garage all dusty and in a corner. I cleaned it up and brought it in and set it up downstairs for now. This feels like a treasure too with clarity, vision, and connection bringing the Cosmos in closer merging with Earth, as the two become one through our physical forms
  • Honing in on details for more effectiveness – I/we have been doing a lot of this and especially so in the shared business/work I have with Dave. In the interim it may seem like more work, but sets things up to be passive and supporting the intents we have for our life
  • Anchored in new sacred rituals – in bringing to light more ways to be effective and aligned, I’ve added in some different practices to enrich my/our life further and it’s definitely making a difference
  • Deepening shadow work and increased daily vitality and magick – this has included another level of awareness and application to bring more unification to life and making things easy and natural to discern and experience in each moment
  • Taking action on intuition and putting in place the steps for actualization – by listening to myself I’m seeing the thread on the weave tighten from being a loose loop and the image of the tapestry reveal itself by bringing things together. I’ve put my ideas out there vulnerably and have received welcoming yes’s to them. This is bringing together the perfect collaborations and I know will continue to
  • Garden tower recycling prolifically – I’ve harvested quite a lot and the last big harvest left the tower quite bare, but it’s all grown back in again. This tower has been even more abundant and rich than my last one and I feel its reflective of the things I’ve shifted, as well as the endless abundance available to us in our heart wells. I love seeing everything as a metaphor for my life
  • Blueberry sightings amped up – the wild baby mountain cottontail that lives here outside my office has been coming around abundantly. I named him Blueberry based on a dream I had of a bunny I adopted. The interactions between us and seeing him daily is another metaphor for things and to me is reflecting the path I’m on and have been cultivating, as well as the book I’m completing and its process
  • Fun news about Astrid – TBA but not only have her ears healed, but she is stepping out more and more collectively in her work and visibility
  • Sunshine immersion – during all of this I have been getting out daily in our beautiful 70’s weather and getting some great Vitamin D time, which I thrive on and that infuses extra vitality. I’ve also started using my Sun Oven again, which also infuses extra vitality in our food. So while dream time is revving, it is in balance with daytime immersions. All things in harmony create wholeness of being and experience
  • Dreams going crazy with psychic, remote, and symbolic messages that are bringing waking and dream life together – I already mentioned that above
  • And amidst all of it I’m still on track to finish my book this potent month of June with the Solstice portal aiding it. This is my last editing/reworking before I surrender it to the next phase and a professional editor

So, yes there are many layers going on and these are just the main ones I’m sharing to express how I integrate the meaning, reflections, and symbolism into my life as a unified field of experience.

These last photos are of the Forest Portal we live on, where this magick is unfolding, and of all the beauty blooming here in the wild, enchanted garden of my heart.