Monthly Archives: June 2013

Cooling Crystals to Beat the Summer Heat Plus New Crystal Friend Fun


Light-Inspiring Sunstone Sacred Geometry Copper Pendant

With the heat “on” and people sharing how hot it’s been with summer kicking in (wishing things would cool off a bit), I thought I’d share this article I wrote a few years back about how choosing a crystal for its calming properties can help soothe your summer heat experience and help return balance and harmony to your life.

You can read it here: Beat the Summer Heat – Cooling Crystals that Soothe the Mind, Body and Soul

Every little bit of support we can get is helpful right? And when we’re feeling like a lot is going on in our lives, coupled with the temperatures rising, it can sure be nice to alleviate hitting the “boiling point.” 🙂


Luminescent Galactic Heart Moldavite

I’ll always share how I find crystals to be amazingly supportive friends and I’ll continue to provide supportive information, as well as steward crystals, as long as I’m guided to and people are desiring the connections.

That being said, the crystal friend fun continues with some more new additions to the Crystal Illumination family. You’ll find that I will be continually adding new crystalline energies (including Crystal Illuminations sacred paintings, as well as individual crystals) to my Etsy Shop as I have time to post them.

rare moldavite

Rare, Pristine, High Quality Cosmic Moldavite

Some of the new crystals featured include two new pendants that I just adore and two magical Moldavite (as you see pictured here – click to enlarge), as well as Andaras, and some animal totem stones. Not to mention of course there are a variety of other crystal friends for individual needs…all potent, precious, and perfectly attuned to the current energies, as well as embody the “cooling” and calming effect that was mentioned in the article above.

You’ll discover crystals for all price points and desires, including very high end to extremely affordable. To see more images of the featured pieces you see here, visit the link below.

You can find them here: Crystal Illumination Etsy Shop

Everything is intuitively chosen for the vibrational frequency each crystal friend emanates and infused with Reiki Love.

If you have any questions or are particularly interested in a specific crystal you may not see in the shop, you can message me at and I’d be happy to assist in helping you find something perfect for you.

rainbow fluorite close up

Diamond-Cut Rainbow Fluorite Sacred Geometry Silver Pendant Close Up

rainbow fluorite

Diamond-Cut Rainbow Fluorite Sacred Geometry Silver Pendant

Bimini Summer Solstice Gathering – Renewal & Reinvigoration Found

988489_10201217758593215_19Returned I have, from another magical sacred journey in Bimini, Bahamas – one of the places my heart and soul recognize as home. We spent a week in this enchanted and powerful energy center immersed in an array of body and soul nurturing experiences – things that may seem like dreams, but there they become realities.

And who is we? A very old and new soul family alike. To say that this trip was immensely effervescent, expansively opening, and nurturing in lightness and heart, would be an understatement. Personally, I found all of the ingredients to be a perfect and balanced cycling of IMG_5746giving and receiving all around, and that is a welcome experience I found myself deeply grateful for. I also found that the unique elements were all universally orchestrated for everything that was meant to unfold and perfectly presented in the exact way that each of us needed for our evolution and greatest potentials to come forth. It reminded me how purity and tranquility is a state of being that we can hold when moving in and out of anything.

There were so many new and amazing changes both literally and energetically that greeted us at The ARC too! Lots of new additions, expansion, and fine touches that really tied everything together beautifully. I got to have a new room IMG_5748(where I found a rose and tropical flower with sweet note welcoming me back) that was right across from the new ARC “Honesty” Shop, which made it fun to browse each morning all the new yoga apparel and jewelry creations now offered there (with more to come!). And I was really happy to share the back cottage with a beautiful couple and their amazing child, which lent to a really sublime energy we got to share in, come rising and setting sun, not to mention made for some cool dream time connecting.

But I get ahead of myself.

Several of you have been asking how the retreat was and excited to read about it and see photos, so here we go. Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and thank you so much to everyone who was tuning in and IMG_5747holding the energy during our time away. It is greatly appreciated and was very much felt. I hope you experienced much the same from what we were sending out.

I was thinking on how I wanted to share the journey that our group experienced, and it came to me that more of a summary of symbolic highlights, rather than a day-by-day itinerary detailing, felt in alignment with the peaceful flow and ease of this retreat. That, coupled with a photo album storyline, of course, so you can soak in some of the magic too. (Remember to click on each for the “enlarged” experience).

I found it so amazing to review the photos from the last retreat 6 months ago and compare myself, Jenny, Philip and Brian in them to these, and saw that what I kept saying to them about how happy I was to feel the expansion and change within each of them and all of us, was totally accurate. There’s a huge energetic frequency shift that has taken place in just months. Simply beautiful to witness and experience what gets activated with each of our gatherings.

IMG_6242As many of you know, we set off to celebrate and work with the energies of the Summer Solstice, which also happened to be within a couple of days of the Capricorn Full Supermoon, so the experience was heightened by all of this powerful synergy of energy coming together. Pair that with the energy of bringing a cosmic soul family together and topping it off with magical icing comprised of layers of “lightness,” and you have yourself a piece of out-of-this-world cake bliss. (I’ve been craving cake so forgive the metaphor) 🙂

IMG_6227Summer Solstice Rhythm of Renewal Retreat was the energetic focus and speaking for myself, which is all that I can do, aligning even more with that inner and outer rhythm and feeling renewed, is definitely what came through for me from the experience. And, on top of  that, a huge amount of growth and learning that took place and continues to unfold in exquisite design. The things that provide opportunity for me to draw deeper from my well and to never become complacent, are welcome experiences in my life.

Every sacred journey is so unique and equally so are the souls that are called to them. I find, particularly in the case of Bimini and the powerful Atlantean energy vortex there, that it is such a fine-tuned puzzle or board game where the pieces (specific soul energies) are moving in and out to create the most aligned dynamic that has both personal and collective ramifications in the highest way, until the perfect group is formed for the current energetic needs. That is why it is so interesting to me to sit back and observe the energetic dance that takes place leading up to embarkation. Truly fascinating and a work of cosmic art!

IMG_5733And the same balancing dance continues to unfold throughout the week, creating an energy signature that acts as a template for the group’s work and the collective’s experience in direct reflection of that ripple effect that takes place.

It really is pure alchemy. And I LOVE it!

There’s always an instant connection that takes place before the retreats begin, with each of the souls that join, if in fact it is a first connecting in “this life”. And when we connect in person, it is just a reiteration of that feeling first established by the initial contact. This was huge for this last retreat. And how that energy translated through was amazing to say the least.

IMG_5744I was so excited to pick everyone up in the van to get our early morning charter flight to our island home for the week. I was immediately struck by the sweetness of energy these strong women embodied, then was touched when a few of them shared surprise thinking I was something like 26, rather than 40. This was endearing to me, not merely for the very sweet compliment of age, but because of its reiteration that we’ve come to a time in our experience where value on what a person projects energetically and has to offer, overrides the old stigmas of definitions whether age or other signifying aspects. And, I too, found each person to be timeless, finding value in seeing the heart of each through the windows of their souls, recognizing the strengths in their vulnerabilities and the core that drives them.

kristen-tristan-azeza-meI also enjoyed the instant recognition of a soul brother, Tristan (waiting in the charter office with his beautiful wife/soul sister and son, Kristen and Azeza), without ever having seen him or spoken to him. The magic had begun and a star family reunited. And it also started a special connection with Azeza, that was like an instant electric bonding. While I’ve known I am not myself meant to have human children in this life, part of that has been due to the way I feel that all of the children and creatures of the Earth are my family, children, brothers, sisters…there has never been a void in that area for me. I really enjoyed the sweet connection on this trip with their son and having his child-like exuberance, innocence and purity, shadow mirror, soul-full wisdom, and star-presence as part of the group dynamics – extremely powerful.

IMG_5815I was grateful for the individual beauty each person had and for the sister and brotherhood that was created. Each person had a beautiful gift to bring to the group and each received a gift from us all. Gifts can come in unidentified perplexing packages (UPP instead of OPP – lol!), sometimes seeming completely “not” like a gift at all, and yet every single part of an experience, whether massaging your heart or challenging it, is a very valuable hidden treasure. I saw a lot of that during this trip and so much opportunity for integration. It was really beautiful to see the processing and embracing taking place.

IMG_5863It was also SUCH a peaceful journey, in my opinion. Jenny, Philip and Brian (The ARC team) and myself all commented on this. And it was especially noticeable while we did our Deep Quantum Light Breathwork Meditation on one of the days. Jenny and I both remarked that the energy was SO gentle and light in the room, like no other with this particular mediation that either of us had experienced (Philip chimed in too), as the meditation goes very deep and it can bring up and release a lot that later leaves you renewed, but during may feel more intense. Couple that with others going through the same, and you understand what I mean. But this wasn’t the case this time, and there was this 999881_503811509690822_2032synergy of connection created too, so much so that we were showing up in each other’s meditations and when we talked about it after, it all reiterated what others were experiencing in their meditation. And one person who experienced some very deep and transformative releasing said it was such a gentle process and left her also feeling very free. The energy was so light that a few of us were off-planet and found ourselves completely immersed in that lightness to the extent it was a challenge to stay present with the meditation and breathwork and could easily have wandered off. 🙂

at-front-of-boatNeedless to say, we DID all return, and that “light” quality remains with me.

There were so many cool aspects to this retreat (as there always is), it truly is hard to summarize because there’s so much I could share. So, rather than do a daily journal recount, here’s a breakdown of highlights that stand out to me:

  • The people were all perfect puzzle pieces to the group dynamics and I continue to find deeper layers to the gifts that were present, as things unfold and integrate. I’m also continuing to learn a lot, which to me is invaluable, finding pearls in the allowing and acknowledging. Our willingness to be vulnerable and admit we may not have all the answers, is the door to discovery and true strength. It was a very intimate gathering and experience that allowed for deep connections and work to take place with each other and within each of us. It also was a very cosmic star family reunion on a whole other level.
  • The food was spectacular and perfectly supportive and balanced. Jenny and I specifically had worked out a very light, simple, half cooked and half raw vegan meal plan idea for the week that showcased my cosmic sister, Jenny’s amazing raw culinary skills and my ancient brother Philip’s alchemical cooked vegan brilliance. It perfectly mirrored the energy of this retreat IMG_5992and each of our personal needs, given we all have high sensitivities to particular things and none of us can stomach the heavy stuff. We enjoyed raw vegan breakfasts, juices and smoothies in the morning, raw vegan lunches, fruit snacks on the boat, and cooked vegan dinners that took us around the world with an eclectic global palette of exotic dishes, topped off with raw vegan desserts. Everything gluten-free, very light spices, and almost nut-free with mostly using seeds and only a few very occasional nuts. None of that heavier gourmet, but still beautifully gourmet. My preferred way of eating and my stomach always was cover1happy. I told Jenny and Philip they may now have a permanent new title to their names – well, for sure on any of my retreats there with them, as it was personally, the best and most aligned for my personal tastes and needs and seems people agreed, as a few commented it outdid Cafe Gratitude’s food!
  • The two most incredible dolphin communing I’ve experienced to date, took place on this trip, both times with quite large pods. And WOW is all I can say. There just aren’t words. We spent what seemed like eternity dancing and connecting with the dolphins in the water on both of these occasions, one of them being a welcome home greeting from them on our very first day – yay! Time literally stood still and we literally were actually in the water for a VERY long time with the dolphins very eager to play, communicate, and activate. These dolphins6young dolphins were within a couple of inches away, twirling, circling, diving, gliding, scanning, deep-eye-soul connecting…it was also on this first day that started off with a film crew that were in Bimini filming the dolphins for the movie, The Last Reef and so we got to swim with them while the dolphins played up to the camera, which seems to get them also extra interactive because of the frequencies coming from the equipment. And on the other spectacular dolphin day, again they were so close and playfully mesmerized, that it soon became evident that there was no distinction dolphins3between us and them. So much so that three of us were touched by the dolphins, as they seemed intent on rubbing up closely. My particular experience was having two around me at once very close and one went right over my head and its tail gently knocked my crown chakra. weeeeeee! Yeppers, activation in action. For those of you have swam with dolphins in this way, you know what I mean when I say, it’s just pure magic, unparalleled. And for anyone who hasn’t yet, I truly hope one day that you will, as it is extremely life-changing and heart-opening.
  • 5912_502227759849197_907190188_nTons of shark energy!!! Love it! Here’s a great link on shark symbolism from Avia Venefica: Shark Totem Meanings. It was so perfect that this energy was abound. We came upon two Nurse Sharks (one of which Shari discovered and was so composed and calm despite her not knowing what kind it was), several baby Lemon Sharks, and one 10-foot Bull Shark (many consider the most dangerous in the world) that Brian came face to face with, as he and I were snorkeling ahead of the group and he calmly (as he always is) turned to me saying, “there’s a 10-foot shark right there,” establishing it was not a Nurse Shark. 🙂 LOL! All 184553_502227686515871_666193236_nbuilding up in that order from start until very last day with the big boy! 🙂 Shark energy is so potent, primordial, and ancient, speaking to your being able to master energy, work with the shadow, and go deep. Sharks also represent the primal life force energy and root of Kundalini rising into meeting life full on and fast forward. The most shark energy I’ve had all at once, building up in the way it came this time, although I’ve had a few experiences with them in the past. None of us were familiar with Lemon Sharks so our experience (that 4 of us took on the eve of Catharine’s 50th birthday celebration) at the Healing Hole with them felt to be like an initiation 1001170_502227353182571_1797058127_nthat reminded Tristan and I of those initiations in Ancient Egypt with the Crocodiles that initiates would go through. It felt very sacred, as we journeyed through the Mangroves and very narrow, up-to-our-wastes, murky, muddy, buggy, water pathway to get to the Hole and the Healing Mud that is high in lithium – bring on the laughter! The two and a half foot baby Lemon Sharks led the way in to the Hole (in front of our fearless and stoic leader Brian), disappeared and then again led us out via my turn at the helm. They seemed like guardians, as well as light holders and on the way out, they played, as much as sharks can play, between our legs, between each of us, and darting at our hands and quickly gliding away. It was quite a powerful experience and not one I’ll forget for its alchemical potency.
  • Alongside the amazing dolphin and shark energies, we also experienced incredible snorkeling at a couple of shipwrecks, The Three Sisters, and a new area I had not 11455_502813413123965_10276snorkeled before that all provided an array of stunning fish in every color and variety, gorgeous sea fans, coral, and even a surprise visit by a large Moray Eel that not only peeked his head out but came out in his full glory, gracefully gliding along the bottom of the ocean like an enchanted sea snake making his way to another hiding spot. Perfect timing to catch his dance performance for a few of us. We also twice visited the Bimini Road, or Atlantis Stones, where I kept feeling pulled further and further away from the boat by the energy 998888_502813539790619_1418673936_nguiding me to follow the path and it is then when I was a bit out and on my own that I saw what was like a vortex over the road under the water (apparently I didn’t need to get to the vortex this time, as it came to me lol!). It was like two different merging dimensions, one on either side, that folded together at center where they merged and created a dimensional doorway of intermingling blurred energy at center, layered in water prisms. As quickly as it appeared, it then disappeared when I looked away. We also saw stingrays from the boat and on the last day, we had good fortune of a sea turtle saying hello, which appeared in direct answer to IMG_6256something I was asking and I found out later, also for someone else who had similarly been tuning in with her own question. For me, the sea turtles are always connected to my dear tortoise, Gaia.
  • We all spent tons of time both in the morning and near sunset at the beach playing in the water and taking walks at sunrise and sunset. The first day I found an amazing large white conch that reminds me of an angel with extended wing and on the last day I found TWO Helmet Conches, which are IMG_6257rare to find (my first time ever). At first, we thought they were Queen Conches, but my dear friend Sean (who’s a deep water shark research and marine biology expert) shared with me upon return that they were in fact Helmet Conches and that the Helmet Conch is not seen as often as the Queen Conch. So that made it even more magical to have discovered them both, one after the other, immersed in the sand on my walk with Brian down the beach before leaving. Needless to say, the energy of this felt very powerful and synchronous and I intuited one was for Catharine and one I kept. Tristan, Kristen and Azeza also had found a twin conch to my white angel, but the male version, so I now have twinsies with both to connect through. Brian and Kristen found surf boards abandoned on the beach too, so we adopted them and had tons of fun IMG_5930playing and balancing on them with Tristan and Azeza (all caught on film by Philip from the beach). One in particular was super cool with the name “ARK” at the top of it! Very synchronous to us staying at The ARC and my painting series called Universal ARKitecture.
  • We celebrated Catharine’s 50th birthday, as I shared, and the trip to the Healing Hole came together last minute for that. Brian got the HMS 1017268_502228013182505_1168450286_nYemaya small motor boat ready and we lifted it up and onto the water and took the long journey out – myself, Brian, Catharine, and Tristan. It was a magical trip and Catharine made note that she felt it reminded her of traveling to Avalon, which 6006_502227893182517_1653648613_nindeed it did, not just in feeling, but in visual! It was a perfect trip for her birthday renewal and we giggled a ton in the brief time (only about 5 minutes in comparison to the eventful and long way there) we stayed in the dark muddy 5924_502227989849174_353917053_nHole, clamoring on the tied ropes in the water that act as guides and getting tangled in the tree branches. It was the journey indeed, not the destination, that held all the meaning.
  • We also enjoyed a lot of powerful sound healing, just as I had sensed and intended for this trip. One of these sacred IMG_6063ceremonies involved 6 of us (perfect Merkaba) one night, first singing with Gurunam leading that, then followed by chanting the Ganesh Mantra (Lord of Unity, Remover of Obstacles to help release the old and blocks, embrace blessings for the new, and uplift into the present) led by myself, and then Tristan led us into toning, which we then did by laying in a circle on our backs in the dark stillness, with crown chakras all connecting. WOO! And another night the entire group joined in on a sound toning session where everyone sat in a circle and toned, while I took one person at a time to the center, where they laid and received Reiki and 969200_501813929890580_1982235646_ntoning from myself and energetic heart support and toning from the group. This was really beautiful. All done in silence by lantern candlelight. I was extremely grateful at closure when the group then supported me with hands on healing from everyone with toning. I was extremely and deeply moved and honored by this, as I was not expecting such a beautiful gift.
  • Many times we remarked at the natural formations our late night groups would create without conscious effort. Merkabas of three female and three male, then perfectly balanced formations that mirrored the work we were doing, the energy being held, and what we were discussing, shifting as we did. IMG_5861So powerful!
  • I enjoyed sharing a few of my powerful Andaras and one special Tibetan Quartz, I was guided to bring, with the group, as it’s always a time for crystal fun and magic when we gather in these sacred settings.
  • And other fantastic, connective, fun, and powerful experiences included: late nights up until 1 am almost every night in deep conversations and work, 11-minute eye-gazing 5 of us participated in at the onset that Kristen and Tristan brilliantly suggested, which really set the tone of depth for the week and was followed by midnight bowls of spiced popcorn snacks – 430118_502813626457277_1809compliments of Philip, cosmic conversations, several UFO sightings, daily bike rides for half of the group (as we split some of the group on golf cart and some on bikes to and from the dolphin boat each day), watching Ralph and Benji (Jenny and Captain Kevin’s dogs take dips, swims and go boarding in the ocean with us), connecting with our new and extremely sweet Captain Kevin, his lovely and joyful wife, Kandy, and new boat mate friends for the week, beautiful Reiki 1 training that concluded with night initiation and healing attunements, several games – “The Wizzdom Game” that created growth opportunities and reignited passions, and some laughter exercises (both compliments of Barbara), card games, and our wonderful “The IMG_6001Compliment Game” one evening when we had 5 guests from the dolphin boat join us for dinner, serenading from Brian on his guitar by candlelight, a couple of people enjoyed journaling and jewelry making with Gurunam, we all had chance to relax and take personal time, group breathwork and individual or small gathering meditations, Kundalini yoga opportunities every day with Gurunam, and Solstice meditation that I led, which we 1043852_503521636386476_206concluded with pulling two tarot cards each from both the Atlantis and Mermaid/Dolphin decks, which were SO accurate for each of us upon conclusion of our week’s journey.
  • Some extra personal highlights for me to add are: being invited to read a bedtime story for Azeza, playing hide-and-seek with him as well, connecting with an amazing soul family, getting the chance to connect and spend quality time with Ralph (Jenny’s beloved dog companion, whom I was honored by his welcoming me into heart just as much as I did him), being able to see profound expansion and growth in people since last trip, feeling the sparkly magic and heart-opening of the amazing blessings that were and are abundant, 1010909_503522149719758_1608141402_ngetting a chance to deepen relationships with those I love, fantastic sharing and energetic exchanges within cosmic divinity that feels to be catapulting all of us as a result, having opportunity to integrate more of, and more deeply, my path, seeing the joy and renewal wash over each person in ways words fall short, deep gratitude for this magical life and the joy that increases each day through everything I experience, immense honor for the new Reiki practitioners and the beautiful strengths they each bring to their practice, marvel at the incredible vulnerability and reikicourage each person demonstrated in their own way, special magic and intimate moments with each person, thankfulness for the tons of laughs and fun (as playfulness is so important), alongside all of the love and opportunities that challenge me to grow more, opportunity to steer the boat and wear the cool “Atlantis” flippers I was given each day swimming, the honor of providing private session with Shari that truly revealed the magic of her, smiles at all the times synchronous thoughts, telepathy, experiences, dreams, wearing the same colors and rings took place, pendulums rocked the connection between a few of us, and when the same feelings were aligned and shared, and tickled IMG_6115that Jenny and I came away with new names of “TT” and “JJ” to add to “T” and “J”, which was anointed by sweet Azeza. What a blessing it was to be recognized as an aunt (sharing TT as the name of his special Aunt he has already) and to see him also find a “Grammie” substitute in Barbara on the trip as well. Indeed a family was recreated.

I could go on and on, but truly it’s an experience that is best “experienced” in person to really understand. Hopefully, though, a little of the magic has transcended through the words and photos shared, so 7210_501813936557246_306794781_nthat you can see what was unfolding within our shared collective experience during this time period you were experiencing in your own way.

Key words that light up for me in terms of this experience are integration, harmony, love (heaps of it!), nurturing, playfulness, empowerment, clarity, renewal, expansion, cosmic alignment, and activation.

So much has shifted exponentially and continues to because of this experience. A lot being realized. IMG_6049A lot being embraced. And a lot of things I’ve felt and known for a long time, coming into actualization. Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude for it all and for the very clear messages received and continuing to flow through, for the perfect unfoldings, for each person’s unique gifts shared, and for the beautiful blessings in abundance.

IMG_6196I hope you enjoyed a peek into this year’s retreat and I hope that the Solstice and Supermoon energy really supported a grand awakening and opening for things in your own experience.

Prior to my leaving on this trip a few incredible things started to manifest and upon return from my “unplugging” from the outside world, I was welcomed back by several more direct manifestations in terms of intentions I gently, but heart-fully put out and am seeing things continue to become clear, drop away, and take root for what is in highest alignment. Things are feeling really limitless and increasingly whole and I’m sensing this taking root for many others as well.

I’m personally experiencing a fullness of spirit with everything happening right now and how it’s all playing out. I’m also excited that my crystal skull, Raja Seraphina, along with my Andaras and crystals will be actively taking part in the journeys and work ahead, which was one of the messages received on this trip.

sun-and-orbsSo keep an eye out for the upcoming sacred journeys to include programs/workshop series, end of year and 2014.

As hints and energetic sneak-peaks on some of where we’ll be journeying, the energy of these sacred retreats will include Ancient Incan, Shaman, integrative Cosmic and Mother Earth energy, Lemurian energy, far-off ancient countryside and mystical forests, the teachings and way of the horse, and yes some more Atlantean and dolphin work. 😉 I’m super excited about these co-collaborations and look forward to sharing details with you soon.

IMG_6232And I’m keeping an energetic ear out for Universal nudges that ultimately guide how and when it is all aligning or what else I’m to say yes to! I’m on a need-to-know-basis now. I just need to be ready and willing when it shows up. Things are constantly shifting, so I find it most beneficial to sail on the flowing water until something takes anchor.

Also stay tuned for the announcement of art shows, workshops, and an upcoming event in Northern California I’ve been asked to guest lecture at. I look forward to connecting more IMG_5910deeply with each of you in person and having our lives merge into physical experience in divine timing.

There is nothing greater in experience to me than sharing from the heart, connecting with others, and supporting empowered awakening, authentic to each, in the way most authentic to me.

Everything is becoming more and more of a comprehensive and cohesive shared experience. I love seeing how things are lighting up and connecting in other’s lives as well, as nothing we do is isolated to us alone. It makes my heart ecstatic to see joy in other’s eyes. Every opening and growth step is an opening and growth step available to us all. Anything I can do to support that boost to assist your wings catching the wind in flight, is my greatest joy.

Thank you once again Jenny for this beautiful co-creative opportunity and for the strength you have in taking on this mission. I look forward to more. And thank you Philip and Brian for all of your dedicated, hard work and for embracing the vision that is being created. I love you guys. Thank you IMG_6106Gurunam for your unique gifts and teachings you extend to others. I’m grateful that universal timing allowed us to connect.

And thank you from my heart and soul to each of the beautiful soul brothers and sisters that heard and answered the call to join us on this incredible retreat. I recognize the beauty, power, and gifts you all embody and it is from that place of wholeness that I see you. I love you each dearly and am honored by your presence in my life and grateful for the light you each are shining on this shared experience.

IMG_6267I love the Open-To-Anything, Supportive Humor Magician.

I love the Shaman, Energy and Animal Healer.

I love the Gentle Earth Goddess and Intuitive.

I love the Sacred Geometry Wizard and Cosmic Heart-Opener.

I love the Wise Priestess and Ever-Giving Nurturer.

I love the Truth Seeker and Star Child.

I love the Muse and Peace Keeper.

I love the Musical Poet and Altruistic Pilgrim of the Stars.

I love the Ancient Sage and Alchemical Master.

I love the Cosmic Keeper of The Law of One and Manifestation Artist.

Yes, that makes 11 of us and what a magically masterful number it proved itself to be. I look forward to the continued journey and seeing the new that evolves in each of your lives, as it weaves into the tapestry of our collective experience.

In Lak’ech Ala K’in



































































































New Crystals Now Available


Lavender Jade Rabbit Pocket Animal Totem

Having discovered the power of crystals in my own life, drawing upon lifetimes of work with them, and how much they can support and assist us into our wholeness, part of my work has been to steward and vibrationally support specific crystals and connect them with their keepers. I’ve also come to see that the powerful crystals that remain with me, have in mirror to my own expanded work, reflected that they will collectively be working with others alongside the work they do with me.

I’m very excited about the messages in terms of this that I’ve received while in Bimini over last week’s retreat and having seen how the crystals I brought with me (as I do each time on sacred journeys) have assisted others and the collective energy we are working with, it’s really something I embrace wholeheartedly.


Brilliant Green Emerald Ray Healing Andara with Rainbows

That being said, I am also happy to announce that there are several new crystal friends available in my Etsy Shop – Crystal Illumination – where you can find an array of crystal friends from Andaras, pocket animal totem stones I recently picked up (rabbits of course are available, as I felt guided to bring a bit of their magic to you, having come to know their magic in my own life), the highest quality Moldavite, Aquamarine, Lemurian Seed Crystal, Tibetan Quartz, and more, including Crystal Illuminations sacred paintings.

Everything is intuitively chosen for the vibrational frequency each crystal friend emanates. Keep checking back, as there will be more crystal friends and crystal paintings once I have time to post and get things up, as well as complete creations.

If you have any questions or are particularly interested in a specific crystal you may not see in the shop, you can message me at and I’d be happy to assist in helping you find something perfect for you.

Summer Solstice, Capricorn Full Supermoon & Repetitive Numbers – The Power Within Dance


Mystical and powerful Capricorn Full Supermoon

I just arrived back this weekend from being “off-time” and “off-world” for a while hosting the Summer Solstice Rhythm of Renewal Bimini Retreat. I’ll be sharing more about that this week that took place on and around so much powerful energy, as I love to bring others into the experience on all levels, even though the energetics of what goes on on sacred journeys such as this, is collectively shared, nonetheless.

I hope you all have been able to embrace the energy streaming in astrologically, combined with the Summer Solstice and Super Supermoon/Capricorn Full Moon that were all literally layered within the same energy openings, alongside June’s Grand Water Trine of the signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces flowing around. Woo! Potent, potent, potent! (And just finished writing that and an auto-draft saved at 11:11:44) 😉

The Summer Solstice brought in the celebration of the Divine dance, union, and balance of the Feminine (Earth, Mother, Moon) with the Masculine (Sky, Father, Sun) energies. A time of blossoming and recharging the mind, body, and spirit. A time that the Mayans believed to be for spiritual initiation and change, creating ceremony to balance the Earth’s energy…”balance” is definitely a focal point of the energies and times we are in. And what better way to mirror this than to create that integrative balance within each of us.

The Solstice heralded in a time to embody self-awareness and your Higher Self, to let go of ego being in the driving seat and to release old patterns of suppression, so that you can focus on what you wish to bring into your life. This is an opportune time where we have invited the Sun’s energy to connect with our Higher Self and to follow inspiration and dreams, while tuning inside and realizing the alchemy of “as within, so without”.

Balance is such a key element to everything and this Capricorn Full Moon we just had is really driving that home by forcing you to realize how you control your emotional landscape and that you really can’t afford not to take control of it, as it will determine your well being. So confronting internal imbalances head on is key and undeniably allowing things to surface and flow through so that you can start putting to practice your ability to consciously shift everything.

And, as mentioned before I left, the crest of this full moon was both the closest and largest of the year and took place within an hour of the time of perigee – the moon’s closest point to Earth, which won’t happen again until August 2014. So this supermoon (by astrologer’s definition) is also called a “perigee full moon” (by astronomers) and was Earth’s closest encounter this year with the moon. The Capricorn Full Moon heralded in a time for tearing down and building new structures, crystallizing things into form, taking action, coming to terms with things, understanding the depth of emotions to move on, providing insights on how to ground, organize, and materialize things, accepting personal responsibility, dipping into your strength well to realize achieving inner peace is possible and necessary to your process, uncovering fears…all to help bring to culmination things on a personal level.

And the Grand Water Trine is all about emotional sensitivity, creative flow, action born of faith, innate authenticity that has been hidden now revealed, reflection, intuition, deeper levels of awareness and alignment with your truth, connecting with things greater than ourselves, listening to divine guidance, lifting of veils and bringing visions and inspiration down to earth in practical ways that we can manifest the dreams now – simply put – tapping into the magick is ever-more accessible.

With such a high amount of  both Water Element (the Trine) and Cardinal Mode (Capricorn Full Moon), you will be in a position of following your heart and doing everything in your power to bring into productive action the results of that, which will benefit your long term future.

Saturn was also ruling this Moon, which brought potentials for heavier energies to come forth, depressive, anxious, and negative thought patterns to surface and face so you can integrate them while accessing and utilizing the abundance of wise discernment, endurance, determined focus, and strength to create the progress and experiences you desire. At times things may seem to be going slowly, but be aware that you do continue to move forward more connectively and in ways that are setting up huge leaps to take form.

Think the Tortoise and her enduring ways that are both Earthly grounded and Cosmically in tune with the natural cycles of life…getting to the finish line in surprisingly focused and peaceful ways that produce big and enduring results. And partner this in balancing that out with the instinctual and mystical ways of the Rabbit who is able to quickly transmute thoughts and actions to support intuitional nudges that will birth forth the “Cosmic Egg”. We are working with all sides of the coin now to integrate the power of wholeness at its highest potentials.

As the message has been, yes trust and faith are increasingly becoming some of the important elements to keep fostering, as well as unconditional detachment, so you can come to see the truth of any given situation, unhindered by your expectations.


Supermoon revealed a holographic twin mirroring the balance of integrating partnership within that we are creating for harmonious wholeness without

Emotions have been and will be on high, coupled with a mental dance that can seem at times so confusing and counterproductive, but the opportunity here is to get the two in partnership with each other, rather than working against each other. Everything really is about creating inner harmony and balanced partnerships within and without and it is ever-more possible now when you embrace, release, and nurture openness. Patience is also important and being willing to accept the perfection of everything unfolding, balanced with heeding the guidance from your inner voice to keep you in check. Greater intimacy with your parts, self-nurturing, focusing on internal support, and releasing critical and judgmental energy towards self and others, so you can realize the Divinity of who you are, are important now, as well as melding all of the most productive aspects to all of your parts so you can be your best cheering squad and support system to the process you are embracing.

Meld your creative and emotional gifts with the wisdom of the heart and mind in dance with each other. Courage will be rewarded tenfold if you can simply show up and be ready for the opportunities that present themselves from all of your work. This is a time for very deep healing and this may make you feel either like fighting or running, but this is also an opportune time to access more productive ways of working with your feelings, especially frustrations, resentments, and angers. The scales will balance out as you honor each part and don’t try to run or hide from what comes up. Curiosity to explore, coupled with the power of Saturn’s discerning energy will assist you in creating and finding solutions and answers that will be rewarding in very substantial and long-term ways.

Whether you saw the moon, intentfully created a sacred time tuning in, or not, the energy is affecting and influencing you regardless. And as always, it really is (again word count so far 1114 lol) so much more empowering if you can consciously ride the currents with awareness, so that the journey is one of empowerment.

Speaking of repetitive number combinations, as I know so many of you also experience this with numbers like 11:11, 333, 444, 5:55, etc…all of these each symbolically have been known to share vibrational messages, as Doreen Virtue expresses in Number Sequences from the Angels. Yet, remember also that the power is within you and these magical and enchanting experiences of number partnering really help to demonstrate that you are awakening to Divine synchronicity and aligning yourself more harmoniously with the energetic frequencies of your wholeness.

supermoon2Number sequences can be nudges, acknowledgement, support, reiteration, codes…all from your Higher Self as you tune in more and more to the greater you. They are signs that you are spiritually awakening, that there is much more than meets the eye going on, helps you lift the veils of illusion and to expand, are reminders and hellos from other dimensions, help you realize there is magic always at work awaiting you to dance with it, brings synchronous awareness more consistently into your life, helps you connect with like-minded souls, are wake up calls to parts of yourself to reactivate, and are supportive reminders that guide you and remind you to commit to letting in the new and remembering who you are.

Again, the power is within each of us so these are just reminders to look inside and support your inner guidance of feelings, as the more you do, the more you will come to understand them and learn to accurately read them, which in turn will lead you back to you and to access that direct guidance that resides there awaiting.

This was reiterated to me on the retreat in Bimini this week, where I learned to trust myself ever-more so, amongst other things. It’s so amazing when you realize the limitlessness of depths and expanse we can continue to go with everything.

I hope you enjoy these images (you can click on them to enlarge) of the mystical Capricorn Full Supermoon I captured (which really speak to the essence of the energy abound), in case you missed seeing her. I wish you blessings on this alchemical journey of balance and empowerment that is unfolding rapidly. So much is happening so quickly and anything you desire truly is available to you now. Enjoy the dance.

1:33:33 as I close out. 😉

A Dragon’s Story – An Epic Sacred Tattoo Design Journey Comes to Closure

sacred tattoo design

click on image to enlarge

Today put to closure quite an epic sacred tattoo design journey, but it is so much more than a design and the process of pencil to paper. This design is the largest to date that I have had honor to help co-create, taking me 3 giant sized pieces of drawing paper taped together to be able to integrate.

Seems like a perfect send-off, as I get ready to leave tomorrow on another epic journey in the magical energy of Bimini.

I always have to admit that the left brain side of me never knows how I am going to create what each piece calls for, but the right side of my brain puts it in check and says, “You will know, just allow.” And then the left brain gets into its more productive partnership role as facilitator for the manifestation to actively take form, while my right brain and heart are able to weave the magick, unencumbered.

This is a huge piece at over 2 feet wide and 20″ tall on flat paper, however it will be sitting with the dragon in her fullness filling the back, and the tree/branch/root with lotus curving down and over the sacrum pointing towards the root and over the sacral chakra. The tail will start curving down the left of the lower back and wrap around and up the left rib cage and landing or pointing to the center of the left and right ribs and drawing the energy up to the heart. The flames from the dragon’s mouth will start to ascend from the right upper back/shoulder blade and curve up and over the shoulder and then down the center of the right arm, which will wrap on each side a bit.

It was quite a tricky process of logistics just to start off. So thank you left brain!

And thank you right brain for filling in the dots. Not only does this design have a strong foundation with the energy of balance being created, but it also was mirrored in my own process and all that has led up to it.

This is a very significant sacred portal for a courageously beautiful soul who is coming into embodying wholeness through what has been a story of many trials and tribulations. And she is rewriting a new story from this empowered place that is profoundly shifting her life in inspiring ways. Being able to observe and be a part of this kind of transformation is a true gift. I know she is going to be a source of profound inspiration for many others as she continues to write her new story.

There are so many aspects, layers, and symbolisms in this piece, I am not going to be able to even explain it all, as we’ll be here forever. But I will point out the key highlights and I’m sure you’ll discover things for yourself.

There is a lot to take in when viewing this piece, with some of the detail only fully experienced in person.  The elements, both easy to see and hidden include: 

  • An empowered, graceful female dragon
  • Inside the dragon there are little interwoven hidden symbols to include: a celtic designed horse at her heart chakra, a spiral at the place where her wing connects to her shoulder, a triple spiral design in the veins of her wing, and a spiral triskele at her root chakra pointing down (you’ll see the repetitive three a lot throughout and variations of the triple spiral, triskele and maiden, mother, crone symbolism
  • Then the dragon’s tail turns into a flow of celtic knots, spirals, triskeles and within it also has a symbolic ladybug and a heart combined with the triple moon symbolism
  • The dragon sits very solid and grounded on a tree root/branch with spirals, three leaves and ending at a lotus that sits at the in that the sacrum
  • The violet flames then flow from the dragon and envelope a celtic knot butterfly atop a triple hare symbol that overlays a giant many petaled daisy and then transmutes into a four knotted symbol with sun-emanating and balancing energies

Without going into personal detail, I will just share the general parts of the symbolism I shared with my client of what was integrated into the design: 

The dragon symbolism represents my client as creator, bringing a visual of her inner strength within reflected on the outside and of her higher self. Within this dragon, and at each end of the design, a story is woven and the symbolism that was chosen and placements were all to help integrate intentions, heal and release the old, moving into and to hold space for the new and continual evolvement into all that she can be.

The horse came through and not only, I realized, symbolized her as a Sagittarius, but represents unbridled freedom, passion and graceful strength, power and beauty. So I meshed the horse design into the heart chakra of the dragon’s scaled chest to empower her heart in this way and opening to that freeing experience of letting yourself fully free.

The spiral symbolism came through in the shoulder and at the wing. These areas are represent flexibility, soaring to great heights, unfurling your wings, the way you communicate and express yourself (arms symbolize this and winged beings are connected with the air element which is also communicative), all of this being enhanced with flow and the beauty of cycles as natural and easy to embrace.

The spiral triskele at the root chakra anchors, grounds and helps integrate all that is opening and balances by drawing that energy down into the body and into the Earth.

The dragon has beautiful spikey horns at its crown which also draw that energy from Source into the body and transmit energy out to the world.

The dragon is in an upright very confident, yet graceful stance and sits perched on the tree branch/root balanced easily and is supported by the branch and trusts this. The branch bends, but it does not break. It is strong and flexible and when in partnership with the dragon that knows how to work her alchemy and trusts, they are like one rather than separate and support each other. This balance is evident throughout the design and is that balance that when integrated within, then becomes wholeness.

I created the tree gracefully as well and with spiral branch and root ends for that continuous journey of cycles and perfection in all that unfolds and veined the tree in an almost leaf design that shows it is alive and like the tree of life symbolism. I wanted there to be connections to the Earth and the natural, which is why some of the design is organic and natural and others are ethereal, magical and visionary. The repetition of the three leaves (integration) on the branch at the end of the three small semi-spiraled branches and the lotus at the root, which came through as symbolically important.

The Lotus itself is a powerful and ancient image symbolizes harmony, spiritual illumination and unlimited potential. The lotus is a type of water lily which rises from the sludge of muddy waters and opens into a beautiful flower. Any way you use the Lotus in a spiritual practice, it will provide a resonant field that reinforces the concept of resurrection. Human mistakes and challenges are the fertilizer for brilliance and awakened creation as the Lotus shows us. Born in the murkiest of ponds, Lotus still emerges pure. Use the Lotus as a reminder that “this, too, shall pass.” Be assured that all fertilizer nurtures a beautiful new life. In the greater world, Lotus is a peaceful cosmic beacon for forgiveness, gratitude and compassion to prevail where the sludge of conflict has resided. Using this symbol on water invites a balance between humility and pride.

Then we move to the dragon’s tail that flows gracefully in a snake-like dance (serpents hold such powerful symbolism of transformation and life force) and is a connecting design of interlacing celtic knots, triskeles, and spirals all the way to the arrow-like end. It starts from the dragon’s base as a dark spiral that offsets the lighter spiral of the tree root (which looks like it could be a mirroring tail of the dragon curving the other way as well). Again the tree and dragon almost looking like one entity together and the light and dark spiral like that yin and yang and balancing nature. And journeying over the many intricate lacings of life, gingerly sits a ladybug who is content and easily rides in partnership with the dragon, peacefully, following where ever the knotted path may twist and turn. She is patient, trusting, and carries with her the light of blessings and luck that she will always find her way and is free to fly and return as she desires.

The contrast between the dragon’s strength and ability to crush something and the gentle fragility and grace of the ladybug make for a very powerful and interesting symbolism when put together. It speaks to our innate nature to master our energy and bring out the divine integrative nature of our being which is both aspects of power and gentleness, action and stillness, inner and outer strength, etc. It reflects an aspect of mastery of duality that is coming into balance – taming the inner beast, drawing out the creative force in an intentful and focused way, funneled through the heart, communicating strength in every utterance of spoken and unspoken even if done through the female graceful form, the ability we each have, no matter small or large, to conquer anything and to face all fears when we center in our wholeness and empowered authenticity.

There is also a loose heart design to the lower right of the ladybug on the underside of the tail that has the triple moon symbol in it and around it. They speak for themselves, as well as add to the journey being one you follow from your heart and full of the mysticism and power of that divine and sacred feminine wholeness and power.

And lastly, we come to the transcendent flames – the violet breath that morphs all things and takes them to their divine nature of wholeness and purity, to empower only the elements that are of benefit, and disintegrating the rest.

The flames emerge from the throat chakra and transmute all that is spoken into harmonious resonance with origin from the heart. The flames dance and intermingle and from them emerges the metamorphic, joyful, free and creative cosmic butterfly in a celtic knot design that sits at the top of a mandala of an organic multi-petaled daisy in its full blossom where the triple hares freely run, circling at center.

The triple hares are so powerful and represent the Trinity. Each of the ears are shared by two hares, but only three ears are shown.

Hares are symbolic of rebirth, luck, prosperity, creativity, quick-thinking, self-sacrifice, high fertility, agility, receptiveness, and speed, to name a few things. They herald a kind of waking life resurrection and a realization of increased vitality, energy, or a new-found excitement over life. Creativity is also a form of fertility and of ripening, fresh ideas so Hares can bring a message of nurturing your intuitive impulses and nudges from your heart and soul. Hares/Rabbits are powerfully profound in their transmutational energies. The Ancients found them one of the most mysterious and perplexing beings, thought to be hermaphrodites (male one month and female the next), with powers of self-impregnation. Since Hares reflect the idea of balance between masculine and feminine they are highly regarded as sacred, mediators of the sacred, and embodying actual creative powers of the Universe. Hares are also associated with the Moon, lunar cycles, and cyclical life, are considered creatures of fire – the “Sacred Fire” that is the same regenerative fire of the Phoenix – thus destruction and recreation of the heart of all life. They are connected with the dawn, enlightenment, Spring, the Cosmic Egg from which the Cosmos is produced, and embody balance, creative potency, eternity, androgyny, genius, and inspiration.

Then from the bottom of the daisy emerges a four petaled knot I created with balancing and emanating energy that flow through the bottom of the flames creating a stem like quality to the daisy, but also a sun emanating effect and the bottom of the flames at a point can either be ending there and releasing energy down and out through the arm and drawn from the root of the back and up, or can be an entrance point from the arm to draw in energy and up and through the center of your being…transmuting either way it starts or begins, through the energies of the symbolisms.

The four petaled knot felt important to bring in to solidify things and really manifest them at a very stabilizing level. The symbolic meaning of this number deals with stability and invokes the grounded nature of all things. They represent the four seasons, the four directions, four elements… all these amazingly powerful essences wrapped up in the nice square package of Four. Fours represent solidity, calmness, and home (home is where ever the heart is and is centered). It is an enduring number of strength and rootedness.

There’s so much more I could share, and yet this is just the impersonal symbolism that helps demonstrate how we can create such powerful layered portals of integrative energy through imagery. As I shared with my client, I love sharing this stuff to because I feel the symbolism is universally effective to helping the collective. I’ve had many people say they feel energy and get things from my own tattoos on my body, even though they are on my body and not theirs. That’s because symbolism is collective. Many feel they connect with the designs in synergy with their own similar stories. And I love people to understand how we can weave our stories and effect and support change energetically, while bringing people back to the sacredness of all things, not just this art form, but to our temple bodies and the sacredness of integrating our experience.

I hope you enjoy the energy of this magical sacred tattoo design. I am honored to have been a conduit for its manifestation.

If you would like to partner in co-creating your own sacred tattoo design to embody the empowerment you desire, you can contact me at Remember that there is currently a waiting list and price changes are going to be in effect at start of 2014. 

For more information about the process and pricing please visit: What is a Tattoo Design Consultation

Some people have preferred to read my book, Spiritual Skin ~ Sacred Tattoos: More than Skin Deep, especially if they are new to sacred tattoo designs, before embarking on this journey.

If you are drawn to learn more about sacred tattoos you can order a copy of the book here: Spiritual Skin

It is also available in Kindle and PDF formats here: Spiritual Skin

I’ll Be Unplugging, but Still Energetically Plugged-In – See You Again on June 24th


the ocean calls…

As another sacred journey rolls around, I just want to send out infinite waves of supportive love and healing vibrations to everyone. I will be connecting with you all through the energy of Bimini over the next week and during that time will be unplugged from the outside world, physically. That means I will not be online or have any kind of electronic access or means to get a hold of me, nor me to get back to you.

With that in mind, if there’s anything you need, questions, or work you’d like support with or commissioned, I won’t be able to discuss it with you until I return. Any purchases made will not be able to be fulfilled until my return as well.

I will be back online on the 23rd, but not fully in work-mode until the week of the 24th. Thank you for your understanding and I so look forward to what new energy infusion will be activated this time, and to sharing that with you. Since we are all connected, the energy we each experience and the shifts we each make is accessible to us all.

My experience is not limited to my own and therefore I share that energy with each of you intentfully.

I wish you a beautiful and love filled week. Be gentle with yourself and embracive of your unlimited potential.

Shedding Our Way to New Experiences

shedding skinShedding skin is a symbol of rejuvenation and new life. Snakes and other reptiles like lizards, periodically eliminate the old by the shedding of their skin and emerge stronger, larger, and healthier. The ancients received insights about life through nature and observing the animals and cycles. They believed that there was a wisdom that each life form held, and that snakes, in particular, knew the secrets of “death” that leads to rebirth.

This does not have to mean an actual physical death, but can merely be a symbolic death of everything that once was being released in order to emerge through a new, expansive doorway of experience, unencumbered by anything.

“The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come,” says Joseph Campbell, famous teacher of mythology, as he refers to the snake symbolism of shedding skin as a metaphor for inner growth. “If you want resurrection, you must have crucifixion…We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

This can be a challenge for some and currently this is the process we are all simultaneously experiencing – a deep inner house-cleaning of all that no longer serves the new paradigm of you and the collective new reality birthing.

Letting go completely allows the next stage of growth to flow in. Sometimes you know this is upon you and you willingly engage the process. And at other times, it erupts like a volcano, seeming to come out of nowhere and yet still it is reflecting what you desire and have asked for. You just forgot and didn’t realize what was all entailed in the process.

snake-skinI recently shared about coming upon a full snake skin on a hiking path a few weeks ago. This felt very profound and it made its way home with me, in following guidance it was a gift to use in sacred practice. And just yesterday a full lizard skin was gifted to me. We have a lizard friend that likes to take refuge in the garage and yesterday morning I discovered its skin left fully in tact (which I’m cleansing right now), entwined in some wire gating material. It appeared as if a hologram of the old lizard was left behind, as it was caught in an action position, as the new lizard went freely on his way.

So, now I have two full shedded skins and this feels to speak powerfully to the depth of layers and multiple “deaths” I’m experiencing in rapid time.

I know that there is a very clear distinction between what people are feeling and going through right now. Some are beginning to access that intensely magical, next leap in the possibilities of experience we have been talking about for some time now. While, others are experiencing an intensity of what the new means for them in their life, the choices that will need to be made, and perhaps struggling with letting go of some of those really deep things, or having challenge in shifting perception.

I can’t walk the experience for you, but I can walk the embodiment of my own experience as fully as I possibly can, to support an energetic bridge of access. In our holding that space of wholeness to the best we each can, we mirror the wholeness in each other. This is the clearest connecting path to that.

I love riddle messages that challenge me to expand my ways of perceiving and being. There’s been some “key” things coming through lately that are so subtle and almost undetectable in shifts of perspective that are quickly eating away at everything. I am loving the experience of living alchemy that is creating a dimensional shift of embodiment to take place. I know many of you understand what I’m at loss for words to share, but a little more each day that experience unbinds into the greater experience of the “all” right now.

Yes, major change is upon us. It is each of our choices what that change feels like and manifests as. I can only share from my own experience and perspective that the shedding of skin process is well worth the rebirth that takes place. Keep the faith, challenge yourself one more step each day, and realize that it all has the ability to shift at any moment in reflection to you. Remember that we are all in this together and we each have the same access to new doorways of experience. We just have different ways and timings that support our highest good into that embodiment. There is no right or wrong or judgment on how or when that unfolds or even if that is your desire to unfold.

Ask yourself how you feel about the journey each step of the way, how best you can align to support yourself into feeling what you desire, and be willing to follow the answers you are guided in action to take.

I’ll leave you with some words from Will Barnes, author of The Expansion of the Soul:

“In the voyage of your worldly existence, the sails at which your life float upon, are tethered by the thoughts and emotions that which you harbor. Expand.”  

“Centered, open, and diverse, the universe’s correspondence to your hopes and dreams is the deliverance of your foremost thoughts and actions. Energetically you can create and destroy your immediate set of circumstances under the same laws. Posed as friends and foes, you will have obstacles, ones in which you must go through, over, under and aside sometimes to overcome. These are the stepping stones to your future reality. Overcome that which has weakened your state of mind and conquer the thoughts and actions that you have let lead your life.”

“When the world turns and we operate at our own personal vibration, it is in our power to withhold our dignity and integrity at the highest possible frequency, with this as an active force, we can command our reality in the physical realm. Justly, we shall take all the opportunity that manifests itself in arms reach. To be one, and to have and do what we dream is concurrent only on a high wavelength, and operative to those who seek a higher sense of self. Are you ready to expand to these levels of operation? Have you taken the steps? Step forward and release all your fears.”

“When you combine desire and faith to that it is in which you aspire to, you send a proactive force into the universe that creates a wave of energy, thus activating energy particles which then begin the manifestation process, kind of like a magnet to iron. The bigger the desire equaled with faith, the higher likeliness of materializing what it is you strive for. Stop living a life in which you are not in control of and join forces with the universe in which we are all a part of. Expand your consciousness and be grateful for every instance in the physical plane, it is what you must decide if you want to live the life that you want.”

A Brief Message of the Divinity of Our Connections

bluelight1In reflections and messages of late, and conversations I shared today, this felt wanting to be expressed openly, for what ever reason. I feel a transcendent gratitude for everyone, everything, and the Divine magick of this experience that is exponentially integrating.

As pilgrims of the universe we ride this journey in kin to many for collective service. There are many powerful connections we will experience over the course of our lives, especially with souls who have embodied on this Earth many times more than most. And in service, there are partnerships that take place in higher good for the collective because of shared resonance to the work expressed in love.

And then, there are the connections that take space in a recess of the heart that is in a different way. A way not expressed by words. And is more than the grace of moving in and out of flowing connections that will come and go – and they do, just simply come and go naturally, exquisitely…like stars shooting across the cosmos (some very fast and some over time).

But some will have a recess of the heart that transcends and will ride the journey alongside you eternally.

In honor and love to all


Sacred Tattoo Design Evolution – Waiting List & 2014 Rates

back for coverMore and more, people are coming to find the process of sacred tattoo designing to reflect the current energy and to be another powerful tool to self-transformation and shifting into the frequencies of a new reality in creation. As people start opening to more of their authenticity and freedom, sacred tattoo designs are reflecting for them an expressive symbolism that matches the resonance of who they are finding behind the veils. And this also reflects in discovering greater depths to that expression, which is expansive and layered.

As this happens, the tattoo designs and designing process is expanding and deepening in mirror.

The Process Now:

Creating sacred tattoo designs combines several of my passions together – creative expression, the power of symbolism, alchemy, spirituality, mysticism, integrative healing, co-creation, and empowering others…to name a few 🙂

And the stories that I hear about the transformative experience people have gone through with the process of this, even if just to have a shift in perspective from reading my book, or feeling the energy from seeing sacred designs, is what continues to fuel my fire within to be of service for as long as that is of benefit to a greater good.

I embrace this role with utmost responsibility in partnership with each soul that I collaborate with. My ideas and ways about things may not mesh with the beliefs of others, including perhaps even the ideas of tattoo artists and their own visions, but that is the beauty of life – that we may all have valuable input and there is no right or wrong way – just unlimited ways to view, execute, and experience things. It’s a choice, not a rule.

When I am seeing the sacred symbolism, it is from the perspective of utilizing these designs as keys to unlock parts of yourself and therefore, to me they don’t follow a prescribed protocol or even a rule of thought learned in tattoo training. That may or may not be the way that your tattoo artist might see things, although still being an amazing artist and understanding the flow of the body for designs. So they can add their ingredients to the recipe of the piece in a way that feels good for you.

I know that likely the way my own tattoos have been executed may or may not be the way someone would have done them, but for me they are and have been a perfect tapestry that unfolded and work energetically in the way I intended. It is most important that YOU feel good with what you have. Nobody else’s opinions hold validity unless you choose them to. Including mine. I bring to the table a perspective and experience and from there it is a choice.

If the tattoo artist you choose to execute your piece shares different views with you, then you can choose to welcome their collaboration in on the execution as well. Either way, it ends up being a collaborative experience of the three of us in the creative expression of how the core essence ends up coming through in mirror to you. The design I create is the expression, as is channeled through me, from what I am receiving in connection with you, and acts as the core template. Some tweaks and adjustments usually take place in the inking process, as each artist has a particular vision or style, and if sizing shifts or the measurement flow calls for moving the parts of the design to align better, these easily come into being at that time. A team effort indeed, with each part being integral.

We are each unique and so to say that the service I provide is unique, may be redundant, however I do feel that it perhaps is one of the paths helping to pave “one” new way or perspective in the realm of tattoos that reflects the visionary I am. And, I believe is helping to create a new paradigm of experience.

The journey and process is very involved that we embark on with this and is just as layered as the designs themselves. It is sometimes hard to convey the totality of what goes into it all, which includes a lot of energetics, tuning in, and allowing the alchemy of percolation to come through, on top of the journeying down intimate roads with each soul that can span a lifetime and lifetimes. (An auto draft of this, as I write, was saved at 1:11:11) 🙂

Most people may not be aware of the layers to this process that goes on behind the scenes. And for those who have not experienced the process at all, in terms of what unfolds in collaborating with me, it is something I’m more than happy to discuss to help you understand if desired. It is a path that I didn’t contrive or try to create from the start, but came upon me as a natural part of who I am and what I have to share.

People may not realize the amount of work that goes into something like this that goes well beyond sitting down to draw, although I have only ever charged for the pencil to paper time and not the hours of preparation that goes into it, including the ongoing email consulting support. It is an extensive, simultaneous, intuitive, shamanic, mirroring , drawing out, and supportive coaching, along with drawing from Spirit, allowing the information to percolate in my day-to-day (as I find everything I do is seamlessly connected and affects the other), meditating, researching, and sharing – a very intensive, intricate, deep, sacred, time and commitment-dedicated experience. I care very deeply about the process, about each soul, and about doing all that I can to support that empowering experience. It is my service to others.

Some may do that through other forms of work and in this particular facet of my work, I am doing something that is going on behind-the-scenes and in deep energetic ways before the actual manifestation takes form. The effects are taking place in the ethers and translating into a natural expression experienced.

With Evolution Comes Change:

I find that things keep evolving with all facets of my work to reflect the changes taking place on so many levels, personally and collectively, and this has included an increase in depth of the work I am doing, as well as the energetic involvement that is part of each process. It becomes, as I’ve mentioned before, this seamless tapestry where life and service are not experienced in any contrasting differentiation, unless I specifically declare and put aside a time, out of time, for something in particular. But honestly, that still doesn’t separate the connection and how what we do is still tied in with everything else.

For me, however, I have chosen a life that is blatantly cohesive. Likely part of why I see so much symbolism and live by the sacredness and power of that symbolism.

And so, with that change I have seen the work with these sacred tattoo designs also increasing and extending in depth, content, and time-involvement.

I’m excited to also announce that one of my designs will be on the cover of an upcoming book. Details to come. I’m so honored and grateful to be part of this beautiful offering.

Rate Changes:

For anyone who doesn’t know, my hourly rate is $125 for the design work because I have wanted to help make this accessible to more people, whereas I could easily have charged a lot more for the particular kind of service (which combines a level of specialized intuitive support consulting) and amount of time I place into each loving co-creation – it is much more than a design process – it is a shamanic journey. And I LOVE the journey because I LOVE helping others.

I also provide payment plan options for those who receive support from that and have donated 40+ hours of design work to help raise money for non-profit organizations close to my heart.

In saying this, I have been nudged and guided that come 2014, my design work rates will be mirroring an increase to reflect a balanced value of exchange. (Rates to be announced)

I will also continue to offer discounts and specials to look out for and continue to offer payment plans as well.

Waiting List In Effect:

That being said, I also need to share that I have had to start a waiting list for sacred tattoo designs, given the amount of work flow coming in, alongside the other facets of my work. So, if you have a particular time-frame in mind that you need your design by, then you will want to make sure to let me know so we can ensure making that happen for you.

The way to hold your spot on the waiting list is to provide the 1 hour deposit of $125 upfront, just as was needed before, or as you have done before, but it will keep you in line, as I create the designs in the order that I receive them. If you have a rush job that must take place sooner than the waiting list time, contact me to discuss details and to see if I am capable of working off-hours to assist that – which would equate to a higher rate fee, reflectively.

I hope you understand the changes in effect. Everything reflects the constant evolution we are going through and to meet the quantum leaps and shifts we are making energetically, I am always melding into synergy to harmonize with that flow.

What the future holds in terms of sacred tattoo designs and my role in it, I do not know, but for now I am embracing what is here and now and am grateful I can be of assistance with this time of shifts through what I can offer.

I’d like to leave you with a few testimonials from some of the beautiful souls I have had honor to work with on some amazing pieces. Perhaps their words help reflect what I may fall short in expressing, in terms of the process that takes place and the connections made between myself and others on these intimate journeys.

When I read these, tears swell within me because I can’t imagine a greater joy than to feel the joy reflected back from others.

Raquel's Tattoo Design (1)“Dear Tania, I don’t even know where to begin….It is BEYOND BEYOND ANYTHING I could have imagined.

Words really cannot express….I looked at the illustration for a long long time and I was like “Wow….That’s me. Here I am.” And I say that with so much pride and love. It feels like I am complete…like the closing of a circle in some way……I keep looking at it and I can’t believe that I will get to travel the glorious road ahead wearing something this BEAUTIFUL, this HEARTFELT…this AHHH-MAZING…. AND with a bird of paradise in it no less….my FAVORITE flower and I didn’t even tell you but there it was. Perfect. Just perfect.  

I entrusted a part of my soul to you and you turned it into the most beautiful thing I could have ever imagined EVER….THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU…..DIVINE. DIVINE. DIVINE. DIVINE. My gratitude for you overflows like a cup full of water…” ~Raquel Griffin, Creative Director, Fashion Stylist, Fine Art Photographer 

Venus-in-color“What a true blessing it has been to get my Sacred Tattoo designed by Tania. My gratitude cannot be described with words. I have searched for years for the perfect design, but never found anything close to what I was searching for, needed, or imagined. Yet, when Tania completed my design, it was exactly what I was seeking and needed.

Honestly, I’m not surprised at the perfection. The energy and consulting invested throughout the creation process was like no other I’ve seen or heard of; but exactly what I needed. It’s no wonder my design came out perfectly the first time. 

I even had a chance to learn about the healing aspects of tattoos which was new to me, but now makes so much sense.

On top of everything else she gave me the opportunity to donate and sponsor her in a very special cause for animals which is a true blessing. I’m honored to be forever connected in such a special way to Tania through her creation. Forever Humbly Grateful” ~Venus Banguela, Holistic Health Coach, Certified Yoga Teacher, NYC

Mari shaman necklace“To me, getting tattoos has always been about the spiritual meaning of them.  I would get to a point in my life when I would want to have a design that would signify an important accomplishment or change in my life.I have searched through many different means, ways to transform my life.  I have never experienced anything as powerful and life-altering in a positive way as the experience of tattoos as Sacred and Spiritual.I began to try to find out if anyone else had these same experiences, if anyone else cared about the Sacred and Spiritual Energetic shifts that can occur with Tattoos.  In my searching, I found Tania Marie who wrote a beautiful book called Spiritual Skin – Sacred Tattoos More Than Skin Deep.  I was drawn to her book by the title, and it enhanced my experience even more.

Eventually, I was compelled to email Tania and discuss the possibility of having her work with me to design some Sacred Tattoos for me.

It is almost impossible to put into words what this experience has meant and continues to mean to me in my personal life.  The process of co-creating with Tania, Sacred Skin that is meaningful and life-changing, is so much more than just designing a beautiful tattoo.  So much more than mere ink on skin.  Any good artist can create a beautiful design.  But I know of no one who does the kind of work that Tania does.

Working with Tania is like working with someone on a different plane – someone who takes what you say about who you are, and listens to the energy behind your words.  Tania has the beautiful ability and gift of being able to read a client’s energy and also to read the energy that is coming through from the universe that is most needed for the journey of wholeness to be made complete in the sacred tattoo design.

My heart and soul trusts this woman with complete openness and faith in her incredible ability to truly listen.  This is a rare, rare gift, and it shows in the designs she creates for me.

My life has changed, and continues to change, in miraculous ways due to the Spiritual Skin designed by Tania Marie especially for me.  These Sacred Designs are so much more than beautiful ink on skin – they truly are portals to different depths of experience of the fullness and wholeness of life.

I am blessed and honored beyond measure to be a part of such a Sacred and Transformative Process – working with this beautiful human being to bring in the healing designs that are what I need at that time.

May you be blessed with your choice to work with this truly gifted and spiritual woman.  You will never regret one second of this choice.” In peace and love, Mari Braveheart-Dances

If you would like to partner in co-creating your own sacred tattoo design to embody the empowerment you desire, you can contact me at

For more information about the process and pricing please visit: What is a Tattoo Design Consultation

Some people have preferred to read my book, Spiritual Skin ~ Sacred Tattoos: More than Skin Deep, especially if they are new to sacred tattoo designs, before embarking on this journey.

If you are drawn to learn more about sacred tattoos you can order a copy of the book here: Spiritual Skin

It is also available in Kindle and PDF formats here: Spiritual Skin

Wednesday Cutoff for Orders Before I Fly Off to Bimini

ice andaraThis is just a quick update about my Etsy shop, Crystal Illumination. There are new crystal friends (including new Andaras) in the shop to explore since last I posted about new items. I’m so happy when I see crystals off to their new homes.

If you see one that you feel a sacred contract with, let me know.

I love stewarding crystals and working with crystals to energetically prepare them before they are ready to go to their new keepers. Fostering crystal friends is part of my path that I take very seriously and intuitively choosing certain crystals, whether for myself, for the Crystal Illuminations paintings, or solely to bridge over to their new keepers, is part of lovingly supporting them into energetic activation so they are ready for their bigger service to the collective.

Since I will be away in Bimini hosting the upcoming Summer Solstice Rhythm of Renewal Retreat and will not be online during that week, so I can unplug and focus on the energies, I will not be able to ship out any orders that take place while I am away until I return on Monday, June 24th.

If you see something you’d like before then, all orders need to be in by Wednesday June 12th of this week, otherwise, anything after Wednesday will ship out at the beginning of the week I return, either on Monday, June 24th or Tuesday, June 25th.

The same goes for any of the offerings I have. I will not be able to fulfill any orders until I return, unless in by this Wednesday.

Thank you for your understanding and when I return I will have more new items in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions on anything you see or would like to see, you can email me at