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An Energy Check-In ~ Appreciating Our Puzzle Pieces to Each Other

I’m feeling like doing a little energy check-in with you all and seeing how you’re experiencing this month of April and the way the Eclipse energies may have woven into your life. Sometimes this can be as simple as a pause and asking some questions of yourself to receive a gauge from your own intuitive and body wisdom.

Doing these little check-ins, at the least, help with becoming more present about what you’re feeling and reflects that you are in fact worthy of giving love and acknowledgment to.

If you look at recent days with what is on the table and compare this to the past that you’ve made it through, what are you noticing different about what is showing up now and how you are feeling about it?

Are there areas you notice to no longer be as important, whereas others are taking on more prominence?

Are you caught in between a new and freeing feeling you caught glimpse of and an old one that’s felt painful, but familiar?

For many this recent period has been a highlighting of things – underscoring that which has felt promising and that which has felt uncomfortable. The two feel connected to me, and through the contrasts, life’s purpose reveals itself as a way to experience each layer with the same gratitude and embrace for how it invites you to entertain a new relationship in each circumstance.

The Eclipse energies felt light for me, but I acknowledge, and am grateful for, being strategically anchored as such to be able to assist others because I know it has been intense for many. And I’m grateful to see the contrasts, as they help me to deepen my own practices around unity. We are all a perfect puzzle fit with each other.

My own feelings around the Eclipse were about a slow and organic undercurrent that mirrors Earth’s shifts over time, rather than anything explosive on either side of the fence.

What I CAN share about some of the experiences the Eclipse brought through, include the following things.

I had some potent dreams, the two nights leading up to the New Moon Eclipse that I recognize were about clearing and rewriting layers of old that were ready to be easily released. The dreams were gentle, but powerful, as I deliberately walked through dark and old tunnels connected to childhood and faced the ghosts (represented by literal spirits of dead people) and fears head on. I just kept moving through it, and actually traveled the tunnels twice – there and back – with greater lightness achieved.

I also remember part of the dreams of the second night where I actually pulled out what appeared to be a small branch of dried arteries from one of my nostrils. This happened without any pain or blood…it came out fluidly even though it was branched out like a fan and there was no possible way it could have come through that narrow passage. That felt amazingly potent.

This pointed to something unknown and deep-seeded that was hindering flow in some area of my life having been removed – things that no longer served me or the support system of my life, which could have been some kind of stress, pressure, belief, or fear, I had now eliminated from within.

I was so amazed at the ease and gentleness of it all and again, how the Eclipse energies had overall felt this way for me.

I know that everyone has had a lot of varying experiences to move through (including Dave who’s been navigating rough, but potent waters with Boojum’s transition) and so, once again, I feel that where ever we each find ourselves is a place of synergy to others and exactly where is perfect to be.

Some are maybe being asked to lean into community, support from loved ones, or more inner trust and love of self while reflecting needed alchemy to their puzzle piece companions.

And others perhaps being that support or energetic anchor and creators of possibilities on the other side of the bridge where the pieces join.

Each integral to the other and even if not interacting directly in these ways, we are all frequency holders of equal value to the whole.

That second dream was the night before the Eclipse, and again, it moved with a flow that made it feel like an alignment had ignited and the portal the Eclipse opened, enabled the readiness within to move forward.

And in fact, I had a special interview lined up for three days after the Eclipse and when I viewed the video there was a noticeable frequency emanation I saw and felt when watching myself. We don’t often see ourselves, so it was very interesting to me, as it was truly like looking in the mirror and being able to see direct shifts embodied from what I recognized taking place in dream time. A very powerful reflection.

That’s why taking that pause to tune in with ourselves, how we’re feeling, and where find ourselves in the moment can be helpful as so often we overlook just how much we have actually evolved. It’s healthy to honor those steps.

Some other things that happened around the Eclipse were two nights of coyote packs howling and yipping directly behind our house in the forest. The first took place just as we went to bed, on the actual night of the Eclipse. A pack went on for a while to the left of the house in the forest, just down the trail we usually walk.

And then the very next night, after the Eclipse, they loudly woke us up at 3am, but this time we were both surprised as to how close they were. They sounded to be directly in back of our house, maybe no more than fifty feet from the back deck.

Coyote medicine is a prominent force on my current path, weaving in with my other key animal guides. I feel that their vocalization is a big part of that because sound is so front and center and speaks to me of creative self expression in communicating one’s authentic song, or voice. Even their ability as guardians to see things that others don’t feels important, as they highlight the potency of cycles from death to rebirth.

There’s been a lot of excitement here on the edge of the forest with birds and ground dwellers in a dance of joy for Spring’s presence. I’ve been watching all the varieties of birds going crazy, literally…as wild songs and excited chirps, as well as spiraling chases amidst lovers take place.

Even the little furry ones are squealing in delight, playing games of tag, and exploring my garden to discover what a new season offers them to enjoy. Chipmunk and squirrel cuteness run by the windows round the clock and of course Frith is reigning over it all like the Lord himself that he’s named after from Watership Down. Lord Frith is the Sun whom the rabbits basically see as the God of Rabbits.

And wouldn’t you know it…Frith was front row and center in our front yard bed on the morning of the Eclipse, just at the start of its cycle to totality.

We were heading out to drop Dave off to ski, while I was going to do some errands and personal things, and a feeling made me turn my head to find Frith sitting quietly, but regally as if he was awaiting us. I told Dave and we both watched him peacefully sit, munch, and sit some more – watching us.

Dave even noted that he wasn’t afraid at all with all the noise we were making loading the car and pulling out.

Of course Frith would be there for this potent event.

Later that day I found half of a bird’s eggshell on our hike out in the back forest, which spoke to me of cycles always renewing themselves and fresh ideas and possibilities were in the beginning phases of growth.

And even though our location visually experienced only 36% of the Eclipse, the animals were at 100% in terms of what they were mirroring to me of what I felt as a subtle dimensional roll although could have resulted as some being caught in between.

Our yard and garden here reflect that as well…the in between. I have so many bulbs flourishing in green brilliance with first the purple then white, and followed by yellow crocus beginning to blossom, but the ground is covered in the memories of seasons before.

I went out front to take a closer look at everything in the beds and I was greeted by two giant bumble bees enjoying the first crocus blooms.

I decided to take some photos, both of these harbingers of new beginnings and messengers between the spiritual and physical realms, while also of the merging of old and new in the beds before my Spring yard cleanup begins.

I thought I’d be starting this on Friday, but we had some thunderstorms and on and off showers that afternoon after a couple of days of warm 60’s temps.

And the forecasts also changed, yet again, so that the weekend’s predicted rain to snow visitors didn’t happen as thought. Saturday was precipitation free and the kisses of snow flurries got pushed to a short window on Sunday evening.

So, I’ll begin today after a hike, as the weather is perfect to get my clearing mode on during the partly cloudy and mild temps up ahead.

It feels really good that this process will begin and complete this week, as it’s one of the in betweens that will feel freeing to move into the next phase.

In crystal news, the afternoon of the Eclipse also highlighted some things around crystal cocreators I have with me. In particular, a Sirius Quartz known as one of The Pures that connects with Mt. Kailash and so much more, wanted to be front row, center stage and taken outside to be explored and in the energies of the day’s unfolding. I discovered rainbows I had never seen literally drenching the entire crystal in faery dust sparkles of color and light. The whole crystal just lit up and also revealed a key to me and a hidden manifestation. So, I would say that this crystal had been activated with the Eclipse energies to take me to the next step of the adventure. And since that time I spent with this being, there’s been extra sparkle and aliveness I can see, even indoors, from where it sits next to me at my desk and has called in another cocreator not long after that.

All of my crystals and crystal skulls feel and look like they’ve gone through an upgrade this week actually. There’s rearranging being called to order for refreshing grids, a lot of chatty activations going on between everyone, and a readiness approaching for tuning in on receiving messages and names that have been holding out for the right time. This all may lead to one more, final release – I’ll keep you posted if anyone tells me so, as it would make sense why they’ve stayed quiet in that regard until after the Eclipse kind of rearranging things in the subtle fields for connections.

Until then, for anyone who is looking for a first skull friend or an addition to your council, there are five special crystal skulls remaining and I am happy to assist with exploring the energies of any that may have been speaking to you. Four of them are perfect little travel companions and one is quite the powerhouse anchor. I added two videos at the top of the page link below that gives an overview of the last five, and then their individual listings, videos, photos, and info are found below that. Three are magickal children – these can be a softer access point for people to connect with deeper energies (for example the black obsidian supports a soft, playful entry into what one might deem more challenging) – one is humanoid (the amazing heart chakra emerald bridge), and the largest is a cross between galactic being and humanoid (the incredible blue apatite and orange calcite channels Arcturian energy to me).

Crystals & Crystal Skulls

Stay tuned, as there are a couple of new Talks With Crystal Skulls episodes upcoming too.

So a lot of momentum fluidly releasing and I can sense there’s going to be some interesting things developing.

But if you have felt, or still do feel perhaps, like you are in the in between and it is feeling uncomfortable, the first thing I have found to be helpful is making peace with exactly where you’re at and recognizing its perfection.

It also helps not to compare yourself to anyone else’s process and to remain present to your own experience.

In general, really focusing on your own journey, tuning in with yourself, your process, and your expression in life, I feel strengthens your sovereignty and nurtures the beauty of your own unique voice to flourish.

Some other things that could help include being curious about how you’re feeling, checking in with your body AND moving your body, shifting your perspective where possible, finding ways to feel gratitude for what you do have, tuning in to assess your core values and to identify what your heart truly wants, believing in yourself and that you deserve what you want, and taking the time to focus on self care to assist a recharge.

We are edging toward Taurus Season on the 19th, Earth Day on the 22nd, followed by a Scorpio Full Moon on the 23rd – all of which feel like a lot of deep healing at core levels to our very nature that can lead to regenerative experiences.

Makes sense, as this Moon is also the Full Moon of Primal Forces. Makes me think of the coyote packs that keep howling through my days. It’s also a Full Pink Moon and I love that tenderness leaning into the transformative process of such shadowy depths we can learn to play in, like the playful coyote as well.

That, to me, is key….to learn how to play in all fields of potential and not have judgment against one or the other being better or worse – simply a choice and also a choice as to how to experience it.

However we find ourselves to be experiencing life right now, leaning into compassion for self and others more can help to close the gaps between the differences – whether that’s contrasting spaces each person inhabits, or contrasting spaces you might feel caught between at the moment.

Everything we experience has its perfect tone within the harmonics of being.

Cycles of Mourning Leading to Renewal ~ Flower Moon Blossoming Potential

Waking up to Jack Frost’s sneak appearance heralded an interlude blog post before returning to the shares lined up in my intuitive queue. 😉

I’ve continued to experience strange, but mysteriously beautiful and odd things, as well as powerful messengers, findings, and even dreamscapes – both my own and of me appearing in other people’s dreams they share with me.

Coyote continues to cross my path – she just did again two days ago – I found another Algiz Rune in the forest (below), discovered nearly half of a transitioned female mallard duck, and held space for my dear Cosmo, whose birthday it just was four days ago.

Finding the female mallard came right after seeing mallards swimming in the pond with only one duckling. The others may not have made it, but then seeing the one female dead was like a rebirth cycle right before my eyes.

Bones and transitioned animals always seem to find me amongst other discoveries. It appears to be my role as a bridge to also witness and hold space for the natural cycles. I honor every one I find in their own way, bury, do energy work, and receive the messages.

Finding the female mallard also spoke to my own shifts and rebirthing I feel underway, although the form is unknown as to what will unfold.

The enchanted and mystical sightings of late on hiking trails hold promise that whatever does, will be in divine flow. In these times, having these supportive messages has brought much needed comfort.

There’s a sacred feminine aspect transmuting across the collective. It is this depth I’ve been navigating recently as to its merging with the new.

The winds of change indeed keep blowing and in fact we have Spring snow blanketing everything today. It came in late yesterday and continues on as I write this. We’re at about five or six inches where we are and more up at the mountain tops.

So, yes, just as the blooms begin to pop along the trails here, a Spring snow storm blows in. Continuing in the theme of “expect the unexpected” these beauties you see in all the photos from yesterday, above and below, are under a little snow blanket today that tucked them in last night.

The weather shifted mid-hike yesterday and as we climbed up the trail with full lake view the whole way, we watched as the clouds started to engulf the north end of the lake and edge toward us. On our descent, the warm sunshine turned to brisk wind and clouds.

There were so many beauties starting to emerge, including the very first wild irises, and to think this is just the beginning though is incredible, as there will be so many wildflowers everywhere in all varieties from miniature for only faery eyes to see, to large and center stage for all eyes to gaze upon.

Indeed you know I stop to smell all the flowers and marvel at their beauty. Their time in the sunlight is fleeting so I embrace every moment I have to experience them when I can. You never know what’s coming next and the time you’ll have to enjoy something. “Do it now” is my way of living life fully.

A Spring snow blanket now casts its wand of enchantment everywhere and actually feels so perfect for what I’m experiencing within, as the waves of intensities and softness ebb and flow. Cocooning in reflection and transformative incubation is where I find myself still, so it doesn’t surprise me that Jack Frost is still sneaking about. In fact, I find him comforting.

That’s also mountain life for you, as if you choose to live in the mountains of any region, nature and weather patterns are ever-changing, moment-to-moment. That’s the beauty of why we live here and personally I have found every change to be consistent with my inner world. Perhaps it is for others, too, even if they choose not to embrace it.

But the element of surprising changes is also reflective of the unpredictability of these times and we can either fight or flow with – the latter being more like Mother Earth.

There’s a constant cycling of death and rebirth, mourning and renewal happening, but with everything speeding up, it all seems as though it’s intensified more than usual. I continue to hear of the loss of loved ones, including animal companions, everywhere and even if one is not experiencing these literal physical losses it may come in the form of symbolic transitions within certain areas of our lives or certain aspects of our individuality and human expression.

Many souls are not meant for the new frequencies coming in and others are able to support the new frequencies far better from off-planet. And even their transition itself aids the shifts in motion, as everything carries an energy signature and key codes that are connected to the whole continuum of what is in momentum.

A lot of transitions continue as the Earth collective recalibrates and everyone decides, on a soul level and within their divine contracts, where their role is most useful. If we only identify as human, this can all be confusing and devastating. When we begin to soften our scope into curious exploration of more than just these physical bodies, we start to understand a bigger picture at hand.

We are mourning and celebrating every moment.

Having experienced the worst loss in my life has helped prepare me for every loss that’s come after and helped me transmute them as the gifts, rather than punishments, that they in fact are. That doesn’t mean our human hearts don’t feel pain, but every feeling is a portal to The Great Mystery.

As I ride another wave of complex and contrasting energies, I see that we’re in the doorway of the next Lunar cycle and so everything I’ve been seeing around me and feeling within doesn’t feel out of sorts.

I’ve always been extra connected to Earth and her cycles – in fact since I was young, I’ve actually seen how I’m tied into her expressions including earthquakes and shifting weather patterns. Interestingly, we’ve felt quite a few earthquakes over the last month or so that have taken place on the California side. We live on the Nevada side, but these recent shakes have echoed inner shifts and my own “letting off steam” during processing. We actually had never really ever felt any rocking and rolling while living here in the years now, or previously. And suddenly 4 to 5 rumbles have rolled in closer proximity and I found it reminiscent of years ago when I would have something huge change in my life or an epiphany happen and boom!

But like the blossoms that have emerged, I have in fact felt a softening of the rough edges to collective energies I’m transmuting. I am also taking steps to amp up my energetic boundaries, do some intentional personal spell castings of my own, and getting my hands in another faery kitchen alchemy creation from yesterday’s gorgeous manzanita harvest – the last of the season.

I don’t know what it is about these blossoms, but they really touch my heart and feel like the perfect ingredients needed right now. I managed to harvest eighteen cups this time of the sweetest little faery blossoms that tickle my heart. And as the snow falls today, I’ll be cooking up batches of delight with them.

With a heart full of gratitude, I thank the Elementals of the land for their gifts and blessings. All I want to do these days is immerse in the richness of Earth all around me. Thank goodness for the bounty of nature we live in. There is nothing to complain about and everything to be thankful for.

There’s been a plethora of enchanted and mysterious little finds, including a bunch of portals and vortex areas like these:

Check out the tiny door at the bottom of the giant juniper across a mini faery field of lichen, juniper needles and berries, and yellow wild flowers.

I’ve definitely been anchoring more into my inner Forest Witch lately.

Finding this incredible giant tree root creating a witchy throne portal full of deep mystery and powerful energy, was just the perfect activation.

This coming Wednesday the 26th ignites the Sagittarius Super Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse – this Full Moon is also known as the Flower Moon (synchronous to all the wildflowers in bloom right now) and will undoubtedly continue to inspire a plethora of blossoming transformation in our lives.

It’s a time to be explorative and adventurous, add variety – the spice of life to our lives, communicate with clarity, be open to possibilities and options beyond your limited scope, stay open minded in general, release attachments to anything rigid and that blocks you to your wholeness, and embrace the potential for emotional cleansing that leads to renewal.

Full Moons are a time for taking stock of all you DO have to be grateful for and to be extra mindful of all that you complain about day-to-day and moment-to-moment.

How might you refocus that attitude to be more effective in actually funneling energy toward change, rather than constantly spinning a web of negativity and limited perspective? Everything that bothers you holds the alchemy needed to free you.

Look at what needs a little clean up in your life and pluck things out so you can recreate more with conscious intention.

Try to recognize the good in your life and all the blessings around you, including the people around you who despite any perceived shortcomings have their own challenges they face relative to their life path, which we have no idea about since we’re only here living out our own – and may not even really connect the dots to all of that ourselves.

This is a time to reflect and then plant literal and symbolic seeds, then water them with more true, unconditional and compassionate love.

Rare Halloween/Samhain Full Blue Moon Magick

A Blue Moon is the second Full Moon in one month and October 2020 illuminates just that for us, with bookending Moons at start and end. This Full Moon is in Taurus and being a Blue Moon will add an extra magickal boost and thinning of veils all falling on Halloween/Samhain.

And to add to that extra magickal boost, Astrid sat herself below center of my painting titled Once in a Blue Moon (as seen below), wearing her Moon and Star dusted Cosmic witchy/wizard hat, to anchor her own message and infuse some rabbit alchemy to the mix.

Since Full Moons showcase a rabbit in the Moon, her point is well taken – I always listen when she “speaks”.

So much is culminating as year end draws near and the energetics continue to rise in ways that point to the continued importance of self care, preparation, inner work, anchoring, and maintaining your own equilibrium.

If you can be open and ready for the unexpected, stay focused on what really matters and is of most value to you, tune into, listen, and support your body’s messages, feel and channel through the sensual aspects of life that make you human and are the gifts of spirit in body, and embrace the changes that have ability to put closure to things, you will find yourself in a much more strengthened and empowered place to navigate the waters of the journey ahead.

Since Earthy Taurus is the focal point of illumination, body and Earth speak loudly now and that might mean extra time in the great outdoors Mother Nature gifts us with, or anything nature-connected so that ultimately you’ll be immersing in some mystical communions with the nature of you.

It’s a great time for mischievous magick, intention-seeding, or your own version of mystical, love-filled spell-casting in Nature’s womb of creation, illuminated by the Full Blue Moon.

This last week we’ve been doing just that, as we created space for another Earthy immersion – this time in the Arizona sunshine and waters of Lake Havasu City to celebrate with our dear soul family we haven’t seen in a long time. I’m grateful that opportunity came to take some safe, distanced outdoor-focused excursions recently. Last time it was the ocean and faery forests of the Pacific Coast, and this time it was the red rocks, desert sands, and warm waters of the Colorado River and Lake Havasu – different, but equally nurturing, enriching, and cleansing.

And with the building of the Full Moon energies in the night sky, coupled with Arizona sunsets, the Earth and Cosmos merging has been felt strongly in the body and soul.

This was amplified by the ability to connect with my sweet nephew and godson, Nova, (whom you’ve read about in a previous blog) who helped me tune in with my dearly departed rabbit son, Cosmo.

Nova is just as sweet and perfect as I knew he was – such a tiny faery bunny who loves snuggles (he’s about 2 pounds lighter and several inches smaller than Astrid). Tuning in with him this last week was timely because Cosmo has been on my mind being that Halloween was the day he transitioned, four years ago. The Universe knows what we need and Cosmo always finds a way to communicate and send me love. This week, through the adorable Nova.

And to add to that energy, it was such a gift to see this sweet Burrowing Owl on one of our evening walks.

I haven’t seen one in years. The timing felt particularly potent. Although not the clearest photo, I’m surprised she even showed up given the evening lighting casting dark shadows in her burrow. But I love the way she did because it adds to her mystical energy and deep mystery.

Owl is one of my key spirit animal figures for my path, which I had reiterated by a favorite reader in Sedona, Arizona upon twice visiting him, but especially particular species of owl. Their feathers show up prolifically these days. They carry the power of sight, intuition, and hidden wisdom that reveals the true reality which is hard to be seen by others.

I love this interesting information about Burrowing Owl from that mirrors the time of year right now before Halloween/Samhain (time of thinnest veils) and the upcoming Full Blue Moon.

Mythology & Folklore :

The American Indian Hopi tribe called the Burrowing Owl Ko’ko, meaning ‘Watcher of the Dark’. They believed it to be associated with Masauu, their god of the dead, the guardian of fires & protector of all things underground, including germinating seeds, making it a very sacred bird. As the owl lives underground, it was believed to be able to communicate with the dead.

The American Indian Gosiute tribe (from Utah and Nevada) believed the Burrowing Owl to be a protective spirit for brave warriors. Owl feathers were worn by the warriors & rattles were covered in owl skins, to frighten off their enemies.

And the owl energy continued, as the very next day after an evening with Burrowing Owl, it was all about Great Horned Owl. With two, rare physical encounters with owls back-to-back I’d say something’s afoot.

“Every real story is a never ending story.” ~The Neverending Story

Our nine and a half mile expedition of the senses was a literal Neverending Story journey with all the major characters showing up in rock formations, including the magickal gates that guard The Southern Oracle – The Great Riddle Gate with two Sphinxes (in this case we had two sentinel rock portal gates that included one naturally carved into the Luck Dragon, Falcor, himself), a perfect Morla rock – the giant turtle known as The Ancient One, Rockbiters and Big-Headed Rock Creatures. It was incredible. There were also snippets of Lord of the Rings and the journey to take the golden One Ring to Mordor and a bit of The Secret of Nimh when Mrs. Brisby meets The Great Owl in his bone-laced lair. Wow!

The latter literally manifested a Great Horned Owl that greeted us upon entering the slot canyons. We saw her emerge from her big nest perched between the narrow slots and take to flight down the corridor, coming to rest up on a ledge of the rock walls ahead, as seen here ever-so faintly.

The rest of the time we walked down the slot canyon to the desert beyond, on our way to a secluded beach on the lake, we kept finding a variety of small to medium sized feathers amidst all the bristle brush at the bottom edges of the rock walls.

We also discovered a lot of small bones and skeletal parts of the little animals she fed on – both on the ground and contained within owl regurgitation.

We wondered if she’d be there again on the way back, and indeed she was.

She greeted us once again with a fly-over (enabling a photo capture this time), and more feathers, including a large one I found during a funny episode of me shimmying up the rocks we had to climb down into the slot canyon.

While literally suspended at the top, flat on my stomach with arms and legs flailing out as if I was swimming, since I was having trouble getting up, this put me in the perfect position to see a large feather at eye-level to where I was laying. I stopped everything between two people pulling and pushing at each end to say, “Hey! Look at that perfect large feather behind Dave!” We all laughed. Nothing stops my hawk eye from seeing magickal discoveries, nor gets between me and them. I always seem to provide comic relief for everyone and this one was caught on video.

The slot canyon felt like the Great Horned Owl’s lair Mrs. Brisby bravely enters on her journey to the Rats of Nimh, and the whole energy and finds of the day without a soul but the four of us, plus all of the things we kept discovering (ancient petroglyphs in the gorge walls of the Colorado River, Osprey twice flying above us as trains passed over while we went under the bridge on jet skis, a monarch butterfly gliding by us on the river – butterflies are said to be ancestors returning, and more) and having revealed during the rest of every adventure-filled day this week, made for the perfect lead-up to Halloween and the Full Moon.

And so, during this liminal time of year when boundaries are at their thinnest to the Otherworlds, it feels like the Universe conspired with my/our intentions in supporting the energies and experiences of greatest benefit, and revealed the way showers for the journey ahead.

Alongside several nature treasures, I even found this sweet, little, brown faery bunny at a store to bring back for Astrid (with detachable wings) – the perfect find for my magick rabbit

If we want to create some meaningful experiences for this doorway, we have the support of many beyond the veils – the Fae, ancients, ancestors, deceased, and even right under our feet – Mother Earth, around us – animal and Elemental messengers, or in the stars – the Cosmos and our multi-dimensional selves and star families.

And speaking of all of these mystical and potent energies, Astrid and I thought we’d share some of the magick we’re conjuring up at the Forest Portal mixed with Faery rabbit enchantment and wonderfully witchy wishes from our hearts to yours.

With a blend of Earthy and Cosmic ingredients, we’re always brewing up some fun and love to bridge the gap between the shadowy depths of the heart.

The photos you see laced throughout this post capture the alchemy we create together and love spreading out into the world as cocreators.

You got a glimpse of Astrid’s new cosmic witchy/wizardy hat back on October 1st’s Harvest Full Moon, but we saved the extra enchantment for October 31st’s Full Blue Moon.

And I just had to reshare this fun from 2019’s Halloween post, which came from my newsletter I subscribe to.

It felt particularly fitting with this year’s photos of Astrid and me. I think you can see why. 🙂


  • “Traditionally, rabbits are the most prominent animal that is associated with witchcraft, but cats have since taken their place.
  • Rabbits are associated with lunar energy, luck, hidden knowledge, divination, love, creativity, success, sensitivity, agility, swiftness, spontaneity, abundance, rebirth, renewal, transformation, and fertility.
  • In some folklore, it is said that witches would transform into rabbits as a disguise due to their elusive and swift characteristics.
  • Rabbits are still considered to be a common familiar for witches.
  • Rabbits are symbols that represent various goddesses, such as Artemis, Hecate & Cerridwen,…
  • One of the classic 48 constellations as named by Ptolemy is Lepus, the hare.
  • Rabbits are associated with spring, the vernal equinox, and the sabbat Ostara due to the fact that cold weather is fading and flowers are beginning to bloom.
  • While rabbits are associated with luck, it’s not inherently good or bad luck – it can be either depending on the circumstances….
  • [Some] superstitions state that rabbits can dispel negativity, cleanse, and break spells….”

Credits: art – Collins;
article – & lunaesteria

Today’s Halloween, Samhain, and Celtic New Year is a portal to access and create realities to mirror your true multi-dimensional self.

May the key become conscious for accessing more of this each day.

And may all possibilities be open to you.

In love and creative magick,

Tania and Astrid

Transitions & Upgrades ~ Shedding New Layers with the Seasonal & Moon Shifts

At the start of this week I focused on printing and sending out all of the Reiki Level 1 certificates to the group that completed their training this past weekend. Even just that process was a big energy shift on top of all the Reiki flowing through the hours of teaching and attuning the last two weekends. It’s equally transformative and recalibrating for the teacher, as it is the students that are receiving, so I’m definitely experiencing my own activation and inner triggers for reflection.

For this reason, and both because I don’t write blogs as often as I used to AND I feel that others are going through a variety of changes right now in more significant and likely conscious ways than they have in the past, I’m sharing a longer post today. It’s a way to thread connection, too.

So, I noticed that as I sealed the envelopes and sent them out in the world it felt like sending out keys to new doorways of potential that feel to be gridding and lighting up more and more on the Earth. In their own way, they are seeding new openings to wider and innovative ways we can move forward for the greatest and highest good. 

At least that was the intention I had, as I sent them out with love.

Since this unexpected teaching flow invited me to also expand wider and change the approaches I adapted until now, it ignited a whole level of reinvention on other layers as well. And it definitely amped up energies that have put into motion a domino-effect of shifts to explore.

In a nutshell, I’d say my experience is all about transitions and upgrades right now. And with all the collective change happening simultaneously, it feels aligned with acceleration at large, and needed.

So how are these shifts and upgrades translating for me?

I’ll share some of the ways I’m experiencing this, as a way of demonstrating the varied levels of life that can be affected in a naturally organic way – especially when embraced – as we go through life changes. This may also be helpful to any of my students that read this blog.

This concept of recalibrating, cleansing, upgrading, and realigning, etc. is something we discuss in training, and includes the possibilities of what that could look like.

However, even though I know this shift is getting an added boost from the Reiki teaching, I also feel it was on its way simply as a natural process of transitions – like Nature’s seasons are reflecting currently and even the upcoming Full Moon is heralding in, as it brings to full amplification and illumination the things in your life that no longer serve you.

I ended up having to upgrade to a new, larger, more powerful computer that Dave just helped set up for me (since I’m not a very tech savvy person) at the start of this new week. Interesting timing right after completion of training. Also interesting is that I always used to have very tiny laptops – like notebooks. Then after a series of those and crashing all of them, I adopted Dave’s older, bigger laptop. I’ve had that quite a while, but it finally was starting to poop out. So now I have an extremely heavy-duty, larger, powerhouse laptop that is all my own and can do likely more than I’ll ever need. But that creates space for growth and new because who knows what the future holds, right?

Likely the very near future few months may hold a new cell phone in store too. Mine seems fine, (even after falling into the water, as you may remember – going through its own rebirth), but we may be upgrading together to a different carrier for several reasons and they likely will have different options of phones than this one that goes with their plans. It’s not surprising to have all electronics go through upgrades with big changes so that what ever is coming will be supported.

Luckily, I must have my energy better harnessed or something, as I don’t seem to blowing out things anymore and do have miraculous fixes like the water dunking with no ill effect. One experience that comes to mind was when I taught a large group Reiki retreat in Laguna and my phone literally sizzled and gave me an electrical shock on the morning of Reiki Master Teacher training. That was a full three levels in one weekend teaching, so it wasn’t surprising really.

The more mild experiences I have now might also speak to the more balanced life I’ve created and make a priority, and how I’ve learned to channel my energy more effectively, as well as do a lot of grounding, exercise, and nature things, along with self-care and holding center amidst contrasting dynamics all around me.

I’ve also been in home improvement project mode, which actually started last Friday before classes with working on tile prep in our shower to get it ready for Dave to seal, caulk, and fix grouting. I found myself scrubbing away with great vigor and being that the shower and water energy coincides with Pisces – my native sign, but also the sign the upcoming Full Moon is in – it seems reflective of bringing up deep subconscious and clingy stuff to the surface to observe, integrate, and move out altogether.

Improvement projects continued Saturday after class with me spending a couple of hours in the garden sanding my garden bench and restaining it to prep it for the upcoming seasons. Again, another layering process in motion, much like the shedding of old skin.

The shower tiles and the bench getting a renewed layer by removing the old one, and in effect some of my layers are coming undone too.

And the projects have continued little by little for us to include some minor redecorating in my office (still underway, but soon to be complete) and a little in the master bedroom, outdoor clean-up and fixers with the yard, pine needle removal from the roof, refilling the jacuzzi with new water, and repairing some insulation under the house. We are thinking about some other changes we may make as well, so there’s again that cleansing and renewal energy in motion.

I’ve also been completing a round of side-work projects to free up my time, along with monthly record-keeping I do.

I’m also in clean out mode and getting donation bags ready again – a favorite thing of mine to do whenever I feel change is in the air.

The weekend of teaching saw me physically drop a little weight, as any old load was lightened. And, for the first time in a while I am getting the strong feeling of lightening things with my hair as well. Since the ends of the hair are the oldest parts, it can make sense why the literal cutting away can come at significant periods of change in our lives so that we’re letting go and dropping that time period or part of our life it represents.

I have mostly just been letting it do whatever it wants and so it just consistently grows longer. Yet, I’m sensing there may be a more significant change upcoming instead of just my four-inch trim I’ve been doing every six months or so. Perhaps a more significant new cut is in store? I’m waiting to see if this is in fact the route I’ll take, or if I’m just feeling so much change that it inspires a large gamut of ideas and inspiration to flood through. In some cases like that, I’ll wait a little to see what actually feels to be the new anchoring, or if in fact energy is simply moving and may bring up other things, so it’s not about settling on the first idea that comes through.

Other changes have included seeing the potential for new possibilities with a feeling of greater flexibility I’m opening to that I wouldn’t have before, and allowing exploration in order to find the highest path that aligns with now. I’m finding myself revisiting things from about four years ago and this includes a resurgence of ancient and cosmic timelines merging and choices that were made at that time. It has brought underlying a-ha empowering moments, alongside some sadness.

There’s also been an experience of simultaneous, parallel realities. One carries the strength for the other, while it simply goes forth to explore. One dips into realizing the new challenges ahead of the unknown and is processing the stages of how to get there. At times, already being where the challenges are integrated and yet aware of the journey to get there being a step at a time and that it will ebb and flow. Then moments of the ebbs and flows. 🙂

We’re also starting to make different plans for the upcoming seasons and looking at some travels with the animals to change up energies very soon.

So, yes, there’s a lot of energy transitions taking place – even more than I’m sharing here. These may give you an idea of how when we stay in observational mode and decide to be more conscious of the active role we can also have with changes, the more things become obvious as to the levels of transformation that are actually happening, and the easier they shift.

And speaking of Nature, it’s also interesting to observe how the changes we go through can also be reflected in things like seasonal shifts, the different animals that show up for us, the things that draw our attention when we are outdoors, the types of plants and flowers that speak to us, the weather patterns, and unusual sightings in general.

As I just wrote that, a squirrel got my attention outside who is laying in an unusual rounded-over ball on a limb of the tree outside my office. Looks as if he/she is resting, but then sat up, still maintaining that ball-shape – so much so, the little tummy appears as if pregnant with tail wrapped perfectly up and around the back in a half circle. There’s a feeling of this little one resting and reflecting/pregnant with ideas and energy – and as soon as I said that he/she moved quickly on to the next task, which currently includes rubbing the entire front of its body and belly in the cutest fashion, flat all over another limb, relishing in the feeling. 🙂

But this is just a direct reflection in the moment right now.

Others have included how the smoke from the California fires have been blowing in and out of the region here. At times feeling like a veil thickening and lifting, or a transitioning taking place of transmutation. Smoke in fact is the transition of matter into spirit.

Then there’s been the increase in sightings of garter snakes that either cross my path right in front of me or lay across the path I’m approaching. Sometimes they catch my attention from the corner of my eye, and Dave is amazed I even see them since they are camouflaged in the grass. So much snake energy speaks to that shedding of skin, as layers removing for renewal. Another one was on our path while hiking down to the lake a couple of days ago, as you can see here.

This same day I also found a sweet, little dead mouse laying to the side of the trail, which I stopped to bury.

About a week before this I found a dead bird. In both cases the body was fully in tact and didn’t appear to have injury. Perhaps death by natural causes, but interesting at this time period.

In general, seeing a dead animal can symbolize something coming to an end in our lives through a natural cycle – a major life transition from one thing to another. It can also herald the time for a new direction or choice. It’s not necessarily a literal death upcoming, although could be and is relative to the person seeing it.

Seeing a dead animal can be a message or reiteration that a door is, or needs to be, closing. It can also be a reflection of hope in times of challenge. And depending upon the qualities of the particular animal, this can signify the areas in your life that it is highlighting. For instance, mice tend to small and tedious little things and so this could indicate an end to minor issues no longer bothering you or not allowing fears getting in the way. Could be an end to any shyness or timidity, or perhaps resourcefulness no longer being a challenge.

It’s interesting that alongside seeing snakes a lot, we’ve been humanely trapping and releasing mice under the house quite a bit before fixing the insulation, and now I see the dead mouse. Mice in Ancient Greece were considered sacred because they are associated as food for snakes, which were sacred to the Greeks as holy healers.

One thing that jumps out at me about mice is this description of their symbolism from Avia Venefica, which I shared in my blog about the little mouse named Fiver that was so transformative for me.

“Our ancient ancestors observed their affinity for ground-burrowing, and likened this to mice being ‘one with the Mother’ (Mother Earth, that is). This ground-loving behavior was also seen as a connection to the Underworlds (or Otherworlds, depending upon your source of reference). This kind of connection makes the mouse a kind of mediator between physical life and recycling life (spirit energies in transition). This Earth and Underworld connection continues in western, medieval Europe, where folk superstitions tell of mice possessing the ability to carry souls of humans who have passed from this physical life.

There’s that reference again to energies in transition, similar to the smoke and the general theme I’ve been speaking about.

And this transition has been taking place in both the garden and the entire landscape here as I watch the end of Summer move into hints of Autumn vibes.

I am really enjoying the transitioning energy showing up in different waves of blossoming and shades of colors turning, fading and warming. Especially soul-enriching to me is all of the golden sage blossoms. It speaks to something soulful coming into glowing illumination.

On the same hike down to the lake where I saw the snake and the dead mouse, we enjoyed the beautiful meadows, pond, creek, and forests full of signs that Autumn is approaching.

And even my garden continues to transition, too, with sunflowers going through life cycles (nearly

half of the 30+ buds all in bloom), prolific wildflowers popping up with more on the way, plants both growing rapidly and coming to end, roses on their last leg of flowering, a last batch of mini

strawberries ripening for Astrid, and pollinators doing their thing to ensure next year’s growth, as

well as squirrels and chipmunks beginning to hide their Winter’s stash (in my garden). 😉

I have a really tall, wild thistle plant out front that is in full fuchsia bloom and starting to turn to puffs of white dandelion-like seeds, as their maturity is during late Summer to early Autumn.

With only a few last days of August remaining, we are approaching the upcoming Pisces Full Moon of the 1st/2nd of the month (depending on where you live) and Autumn Equinox on the 22nd.

September feels like it will be a quieter month for me, full of deep exploration, decisions, and a new layer of writing upcoming. It also happens to be Astrid’s birthday month, which I know she’s been prepping for and she has her regular vet check at the start of the month, too, for her to start afresh. I have an eye appointment at the end of the month to see if any prescription updating is in order, this may be the month for hair changes, and I’ll be planting daffodil and tulip bulbs for next year.

The Full Moon means that intuition will be on an all-time high, so listening to it and trusting it will be key to support moving into your true power. It will help you to gain deeper insights and understanding about the seeds you’ve been planting in your garden, the intentions you have for them, and will illuminate what truly is guiding your life so that you have a broader grasp on the creative forces at work and how to harness them.

Establishing and recognizing boundaries will be the theme for well-being and is a lesson for the boundless Pisces energy to understand how to balance in a healthy way.

This is a powerful time for deep soul level closure, to exercise greater compassion rather than judgment, and to practice radical acceptance, which helps you to release suffering. Suffering is a refusal to accept things. It’s time to give up the suffering, do an energy cleanse, and ask how you can make the changes, then engage action to do them.

All of this is speaking to a time of transition with our relationship to things in our life and perhaps creating some kind of ritual or acknowledgment around supporting what is time to release, so that we can more fully step into the life we want, and receive those upgrades.

There is so much beauty in all stages of life.

The shifting environment reflects the shifting within.

When the time comes for change, there are many ways in which we are messaged about how we can support that process to be easier, more efficient, graceful, and peaceful.

It doesn’t feel like the energy is anchoring yet, which makes sense given the transitional stage that even nature reflects.

Yet, we may see and feel the importance of which things speak most heart and soul-fully to us that would like to take root for the season ahead.

Today happens to be my dad’s 75th birthday – so a shout out to my dad with lots of love as I acknowledge how his birthday also signifies a huge shift and transition period in life.

I know as I edge toward 50 here not too far off, these 40’s have been the biggest shifts indeed.

Ask Astrid Fridays ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: What Are You Waiting For? Just Let Go


Both Astrid and I have been feeling this Scorpio Full Moon in the days leading up to it quite strongly. I wasn’t paying attention specifically to it, but Astrid just like all rabbits, was hugely attuned to the Moon and the Cosmic frequencies pulsing through Earth. She gave me her wise and endearing look when I had that a-ha moment of connecting dots to recent experiences with the energies abound. She knows I don’t need confirmations of things, but that it does put reason to the rhyme of cycles that take place seemingly out of the blue.

There is definitely a collective release taking place and a ton is shifting on the subtle inner landscapes, which I feel is what is happening to so many people I’ve heard from where there’s a mix of intensity surging through alongside breakthroughs. It’s also what’s playing out on the world-wide level.

I recently explained it like this to a dear friend after my post about releasing the In Lak’ech series of Five paintings:

After posting that yesterday, I found myself done for the day. It was kind of a collapse or surrender. I am feeling the collective release it involves, which I feel is taking place right now across the globe, as we enter greater depths of these shadow parts finally. They are awakening to the conscious level more, or at least starting to surface or break away… this reminds me of cleaning a caked-on greasy pan in sink water. The more you scrub, the dirtier and murkier the water gets, and it might take a while to scratch away at it, but small particles release and eventually surface before everything is wiped away. It feel like the collective is at these stages of scrubbing and releasing stuff into the consciousness pool and now we’re all figuring out what to do with them and what kind of clarity we would like to see come from it. And individually, we’re doing this too for the collective…Although I know we are constantly cracking these codes to free us of conditioned enslavement, the impact on these subtle levels is so tricky. We may see it, or not, but then to actually do something with it is a whole other thing.

We are left with a dilemma, when once we tap into more of our true power, as to what we want to create from here on forth.

Astrid and I have both been going through a huge purging on the outer landscape, to reflect what we’re shifting on the inner landscape.

I shared about it on my Instagram and that’s what the photo above is about, which felt so fitting for Astrid’s post message today about letting go.

This was the caption I used for it:

After a year and a half of enjoying her royal throne, with only small redecorating touches recently, she decided to follow in mom’s footsteps and completely go wild with change. She’s been watching me with wide eyes, as first I did tiny changes (and so she mirrored that) and then I undid both our shared office space and my bedroom closet, throwing things on the floor and bed big time (and so she did the same), as I completely revamped everything with the biggest Spring purge and reorganizing I’ve done to date. Immediately in response, Astrid decided to go crazy on her chair and not only broke through the pretty adornments I’d added for her from her last redecorating choice, but took out the foam insides into bunches of pieces! I couldn’t do anything but laugh when I saw her laying like this so proud with evidence of her work all around her, as if to say to me, “look at the work I’ve done too so I can embrace the new!” So, I’ve since redecorated her center rug without chair, which she’s feeling out and enjoying so far. I did find another chair, in case she decides she wants one again, that I think may work very well for her without need for “redecorating” but am holding off to see how she likes the new set up first and will go from there. Gotta love her! We’re so much alike!

We are both enjoying the fresh openness created by these changes, which allows for the new to flow in more freely and easily. It’s also enabled us to draw in what is frequency-aligned because of our shifts, while also holding an open free space for the unknowns we can’t see yet to find their way to us.

Sometimes we don’t know what is to come or what something looks like that we want, but in letting go, we clear our energy fields so the clarity of that authentic-now inner voice can bring to us the perfect things we had no idea with our minds would be for our highest.

A clear heart draws in clarity.

We become the abundant beings that we are and the way to draw in something aligns all on its own because of taking that action of trust.

Every time we trust and release, abundant energies continue as they are meant to, by flowing in and out.

This Scorpio Moon highlights letting go, regenerating, deepening, intensifying, creating more intimacy with all of our parts, reclaiming our essence and inner wisdom, delving into the mystique and magick of the inner labyrinth, invoking greater courage, clarifying more understanding, making way for the new, and reviewing or perhaps even renewing any intentions you may have.

A flooding of emotions can definitely be part of this, as fears, deep unconscious and shadowy stuff releases into light.

I’ve noticed that since Astrid’s chair was removed, she’s spent a lot of time on the center of her round sparkly green, grass-looking rug under her favorite black iron butterfly sleigh where magickal things sit atop the three platforms that float above her.

It feels to be like an etheric rabbit tunnel of that deep mystery, magick, and Cosmic abyss she is harnessing for transmutation.

I get that she wanted some more open space right now as a clear slate she and I can create from.

Astrid shares, “As you write your new story, so am I. And yet, we are writing it together. One that tells of many journeys yet to share in ways creativity has yet to birth. We are engaging a Cosmic excavation accessed deep within our hearts and it connects us both to the heart of ourselves, and to one another – to include all consciousness. Most importantly it connects us to the heart of creation that is ours to weave anew. So what holds you back? Although time is an idea, there is no greater moment than now to begin. It doesn’t matter what has gone before. With every discomfort and stretch you dismantle the hold of roots awaiting the elixir of your love. What blossoms is of your making.”

I don’t know about any of you, but I for one have enough of anyone writing my story for me. And that includes the stuff I carry as both past fears, perceived limitations, and shared ancestral and collective conditioning.

Astrid is a protector of the sacred, embodied in a strong, courageous, and enduring rabbit body. She walks the worlds of both light and dark. She is both warrior and harmony keeper. She is a bridge of understanding and compassion because she has walked in each reality and can move in and out when necessary. She is action-oriented and also eternally patient.

She is a warrior of unconditional love in its highest form.

Today happens to be Cosmo’s birthday – my sweet rabbit son in the stars. He would have been 13.

He is an ambassador of love and compassion in pure essence.

Astrid is like the great guardian or protector of what he stands for both because she is the same AND because she has extra layers that enable her to merge into worlds he needn’t step into. He is the energy and she both is that energy as well as protects it with the ability to engage on levels that invoke the seed of potential to stir.

We all have different gifts and to embrace with clarity what they are is part of this letting-go energy through self-reflection that permeates.

If we are willing to see the hidden, which can be engaged with curiosity and a willingness to simply observe it without judgment, we can begin to bridge a new and more clear understanding of what stories have been our motivations in life.

We can see what has been working overtime in the background simply because we didn’t acknowledge it.

To have that willingness to see something creates a click within.

Just because we see it, doesn’t mean it can hurt us.

It only hurts us when we don’t want to see it, so it sabotages our lives because it can.

Astrid and I send our deepest love to you during these reflective and intense energies. You are not alone.

Whimsical Wednesdays ~ The Artist’s Corner: Big Spring & St. Patrick’s Day Sale Celebration of the Rabbit Symbolism within Your Garden of Life

The Full Worm Super Moon of March will rise the same day as the Vernal Equinox and it is sure to create a focus of how to create more balance and harmony in your life and taking a look at every kind of relationship that affects your life, with Libra’s influence. That can even be your relationship to things, ideas, beliefs, practices, etc. that emerged through the relationship dynamics, since we’re dealing with self and others. These feel essential to harness and cultivate in order to create the reality you want to experience with greater clarity of what that means to you. This Moon has a very mirroring energy with that self and other reflection that can lead to shedding new skin after having authentic conversations around the patterns you’ve been running on.

Yesterday, I took time out to have a raw conversation with myself that led to what I described to a friend as a big purge, declaration, and release, and ended with a powerful Reiki Healing Attunement with a few of my power crystals and Astrid. I very deliberately and deeply voiced things I haven’t in such a crisp, vulnerable, and embodied way and during the hour or so of this, Astrid sat very still and held space across from me, then moved over to me and nudged my foot with activation, and went to lay next to me, as she called in support and sent energy in union with my declarations.

I felt a sense of relief and clearing to continue the momentum forward.

As an artist of life, I feel very much that life is a garden I am cultivating and having rabbits as my familiars is such a gift to wander that garden with their powerful transmutational energies.

They are my best friends, cocreators, and creative muses.

I’ve shared about rabbit symbolism before, but as we approach Spring Equinox and the Libra Full Moon, their symbolism really becomes extra potent to tap into, as you understand the connections with their medicine.

Rabbits and hares are about rebirth, balance, a kind of waking life resurrection, increased vitality, new found excitement, creative potency, regeneration, fertility of mind, body, and emotion, inspiration, prosperity, agility, receptiveness, and eternity. This symbolism manifests in associations with Springtime, the Dawn, the Moon and Sacred Fire, the Cosmic Egg from which the Cosmos is produced, the Circle and Infinity symbol, Marriage, Androgyny and Hermaphroditism, as well as Madness, Genius and Inspiration (which seem to go hand in hand). Rabbits can bring a message of nurturing your intuitive impulses and nudges from your heart and soul.

The Ancients saw them as one of the most mysterious and perplexing beings, thought to be hermaphrodites (male one month and female the next), with powers of self-impregnation. Since they reflect the idea of balance between masculine and feminine they are highly regarded as sacred, mediators of the sacred, and embodying actual creative powers of the Universe.

As we approach Spring and this repatterning Full Moon, renewal awaits you.

Everything may feel like you’re planting your own spirit garden and it’s incredibly liberating and enjoyable to choose the seeds you want to see blossom and learn what each needs to be cultivated and nurtured into fruition. All the while knowing you are Spirit in motion of being, and everything you do is a merging of this.

And if you don’t yet know what you want to be growing in your garden, this is a wonderful and revealing time to receive revelations and inspiration that uncover the seeds of your spirit’s truest calling.

Words that come to mind are surrender, balance, harmony, integrity, trust, and renewal.

We are just like energetic coils, spiraling through the cycles of our life and able to “spring” back and regenerate ourselves.

You are more resilient than you think.

What you believe and the actions you take in support of those beliefs are shaping your experience and either bucking the natural harmony of your coiled embodiment or flowing gracefully with that spiraling essence.

My rabbit spirit guides and Astrid not only share their support with me, but constantly share their support with others. I hear often how my bunny loves show up in people’s dreams and meditations and I know they actively work to support the collective – rabbit, animal, nature, and human alike – here on Earth along with many others who join them.

They have inspired me through a series of links and connections in my own life they showed me, to create this offering (below) for the special time around St. Patrick’s Day and Spring Equinox/Full Moon.

In 2008 I made a pilgrimage back to Ireland on my own to heal wounds, but also recapture the magick. Ireland held much deep grief and mourning, but also so much joy and peace of essence for my soul’s history. I happened to visit there during St. Patrick’s Day at the time and was able to revisit the exact sacred stone circles I’d been to “before.” I met many people who actively played part in my experiences back then, and in many ways, although very different, the shifts taking place now are connected to who I was in those lives. The solitude and loss reminding me I hold the power to write a different story, as I did with that sacred trip. An ending becoming a beginning.

And so much of the alchemy you create as your life can be assisted by connecting with the elemental realm.

So, between tomorrow – Thursday, March 14th and Wednesday March 20th, The Magick Rabbit will be having a one week sale focused on all mini rabbit Faery gardens to celebrate Spring Equinox and St. Patrick’s Day. 

All mini rabbit gardens will go on 20% Sale for the Spring Equinox Full Moon energies with the magickal number of 11 individual wearing of the green gardens having an extra 5% Leprechaun “Luck of the Irish” Sale added to that – these are gardens that have that extra green vibe of heart chakra, nature, abundance, and springtime emerald glow.

The 11 chosen gardens below will be 25% off for the week, while the rest will be 20%.

And remember all include FREE shipping within the U.S. For international orders, please contact me for assistance to help you with getting the right shipping costs added to your order.

Alongside rabbit alchemy, they also may contain things like sparkly shamrocks, magick mushrooms, Faery houses, different kinds of Faeries, and all gardens have a special crystal too.

I know many of you have shared feeling drawn to specific gardens, feeling they’ve touched a place in your heart for where you are on your journey, so perhaps one of these magickal portals will more easily find their way into your home to support the desired energies.

And as gardens you will have a hand in creating, you will be putting into action the alchemy of recreating, re-patterning, and rewriting your own life with the energies and intentions you desire as a new reality.

The bunnies have a way of helping out. 😉 And they always have a way of connecting dots and supporting creative healing and change.

Here are peeks at the 11 with their stories and energy portals, but for close up details, more photos, and all the specifics each mini world has included, please visit:

The Magick Rabbit

All other gardens not featured here, but still included in the sale, also each have their own story and energy that you can visit at the link above and by clicking the listing of choice.

The creative alchemy starts tomorrow. Just one way of opening new doors.

The Holiday

The Holiday – a magickal moment reminding you that taking time to recharge, nurture your needs, cultivate some sacred space, and take time off to do things you love is important. When things get “dark” why is it that we forget all of the experiences where the light shined again in our lives, or how good it felt when we gave ourselves the nurtured opportunity to have fun, explore, be creative, take a break, and recharge? If you can’t take an actual holiday, then I propose we each commit to taking a “Hope Holiday” on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, as seems most beneficial to your life and personal experiences. What does that mean? It means allowing yourself to hope and dream, creatively engaging your imagination and bringing the music of your heart into your every day, even if just for a couple of minutes of day-dreaming, journaling, or visualizing. Doing this to the extent that you give yourself permission to immerse so fully into that minute or two that your body tingles and sings from your heart with that “becoming” that takes place, as you get lost in your hopes. This isn’t to deny that you may be experiencing something very dark and restrictive feeling, as that is a valid feeling to allow yourself to explore. But it is a way to actively engage yourself into learning how to make a safe space for your heart’s desires to see the light. The more you do this, the more that part of you feels supported and begins to expand with your cultivated love, much like a garden.


Believe – a mini world of wonder that fosters an inner nurturing for keeping dreams and hopes alive. If you feel like giving up or as if you’re alone, this little rabbit will be your daily cheerleader, motivating and supporting you to keep envisioning what you desire and to know that he has your back. It’s best when we have dreams, to release them to the Universe without attachment. This can be your little sacred altar for sending your dreams and inner wishes to your rabbit guardian without attachment to outcome for the highest good. This rabbit inspires you everyday to send out a vision of what you want and to take steps toward them. He lives in a lush little world of abundance that surrounds his “Believe” house with every possibility. In front of him lies an incredible little Tangerine Lemurian Seed Crystal that assists his vision work, but just like him, do not judge their size, as they both are powerful little beings. The crystal has amazing clarity, mini rainbows, and a window (a diamond portal/timelink) that makes it excellent for personal self growth and introspection.

The Apple Of My Eye

The Apple of My Eye – speaks to that love you feel and share with a friend, loved one, child, animal companion, family member, or even the twin aspect within yourself. It celebrates divine connection and is a way of expressing how much you cherish that special one above all else. The sweet moment between bunnies captured here, reminds us to capture those sweet moments in our lives with presence, communication, expression, and demonstration. Nurturing love is what Nature does for us daily in her display of gifts she gives so freely. So can we share freely the love we feel and it is the recipe for happiness and harmony. This sweet and magickal glass apple orb mini world where rabbits, crystals and nature merge is the perfect addition to your home, office, altar, indoor garden, window sill, or hanging as a sparkly bubble of joy and inspiration for any special space and will infuse the healing properties of aquamarine into your life.

Where There's Love There's Hope.jpg

Where There’s Love There’s Hope – I think speaks for itself, but this mini world was also inspired by the relationship I have with my rabbit companions and knowing how a deep shared love with them has opened my heart wider and rekindled a new spark for life. Never give up. As long as there is even just one seed stirring out there somewhere in the world, there is hope. As long as one heart is open, there is potential. As long as one miracle happens, there are more awaiting. I carry this belief with me about everything including things like my book I’m writing, seeing the best in others, having hope for humanity, believing animals will be treated equally, and my rabbit family will be understood. What do you hope for? This sweet little world helps foster a deepening of love and that hope creates miracles. The shamrocks sprinkle faith, love, hope, luck, and well being that comes through the heart chakra and nature’s gifts. (There’s a seated Faery with two rabbit friends engaged in connecting)


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Whispers in the Woods – is a sneak peak into the enchanted forest realms where Faeries and animals commune. It reminds you that magick is just around the corner, animals are souls too, and there is no separation of the heart. Whether you’re a friend of animals already or curious to learn how to communicate more with them and nature, this magickal little world will be a daily reminder to be more present and listen to the messages being given to you daily from all of Earth’s wise children.

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Portal to the Otherworld – is a doorway to the magickal. Let yourself be whisked away into this enchanted forest realm where the faerytales of your mind and heart become a reality. There is another world awaiting you when you open your heart wider – a place where magickal creatures dwell and all potentials are available to you. If you are a dreamer and want to manifest more, if you feel alone and want to feel that you’re not, if you see things others cant, if you feel like you walk in a different world than most, or even if you want to open more to the possibilities, this little world will support all of this and more. A sweet reminder that it’s alright to wander the pathways of the heart, and it’s okay if you feel in this world, but not of it. (The Faery etched hatch is the top of a tree stump portal with golden glittered stairs to descend – a rabbit hole to the Otherworld. There’s a rabbit and tangerine Lemurian Seed Crystal sitting atop the first step and a seated Faery embracing a rabbit in front)

You and Me Makes Weeeee

You and Me Makes Weeeee – speaks to friendship and that sharing life with a friend, whether that’s another person or animal, is enriching. Friendship and love has no boundaries and sometimes the most unlikely of places is where we can find a kindred spirit and lifelong companion. This inspires us to open our hearts wide to possibilities, and to welcome in support from where ever it’s wanting to come through. It also reminds us that having fun is valuable and anyone who helps you to laugh and smile more is priceless.

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Daydreaming – micro rabbit garden mini world where rabbits, crystals and nature merge to remind you how important it is to create time for self-nurturing, rest, and dreaming. Don’t quit your daydream! This sweet little rabbit supports those time outs and reminds you that visualizing from the heart is an essential part of manifesting what you desire. Action upon your dreams is the other part of the equation, but you must dream first and allow yourself the space to imagine all the wonderful possibilities.

Garden of Life

Garden of Life – expresses gardening as a good metaphor for life and the cultivation of your dreams. As you plant your seeds, realize that they mirror the intentional seeds you plant in your own life and how you nurture, cultivate, and care for them will determine what blossoms into manifestation. I have found the same to be true of the caring for my animal companions and the cultivation of our relationship. Your connection with Nature in all her glorious forms will enrich, enhance, and deepen the relationship you have with yourself and what you share with the world. Garden of Life is a daily reminder to be mindful of what seeds your planting and where you’re expending your energy and time.

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Gaia’s Children – reminds us that all of Earth’s children are precious and to respect and honor all of life. When we walk in harmony with nature, we align with the origins of our song and the Cosmos.

The Gift

The Gift – takes us on an enchanted journey to an intimate gathering taking place in the Otherworld. Two dear, old friends – a Woodland Faery and a Rabbit Faery – have gathered beneath the cattails among the great crystal guardians in sacred sharing. Each gives of their heart and opens their heart to receive. They are in tune with the natural cycle of abundance and know that it must flow both ways. The Rabbit Faery presents her friend with a bouquet of flowers sprinkled with her love and fragrant in deep respect, while the Woodland Faery is moved deeply and opens the channels of her heart and solar plexus with Reiki to meet her friend in that space of flow. When we are both giving and receiving from our hearts, we are engaging in the greatest gift there is. This sweet little mini garden will remind you of the things that are truly important, that giving AND receiving are both part of abundance and love, and that it’s crucial to share things today, rather than some “tomorrow” that may never come.




Current Energies & New Blog Series

We’re right in between the energies of the Full Moon and Samhain, or Halloween as most people know it as, and there seems to be a continued split of both intensely challenging or intensely joyous experiences circling about. There’s definitely a transformative and growth-oriented theme around things where you may find discomfort and pain in that expansion taking place because of something deep within stirring to emerge. For some this can be surprising and unwelcome, or exciting and can’t-come-soon-enough. The Full Moon in Taurus wants to ground and root, but we are being asked not to plant the same ol’ seeds we’re accustomed to, but rather to reflect upon how best we can weed through our inner gardens and then dream up our most wildest visions of new possibilities we’d like to see blossom. Scorpio at the other end of the spectrum assists us with this underworld exploration and excavation so that we may both have desires to purge and cleanse, while building and acquiring – all in effort to experience something fresh.

Where ever you find yourself on the spectrum of experience, remember that now is a time when you could be easily triggered to feel inner disharmony about things and find emotions rising or tension building. As always, what seems like a crisis may present an opportunity and the first reaction isn’t always the best. Take some time to ground and be with Nature and step back for a moment so you can come back to your core and respond better from your heart.

Right before I sat down to write this, I’d just seen a coyote crossing the street in front of us and then hid in the golden leaves of the Aspen with eyes peering through. Her message seemed perfect for this post and the energy right now, and her deep magick helping us to see the truth behind illusion and bring us back to center within chaos.

I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to announce the upcoming new blog series that will begin this Monday, October 29th, right in the middle of these energies – part of my own spectrum of purging transformation and building and recreating.

What you can look forward to will be a three-part series each week that will include the following:

Monday Musings – The Writer’s Corner

  • this will include blogs with a writing theme involving anything from my own journey with this, challenges, inspirations, Top 10 Lists, support and helpful insights for writers, behind the scenes looks, and favorite books, to book reviews, other writers’ work, or even author interviews….fellow writers welcome to share their work and experiences to be featured as well

Whimsical Wednesdays – The Artist’s Corner

  • this includes artist’s of life, creative visionaries, and anyone who loves being artsy in their own way or has a creative passion…blog themes will be around “life as art” and how to live this way more mindfully, inspiration, sharing the creative journey, featuring artwork, favorite artisans, how to get in touch with this side more…

Ask Astrid Fridays – The Rabbit’s Corner

  • these will be blogs from Astrid’s point of view…any advice or wisdom she has to share for the week, a day-in-the-life of Astrid, a bunny’s perspective, getting to know rabbits more, and will be open at times to take questions Astrid will get to answer from our readers and down the rabbit hole we’ll go….

I hope you’ll enjoy the new blog focuses. I’m in the middle of updating my website, so many of the new pages are “coming soon,” but I’m excited about the journey unfolding.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and lots of love and creative inspiration!

Celebrating with Gratitude

Under the influence of last night’s Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn, I’m excited to announce the conclusion to the second phase of my new book’s journey this morning. It’s been a full last couple of weeks and so much celebration since Summer Solstice with endings that ignite new beginnings. I’ve also been putting together the gifts for the 17 recipients of the Gratitude Giveaway, which will be sent out by end of week.

While there is still much more involved with my book’s birthing, this feels to be the last personal piece, as from here on out will involve others in bringing it into completion. I’m not rushing any part of it, but I have found all the timings aligning so incredibly with that surrender. I did feel it would be done by end of June, and so it is.

I love it coinciding with this Capricorn Full Moon, as that feels perfect for my journey. It calls upon powerful, new directions guided by our inner wise/elder selves to be met with personal responsibility.

Commitment, focus, and unrelenting work produce rewards – the greatest of those being the heart fulfillment I’m experiencing for following through with the path I’m guided on and intending it for the highest good, without expectation.

So, I’m big time celebrating each part of the journey and being grateful for what IS now.

This week on the 26th I was also reminded that Joy’s ashes had come home to me that day – you’ll remember she departed two years ago on Summer Solstice and heralded Astrid coming in one year later the same time. This had me remembering our time in Montana in the Magick Bus, reminiscing with my dear friend Christopher about that potent experience he assisted with and the magickal journey he took us on, and so many full circle experiences tied in with my book.

It was beautiful to teach a Reiki workshop last weekend in the middle of this and that the Gratitude Giveaway created such potent and beautiful energy for everyone who joined and was touched by it. I was even surprised by the giving part of the challenge, bringing gifts to me through it that truly touched my heart and were so meaningful. Thank you dearly! You know who you are. You really moved me. But in general, I was so moved by everything that came through with that and the shares and the shifts people experienced.

And meaningful is what I hope the recipients will feel in the gifts I send that are special crystal/stone jewelry, crystals/stones in a few cases, and other sweet things that all have purpose and dear connection for me. It was my intent that only things close to me would be given and would add to the collective thread we wove with the journey, and will continue weaving.

As mentioned, yesterday I got all the gifts gathered and all of the shipping material, and now that my book is done I’m working on packaging them up to get out by end of week. 17 gifts is a lot to wrap and prepare, so please bear with me. I trust in divine timing and so far I do love the timing of everything all connected.

And to add to the celebrating, Dave and I are hosting a Full Moon drum circle, vegan potluck for our Meetup group tomorrow evening to immerse in the energy. We had to make it on a night people could come, hence within the window, rather than on the night itself. That feels connected and potent also with the ending of this phase of my book and literally in a way I can’t share right now, but there are so many cross-over connections with my book and things that take place in it that happen in real life. So fun!

We also have a couple of events we’re going to on Saturday, so the fun continues as we close out June.

Next week will be a fresh start on phase 3 for me of my book, but will also hold July 4th independence and freedom day – which also happens to coincide with the day my closest Grandpa to me transitioned 7 years ago who supported my creativity and also mirrored it.

July 4th is also the last day to pre-register at discount for the Reiki 3 Master Teacher Workshop to be held on Saturday, August 25th. You will still be able to register until August 11th, but at full registration price.

Here is the link for that: Summer 2018 Reiki Workshops

And don’t forget that you can still register for the Fall Equinox workshop with Laura and I until September 15th. We have 4 spaces remaining, with a few people looking into registering, so keep that in mind, as we can only accommodate 12 to keep this an intimate gathering.

Here is that link: Living a More Magickal Life

I shared that on Summer Solstice, my first Iris bloomed that I planted myself. Then a second bloomed with the Full Moon energy approaching and yesterday, the morning of the Full Moon, a third popped out, creating a Trinity of energy in celebration of this day and my birth number as a 3. There’s a fourth on the way too! Yay!

This is a photo of the two, right before the third opened. I’ll try to get another when I’m outside again with all.


Feeling grateful for so many layers of things seen and unseen, including the mouse that ran by my office, as I completed my book this morning – again so timely!

Aries Full Moon

While fiery intensity and passionate energy are some of the focuses of this Aries Harvest and Hunter’s/Blood Full Moon, there is also a reminder for tempering things to bring greater balance and harmony into our experience right now. Deepening into the truth of who you are and trusting in that inner knowing to guide you is key, and this will reflect the true beauty of things, as we become more present to the reflections of our relationships to everything within and around us.

We continue being presented with opportunities to strengthen our connection with Mother Earth – Terra – to bring greater stability and anchoring to our lives. It is from that place that peace takes hold, when we are firm with our roots, yet flowing with our expansion.

Security comes from this place of peace within, which can be accessed regardless of our surroundings and chosen regardless of thinking there is no other way. There are always multiple options and perspectives because we are creative beings living in a creative universe. There are no limits on creativity. Only the depth at which you activate your imagination becomes your limitation.

It continues to be a time for showing up more authentically and when we focus on being or embodying, then the doing takes care of itself. Not the other way around.

So don’t worry so much about that.

Focus on nurturing your essence, cultivating your creativity, having gratitude for things you overlook everyday as gifts, and celebrate what’s right in the world. Bringing your joy through into all that you do and share will infuse new life into everything and you’ll be in the flow of constant renewal.

Remember who you are and believe in yourself.

Step into yourself, shine light upon the shadows within, take actions in alignment with that truth, and reclaim empowerment in a healthy way.

Whatever we are presented with does have a way of being overcome. Release attachment to how things need to look and find the hidden gift that can shift your entire experience of life.

Do you enjoy living in the past and in limitation? If not, then rise above this. If you are ready to make leaps in life, the energies are here to support that. Be like Nature and flow with these currents.

This is a good time to get things done and start those things you’ve been procrastinating.

The above photo is of the Full Moon early this morning, which I captured literally about 3 minutes before it fully disappeared behind the mountain. Astrid had woken me with her running around like a speed racer, full of excitement. She definitely did not want me to miss out on seeing it. In person, it was big, clear, and reddish in color. And as soon as I took this quick photo, it was gone, but am glad I captured it to share.

All of my bunnies have shared a connection with the Moon and Astrid is no exception.

In the photo below you can see her basking in its glow, as I always find her each Full Moon and on major cosmic occasions.

This was taken early yesterday morning at 3 am (had to use flash) when I woke and found her in front of the French doors, lake and Moon still as can be even when I went to stroke her. Everything was dark and still except for the strong glow of the Moon illuminating the room, lake, and Astrid.

Her ears were warm with energy despite it being very cold, which was obvious to me that she was moving the Aries energy since throughout the day I’d noticed her ears cold and now at the coldest hours she was warm.

The Full Aries, Harvest and Hunter’s Moon definitely had her attention and Astrid was helping to work with the energies and prepare for the new on all levels to help clear things and create balance and ease.

Wishing everyone an empowering Full Moon. 11:11 as I finish writing this, so activations embedded in this for sure!

moon bunny

Capricorn Full Moon Insights

This Full Moon has a special place in my heart because of its being in Capricorn…an energy I’ve been working on diligently since my North Node, Ascendant and Mars are all in Capricorn. For me it speaks to the life shifts I’m integrating, but it also speaks to a collective energy needed, especially with healers, empaths, “light workers” (as people call them), creatives…or anyone who has lived in martyr or victim roles most of their life. This Full Moon in Capricorn speaks to fortifying those personal boundaries and creating healthier relationships with others in all ways, including the relationship you have with yourself, the past, and the ancestral lines you carry within your DNA.


I’m reminded of Astrid with this Full Moon and how she, too, is mirroring this shift like mom and the collective, into deepening of her true power, as she heals from the past, understands the triggers that bring her to defense, and roots more in the trust of self and the love she consistently now has to support her into her empowered wholeness, so she can blossom like crazy.

This is a time for keeping ultra present and aware of rising and displaced and exaggerated emotions, anger, jealousy, fear….if you’re feeling triggered look within yourself as to what that’s really about and what you’re really upset with. It’s very easy to point fingers and lay blame on others and it’s very easy to self-sabotage so that we can avoid the things that would be most supportive for our journey, but scary to entertain.

Reactions are not only likely unconscious fears acting out, but also aren’t based on the reality being put forth even by the other person triggering you because they have their own stories that shape the way they are acting as well.

This again is shadow work…something everyone likes to talk about, but very few truly understand and are actually working with.

If something has been hidden in your life by yourself or others, the Full Moon can help shed truth on the matter, but be willing to embrace that revealing when it shows up, otherwise greater lashing out and reactions will only continue to mask what’s really at the core of things.

Take steps back, spend more quiet time, or time in nature to root and ground yourself more, recharge with the plants and trees, and remove yourself if necessary from harmful or potentially harmful situations until you have a better grip on things and your defensive emotions.

You can either give away your power or be empowered. It’s up to you.

The old is continuing to crumble and Capricorn assists you in taking greater responsibility in your life, rather than displacing that and continuing with old patterns that are no longer sustainable for ultimate, collective well being.

Capricorn also represents structure and so we’ll be asked to rework and rebuild new structures that are strong, yet flexible, and do not carry the load of the past with it.

So yes, transformational shifts on large scales are happening, which includes literal and symbolic deaths of everything we’ve ever known in order to be more authentic and in alignment with current frequencies.

I recently just finished a big 2 week fast and cleanse that was literally like shedding layers of snake skin in not only losing all the old in weight, but also reinvigorating my cells on a molecular level so that they had time to detox and dispel, rest, and then rebuild.

This is what we are going to see more of and what this Full Moon is illuminating a need within us to do whether we like it or not.

You must tear down the old foundations in order to truly build a fortified new.

Power is increasingly being something to exercise with utmost consciousness and to balance in ways that both leave us empowered, but also empower others rather than power over others or have us acting out of inauthentic power.

Goats are amazingly agile, versatile, curious, and inventive, have incredible balance, are committed to the journey, are patient and persevering, don’t let any obstacle stand in their way of continuing toward their goals, keep climbing and reaching for new heights no matter what (even if its outside their comfort zone), know how to nurture and feed the soul, are intuitively guided, and exercise wise use of trust and responsible independence.

Let us learn by Goat’s example and ride this transformative energy with greater awareness.