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Rabbit Hole Initiations ~ Freedom & Alchemy are Ours to Choose



Today, and always, I celebrate the freedom to be me and when I/we trust being myself/ourselves we will find how everything else falls into synchronous alignment. Allowing your natural essence and channel to blossom open and following that guidance directly and fearlessly you will experience greater sense of well being and greater effects of change around you. It’s when you don’t support and follow that inner guidance that you feel deadened, depleted, a loss of power, and those around you mirror similar and trigger recognition of this – true power lies in being heartfully you. So choose to trust and support the spirit within you and honor its expression, as it will guide you to the highest and most harmonious ways.

“Spiritual people can be some of the most violent people you will ever meet. Mostly, they are violent to themselves. They violently try to control their minds, their emotions, and their bodies. They become upset with themselves and beat themselves up for not rising up to the conditioned mind’s idea of what it believes enlightenment to be. No one ever became free through such violence. Why is it that so few people are truly free? Because they try to conform to ideas, concepts, and beliefs in their heads. They try to concentrate their way to heaven. But freedom is about the natural state, the spontaneous and un-self-conscious expression of beingness. If you want to find it, see that the very idea of ‘a someone who is in control’ is a concept created by the mind. Take one step backward into the unknown.” ~Adyashanti

I completed my 10 day fast and 3 days of cleansing ease-in to get slowly back into eating regularly again. And I have to say that I feel so light, clear, and more in my essence. My mom commented yesterday how my eyes have gotten so light. This seems to be one of the physical shifts reflecting from this fast and recalibration, not to mention the literal snake skin shedding of 10+ pounds of old energy I was carrying.

In all, I feel super energized and really peace filled inside and out on an increased level. I can literally feel the light flowing through and this deep sense of balance and harmony.

Definitely inspiring and freedom-invoking. Like a bird soaring on the breeze.

Today’s 4th of July marks a return to healthy eating with a deepened sense of connection to my lifestyle choices.

It also ignites new shifts in the works coming forth into my life, seeming to show through in this capture, below, just two days ago of change taking form.

Bare-faced and nature immersed… The way I feel most free. Freedom to me is being who I really am and having the courage to shine my light no matter what.


Today also marks 6 years since my French grandpa on my mom’s side passed. He is the one grandparent I connected to most who helped cultivate my belief in the artist me, and nurtured me in that direction. We had a special bond and I know he walks beside me, encouraging me like he did when he was alive, to nurture and bring forth my gifts – believing in the creative artist I am.

He reminds me, too, to freely let that wild visionary artist out and not let anything conform to any standards, rules, and ideals of others/society in terms of that creative part of me with any of my projects. This speaks true, as even with the book I’m writing, it will not follow any parameters other than my inner guidance and creative heart – creating my own genre.

And that is freedom to me.


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These recent photos taken of me in the last two days really feel to reflect the deeper me I keep accessing more parts and layers of on this journey – integrating so many layers of timeless spirit. The parts unbridled and nurtured with love that I am drawing forth and have been sinking into greater comfort to share out loud.

And speaking of layers and journeys….last night’s dream was a potent one that is too far involved in symbolism to explain its meaning, but I felt to share it, as it feels very significant right now and I love writing things out to deepen the template of its birth and unfolding in my life.

The dream was set in an otherwordly dimension. I remember something/someone was following me or trying to stop me and my escape was through this journey I took – but in fact was the original focus I was on, anyway and not anything I was running from, but determined not to be deterred from.

I was traveling these parallel realities in this moving almost enclosed like rapidly moving escalator (best way I can describe it, but at the speed of light) that went forward diagonally then back diagonally and so on, along timeliness but not really past or future but different levels of now reality. (think the movie, Interstellar to sort of get a feeling/glimpse of an idea, when Cooper is in the Black Hole peering through the timeline layers of bookshelves)

I could see windows on each level with glimpses of that timeline and the people/beings/things within each. And each window/timeline was numbered.

I chose to stop at #47. (Could have age significance or numerological symbolism, as this number does in fact speak to everything powerfully – I’m 44)

I got out in what was an odd reality with people dressed creatively as if Alice in Wonderland-like combined with futuristic look that were at like a gathering or celebration. Things were sort of dark and felt like night or underground.

There was a room I entered where ahead of me was a dark tunnel labeled The Rabbit Hole with red around the black tunnel.

Now, originally this was not the destination where I was going, nor the focus of why I was traveling. I can’t remember the specific goal, but I was on a mission trying to do/fulfill something or free something, but stopped here.

I realized there was a sort of ritual or quest/game journey going on that only certainly people or initiates would undertake, which involved The Rabbit Hole.

I could feel the depths, layers, and potentially scary things needing utmost courage that were down in the dark depths where a giant White Rabbit was – but not easily found and quite the magickal trickster who I felt had a shadow side that would need cunning to outsmart.

If chosen to take on this task, you were not guaranteed survival, but you would enter the Rabbit Hole alone with only inner vision to guide you. That is, if you had the courage to find the White Rabbit.

Then a cloaked woman showed up and asked if I wanted to find the White Rabbit or set all of the White Rabbits free.

In her arms she carried black cloaks, which I would need to wear if I chose the mission and accepted the task to enter into the darkness and see if I could do so.

I agreed because I instinctively got the feeling this was the key to the bigger goal/mission I was originally on. I had to do this if I was to accomplish the bigger picture.

And so, in my dream, I was getting ready to enter The Rabbit Hole and had just done so.

I don’t remember anymore.

This somewhat seems to echo the symbolism I shared in this post of mine from a month ago today:

Follow the White Rabbit

Yes incredibly freeing life changes are a-knockin’. And it will take the greatest onpour of spirit essence into it all to manifest.

It makes sense that I took this purposeful and necessary “detour” to follow the White Rabbit, which is symbolic of the transitional journey and process, as well as the new opportunities, ideas, and paths being pursued.

And this just may be the journey calling many of us, too, right now.

Despite people’s doubts or inability to understand where I’m heading, despite the hurdles and challenges, or the shadow dynamics that will need to be journeyed through…I forge on as the artist of life I was born to be. Whom my grandfather saw in me. And whom I have the freedom to embody and choose to express however I desire.

We each do. Remember that.

(The first photo of Astrid and me reminds me almost of an Alice in Wonderland image…or a Faery with her familiar. Although Astrid is not white, she embodies the shadow I will journey within The Rabbit Hole and is also the illusion perceived in what our eyes alone tell a story to us about. The true gift is revealed to those willing to travel through the illusion and alchemy is achieved when we discover truth through the vision of our hearts. This reveals how light and shadow is within us all and what seems like a Dark Rabbit, may in fact also be the White Rabbit in disguise. And vice versa. One of the many gifts Astrid is sharing with me, as I had felt a White Rabbit coming to me – Zephyr indeed is that. However, I am learning that Astrid embodies the less obvious (the complex layers of my new journey) and is initiating those ready to work true magick and alchemy in understanding the realities of perception and true vision, along with true power.)

Self-Belief ~ The Magick Key


From the Soulful Woman Tarot by Shushann Movsessian & Gemma Summers

This short and simple message of support and inspiration comes to us via a dear friend of mine who shared this lovely Tarot deck with me she’s enjoying the simplicity and clarity of messages from. She felt that readers here might enjoy this card’s message and I had to agree. Little did she know that it went along with a share I’d posted yesterday via Instagram/Facebook, so I’m adding that message in partnership with her card.

Please click on the photo above to enlarge it for the message.

And here is the synchronous message I posted, in case you didn’t see it and are not on social media.


It was about the path I’ve been walking, especially during and since our little over a year RV adventure, before settling in Tahoe and how it took me on a rich exploration to the depths of ancient Mother Earth womb energy and catapulted me through portals of expansiveness.

This is what I shared about the journey:

I dared to go further and at times felt pulled back like an arrow in order to shoot forward with focused intent.

It wasn’t all easy, as greater levels of vulnerable courage were needed to expose myself, to reveal more pure, unabridged energy at the well of my essence, and to be okay with holding the energy of misinterpreted darkness for others to reflect and throw energetic arrows at, while I stood in my truth as the only deflection, which allows the arrows to penetrate the core so they can be alchemized before returning.

I have felt the loud silence within and without that can be deafening and also beautifully penetrating.

I’ve communed with the harsh realization of collective belief systems and conditioning residing in my own DNA and made better friends with them.

I’ve stumbled and I’ve gotten back up.

I’ve spoken the truth of my own fear of not being able to do justice to the message I’m being guided to channel through my own ever-evolving expressive embodiment.

I’ve seen the other side of blind faith, as I’ve walked through doorways, bent time and reality, and made new breakthroughs that were miraculous in nature.

I’ve unearthed grief and known both tiredness and freshness with life and how every emotion is potential alchemy.

I didn’t know what I was doing or how I was going to do it until I did.

Life is all about the eternally present NOW unfolding and being willing to experience it with faith and humbleness of learning from a clean slate where nothing applies that you once did or knew.

Power lies in having trust during challenging situations, as no level of worry will see us through. Trust in the highest good for all always unfolding, regardless of how that looks. Remember that we’re conditioned to judge the human experience, but there’s always a bigger picture at play that we can believe in beyond reasoning. Our resilient hearts will understand when our limiting thoughts step out of the control seat.

I now find myself free.

And yes, this has been due to my self-belief and willingness to stand in my own uniqueness without comparison or worry/fear of judgment. I found it fun to see how a couple exacts I wrote in my share were in the card’s meaning. 😉

And more than ever I’ve decided to stand on my own in my own truth, as I’ve been seeing how even others living more in a different version than the 3D reality, or are on similar trajectories, are seeing something completely different than I do or engage in ways that are more relative to them than me, so my solace is simply within.

Love and creative magick to each of you in deepening your own self-belief or continuing to live it in the loud silence of your own experience, so that you may access that magick key to an inspired life always.

Update on Available Spots & a Dream

This is just a brief update that the March spots I opened for the 5 week intensive of Intuitive Energy Guidance are filled and I may only have 1 spot left to start the next 5 week intensives beginning April. If you feel called to this and resonate with working in partnership with me, you can reserve that now at this link, which provides details and options of Pay-As-You-Go (with 6 session/5 week commitment) or One-Time Package Savings: Intuitive Energy Guidance

I can only support 2 clients per five weeks and am going by my own intuitive guidance on how long I’ll continue offering this.

If you have any questions you can message me here: CONTACT

Last night I had an amazing dream about several winged horses flying through the sky and a large group of people, myself included, were being fitted with our own “wings,” so to speak, to be able to fly. And then I watched as people were practicing and facing their fears of heights and such, as they tried out their wings.

I remember one of the people fitting the wings saying to me that they thought perhaps my fear of heights would keep me flying low. Little did they know that when it comes to flying, fear doesn’t have any place within me. And off I went proving them wrong, as I flew to great heights.

I loved this dream, as it felt to symbolize a new consciousness and paradigm arriving, of more people beginning to and continuing to reach great heights, greater freedom, ability to harness magick in the material plane and manifest dreams and intents, greater balance and sense of true empowerment being harnessed, and more grounded transformations unfolding.

And I loved the mirror of that involving the offering I’ve put out again, as it feels connected with more people ready to step up and out…ready to fly…and will.

I hear so many wonderful shifts taking place for so many collectively and that is where I choose to focus my efforts and energy and helping as many as possible to be free.

Today You Soar

Feeling the expansive freedom of having a clean canvas to paint what ever I want to on.

I created new aspirations, gently put them out to Great Spirit in Sedona, and am surrendering to the journey with open arms ready to take focused, clear, and inspired action.

Where ever in your life you desire change, you can create it too.

What are you feeling called to do in your life right now?

What has been nudging you in the gut?

What makes your heart sing when you think of yourself doing it?

What do you want to create, change, or share with others in a different or bigger way than you ever have?

Today is your opportunity to soar.

And here are this morning’s clouds, right before we headed out, that mirror those new heights awaiting your embrace.

There are no limits…so aim as high as you’d like!

If not today, then when?

There will always be an excuse, a reason your false ego can come up with, and something that gets in the way.

You can harness that passion at any moment and the way will open.

Not the other way around.


Today You Soar

Like the grand eagle, you spread your wings
And put forth the effort to do great things.
Looking skyward you dared to challenge the wind,
Harnessing power to help you ascend.

With an eye on the goal, fixed in flight,
You climbed to an impressive height.
Undaunted by gusts and unkind gails,
You never gave up and would not fail.

So now you’ve reached where few even try
As the eagle high in a glorious sky.
Not superior, but grand.
Not proud, but sure.
Not a cub, wolf, or bear but an eagle pure.
Today you soar.

~Richelle E. Goodrich


Letting Go Allows What’s Truly Meant To Be Flow In & Out


I lost my Lemurian Seed Crystal pendulum yesterday on Spring Equinox…my favorite and only one I have these days, which I got about 8 years ago.

I searched everywhere, especially all around and under the bed because I had put it on the bed while we traveled with other things so they wouldn’t move during transit.

Right now I just found it on the floor next to my side of the bed out in the open fully.

Hmmmm….a little mischievous Faery work at hand maybe?

Synchronously, two days ago I had received a request for a big order of Lemurian Seed Crystal pendants that I used to create, which I had stopped doing.

I always know that when I release parts of my life – the old – that there will be a surge of cleansing that takes place, which includes calling up more of that while I’m releasing it.

This just means I’m/you’re on track and to continue forward with the releasing.

And funny thing is, I had released my pendulum fully last night and felt it could be part of the letting go and cleaning out of things and was completely fine with a new one finding its way into my life, or perhaps no longer having one at all.

When we are not clinging to things nor attached, and let go with ease, that is how things/people can freely have opportunity to flow back into our lives, if they are truly meant to be in it.

I guess this special one is meant to be with me still, for now, and received its own renewing upgrade while away, perhaps to match my shifts. 😉

Fear is a Gateway to Freedom



We enjoyed a beautiful mountain biking trail two days ago that started at Bell and Courthouse Rock, as we were entering the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces. And for me that was a gateway to really embracing and honoring the power of fear and what it has to teach me. Perfect for Pisces being about the unconscious so working through fears would be highlighted.

I’ve danced with fear many times and will continue to with new experiences, as fear is simply an energy like all other emotions, feelings, and states of being that moves through us.

The beauty is that we can see fear, or any other feeling, as our friend rather than the enemy. We can see fear as a gateway to something on the other side that we might choose to experience.

For me that is freedom, since when we get stuck in fear rather than allowing it to flow, we can become inhibited. So, when I embrace fear and let it move through me, I am then experiencing freedom.

But to some the other side of the gateway may be courage, confidence, independence…etc. To me they all fit under an umbrella of freedom.

Both being of value and equal since they are parts of the whole.

Fear has the ability of helping us to become very present and within the moment. It helps us to sense all that is within us and around us so that we can then harness the energy and transmute it into what we then want to experience next.

I don’t judge fear, just as I don’t judge ego, or any other emotion some may label as good or bad. They just are.

They all have a purpose and a power otherwise they wouldn’t be available to us to experience.

Sure we can choose which we want to feel, but at some point we learn that we can oscillate between experiences naturally and know that we are always safe once we understand our processes and learn to utilize the power of each element to create a desired outcome.

If one chooses to experience fear there is a purpose and that is perfect. It is when we get stuck that we know we’re not allowing the energy to flow, but attaching to it and creating an unnatural process from some20160308_150641_resizedthing that was natural to begin with.

If you choose to experience courage, that too is perfect though…and so is the spectrum of feelings in between.

We are humans that have the ability to experience a limitless array of feelings, which is part of the beauty and gift available to us.

All That Is doesn’t judge these things, but they are all available as a way to know ourselves, to feel all that is possible like sampling things at a buffet table, and to realize there is wholeness within every experience and energy that moves through us at any given moment.

I came up upon fear again with the mountain biking, just as I have with skiing, since it is new and challenging for me. I have only biked on flat, easy trails, but we found ourselves on a much more advanced trail, which I didn’t know when going into it, and so this provided me the opportunity to put to practice the things I’ve learned about my process with fear.

That is the beauty of having fear as an experience, as we are then able to call up what we learned and then utilize this to support the natural flow.

I noticed that some people expecting the easy trail, turned back, but I decided to keep on going.

What I learned about fear is that it is often times associated with being overwhelmed by too much stimuli around me that then creates an inner ego dialogue trying to address all of it at once.

For me, I have found that retracting my energy and going within myself is what helps to make things more manageable. I shift my focus from bigger picture and all that is around me, to sensing what is just within me and directly in front of me only…taking things one step at a time in my own pace and gently talking myself through it all and staying very present within my body without any other thoughts and focus except the moment.

In this way I am aware and fully embodied and engaged. And when I return to full embodiment I am then able to slowly become one with the experience and soon my parts are moving together rather than separately and the experience becomes fun and one that I learn is within my grasp to enjoy the way I desire to.

This turned steep and rocky trails into either a fun experience of flowing over them like water or climbing up them like a steadfast goat.

I also engaged the gifts I have, which included surrounding myself with Reiki and infusing myself with Reiki for strength, asking for help from the energies and spirit guides around me, and harnessing the vortex energy of the Earth available.

And when doing so a white butterfly appeared and danced around my front tire for a few minutes, riding with me.

I have learned my process and know I can use this with anything now. I have learned that it often times includes a loving, gentle dialogue with my inner child to walk her through things, hold her hand, and explain the process so that she is safe and understands.

I talk supportively to myself and don’t judge what I’m feeling. I then also acknowledge and praise myself for each step I take. And I listen when I’ve pushed myself to a limit, taking a moment to breathe, step back, and honor what has come up. That could include stopping altogether if that felt right, not worrying about what others around me are doing, and could be getting off my bike if I needed to in that moment.

It’s not about pushing, but guiding myself through it with loving support.

I believe a lot of fear has to do with our not nurturing the inner child and letting our thoughts run amuck all over her or him. But fear can make us present to ourselves and what we need, which may just be acknowledging that child and bringing her or him with us along the journey.

And then they feel safe to have fun when they realize you’ve discovered fear’s door to yourself once again.

Yes, fear can be your partner, as it simply wants to move through you rather than get bottled up inside as a blockage to your wholeness.

There is a power in all energies and a beauty for their existence, which is why All That Is dances with each of them as an expression of loving itself.


Inner Peace Leads To Freedom

These photos from yesterday symbolically go perfectly with the post I just shared from four years ago, “Setting My Inner Horse Free For Good.”

I especially love the sea gulls and the feeling I felt when they came flying at me – a beautiful reflection of unbridled freedom that I now have, feel, and embody in my life.

Peace in. Peace out.

A freeing peace that can’t be touched by anything.

(I just so happen to be wearing a shirt that says “peace” inside of a heart – my heart)

Gratitude isn’t a strong enough word to convey the magnitude of it all.

But the feeling is in the photos…as they say a picture paints a thousand words.

beach freedom (1)beach freedom (2)beach freedom (3)beach freedom (4)beach freedom (5)beach freedom (6)beach freedom (7).jpgbeach freedom (14)

Yellow Butterfly ~ Following Your Joy Will Set You Free

yellow butterfly


Yesterday we found this little joyous one at the helm of The Magick Bus, at the driver’s seat and window.

There was this sudden flutter of yellow that appeared out of nowhere inside the RV. Literally, nowhere.

She was just beautiful and sweet, as you can see in this photo I captured when she settled down on the driver’s side window.

Several things ran through my mind right away.

Miracles and magick can happen at any moment, out of nowhere, and both in and from unlikely places and sources. So remain open and flexible, as well as full of unyielding belief.

Support is around, as butterflies are often the divine form that faeries and angels use to message and guide us.

To pay attention the the subtle energies and inner voice, as the butterfly is a reminder to tune in to what’s going on in the inner realm.

Because it was yellow there was the instant connection to what that color signified to me – joy, freedom, and wonder of life. So the questions to ask were, what can I do to live with even more vibrant joy and freedom? What changes can I make to live in greater alignment with my truth? – Synchronous, since I’d received a repetitive message of raw honesty with myself when doing Tarot card readings recently and checking in with myself.

Since I am already experiencing huge shifts and changes in my life, the butterfly felt to be a reminder that everything would be ok with the “new life” path I was creating and that it signified – Again I didn’t need to know the how’s.  Just continue in the trust.

And then there was this…

I watched the butterfly flutter at the driver’s side window, trying to break free and get back outside now that its presence had been acknowledged. For me this felt symbolic of a few things.

One, that we are ready to leave and break free of everything here and the past and this journey is being “driven” by our joy and can only be traveled by taking the driver’s seat and navigating our own lives.

Two, that you can’t keep a butterfly under glass, as you break her spirit of which you admired her in the first place for – something is ready to break out from within me and be unleashed after this cocooning stage that I’ve been patiently awaiting alignments for.

And three, because it was by my hand that I freed her, opening the window and guiding her on to my hand so I could carry her to freedom, it is so that by my own hand, shall I be set free.

Does the yellow butterfly speak to you? And if so, how might you receive and embrace her message today in support of your own joy and freedom?

Here You Are

You ask when is the right time and what do you need to do to prepare?

And I say you were always ready, but you just didn’t remember to embody that knowing, exactly as you are now.

When you do, you align synchronously with the rhythm and flow of energy and will move fluidly with “timeliness”.

There is nothing to prepare.

I believe all of the preparation is already taking place energetically simply through one’s desire to show up with conscious awareness in their life…like an activation unfolding, ignited by every synchronous and intentful presence of experience accountably engaged.

I always feel that when a person acknowledges this presence, they show up and embrace the journey – what ever that may be relative to each, and however that naturally unfolds (beyond contrived and distorted directives).

Here and now, here you ARE.

Freedom is About the Natural State

elena shunilova

Photo by Elena Shunilova


“Spiritual people can be some of the most violent people you will ever meet. Mostly, they are violent to themselves. They violently try to control their minds, their emotions, and their bodies. They become upset with themselves and beat themselves up for not rising up to the conditioned mind’s idea of what it believes enlightenment to be. No one ever became free through such violence. Why is it that so few people are truly free? Because they try to conform to ideas, concepts, and beliefs in their heads. They try to concentrate their way to heaven. But freedom is about the natural state, the spontaneous and un-self-conscious expression of beingness. If you want to find it, see that the very idea of ‘a someone who is in control’ is a concept created by the mind. Take one step backward into the unknown.” ~Adyashanti