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Secret Garden of You

Mari Sacred Tattoo Design

Sacred Tattoo Design – this is quite a large, yet delicate piece that will be gracing the upper top of back like a lace mantilla woven of the fruits and blossoms of the Earth and Tree of Life, with Blue Jay flowing into lower portion of neck over throat chakra, and the rest over higher heart and heart chakras, extending across top of shoulder blades and then the Bearded Dragon Lizards will come up over shoulder area framing just the upper portion in front where a Shaman’s Necklace tattoo sits that I co-created with my client there. Enchanting Snail and Tree Frog join the celebration of renewing activation.


I had some inspired thoughts to share today in continued theme of things I’ve been guided to express and realized that one of the latest sacred tattoo designs I created embodied the inspiration of the energy behind these messages – symbolically that is.

So, while I’m not sharing individual symbolism on the designs anymore, due to lack of time to expound on all of that, perhaps viewing this design while reading today’s share will activate something for you, as these designs are created as portals of embodiment and activation to energetically support the person wearing them and the people experiencing/seeing them.

While personal and custom-created for the individual who will wear them, they always carry significant collective symbolism as well, since we are all connected and going though similar, but relative journeys.

I’m calling the above design “Secret Garden of You” and let me just say there is more than meets the eye in this powerful personal gateway we’ve co-created, equipped with its own guardians/sentinels and several enchanted beings from the magickal realm speaking their medicine, not to mention a lot of interwoven and layered symbolism.

It was a piece that challenged both my client and I, especially so in execution to work with the footprint desired for it to weave into, but also in energetic translation, having only a few guidelines. It was in part inspired by the seven days of the morning reading for Lughnasadh Celtic Devotional by Caitlin Mathews shared with me by her in combination to tuning in to the energy behind her words, as she shared what was desired to be created for this next leg of her journey. An exciting and beautiful new birthing indeed!

But on to today’s messages, which are a compilation of short reminders weaving a tapestry for empowered, authentic living – much like the tapestry of symbolism this and all other sacred tattoos I’ve created, do.

They remind us of the sacredness within ourselves and the wisdom and truth we each have available to access at any given moment.

It’s important to make a commitment to yourself, which means listening to your feelings every moment and acting on what’s authentic and right for you presently – be your truth in all its splendor. Others will thank you for it even if they don’t say so, but more so, you’ll be astounded by how life becomes more enriching when you don’t worry about being vulnerable and what others think.

You’re NOT responsible for anyone else’s happiness. Each person must choose their own story. Only they, like you, can choose how to feel in any given moment.

We each have the ability to write a new story whenever we realize that power to do so.

Remember that if you want something from others, give it to yourself first and you’ll get it back in the way that is for the highest good without dictating how that needs to be or look.

Face fear with gentle love and curiosity in order to transmute it…look at it, feel the truth of it, retrieve the pieces of your power in it, and watch it dissolve and transform into your gift.

You are not at the mercy of anything, as you do have the ability to choose how to respond and feel, what perspective to embrace about it you desire, as well as what actions you want to take, even if you’re in a situation that seems like one karmically dealt or a bigger-picture collective experience. You can make lemonade from lemons. 😉

You can always look inside of you to ask for, find, and receive the answers. You need to be open and willing, as well as supportive of self-trust as to what subtle nudges speak to you, and open to giving yourself permission to experience more.

As you focus on the things that are good about yourself – your gifts, your strengths, your special qualities – you empower and support yourself to embody it more in a bigger way.

Be aware of how you speak to yourself and others and the image you are creating about yourself when you do. Is it consistent with the person you know yourself to be and are wanting to be more of?

Everything you’ve experienced and the challenges you’ve gone through is, and has been, an attempt by your soul to call in and experience more light in your life…truly it’s not about someone having it in for you. It’s your ingenious soul way of evolving and experiencing the totality of Source through you.

You put yourself in situations that will challenge you to be more loving and compassionate…to go deeper into those unconditionally.

Unconditional love is learning to embody and be that source of love rather than waiting for others to do so and is not subject to what others are doing or not doing.

Fear and triggers are places that our love hasn’t yet been discovered. So, in each moment you can choose to either embrace more fear and pain, or embrace more love. Going deeper into the allowance of feeling those things will create their ability to flow through you, bringing wisdom along that current of embrace.

Your definitions of yourself influence your behavior and experiences. If you don’t like the definition you’ve been experiencing of yourself, start creating a new one and envision it as much in depth as you can possibly go. Write or reflect on an expansive vision of you and continue to expand upon that from a higher, more loving, deeper perspective. The higher and deeper you can go with how you see yourself, the more accurately in fact you ARE REALLY seeing who you are at the heart and soul of things.

You have the ability to know your truth. Honoring that is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and others. It supports and energetically creates a frequency that mirrors what is possible, but also invites opportunity to do the same.

There is a whole secret garden of you, waiting for you to remember, subtly listen to, trust, actively engage, transmute, and support, embrace and sing to the world, and gently and patiently love into harmonious balance, fulfillment, and fruitful, ecstatic abundance.


For support with co-creating a sacred tattoo design please visit this link for details and how to schedule yours: Life-Changing Tattoos


If you have any questions, please inquire before September 1st, as I won’t be available for emails for 3 months starting at that time. You can contact me here: Contact Tania Marie