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Change is Your Friend Disguised in Fear’s Clothing

changeI am returning this week from what was quite an amazing weekend shared at our Reiki Renewal Retreat this weekend in Laguna Beach, California, so I’m slowly getting back into the swing of things here, which includes integrating some pretty major energy shifts experienced.

I’ll be sharing about our beautiful weekend in an upcoming feature story blog, but for now I feel guided to touch on change, once again, being that not only am I in process of this, but the new Reiki Master Teachers from our weekend are as well, and it feels very prevalent collectively too.

It’s not that change isn’t always happening, as indeed it is in every way, but there are currents of perhaps more intensified and rather dramatic shifts that flow in, like now.

We talked about a lot of things over this last weekend and some of it included the experiences of embracing, integrating, and recalibrating change, and how we can assist this process with greater ease, grace, personal commitment and responsibility, as well as compassionate understanding.

Change can be uncomfortable at first, which is why most people shy away from it, as it seems too overwhelming. It can herald a period of “healing crisis” where all of the “icky” stuff comes to the surface and is felt with increased sensitivity, as it is in process of cleansing out.

Yet what most people don’t realize is that it’s simply the temporary growing pains of new expansion your soul is entertaining courageously – a lot of which is a result of illusion created from conditioned beliefs, that if simply embraced with open breath and heart, would integrate with grace and ease into a whole new landscape of possibilities awaiting…. possibilities that don’t exist and never will, if we allow the fears to define us, rather than our breath to expand us.

I immediately had the opportunity to put my own “change embracing” to the test, once I set foot back into the world after the “other-world” bubble we were sharing in over the weekend. I could feel the huge expansion that was happening with me and that became physically evident when I blew out my cell phone late Saturday afternoon.

I went to take off the charger connection to it, so I could take my cell to the beach, but as I reached for the connector to pull it out, my fingers literally were on fire, burning, and I then smelled that fire singe when something is frying. I immediately let out a squeal from the burning sensation and dropped the connector. I picked it up again, by the chord, and saw it was blackened at the end and melted a bit. The area where it connects on my cell phone also was. The outlet was fine. The area of the chord that plugs in was fine.

That was the first blow out and I just embraced it as part of the shifting taking place, as I know how normal blowing out electronics can be when your energy is expanding and raising, and you are going through an upgrade. I’ve blown out other cell phones and my computers this way and also when my energy gets heightened by something.

So Monday, after the retreat I designated part of the day to getting a new cell phone, but after visiting the bank first. And as soon as I put my card and deposit in and touched the screen, the ATM machine went all weird and then spit out some error message after the thinking wheels were turning for a while, trying to process it (the energy), then immediately went out, holding my ATM card and money hostage. πŸ™‚

It took me a while to have them correct things and get my card back. And I did have to return yesterday, as the deposit correction hadn’t worked either. So there was a patient process of dealing with the turn of events in my energetic field.

After the ATM fiasco, I visited the ATT store with my mom and Lynne – my sweet friend and one of the retreat guests. I think we gave the ATT staff an experience they’ll be talking about for a while to come, as we were like ET’s landing on Earth from another dimension and were pulling out pendulums and had this energy emanating that was quite a contrast to the technological conversations taking place there. They kept being drawn in, but also wide-eyed and in huddled conversation when not near us.

I had no idea what I was looking at in terms of getting a new cell phone, nor did I know if we could retrieve my contact data. The cell phone was completely inaccessible and the staff said they’d never seen anything like what they saw when they looked at.

Being non-techy I am not one who backs up my data on my cell by connecting it to my computer. And I had no idea if the “ON” button was on, that automatically does iCloud storage backup. But I did assess by going online that indeed my iCloud had everything backed up automatically and was completely up to date. Thank you Universe for always watching my back. πŸ™‚

So, I had the option of either upgrading to the newest iPhone from my 4S iPhone, or I could choose a completely new cell altogether. Not being wed to any company or type of electronics, I was completely ambivalent. However, I started seeing this, as I always do, as much more than merely a cell phone upgrade choice.

The cell phone represented me and my vehicle of communication, as well as my ability to connect worldwide with others, and share. This choice of upgrade felt like that opportunity I had available and varying options/ways to go about it.

Jose and I discuss Galaxy Note 3I had actually been very curious about the Android Galaxy (of course being drawn to the name and how that really suits me) and had been feeling it in my field for the last several months even though I’ve had two iPhones back to back. Well, actually 3, but the first didn’t last long due to “technical difficulties”.

But I could feel my hesitancy (the same we all feel when faced with something different to handle), when faced with this bombardment of unclear and unknown factors, and the potential for the time and energy put in to get things up and running.

So, I really wanted to step back and review all the angles, possibilities, and explore the information provided, so I could make the most fitting wise discernment of choice that truly reflected the natural and real me – not the stressed me that was having temporary infiltration from something outside of my personal frequency.Β (LOL!! ok, right now as I wrote this, something I had on pause on my computer since this morning decided to just unpause right as I am making this declaration, with very dramatic, expansive music!)

We ended up being in the store for about 3 hours total that day and were passed along to 3 different people in the process, ending with Jose, who was really patient with us and giggled along the way, entertaining our unique way of exploring the options.

I asked if I’d be able to switch my contacts easily to the Galaxy and they got their tech guy out who was sharing how difficult it would be, but yes, possible. I asked if they would help me with my email synching, as it has been challenging because I have them through a hosting company, which has different ways of setting up the incoming and outgoing details needed. They said they’d do their best and try to look it up and help me.

I have to admit, I was stressed about the contact thing. At first, thinking that I had lost them, but I quickly released that saying “what a clean slate I will have and I’ll just contact the people I’m meant to be in connection with.” Then I was stressed about the whole process, on top of the pile up of work I had right now to do.

I was also feeling stress about the email connection, as I know how challenging it was before and I had to spend time on the phone because the store couldn’t do it once. The second time they had.

So, this was part of the things to weigh, along with the newness of a whole new “galaxy” of learning with the new system.

In the end, I DID choose the Galaxy Note 3, which was completely a new change all around for me. But it wasn’t without facing some tough and anxiety producing situations along the way. All three of our pendulums – mom’s, Lynne’s, and my own, despite any of the challenges presented, were all pointing to the Galaxy.

Jose and the other 2, including manager, all expressed how much they liked the Galaxy, but that it is definitely a huge learning curve for an iPhone user, and I could tell without them saying it, that they felt women were even more challenged with switching and tended to like iPhones more.

They shared that 90% of iPhone users who try the Galaxy, return it within the 14-day trial window you have.

When asked why this is, they said, that it simply was too challenging for them to learn a new system, when they were already used to the one they had.


I asked Jose if I could have a moment to process things and I instantly connected with my first thought I had said out loud from the get-go, that although there would potentially be challenges to overcome at first, that it was of benefit to embrace the big change , as it would produce greater return.

I just knew this was the right truth for me and it no longer made sense as to why I would go to the iPhone, when I’m truly wanting to embrace the change and this new upgrade in my life. I’m a person who likes to be consistent with everything I do and I see how every choice I make is symbolically connected to how I am stating to the Universe that I would like to proceed in my life. Each choice is not only providing me the guidance in what gets brought up in the process, but also the training in how to assimilate all new things across the board

While it would have been an upgraded iPhone and still some things to learn, it wasn’t the kind of change (big) that I wanted, nor knew would be best for me and where I’m headed, which entailed something completely unfamiliar in every way where I only had trust in my pocket to guide me, rather than a safety net of remnants of old comforting things to fall back on.

I could see how that 90% of people they mentioned going back to the iPhone, was significant in how many people really do fear change, in general, and would rather have things easier, even if that meant not challenging themselves into potentially exponential new experiences and adventures that they could benefit from if only they could trust and embrace each step of the journey.

I could understand why that is, as I had to face those stressful “ideas”, which in fact they really were just conditioned, old ideas, fears, and ultimately – illusions.

Jose tried to connect my email after quite the effort, and even going online to look up how to do it, but to no avail he could not. So, I just decided to embrace that as long as I had a cell phone, I’d take it a day at a time and just slowly get things operational, even if that meant making long tech support calls.

However, none of this came to be. The initial “perceived” anxieties proved to not only be illusions and false, but proved to provide me extra value when I decided to listen to my heart guidance instead, despite everything else trying to steer me elsewhere.

Jose and I as I get ready to take Galaxy Note3 home

Me happy with my Galaxy Note3 choice with Jose who assisted

My embracing the change with trust and ultimately, excitement, proved a gift. I was able to find different information online that Jose hadn’t, and set up my email easily and quickly. πŸ™‚ I also went online and easily found information on how to transfer my contacts from one system to another, which proved different than the info their tech guy had told me and easily and quickly had all my contacts in my new phone.

All of this was perfect, as I was supposed to hear the challenging info in order to really make it that much more powerful of a choice I made to embrace the change.

And in the process, I’ve discovered that I actually do like this system and cell phone better and there are tons of cool things I can do and explore, as I have time, that I couldn’t do before. It’s a daily learning curve, but that’s part of my commitment to growth.

I feel that Jose and the gang at ATT are anticipating my return to the store before the 14-day trial period. I had the thought to wait until day 15 and then stop in to say hi and how much I’m enjoying my new cell phone. πŸ˜‰

I can definitely see the reflection of this experience, in how it relates to my new changes and the direction I’m heading in, the way I believe in approaching life, and how I desire to walk in the action of those beliefs.

Many see change as the enemy, but until you make it your friend and valued ally, you won’t experience the graceful way it can bestow gifts in your life. Transformation is a force for real growth and real growth can sometimes mean pain or discomfort, though can be experienced with the understanding of its natural cycle.

Think of nature and its cycles. Nature doesn’t question the onset of fall when leaves and blossoms disappear, and then everything goes into a winterland slumber. It also doesn’t judge springtime blooming as any better than the harvesting of fall, or the reflective time winter can herald, reminding us that all we need is within and there we find the tools that can see us through any environmental experience.

Without the interim of pain or challenge, you would not feel alive and there would also be no aliveness of joy, nor a butterfly birthed from the caterpillar.

It is when we block, stop, or judge the change set in motion, that we experience increased and unnaturally prolonged discomforts, which in essence are merely lovingly trying to get your attention because, guess what?

You love yourself more than you allow yourself to realize and the knowing part of you will always act in your best interest to support you into remembering who you really are.

While the mind and spirit find more ease in understanding why things happen, the old ways of our emotions have not the luxury of such logic. Our hearts are transforming into higher heart experiences that can feel unconditionally. Yet, human emotions take time to make sense of it all and should be given the honor of their natural unfolding to do so, free of judgment that binds us to our suffering. And judge not judgment, as it is an opportunity for allowance. We have the power to choose our way of experiencing and in taking ownership of our suffering, we are led to harmony, balance, and joy.

Human β€œBeing” is a state of experience that is ever complex with duality, but was also meant to be a gift of harmonious union between physical and spiritual, which allows us the ability to experience and create in amazing ways. We as humans are gifted the opportunity of unlimited expansiveness and by design are extremely sophisticated, refined, and highly developed consciousness potentials waiting to blossom. And this IS your time to blossom.

Yet, for a long time we have chosen only to live a fraction of that potential, unaware of what lies just on the other side of that wall we either hid behind or straddled.

What is the fear? Perhaps it is a fear of the promise of joy and what that could mean. And likely it is also the fear of responsibility in coming fully into your power and what that empowerment can mean for your life and all of the people you come in contact with. This fear is a powerful thing that when chosen, surrenders your power to choose, as it can take over your life like a dis-ease.

We fear our own humanness, the very thing that is so beautifully powerful, and what it would do if unleashed. Fear creates the separation and hinders your ability to see other perspectives that could instantly disintegrate it. Our true hearts will never steer us wrong and reality can transform miraculously if we live in, and choose from, them always. We then come to understand the limitless choices of experience and continuity of life, beyond duality that lives with us from this state of being.

From our fragmented perspective, we fear death and endings as permanent and final. Like a door brutally slammed on our hearts, just as we were learning to open them. The secret here is that while a closed door might, in the realm of conditioned thought, mean the end to something and a desire to give up and never try again, the opposite is also true and might simply mean that a circle of life has completed a revolution and is about to pick up momentum for the next more expansive spiral of experience.

The choice is yours.

Every pain has both the ability to sour us for life, or to sweeten the journey. The deeper we allow ourselves to explore the realms of watery abyss, the more beautifully we learn to swim with the grace and flow of our cetacean friends, through the turning tides of life.

Every coin has two sides and these two sides are part of the same coin. Yin and Yang are complete opposites, yet are integral to Oneness. One creates the possibility for the other and therefore, is not a separate experience, nor cancels the other out. Together, they are grace in perfection; a feeling without words that is the expansive totality of consciousness β€œbeing” the essence of unconditional love.

We can learn to move in and out of each with grace, understanding from a third perspective that observes with conscious awareness, responsible commitment, and unconditionally loving compassion.

Therefore, to know your pain is to know your joy. And in order to truly know the depths of joy, sometimes you will choose to walk in the shoes of pain, until the experience becomes a perfect fusion. The beauty is that the length of each season is determined solely by the perspective you embrace, until the season integrates into one cycle.

Loss can be challenging, especially when someone is in your heart so deeply or you’ve become conditionally comfortable where you are. However life is not about plateauing to some never-to-change-again experience. We are constantly evolving and learning more about our nature of personal reality. That entails new horizons to adventure into, as well as new and exciting hurdles to walk or leap through.

In time, we can grow from the experiences and create new processes of how to move with greater ease and grace through life by embracing our new perspectives. It’s not that you rid yourself of ever having to experience challenge, but you learn to move through them more naturally and start implementing more efficient processes so that you no longer consciously see things as a problem or difficult. You simply move through them like Nature does her cycles, without blocking the flow with your getting stuck.

When we try to hold on to something or someone, all we do is hurt ourselves and stop the promise of new seeds to blossom. There is a web of life and magically supportive gifts within each experience for our perspectives to embrace. And within shifting perspectives, the opportunity for powerful soul growth.

It’s like that moment a butterfly emerges from the cocoon, discovering its chrysalis form has taken flight. It does not mourn the loss of its caterpillar self, but embraces the joy of this new and expansive creation it has become. Not a death; merely a transformation. A simple change of perspective.

Some words to reflect on:

Responsibility is a grace you give yourself not an obligation. ~Dan Millman

Your hand opens and closes and opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as bird wings. ~Rumi

One act of surrender, one change of heart, one leap of faith, can change your life forever. ~Robert Holden

The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. ~Alan Watts

The first step toward change is acceptance. Once you accept yourself, you open the door to change. That’s all you have to do. Change is not something you do, it’s something you allow. ~Will Garcia

Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world.Β The forms may change, yet the essence remains the same.Β Every wonderful sight will vanish, every sweet word will fade. But do not be disheartened. The source they come from is eternal, growing, branching out, giving new life and new joy.Β Why do you weep?Β The source is within you and this whole world is springing up from it. ~Rumi

Releasing, Mourning, and Transmutation – Seeing Change with the Heart

I, and many others, have written so much about the powerfully transformative experiences we are having and how the intensities for many is increasing as we near closure of 2012. I feel it, experience it, hear it from friends, from my clients, and from fellow healers and light workers who are constantly supporting clients with amped up challenges.

It’s happening. The shifts are now and we always have a choice in how to embrace them. Having just spent time with one of the beautiful people that will be joining us in Bimini for 12/21/12, again the messages were reiterated through the mirror of her sharing.

The new is already here. A new reality is alive and the experiences are that of getting all of your pieces on board fully and walking through the doorways in wholeness.

Some will choose to. Some will choose not to. And some will choose to be in other forms in order to assist, which may include leaving the Earth plane altogether. All of this is in divine order and perfection.

This year has been huge in many ways for everyone. And these last few months have taken all of the year and upped it to the 10th degree in terms of experiences. It can be both heavy and light all at once. The ebbs and flows exist simultaneously. There are some already experiencing the magick, some seeing the potential magick and continuing to trust the process, and some just opening their eyes, and some yet to. All are honored and respected for the choice to be here at this pivotal time, as each is integral to the journey.

For myself, the last few months have been very interesting and telling. I continue to follow my intuitive guidance with each choice I make and being led down new roads. I’ve watched even physical transformations take place in how I am morphing in look and just recently literally dropped several pounds, which for someone small already and not trying, is indicative of old energy releasing.

Before, I was needing more grounding to balance out and now, having been integrating for a while, I’ve intuitively been led to stay as light and clear as possible in general, for the upcoming trip I am facilitating, and the reality I am creating. My powerful Andara friends have been assisting daily, as have many of my otherworldly friends I’m grateful for.

Any remnants of old are being faced and released on all levels and I am not entertaining any of it except to integrate it when it shows up. It becomes clear where the challenging areas are, by which things move out quicker than others and which pattern round again to ensure I heal and release them. It’s all in perfection, nonetheless. If you can keep mindful and present, and catch the ways you hide from yourself, this will be of benefit. And I feel that what I heart-fully choose to be personally responsible for in my own life not only gifts me, but gifts the collective.

That energy of responsible co-creation is so meaningful to me. It is the fabric of my life and as the quote by Dan Millman shares:

“Responsibility is a grace you give yourself not an obligation.”

We are each in process of rebirth in our own ways. Like a caterpillar to butterfly or a phoenix from the ashes. Sometimes this means a symbolic death and in some cases, transformation can mean a literal physical death, which can present heavier challenges to understand right now alongside all the rest you may be going through. In either case, a cycling of death and rebirth, as we move from old to new is happening, relative to each.

This is a major time of releasing, mourning, and transmutation. In the darkness, yes the light undeniably coexists.

So many souls are choosing to transition during this time, both human and animal. Just in the last two days, two of my clients I was assisting, back-to-back, were going through this – the physical loss of a dear one in their lives. It isΒ an intense time and souls are choosing where to be as things transform here on Earth.

Our minds can grasp why this may be, but our emotional attachments can be challenged to wrap around it. It is when we can feel with the Universal heart that the healing integrates. Being human definitely carries with it the very depth and spectrum of feelings and it can be hard to remember the source of all that you are when experiencing something painful.

You are not alone in feeling the depth of the changes taking place on a collective level right now. We all have been going through challenges and experienced loss and significant transformation. And each of you is learning to courageously face and embrace what is coming through and I honor you for that.

When the transformations take form in a physical death, the souls choosing this experience are freed to move on to more expansive journeys. But this leaves friends and family trying to piece together torn hearts. Being human can be such a beautiful and joyful experience, yet simultaneously so very painful. It is this full spectrum of experience we are capable of feeling that can either be a curse or a blessing, hinging on a simple change of perspective.

While the mind and spirit find more ease in understanding why things happen, the old ways of our emotions have not the luxury of such logic. Our hearts are transforming into higher heart experiences that can feel unconditionally. Yet, human emotions take time to make sense of it all and should be given the honor of their natural unfolding to do so, free of judgment that binds us to our suffering. And judge not judgment, as it is an opportunity for allowance. We have the power to choose our way of experiencing and in taking ownership of our suffering, we are led to peace and joy.

Human “Being” is a state of experience that is ever complex with duality, but was also meant to be a gift of harmonious union between physical and spiritual, which allows us the ability to experience and create in amazing ways. We as humans are gifted the opportunity of unlimited expansiveness and by design are extremely sophisticated, refined, and highly developed consciousness potentials waiting to blossom. And this IS your time to blossom.

Yet, for a long time we have chosen only to live a fraction of that potential, unaware of what lies just on the other side of that wall we either hid behind or straddled. What is the fear? Perhaps it is a fear of the promise of joy and what that could mean. This fear is a powerful thing that when chosen, surrenders your power to choose, as it can take over your life like a dis-ease.

We fear our own humanness, the very thing that is so beautifully powerful, and what it would do if unleashed. Fear creates the separation and hinders your ability to see other perspectives that could instantly disintegrate it. Our true hearts will never steer us wrong and reality can transform miraculously if we live in, and choose from, them always. We then come to understand the limitless choices of experience and continuity of life, beyond duality that lives with us from this state of being.

From our fragmented perspective, we fear death and endings as permanent and final. Like a door brutally slammed on our hearts, just as we were learning to open them. The secret here is that while a closed door might, in the realm of conditioned thought, mean the end to something and a desire to give up and never try again, the opposite is also true and might simply mean that a circle of life has completed a revolution and is about to pick up momentum for the next more expansive spiral of experience. The choice is yours.

Every pain has both the ability to sour us for life, or to sweeten the journey. The deeper we allow ourselves to explore the realms of watery abyss, the more beautifully we learn to swim with the grace and flow of our cetacean friends, through the turning tides of life.

Every coin has two sides and these two sides are part of the same coin. Yin and Yang are complete opposites, yet are integral to Oneness. One creates the possibility for the other and therefore, is not a separate experience. Together, they are grace in perfection; a feeling without words that is the expansive totality of consciousness “being” the essence of unconditional love.

Therefore, to know your pain is to know your joy. And in order to truly know the depths of joy, sometimes you will choose to walk in the shoes of pain, until the experience becomes a perfect fusion. The beauty is that the length of each season is determined solely by the perspective you embrace, until the season integrates into one cycle.

I have experienced the greatest loss in my life. That of my twin soul, Nestor, whom I’ve written about before. And in losing her, I actually truly discovered her and myself, and she is with me more now than she ever was. It was an instance of total surrender and vulnerability and like experiencing all stages of birth and death at the same time; coming to know the perfection and beauty of eternal creation and love.

We don’t have to say goodbye when we come to embrace how expansive we really are and can see beyond one single focus trapped in time.

magicThis is part of the new reality we are creating. Where magick, synchronicity, synergy, connection, and heart knowing is a constant experience. This shift helps us to realize that the timeless love we feel and share is perpetuated in the life force energy that runs through every experience we have, every encounter, and in everything tangible and intangible. When we see through different eyes, everything changes.

And the gateways approaching can only be seen with the heart. These are the different eyes I speak of.

Loss is always challenging when someone is in your heart so deeply. Whether that means a physical death or simply dear people leaving your life, as you each move on to new experiences that benefit both. Yet, in time, we can grow from the experiences and create new processes of how to move with greater ease and grace through life by embracing our new perspectives.

When we try to hold on to something or someone, all we do is hurt ourselves and stop the promise of new seeds to blossom. Our loved ones do not want us to live in darkness. They leave in order to assist our moving into our greatness and will be there every step of the way. That is the way of the collective heart. Everything for the benefit of the greatest good.

If you have been faced with loss of any kind, please do take gentle nurturing time to honor the natural mourning and healing, as that is important. The last memory may never leave altogether, but the way in which we view/feel it CAN.

I’ve come to see that many times physical loss, such as soul transitions, takes place at pivotal shifts and deeply transformative times in our lives. There is a web of life and magically supportive gifts within each experience for our perspectives to embrace. And within shifting perspectives, the opportunity for powerful soul growth.

It’s like that moment a butterfly emerges from the cocoon, discovering its chrysalis form has taken flight. It does not mourn the loss of its caterpillar self, but embraces the joy of this new and expansive creation it has become. Not a death; merely a transformation. A simple change of perspective.

My heart goes out to each and everyone of you choosing to be here right now and so bravely walking through the depths of change in your life. Releasing that which no longer serves you will benefit you greatly. Nurturing yourself and allowing the mourning process of Β all that is transitioning in your life to move through you with grace and honor will bring you peace.

Surround yourself with support if you are feeling challenged. Keep trusting and believing despite how dark things get. Love with all of your heart. Transmutation of your very existence is at hand. This is not little stuff. You are not alone. We are in this together.

“If we are alive, we cannot escape loss. Loss is a part of real life…So you try to hold the moment quite still and not let it move on and show itself. Today might be tough for you. You might not want the next moment to show itself, to reveal the twists and turns of life’s mystery. But at least you have it. You still have life. A choice as to how you will live this precious day. Don’t wish it away. Don’t waste it. For the love of all that’s holy, redeem one hour. Hold it close. Cherish it. Above all, be grateful for it. Let your thanksgiving rise above the din of disappointment – opportunities lost, mistakes made, the clamor of all that has not yet come. And if today is so horrendous that the gift doesn’t seem worth acknowledging; if you can’t find one moment to enjoy, one simple pleasure to savor, one friend to call, one person to love, one thing to share, one smile to offer; if life is so difficult you don’t want to bother living it to the fullest, then don’t live today for yourself. Live it for others you love or for those that have lost in ways similar or greater than you.” Sarah Ban Breathnach

It is not the body, nor the personality that is the true self.
The true self is eternal. Even on the point of death we can
say to ourselves, “my true self is free. I cannot be contained.”
-Marcus Aurelius
Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world.
The forms may change, yet the essence remains the same.
Every wonderful sight will vanish, every sweet word will fade,
But do not be disheartened,
The source they come from is eternal, growing,
Branching out, giving new life and new joy.
Why do you weep?
The source is within you
And this whole world is springing up from it.