May Energy & Beltane Magick Wands

Happy May to all of our friends and soul family! Today’s post shares your energy update from Lee Harris for this new month, as well as celebrates current energies with a little surprise offering – the Beltane Magick Wand Collection.

These new faery creations were born of the Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse and Beltane energies. I completed them the eve before the New Moon, just in time to have them charge in the powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse energies and emerge in time for Beltane celebrations. This is a rare Black Moon – the second New Moon in a month – embodying magickal energy as a catalyst for change, revealing that which lurks in the shadows and offering powerful surges of energy to ignite a turning point in your life.

I’ve been feeling the call to channel some special magick wands that were affordable, yet potent, and full of enchantment to support the ever-evolving times we are in. In this way, offering you added tools for empowerment that speak to the heart of who you are and the support you desire. In the past I’ve made these as custom offerings, but after just recently completing my last two custom wands, I felt that I wanted to be able to make these attainable for more people to have, as custom pieces are both more timely and more expensive in reflection to all that is involved.

In a way these are still custom pieces, but customized and attuned to the collective at large.

I love them SO MUCH that I even made one just for me!

23 in all – they include an incredible array of crystal and stone choices – some single energy focused and others are a synergy of several crystals and stones, including some very rare, 2 million year old petrified wood I found myself on the Spring Equinox Ostara portal.

To continue reading all about them and see which one might be your perfect partner to bring home for these times please visit:

Beltane Magick Wands

Synchronously, one of my potent dreams last night was in line with Beltane’s celebration of regeneration and honoring of life in all its abundantly fertile levels. It involved finding four deer, one after another, who had wandered into our house’s open door while we were outside finishing to clean up the yard before heading off to the street celebration that was taking place. First, finding one large doe and then three large bucks with full antlers, in succession after that. There were even indications of May Queen and May King in the connection between the deer and Dave and I – Dave actually rode the large doe down the street and the three bucks were connected with me. Anyway, it felt like the perfect kick off for today’s vibrant portal bringing hopes and dreams into being.

And here’s Lee with May’s Energy support that just premiered:

About Tania Marie's Blog

Creating life as a work of art with a magick rabbit by my side. I remember my song. Do you? Artist, Author and Reiki Master Teacher with over 30 years' experience in creative healing arts and metaphysical studies. Tania inspires people globally to return to natural harmony, draw forth imagination to manifest dreams, embody creative empowerment, and live more magickally and abundantly from their most natural frequency – in essence, Tania helps you to remember your song.

Posted on May 1, 2022, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Happy Beltane! Very potent dreams here, too. ❤

  2. Desiree Bergeron

    Your wands are magnificent!! Ooooooooo my they are perfect, flowing and so Magickal ✨🤭 That’s my next project after I finish this painting….. to create a sacred wand with that piece of heartwood!! So you’ve inspired me!! So appreciate Lee’s energy update too— always so resonant and supportive!! That dream you had with the Deer and Dave etc; was soooo awesome!!
    Deep dreaming here too— new beautiful powerful energies…..!! x x X x x

    • oh thank you so much sweet sistar! i really enjoyed being in the flow of their creative spark that was ignited during these days. and it was perfect timing when i had openings to create and it aligned with it being so good to be in creative mode. just as i know you have been in moving energy with your painting. i’m so happy this inspired your wand-to-be! hehe!! and yeah, the dream was quite something. i only shared some of the main points, but it was quite magickal. loving the new doorways opening for us all! love you! xoox!

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