Fear is a Gateway to Freedom



We enjoyed a beautiful mountain biking trail two days ago that started at Bell and Courthouse Rock, as we were entering the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces. And for me that was a gateway to really embracing and honoring the power of fear and what it has to teach me. Perfect for Pisces being about the unconscious so working through fears would be highlighted.

I’ve danced with fear many times and will continue to with new experiences, as fear is simply an energy like all other emotions, feelings, and states of being that moves through us.

The beauty is that we can see fear, or any other feeling, as our friend rather than the enemy. We can see fear as a gateway to something on the other side that we might choose to experience.

For me that is freedom, since when we get stuck in fear rather than allowing it to flow, we can become inhibited. So, when I embrace fear and let it move through me, I am then experiencing freedom.

But to some the other side of the gateway may be courage, confidence, independence…etc. To me they all fit under an umbrella of freedom.

Both being of value and equal since they are parts of the whole.

Fear has the ability of helping us to become very present and within the moment. It helps us to sense all that is within us and around us so that we can then harness the energy and transmute it into what we then want to experience next.

I don’t judge fear, just as I don’t judge ego, or any other emotion some may label as good or bad. They just are.

They all have a purpose and a power otherwise they wouldn’t be available to us to experience.

Sure we can choose which we want to feel, but at some point we learn that we can oscillate between experiences naturally and know that we are always safe once we understand our processes and learn to utilize the power of each element to create a desired outcome.

If one chooses to experience fear there is a purpose and that is perfect. It is when we get stuck that we know we’re not allowing the energy to flow, but attaching to it and creating an unnatural process from some20160308_150641_resizedthing that was natural to begin with.

If you choose to experience courage, that too is perfect though…and so is the spectrum of feelings in between.

We are humans that have the ability to experience a limitless array of feelings, which is part of the beauty and gift available to us.

All That Is doesn’t judge these things, but they are all available as a way to know ourselves, to feel all that is possible like sampling things at a buffet table, and to realize there is wholeness within every experience and energy that moves through us at any given moment.

I came up upon fear again with the mountain biking, just as I have with skiing, since it is new and challenging for me. I have only biked on flat, easy trails, but we found ourselves on a much more advanced trail, which I didn’t know when going into it, and so this provided me the opportunity to put to practice the things I’ve learned about my process with fear.

That is the beauty of having fear as an experience, as we are then able to call up what we learned and then utilize this to support the natural flow.

I noticed that some people expecting the easy trail, turned back, but I decided to keep on going.

What I learned about fear is that it is often times associated with being overwhelmed by too much stimuli around me that then creates an inner ego dialogue trying to address all of it at once.

For me, I have found that retracting my energy and going within myself is what helps to make things more manageable. I shift my focus from bigger picture and all that is around me, to sensing what is just within me and directly in front of me only…taking things one step at a time in my own pace and gently talking myself through it all and staying very present within my body without any other thoughts and focus except the moment.

In this way I am aware and fully embodied and engaged. And when I return to full embodiment I am then able to slowly become one with the experience and soon my parts are moving together rather than separately and the experience becomes fun and one that I learn is within my grasp to enjoy the way I desire to.

This turned steep and rocky trails into either a fun experience of flowing over them like water or climbing up them like a steadfast goat.

I also engaged the gifts I have, which included surrounding myself with Reiki and infusing myself with Reiki for strength, asking for help from the energies and spirit guides around me, and harnessing the vortex energy of the Earth available.

And when doing so a white butterfly appeared and danced around my front tire for a few minutes, riding with me.

I have learned my process and know I can use this with anything now. I have learned that it often times includes a loving, gentle dialogue with my inner child to walk her through things, hold her hand, and explain the process so that she is safe and understands.

I talk supportively to myself and don’t judge what I’m feeling. I then also acknowledge and praise myself for each step I take. And I listen when I’ve pushed myself to a limit, taking a moment to breathe, step back, and honor what has come up. That could include stopping altogether if that felt right, not worrying about what others around me are doing, and could be getting off my bike if I needed to in that moment.

It’s not about pushing, but guiding myself through it with loving support.

I believe a lot of fear has to do with our not nurturing the inner child and letting our thoughts run amuck all over her or him. But fear can make us present to ourselves and what we need, which may just be acknowledging that child and bringing her or him with us along the journey.

And then they feel safe to have fun when they realize you’ve discovered fear’s door to yourself once again.

Yes, fear can be your partner, as it simply wants to move through you rather than get bottled up inside as a blockage to your wholeness.

There is a power in all energies and a beauty for their existence, which is why All That Is dances with each of them as an expression of loving itself.


About Tania Marie's Blog

Creating life as a work of art with a magick rabbit by my side. I remember my song. Do you? Artist, Author and Reiki Master Teacher with over 30 years' experience in creative healing arts and metaphysical studies. Tania inspires people globally to return to natural harmony, draw forth imagination to manifest dreams, embody creative empowerment, and live more magickally and abundantly from their most natural frequency – in essence, Tania helps you to remember your song.

Posted on March 10, 2016, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature

    Hey! I was just thinking about you this morning, wondering what marvelous adventures and deep spiritual learnings were happening for you in Sedona. Such powerful energy there. Love your pictures. But I mostly loved what you said!!! This is such a great post. You talk to yourself like I do, and call upon the powers that be for help. I have danced with fear too. It’s a very interesting emotion. It sure brings you present! And processing through it to the other side comes with such gratification and energy! This is one of your best posts so far, although you know I love them all!
    Much love, and gentle congratulations to your inner child for mountain biking a scary trail,

    • we have been so immersed in the beauty and energy here…it’s been wonderful..a new hike and trail every day. so much shifting. thank you thank you!! i’m so happy you loved the post. what you said is so true…there IS so much gratification when we see ourselves through things that seemed impossible. thank you for the love. loving you right back always ❤

  2. Thank you for sharing this, sweet spirit. It is timely and comforting.

  3. Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature

    Sounds great!! I can see you there, making the most of all available energies to you there, and echoing it back. You are surrounded by beautiful energy, Tania. May your shifts bring you even more awareness! Such a beautiful thing you are doing, spreading good energy all over the place, and soaking it in. ❤

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