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Shedding Our Way to New Experiences

shedding skinShedding skin is a symbol of rejuvenation and new life. Snakes and other reptiles like lizards, periodically eliminate the old by the shedding of their skin and emerge stronger, larger, and healthier. The ancients received insights about life through nature and observing the animals and cycles. They believed that there was a wisdom that each life form held, and that snakes, in particular, knew the secrets of “death” that leads to rebirth.

This does not have to mean an actual physical death, but can merely be a symbolic death of everything that once was being released in order to emerge through a new, expansive doorway of experience, unencumbered by anything.

“The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come,” says Joseph Campbell, famous teacher of mythology, as he refers to the snake symbolism of shedding skin as a metaphor for inner growth. “If you want resurrection, you must have crucifixion…We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

This can be a challenge for some and currently this is the process we are all simultaneously experiencing – a deep inner house-cleaning of all that no longer serves the new paradigm of you and the collective new reality birthing.

Letting go completely allows the next stage of growth to flow in. Sometimes you know this is upon you and you willingly engage the process. And at other times, it erupts like a volcano, seeming to come out of nowhere and yet still it is reflecting what you desire and have asked for. You just forgot and didn’t realize what was all entailed in the process.

snake-skinI recently shared about coming upon a full snake skin on a hiking path a few weeks ago. This felt very profound and it made its way home with me, in following guidance it was a gift to use in sacred practice. And just yesterday a full lizard skin was gifted to me. We have a lizard friend that likes to take refuge in the garage and yesterday morning I discovered its skin left fully in tact (which I’m cleansing right now), entwined in some wire gating material. It appeared as if a hologram of the old lizard was left behind, as it was caught in an action position, as the new lizard went freely on his way.

So, now I have two full shedded skins and this feels to speak powerfully to the depth of layers and multiple “deaths” I’m experiencing in rapid time.

I know that there is a very clear distinction between what people are feeling and going through right now. Some are beginning to access that intensely magical, next leap in the possibilities of experience we have been talking about for some time now. While, others are experiencing an intensity of what the new means for them in their life, the choices that will need to be made, and perhaps struggling with letting go of some of those really deep things, or having challenge in shifting perception.

I can’t walk the experience for you, but I can walk the embodiment of my own experience as fully as I possibly can, to support an energetic bridge of access. In our holding that space of wholeness to the best we each can, we mirror the wholeness in each other. This is the clearest connecting path to that.

I love riddle messages that challenge me to expand my ways of perceiving and being. There’s been some “key” things coming through lately that are so subtle and almost undetectable in shifts of perspective that are quickly eating away at everything. I am loving the experience of living alchemy that is creating a dimensional shift of embodiment to take place. I know many of you understand what I’m at loss for words to share, but a little more each day that experience unbinds into the greater experience of the “all” right now.

Yes, major change is upon us. It is each of our choices what that change feels like and manifests as. I can only share from my own experience and perspective that the shedding of skin process is well worth the rebirth that takes place. Keep the faith, challenge yourself one more step each day, and realize that it all has the ability to shift at any moment in reflection to you. Remember that we are all in this together and we each have the same access to new doorways of experience. We just have different ways and timings that support our highest good into that embodiment. There is no right or wrong or judgment on how or when that unfolds or even if that is your desire to unfold.

Ask yourself how you feel about the journey each step of the way, how best you can align to support yourself into feeling what you desire, and be willing to follow the answers you are guided in action to take.

I’ll leave you with some words from Will Barnes, author of The Expansion of the Soul:

“In the voyage of your worldly existence, the sails at which your life float upon, are tethered by the thoughts and emotions that which you harbor. Expand.”  

“Centered, open, and diverse, the universe’s correspondence to your hopes and dreams is the deliverance of your foremost thoughts and actions. Energetically you can create and destroy your immediate set of circumstances under the same laws. Posed as friends and foes, you will have obstacles, ones in which you must go through, over, under and aside sometimes to overcome. These are the stepping stones to your future reality. Overcome that which has weakened your state of mind and conquer the thoughts and actions that you have let lead your life.”

“When the world turns and we operate at our own personal vibration, it is in our power to withhold our dignity and integrity at the highest possible frequency, with this as an active force, we can command our reality in the physical realm. Justly, we shall take all the opportunity that manifests itself in arms reach. To be one, and to have and do what we dream is concurrent only on a high wavelength, and operative to those who seek a higher sense of self. Are you ready to expand to these levels of operation? Have you taken the steps? Step forward and release all your fears.”

“When you combine desire and faith to that it is in which you aspire to, you send a proactive force into the universe that creates a wave of energy, thus activating energy particles which then begin the manifestation process, kind of like a magnet to iron. The bigger the desire equaled with faith, the higher likeliness of materializing what it is you strive for. Stop living a life in which you are not in control of and join forces with the universe in which we are all a part of. Expand your consciousness and be grateful for every instance in the physical plane, it is what you must decide if you want to live the life that you want.”