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Becoming the Designer of Your Life – Imagine and Create!

Very powerful post I’ll let speak for itself. Thank you Laura for finding and sharing it. The message also tied back into my memories yesterday from my post on soul connections I cherish and specifically reminding me of one of the magical adventures Laura and I had when we were drawn to pick up the The Matrix at a local video store on our personal retreat in Mendocino, to review it, which led us to synchronously re-“bump” into a Druid friend – a trip that changed our lives. It also had me thinking on the line I wrote in yesterday’s post about coming to a fork in the road and creating a spiral staircase to the sky. Imagine and create, create! ❤

Laura Bruno's Blog

All I can say regarding this article is, “Eggggggzactly! Thank you for expressing what I try through humor, curiosity, questions and sheer impertinence to pass along to clients, friends and loved ones.” (Thanks also to Ann at Exopermaculture for the link.)


by Jon Rappoport

OCTOBER 24, 2012. We want to know what exists. We want to know it at the bottom of the sea and out in the stars and within our own minds and in realms outside the normal channels of perception. Of course we want to journey to those places and find out what’s there.

We search for design and pattern and structure and system, in order to reach the highest kind of knowledge about existence.

We need to add a different platform.

Design, structure, system, and shape are not the end of the voyage. They are objectives that serve lesser…

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