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Initiations & Inspirations at the Crystal Castle ~ Gifts of Manifestation Ignited

As promised, I wanted to share a blog purely devoted to our experience of the Crystal Castle & Shambhala Gardens in Byron Bay since there were just too many photos to devote to social media space alone. Although what is felt and experienced in person can never be fully grasped in any one or even 100 photos alone, at least these will give you an idea and feel for what this magickal and potently sacred place is like. It was one of my top three favorite experiences of the trip, although they can’t be compared. It felt incredibly important to be here when we were, which wasn’t planned, but happened to align with the New Moon, as well as timely and important to supporting the manifestations of goals and dreams in our lives.

We visited the Crystal Castle & Shambhala Gardens, getting there right when it opened and we’re so glad we did, as it provided a wonderful time of day and a much clearer space with not many people to share it with. And, as shared, seemed perfect right at the precipice to the New Moon. Incredibly super-charged activation galore took place too! I had no expectations of what we’d find or experience, but it exceeded imagination, as well as ignited it.

We were greeted and embraced by stunning botanical gardens, rainforest, World Peace Stupa, views, Aboriginal mural, labyrinth, enchanted crystal cave, crystal fountain, sound healing, music of the plants experience, crystal matrix, amazing statues, fossils, Damanhur spiral, rose quartz reflexology walk, the biggest and most beautiful natural crystals in the world, and more… all found here.

Everywhere you turn there are crystals galore and I love how they are integrated naturally into the grounds and nature, as if they were always there and which merges Earth and Cosmos so beautifully.

Even the pathways are encrusted with crystals, geodes, and stones in patterns and sporadically, but all intentfully. The labyrinth path is also laden with rose quartz. The whole place is a huge crystal grid and energy center that sends a beam out into the etheric realm for manifestation.

A Faery’s dream world!

Each step taken was with great intent and everything we came upon along our wandering through this enchanted place received a “wow!” from both of us. We engaged every experience pure of heart and full with love and gratitude. I was in such reverence of these crystal giants, ancient ones, Earth and Cosmic historians and record keepers, master beings, sentinels and guardians. And with each labyrinth or spiral walk, turn of a prayer wheel, and communion, I blasted out energy to the collective, as well as more intimately for personal intentions, hopes, and dreams.

I used to only engage in energy focused out to others, but have come to equally voice my own desires for the highest good of all concerned knowing that they are one and the same.

I was amazed, but not surprised, to see the energy captured in the photos (and glad we took them), especially when Dave and I stood between the different sets of Amethyst guardians, as it felt like we were in a vortex, activating a portal, and experiencing the crystal matrix of creation. We were being guided through portal after portal, traversing the Cosmic dimensions, one world into the next, and the next.

I was surrounded by beings of light and I felt the giantness of my own being. I felt as tall as the Amethyst guardians by my side. And they were there to remind me of this actuality.

Chills after chills ran through me and I knew everything was not only possible, but happening now. I felt the incredible love and support surrounding me, and how it is there for us all if we open to it despite not seeing it at times in our lives.

I felt at home. Yes, this was home. These beings were my family….my memories….my heart…my spirit.

I engaged my imagination, creativity, and let myself go wild with dreaming. We both imagined big and were full with inspiration and belief in what we imagined.

Alongside each activation and what also felt like more initiations into the next phase of the journey at a new level, I experienced three manifestations of support and gifts.

While walking the labyrinth, soft, sweet feathers showed up along the path, one after another and another, and as I circled to center and back. Angelic support was all around and the feathers reminded me of letting my heart be free to fly as love guides me to soar on toward my joy and dreams and not be held back by the past, nor dwelling on it. I loved the Buddha and giant Amethyst being that resided over the labyrinth. I spent time after with the both sharing the love.

Then later while walking through the bamboo path, which was like this amazing tunnel opening to doorways at both ends and a statue of Vishnu riding on the shoulders of Garuda – both feeling potent as Vishnu is one of the three most important Hindu gods that supports, sustains, and governs the universe. His role is to return to the Earth in troubled times and restore balance of good and evil…to restore justice and order when they are threatened. And Garuda is the bird-god (birds are so prominent in my life and always gifting me feathers) who represents courage and our higher spiritual aspirations. He is said to have brought the nectar of immortality from heaven to Earth.

Just as I entered this tunnel I looked down and this beautiful bamboo creation appeared on the path directly in front of me. It was woven natural and green bamboo with bamboo woven flower that is like a case to hold pens or pencils. That felt to support my writing and the weaving of words and inspirational ideas into a story, not to mention writing the story of my life’s journey in general.

And the third manifestation was a crystal.

Just after I’d spent time between the two most giant Amethyst guardians (you can see more of their amazing energy manifesting in the photo below), I went to walk in the grass, away from any crystals and suddenly I was called to look down and saw something partially hidden in the grass. I reached down and was amazed to find a quartz crystal cluster. It was nothing like any crystals within the vicinity or even any I’d seen along our wandering throughout at that point. But there it was. And it feels so ancient and Cosmic. It appears to be part of a much larger crystal, as if it was taken from one to be connected to its energy and channel it, but for me to have as a gift. I was in deep gratitude of this gift and it feels like it will be assisting me with things to come.

That night I also had a dream that felt important. Not only did it come after the Crystal Castle experience, but on the New Moon. I haven’t had an extraterrestrial dream for a while (at least that I remember), which in actuality are never “dreams,” but my journeys with them when I’m most able to travel interdimensionally and freely. As a Pisces, my “dream” journeys are potent and where everything important takes place. Much of why sleep is actually a chance to do my most intricate work and why it’s so essential to me to have that time.

Anyway, part of the dream was about my engaging with a group of ET’s…different than ones I can remember working with. I had decoded something that they needed and had been trying to decode themselves for a very long time, but couldn’t figure out. I created symbols that embodied the energy of what I decoded and put them into a ring that reflected this. I can still see the symbolism that was created. And this acted like a portal opener or key to something. I also had images on an old recorder or something that they didn’t want others to get a hold of and see, and although I would never tell or show anyone I knew that meant they wanted me to relinquish them and so I did, to keep it safe. It felt much like I was doing some bridge work that felt important on a Cosmic level. And not surprising with the Cosmic activations of the day.

Also, what I found interesting was that I never feel called to do any sort of physical cleanses anymore, as it just doesn’t resonate and I’ve basically been making shifts on all levels without the need for them anymore. At a couple of junctures along my journey I had done some, especially this one time period of some of the largest shifts into my current path I’ve been on when I did a 180 in my life kind of overnight (but not really if you look at the build up before of work done). That time period also coincided with being 100% raw vegan and feeling I needed a complete reset and boost up several levels, so along with the raw I did several major cleanses. This took me to a new level of experience and clarity. Then over the course of time, since, I balanced and harmonized out.

But for some reason I received the message of one cleanse being supportive at this time, right after I left the Crystal Castle. My sense is that is tied to another sort of reset and anchoring of this new journey I’m on and inviting in/being invited to/stepping into.

I wondered when it would take place, thinking perhaps right when I returned home, but in fact I received that it will begin on Summer Solstice, which also happens to align with when the new bunny love is entering my life and also timely with how the project I’m working on with my writing is lining up in terms of its process. Not to mention, some other things taking place in our lives.

I’m normally not interested in these kinds of things anymore – cleanses that is – but to receive that message when I’m not focused on it, seems like I shouldn’t ignore it and so I embrace this and will begin as instructed. It will be a 10 day cleanse and reset.

So, yes, a lot was ignited and took place with this experience, but also wouldn’t have happened if we hadn’t been in Australia when we were and how it all aligned.

And we also discovered a most amazing, enchanted, magickal mushroom in the gardens that was hidden. Did it manifest just for us like these other gifts? Was it indication of this vortex we’d entered? Was it reflective of our beliefs creating what we see?

I believe it is all of these and more.

I have never actually seen one of these in nature ever – a Faerytale mushroom come to life! If you washed off the dirt you’d reveal more of its white polka dots. What an incredible discovery. There was definitely a portal here, as I actually didn’t even know these really existed except in the magickal realms. Well, I guess I was in one! And it felt to indicate that I’m literally, more and more, living in the world of my own creation and that isn’t the same for everyone although perfect for each of us, as it’s based on our vibrational alignment with belief meeting resonance and reality.

Incredible doesn’t begin to express it all. And gratitude doesn’t either in terms of what I feel toward it all.

These aren’t even all of my photos. I didn’t even capture half of what you can find here. Imagine that!

I imagine everyone has their own individual experience here at the Crystal Castle, just like we all do with everything in life, but I do believe that it will bring to the forefront, reveal, and amplify things for you in terms of your beliefs and has the potential of presenting doorways of experience for you to enter if chosen and ready.

I said yes, again.