Blooming Beginnings & Verdant Potentials

Our time away was enriching.

I can feel a layer or two was shed away and this subtle shift is creating extra buoyancy of spirit.

I sense the spark of inspiration reaching through a widening crack in the door and its tendrils of light making me squint and blink with delight while butterflies rise from within.

A freshness is just beginning to infuse itself into my experience like the gush of sweetness that slowly releases in your mouth from a ripe blueberry.

I can taste the start of something different, even if I yet don’t know what I’m blending up in the mixing bowl.

It all feels like home…surrounded in every color possibility that nourishes the creator within.

I’ll share about our time away soon, as I’m a bit focused on some other things right now and am letting it all sink in more.

Until then, I felt to share the rainbow of blossoms that sent us off on our little journey and the verdant abundance that greeted us back home.

This included my surprise baby chestnut tree that is going strong.

He seems to love his rhododendron friend.

You might recall I sprouted a few in January of 2023 from chestnuts we found in Sacramento, by growing them inside with grow lights, then transplanting them outside. They didn’t look like they were taking, but one just went full-on this year after the snow melted. Yay!

Our second and largest cherry blossom tree was also in full bloom upon arrival home.

Before we left only the smaller of the two trees had blossomed, but now the first had completed its cycle, leaving petals on the forest floor, and the largest was gifting our upper deck with her beauty and fragrance.

The first full day back dropped in temperatures and flowed with Spring showers, which felt like a fresh cleanse to start anew.

The garden of life is always such a powerful metaphor in all of its cycles that reflect our own.

From the vitality that bloomed while death’s closure came to the last of our fur children and phase of our lives.

To the flourishing new growth that heralds a rich era of vibrancy in process.

All happening simultaneously, even if we don’t recognize the same in our individual frame of reference.

There is always evidence of the unity of consciousness and the constant change and renewal present.

Every moment is an opportunity to ignite something different.

May these photos reflect that opportunity for each of you to see and feel the undercurrents of fresh responses and realities awaiting your acknowledgment.

Like the blossoms and sweet plants that have emerged, I’ve felt a softening of the rough edges to collective energies I continue to transmute.Ā 

There’s a lot of new growth, blossoming, and birthing and it all feels like beautiful symbolism for this new life beginning for us and the new realities collectively being woven.

So while the still moist depths of Earth rise through the soil on scents of pine and musk, the freshly opened petals propel sweetness from their newly exposed centers.

We spent our day back doing some Spring prep of garage cleaning from Winter’s layers on the floor, as well as clearing out the shelves to create empty space that mirrors the welcoming in of new experiences.

We also got out our deck furniture and put away the last of our fur baby remnants in the house.

I’ve been focusing on rewriting even more neural pathways within my thoughts and intentions, to rewire them in the most expansive way possible – and of course infused with extra love and trust.

It’s so great to see that all of my perennial choices are doing well and that this year I really have very little to do. In fact, I counted only four spots to add plants to and just got two of those already. So, once those are in the ground or pot, this will be a year of no garden work, but much play and soaking in of the natural that is unfolding from my groundwork inside and out.

Returning home with the energy of the Sagittarius Full Flower Moon felt perfect. I love Sag Moons since that’s my natal placement. It’s in part why I’m an eternal child and see through those eyes always.

Itā€™s a time to be extra explorative and adventurous, add variety, communicate with clarity, be open to possibilities and options beyond your limited scope, stay open minded in general, release attachments to anything rigid and that blocks you to your wholeness, and embrace the potential for emotional cleansing that leads to renewal.

Full Moons are a time for taking stock of all you DO have to be grateful for and to be extra mindful of all that you complain or worry about day-to-day and moment-to-moment.

How might you refocus that attitude to be more effective in actually funneling energy toward change, rather than constantly spinning a web from a limited perspective? Everything that bothers you holds the alchemy needed to free you.

Look at what needs a little clean up in your life and pluck things out so you can recreate more with conscious intention.

I’m constantly reviewing things like this myself, and widening my view as well as plunging into the ways I am capable of doing so much more. In fact, my higher self often creates experiences that will stretch me out of comfort zones on purpose and with that inner knowing of it being the way I’ll get there now rather than later. That’s just MY way. We all have different ways.

Try to recognize the good in your life and all the blessings around you, including the people around you who despite any perceived shortcomings have their own challenges they face relative to their life path, which we have no idea about since weā€™re only here living out our own ā€“ and may not even really connect the dots to all of that ourselves.

This is a time to reflect, then plant literal and symbolic seeds, and water them with more true, unconditional and compassionate love.

And if you’re needing support and help with rewiring the new, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I know sometimes it feels scary to do so, but this is evidence that you’re on the edge of a breakthrough that may just need a loving hand. I am still offering intuitive guidance sessions at the huge discount, for now, because of how much I feel it’s needed during such pivotal times. Some incredible breakthroughs are possible with the smallest and subtlest of shifts that can often be of challenge to recognize on our own or get to without the feedback – it’s an alchemical process. Sometimes this can come within one session. Other times, because of how deep something runs, it may take consistent sessions to rewrite and make into the new natural, in which case we can discuss your individual needs to find the package perfectly reflective of you and this could include phone or email and the frequency that will be most assistive. The right time and readiness, the right place and situation, and even the right energetic match/person and partnership CAN make a difference in the process. It can be simple and it can be fun to discover your personal power.

Intuitive Guidance Sessions

Let us sing in color, flourish with new growth, laugh in flowers, and imagine like little children.

About Tania Marie's Blog

Creating life as a work of art with a magick rabbit by my side. I remember my song. Do you? Artist, Author and Reiki Master Teacher with over 30 years' experience in creative healing arts and metaphysical studies. Tania inspires people globally to return to natural harmony, draw forth imagination to manifest dreams, embody creative empowerment, and live more magickally and abundantly from their most natural frequency ā€“ in essence, Tania helps you to remember your song.

Posted on May 25, 2024, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Dear sweet T, I cant thank you enough for this post. What a gift of all this flowering newness and beauty presenting itself. It happened because of your previous actions and intentions, as well as trusting that what would survive and thrive would be exactly as it was meant to. And that which did not would be useful in another way. Your description is wonderfully poetic and detailed. The photos are colorful, happy and joyful. I hope you had a soothing time away. Thank you. šŸ’œšŸ„° I needed this.

    I found out that my nephew of 43 years old died Monday. They say it was a drug overdose. Although I’m aware of all the transitionings taking place and have been warned ahead of time of these times, this one hit me hard. Still working thru it. So seeing your sweet hopefilled and joyful post is a salve for the sadness. Thank you. I’m so happy you all were able to get away.
    Love you bunches Mir and Dawn šŸ’œ

    • Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry to hear about your nephew dear D šŸ™ my heart, prayers, and healing energy go out to you, all of his family and loved ones. I completely understand how hard this is despite knowing these are volatile times. It still stings the heart that loves. Wish I could hug you close. I’m at least grateful that this post helped in some small way during your grieving process. You are most welcome. And I love what you shared about this too. I’m deepening into it all on a daily basis and your words add richness. Thank you! Love you and Mir so much. I know having each other is hugely helpful during times like these. I’m grateful you have each other. šŸ’™šŸ¦‹

  2. Thank you so much sweet T. I so appreciate you. Mir is a dear blessing. I’m so fortunate she is in my life. Love you bunches

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