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Communication Breakdown

I find it interesting to hear about and observe the way people interact and communicate, especially online. Before, when people related more in person or on the phone, there was an immediate interaction that engaged you to be more present and potentially to be more accountable in the moment.

But now, there seems to be a lot of disconnect between expectations people have when they want/need something and lack of the same care/courtesy when others communicate with them.

We can push things and people off, ignore them all together, or hide behind words more easily.

While technology has created great advancements in some regards and enabled connections that never would be, it seems to me to also have increased lack of personal depth in terms of how we relate with one another, less accountability and personal responsibility, things get lost in translation, and it provides everyone the easy and convenient ability to disengage, create excuses to not relate with one another, ignore and not answer each other, and ultimately to be disconnected.

I feel that more effort to be present, honoring of each other, and caring is called for if we are going to continue in the vein of these types of communication channels, otherwise we may see a continued and complete breakdown in our relationships.

Knowing and developing a strong sense of your personal values and then translating them consistently across the board into all of your interactions and how you relate to others, as you would want to be treated, would benefit us greatly.

More mindfulness and heart I feel is needed.