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There Is No Shame In Expressing Feelings

There is nothing wrong with feelings and expressing all of your emotions. I don’t hide from sharing all sides of myself that move through me like a dance because they are temporary and do not define me. I have learned, and we all can, to navigate feelings and it’s a beautifully empowered experience, which is also why I’m doing incredibly well and feel so harmonious after the recent challenges I’ve gone through that in the past were debilitating.

This is why I have been so transparent and shared my recent video about Joy’s transition as a way to support others in surrendering to the beauty of feelings and to know that you can return to peaceful center once you allow that to happen and don’t get stuck in ego judgments, but rather, learn to express the personal without attachment, while embodying the bigger picture that balances.

We are not meant to always be in a blissful, joyous, or even depressive or angered state. These are energetic waves we ride, but the ocean of emotions is all of this and none of this…it is simply a state of harmonious and centered being.

Humans have learned to fear feeling….to deny the wisdom of the body and senses and worship the mind solely.

As a result of being out of touch with their senses, people walk through life completely oblivious to their surroundings and the impact their choices and footprint create on the environment and everyone and everything in it, as a whole.

It’s as if feeling is a foreign invader that we either don’t want to know about (ignorance is bliss) or we want to completely eradicate altogether.

We’re taught to narrow our attention and always obsess over the future, while clinging tightly to the past. But this merely leaves us unable to function in the fullness of who we are in the present.

And, in so doing, we rely on others and so-called “experts” and “authority” figures to make decisions for us. It is a way to not take responsibility with a convenient excuse that we’re too busy or haven’t the ability to understand how we truly feel in order to even make a choice or have an opinion.

So it becomes easier to allow others to choose that for us.

People have run away from authenticity of feeling and replaced this with surrender to what is socially acceptable.

And what does this create?

A build up of explosive, unexpressed feelings that get triggered when you least expect it, and all versions of suppressive and numbing substances and behaviors to stuff those feelings even more deeply.

And then blame is attached to these secondary reasons for our suppression…all simply due to our learning to deny emotional feelings and messaging and continuing to accept that this is acceptable.

Come back to yourself.

Embrace every emotion and sensory feeling, as therein lies the gift of your humanity.

All the colors of emotions are of value. They are all simply energy and part of Source experiencing itself through each wave of feeling that we have the free will to move through. We tend to deem some as better or worse, may avoid them, or deny some in favor of others. However there is a beauty and gift in feeling. Source does not hold judgment on feelings. It remains the unconditionally, detached observer of energy expressions.

Humans hault, block, and attach to energy – defying what is in its innate nature to do, which is flow.

We are human “beings”, which is a motion..a dance…the blessing of “feeling” and moving energy into action. When we allow ourselves to feel, we naturally cycle through the feelings to harmony and balance.

I am grateful for every experience that has taken me to the darkest and lightest of places, for it provides the ability to understand and have true compassion, not to mention infuses everything I do with a breadth of energy that takes my life’s work and relationships to everything around me, to another level otherwise not achieved.

Some of the tormented souls have indeed become great artists, visionaries, movers in the world, and healers because of their ability to go to the full gamut of experiences and depth that then infuses creations, ideas, dreams, and connection with more richness.

We do not NEED to be tormented – that is a choice – but there is also no judgment on this. The key isn’t to avoid feelings, but to learn processes to rebalance ourselves after allowing them to move through us freely. And once we retrain this, it becomes natural once again.

I would not be me, nor where I am in life without ALL that I have gone through.

I cherish the highs AND lows that I have gone through, as they are the sacred fabric of my being.

However, the more I have learned to peacefully navigate the emotional waters, the less the pendulum swings and the more gently it is nudged by the whispers of my embrace.

(This post is a combined new share interwoven with two past shares from 2014 on the subject of feelings. I felt this important to express when someone told me that they did not want to watch the emotional parts of my video about my experiences with Joy’s transition, as they see me as a happy person and don’t like seeing me or “good” people, as they put it, sad. I believe this is a collective belief or reaction that many share where I feel there is a misunderstanding of expressing feelings and being afraid or judgmental of them, as we all have been. And until we learn a new perspective, I’m afraid this will limit the expansive experiences and powerful creative energy we innately have available to us.)