Cycles of Change ~ Full Moon Energies, Processing Grief, Quiet Birthday Celebrations & New Offerings

We’ve just received the light of the Virgo Full Moon – also known as the Snow Moon – that illuminated fully this morning of 2/24/24 – cool numerology there don’t ya think? It comes just two days before my birthday and apparently we’re forecasted to have snow that day as well. So this Winter baby is feeling all the feels of the season and energies igniting my 51st.

Although we won’t be in an historical hobbit hole of snow caves for this birthday, I’m still enjoying being in my quieter cave and also happy that we’ve recently received a bit more snow to add to a hugely contrasting season from last year.

We enjoyed three days in a row of waking to fresh inches – six new inches on each of the mornings of the 19th and 20th, and then another three inches on the morning of the 21st. Yay!

That’s made for some great snow shoeing adventures and breathtaking landscapes that can lighten any day.

Some people have shared that this Moon has felt intense leading up to today. For me, I’ve been feeling extra sleep has been nurturing to the experience of a lot of integration in my physical body taking place and downloads streaming in, in accelerated fashion.

This Full Moon may invite you into a deeper dive of healing energies and ways to create greater wellness and sense of peace in your life. If blocks and fears have been taking up more space, this is an opportune time to initiate some cleansing rituals so that you can create more room for the things that bring you joy and peace. Do things that help ground you, pay attention to and take care of the fine details, and stay the course of what you’ve put in motion with commitment and personal integrity.

In my own life I indeed have found myself focusing on those details and fine-tuning things to better align with intentions and where I feel things heading. It’s driven me to make more adjustments to where my energy and time are focused – removing and adding what threads into all of that. I’ll share more on this, some new offerings, and birthday release at the end, as I like to have the focal point of posts to be on inspirations and any guided messages that feel to be of support.

I did feel to put out a blog before my birthday, as I’m wanting a more quiet and low-key one this year that will have a soft intention of deepening into the new cycle I am journeying. And since my family shared a combined celebration of my, my brother’s, and my mom’s birthdays on Valentine’s Day this year, we’ll be letting the actual day unfold without plans. Check out dad’s incredible three layer vegan cake he baked for all three of us! Weeeeeee!

This also comes after our having quite a full couple of weeks with visitors that were here back-to-back over the course of eleven days with only two days downtime in between.

So, the spaciousness is a welcome friend right now and opportune to harnessing the codes I feel awakening within.

During those visits we had some great ski days, and I had a couple of particularly great days on the mountain in fresh snow, feeling anchored in my adventurous and athletic nature – in awe that skiing is a thing I actually do and have progressed so much at.

On one of those days – the 12th – that feeling was highlighted with seeing this Sun halo, which also confirmed a thought I was exploring for the future.

And then, AGAIN, we saw another Sun halo (below) just yesterday morning on the 23rd when I was tuning in and asking about something else, which was later confirmed upon my arrival home with my pulling the Ace of Cups Tarot card.

I just love how many signs and messages show up these days for us all in really profound and consistent ways.

Is it that they are actually increasing in appearance, does it speak to our being more aware, or have we invited more cocreating to be part of our lives from our collective web of support? Perhaps it’s all of these in divine convergence.

I do feel like there’s a profound and rapid level of cycles moving through and that has involved a lot of continued grieving energy on many layers for souls and pieces of our lives moving on.

This may be because of all of the transformative energies we are deeply integrating these days, and the need for that energy to merge into harmonic alignment. But no matter the reason, these times do call for finding ways to navigate change and create support systems and processes to assist what truly is a natural part of the cycles of consciousness in totality of being – to keep moving and traveling through the various layers of interwoven experience and emotion that are all connected.

If you find yourself moving through loss, have you found ways to support your grieving so that the energy continues to flow through?

Creating a ritual can add meaning to the process – perhaps lighting a candle, planting a tree or seeding your memorial garden – any way you can find to honor the gifts of that person or part of your life that has moved on. This helps focus energy on the valuable ways these people and experiences have had impact for you, which creates forward momentum with the love and gratitude it will bring up.

Journaling and writing out your feelings and thoughts is also a great way to move energy, so that it doesn’t stay stuck in the hurt and pain alone. This supports the transmutation of feelings, as you allow the raw emotion to have a voice and outlet without becoming an energy block.

Maybe creating an altar in honor of the person or part of your life may speak to you.

Engaging your creativity and creating something artistic could also be a way of remembrance and moving through emotional energy, by deriving inspiration from the beauty of the connection and meaning in your life. Perhaps this may bring new ideas or ways to harness your creative life force and rebirthing phoenix energy, which honors the wholeness that both life and death are One as.

Finding support in a grief group might be helpful for some people, talking with a counselor, therapist, or coach, or leaning into allowing friends or loved ones to be there and listen or to do things with to help when the emotions get tough.

Sometimes you just need your own space, quiet, and personal explorations that suit your individuality and being with yourself and the emotions, as you know how, is the best thing.

All of us, though, I think can benefit from quality time spent in and with Nature. Mother Earth has the best way of knowing how to support those cycles and movements, while nourishing and being nourished by the symbiotic relationship you share with Her.

There are many ways to experience healing and help during the cycle of change that can affect everyone so differently. One of the main things to remember, is taking care of yourself the best way you can – honoring your process, allowing emotions to flow, being extra gentle with yourself during your grieving, tending to your needs on all levels, and especially not forgetting your physical wellness – eating, hydrating, grounding, nature time, getting good rest, and honoring the space you might need to consciously move through things that reflects your unique experience.

Working with crystals, sound healing, body work, yoga, exercise, dancing, singing, etc. are some other ways you can assist your energetic field to flow, your body to experience its resilience, and overall for you to find your natural course back to balance.

Grief is challenging for most people, as when you’re in the midst of it or it comes on fast, it can feel quite traumatic and send a ripple of downward spiraling and feel never-ending until or unless the softening occurs. One never really ends grief, but it does fade and joy can actually reside alongside pain and loss. In fact, grief and pain can actually be a connective bridge for joy and sweetness. And while grief comes in waves of intensities, between those waves and even after the crest of each, pockets of potential are activated that only the doorway of pain helps to access.

No one likes having to go through the pains, and yet I can only speak for myself, that it’s in the toughest emotional intensities, losses, and hurts, that some of the biggest alchemy leaps and transmutations have taken place in my life. I don’t fear the pain, even though the pain isn’t something I run toward. I just know that the nature of being is cycles and all things rise from the ashes in incredible ways when I lean into the inherent beauty of every piece of wholeness.

And speaking of wholeness guides me to share one of the recent sacred tattoo designs I cocreated with a beautiful soul. I only had a four inch by four inch space to work with, but one can still pack in a lot with symbolism.

I won’t go into all the personal details about it, but overall it embodies a mandala that has a more organic, alive flow to it than purely a perfected sacred geometry focus, that reflects a “womb of creation” with unfolding natural harmony and the feeling of pulsing energy, movement of a birthing, creating and recreating. There is the essence of vulnerable strength I wanted to capture, authentic processes, and transitions of life in motion.

There’s a triskele/triskelion at center to anchor the cycles of life and energy in motion of interconnectedness with endings and beginnings as One. It is layered over an organic, but balanced tree of life with spiraling roots that anchor and fluidly flow – receiving and giving nourishment – and an eight petaled flower for additional universal harmony, infiniteness, prosperous growth, personal power, regeneration, and wholeness energies to add to the wisdom and enlightenment of the tree’s cycles and embodiment of spirit experiencing the fullness of integration.

There are also three Runes included that spoke to personal things for the soul this was created for, but they include Ansuz (Voice of the Universe), Laguz (water/ocean), and Sowilo (Sun). There are also three butterflies layered on each side of the tree, emerging from the center, as if it was the cocoon and they are in fluid motion of accelerated flight of creative cycles. And last, there are tulips of renewal/rebirth on each side extending from multiple layered symbolism of three stems, blades of grass, water in motion, flames, and energy or sound waves.

You might see why I shared the design and some of the symbolism in it, as it does speak to the collective cycles we’re navigating that grief is a part of along the journey of undoing into ashes, to rise again in an innovative way.

There’s truly so much one could write about these days because of everything streaming in so quickly, but I find it’s better to stay in the stillness of each moment and allow things to deepen more before trying to voice what is going on in the energetic realms. There will come a place and time for more, and/or a different way to share it.

For now, I’m leaning into what feels like quite a transformative year with many surprises and turns around each corner.

If you, too, are experiencing deep breaths and exhales into more expansive embodiment, then I hope some of these Winter landscapes and images shared, have the perfect coding for you.

And that leads me to some updates about new and upcoming offerings and changes to current ones.


I know most of my friends here aren’t on Instagram, but for anyone that is, just a quick heads up that Mody Ra and I teamed up for a Giveaway that runs through the end of today – 11:59pm PST. We are gifting the winner one Ancient Egyptian Alabaster Skull that Mody has carved (you get to choose the one that speaks to you out of 3 skulls) and I am gifting a personal channeling message from The Speakers. Details on how to enter are at my Instagram page – @taniamariemagick


And for those of you who aren’t on Instagram to share in the giveaway fun, I do have an upcoming release this weekend of skulls you may not want to miss – my way of celebrating my birthday with all of you since I don’t have any big plans. I didn’t have time to get them up for today’s post, but please check back at the Crystals & Crystal Skulls page this weekend, as listings will go live anytime between today and Monday. If you’ve been coveting any of the remaining skulls or crystals awaiting homes, I’ll be sharing a special birthday discount on them to help make those heart connections happen. And then there will be a new group of special ones ranging from smaller to larger – some including dragon consorts for The Year of the Dragon and several emanating the “blue ray” of energy that I keep strongly receiving as a key message. Something for everyone and each budget. I specifically chose some of these to bridge to you, as I know many of you don’t have access or know where to go to find your crystalline friends, but have been doing the necessary preparation to get them ready, and awaiting for their reveal.


I will be taking a break again from custom tattoo designs. This offering is only available through the end of this month – February 29th and then I’ll be removing the page link from my website. So, if this was something you’ve been thinking about, you can still take advantage of the discounted offering I’ve made available at Custom Tattoos for a few more days.


These sessions are still available with one session or package session options to support you through any aspect of life you’re navigating. I can currently welcome up to four new clients, if this is or has been of interest. Packages are also available with payment options, just as I also support with crystal and crystal skull adoptions. And if you don’t see a package option that fits your needs, please reach out and I can create one for you.


The uptick in Reiki training continues and support with integrating this into everyday life, as well as wanting to dive into the potential zones and expanding one’s way of experiencing life have been in line with the rapid shifts. The feedback on the Reiki courses has included people feeling that even though some of them had gone through Reiki training before (wanting to renew their relationship to it) – that they found these to be especially resonant with a freeing way of experiencing Reiki with greater excitement and fresh perspective that aligns with the now. These online courses are all easily found at the links included here.


And last, this is a new offering that comes because of receiving many inquiries and nudges from others. People who are especially new to bringing home a crystal skull or have a growing collective of them are looking for help with how to connect with their skulls, hear them, receive names, and what to do or how to work with them – essentially how to “talk with your crystal skulls.” And although I do and will be sharing some tidbits in episodes of Talks With Crystal Skulls, the kind of personalized attention and time is something apparently people have shared needing more of. So, I am now offering “Talk With Your Crystal Skulls” Sessions – a kind of mentoring and one-on-one exploration where I can help you to discover your way with your skulls. You can find that new offering and more details here: Talk With Your Crystal Skulls Sessions

(End note: As I just finished writing this post, the fattest, biggest raccoon we’ve ever seen, and actually the first we’ve seen at the house, just waddled across our back deck in the dark – how’s that for some embracing change and exploring new possibilities energy? Into the mysterious playfulness and inner child realms we go!)

About Tania Marie's Blog

Creating life as a work of art with a magick rabbit by my side. I remember my song. Do you? Artist, Author and Reiki Master Teacher with over 30 years' experience in creative healing arts and metaphysical studies. Tania inspires people globally to return to natural harmony, draw forth imagination to manifest dreams, embody creative empowerment, and live more magickally and abundantly from their most natural frequency – in essence, Tania helps you to remember your song.

Posted on February 24, 2024, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. I always enjoy the positive nurturing vibes I feel while reading your posts Tania. The majestic photos and wise, soft, wisdom are like a hot cup of tea for the spirit. I wish you a holy joyous Solar Return filled with love, delight, and peace.

    much love to you,

    Linda ❀

    • Aw thank you so much for such a sweet message Linda! Your words really sent warm waves of love through my heart ❀️ I’m so grateful for the beautiful wishes and for your friendship. Such a precious gift! With love and gratitude always ❀️

  2. These are gorgeous images and settings to enjoy nature and nurture body and spirit. Like you Tania, I’m finding myself enjoying a lot of quiet solo time. The challenge for me is reaching out more to people and life. Happy Birthday my soulful friend! Big hugs…πŸ’–

    • I’m so happy you enjoy the windows into these enchanted nature realms Brad! Interesting we’re both experiencing some extra quiet, stillness, and solo time. Thank you for sharing that reflection. I know that life comes in waves so we can go in and out of these energetic experiences in cycles, and yet as you said, the key is finding balance as well. Thank you for sharing your heart here and extending in a time of more inner explorations for yourself as well. And thank you so much also for the sweet birthday wishes! Warmest hugs to you!

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