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Honoring A Commitment I Once Made To My Soul’s Path

In speaking to a friend about the shifts we are both moving through and the synchronicity of her moving to the Sedona area, I just realized that today marks 17 years ago that I moved to Sedona for 2 years of intensive self coaching in every way possible that I knew at the time how to do.

At age 24, after having spent about 8 years prior in the beginning phases of my conscious spiritual exploration, I made the commitment to extricate myself from life as I knew it and everyone I knew up until then. I spent time only with myself, in complete devotion to integrative healing with the tools I knew at the time, so that I could embody more consistently, the things I had studied and come to believe, as well as become more aligned with the path I had come into this life to experience and share.

How amazing that this day arrives just as I come away from such an expansive weekend retreat that I was hosting/teaching, and when everything is shifting exponentially.

Feeling the sweetness and serendipity of life’s cycles and honoring and celebrating the conviction and responsibility I have chosen to walk in and live.

This song is one that was a huge part of my daily personal work and still is a huge part of magickal meditative time and healing for me and for service to others. It feels fitting for the energy I’m feeling at the moment and for the recognition of the meaning of this day for me.

This share goes hand-in-hand with my previous post on change, as if ever I had a huge shift, that time spent in Sedona was definitely “one” of the defining moments in my life.

May you each find your own paths illuminating in the truth of you and take time to celebrate and honor how far you have come.

Until the Last Moment…Some Inspirational Music for the Day

The energy as of late feels like this song – one of my all time favorites of Yanni’s from his album, “In My Time”. That album was an integral part of my spiritual journey at a pivotal point in time. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to it.

And this song is one that I use in healing meditations where I journey to a sacred, special place and am met by my dear ones. Certain songs have a way with each individual. 🙂

Since I’ve been listening to this cd and song the last couple of days, I thought I’d share it along with this beautifully made video that synchronously mirrors my special heart sanctuary.

Perhaps it will inspire and move you in ways that are supportive too.