Whimsical Wednesdays ~ The Artist’s Corner: Nature’s Art Reflects Living Life Beyond the Veil – Beltane Peace & Heart Potential


I don’t post blogs as often these days, and mostly stick to themes when I do, but now and then I feel to share something that nudges me and today is one of those days with the energy in these photos coinciding with Beltane today.

Two days ago I went on a short evening hike out back by myself to take a break from manuscript work to connect with nature. The weather was lovely and warm and the air held something different in it. I took these photos, as the light called me.

Each time I looked at the sunlight peeking through the trees I would see tiny, fast shooting gold filaments, but the photos later revealed the unusual feelings I had.

I didn’t pay attention to Beltane approaching, but it was obvious the thinning of veils had already begun.



You can feel the dance of faery and sprite energy in the water, light, and forest. Faces and beings staring back at me all around.


But you can also actually see the light revealing what appears as a separation of dimensions – a veil parting ways.


The light this day was glowing differently and illuminating in unusual ways or radiating like an arrow.



You can see a golden ray shooting out in this one that then shifts into rainbow light that splits in two strands into the water.


After the couple of weeks of warming here, yesterday brought a cold day on in the middle of it with temperatures dropping to the 40’s after 60’s and sometimes even 70 degrees here in the mountains. Clouds moved in and out, winds blew in, and at the end of the day a very light veil of tiny snow flurries came down. Just barely enough to see with the naked eye, but did not settle. It appeared like an armada of faeries surrounding the house and created that separation effect of dimensions.

Today we are back to warm sunshine, as if the cold never was.


An interesting intermingling of Sacred Masculine and Feminine energies dancing back and forth, as the veils lift and harmony is revealed.


I’ve always loved this image of Cosmo out back in our yard where we used to live. To me, it is a beautiful reflection of his Sacred Male energy in total harmony and embrace of the Sacred Female embodied in our Earth Mother, Terra. The epitome of this precious dance of life and creation in its fertile abundance and purity.

spring blooms.jpg

Beltane is about honoring life at this peak period of Spring unfolding into Summer when everything is blossoming with potent and abundant fertility and the conception of ideas, intents, and dreams are ripe with potential. We become pregnant with opportunity for renewal, growth, vitality, passion, and joy that offer a chance to bring hopes, dreams, and ideas into active fruition.

The faeries remind us to have fun with it all and not to forget that a time for play is much needed too.

Look around you at the landscape of sprouts and buds vigorously reaching for the Sun and dancing in the breeze. They remind us to bring forth the depths of our hearts into the light even when we think there’s no reason to ever shine that again.

If even just to feel the sunlight dance on your skin and dreams, so be it.

Nature reminds us that everything has a cycle and now is a time to take up that joyful part of your secret world you keep only to yourself and nurture it a little bit more.

Today is opportune to set forth intentions and promises to yourself and ask for assistance, as you take an active step toward what ever it is you would like to see more of in your life.

I plan to do another little hike out back today and spend some sunshine time to ground in my own peace and clarity.

I have to giggle, although had slightly gasped, as a spider again just scurried along the edge of my desk by my arm as I typed, making his way for my keyboard. I scared him with my quick pull away of my arm and as I just wrote that he was running down my tapestry in front of me. 😉

You might enjoy Lee’s Energy Update for May to kick off this month and help you to hone in on the intentions you’d like to focus on more and even ask nature, the elementals and faeries to assist with.

Lee talks about both a continued acceleration and grounded peace and heart energy that are dancing together right now. He speaks to a new wave of people awakening to greater awareness than they have before in different ways and will be more ready for conversations they weren’t open to in the past.

Heartfelt conversations are more possible with the willingness to allow your heart to find different ways to engage others.

He also talks about “happiness as peace” which speaks to finding more ways to bring through your joy into life as a means of creating peacefulness. Any little thing that brings that to you is valuable even if something small like sitting outside listening to the birds, cleaning, shutting off electronics for a bit, reading a book, taking a walk, doodling or painting, laying down to day dream….bringing forth more stillness and self-care creates peace, grounding, and greater fulfillment.

About Tania Marie's Blog

Creating life as a work of art with a magick rabbit by my side. I remember my song. Do you? Artist, Author and Reiki Master Teacher with over 30 years' experience in creative healing arts and metaphysical studies. Tania inspires people globally to return to natural harmony, draw forth imagination to manifest dreams, embody creative empowerment, and live more magickally and abundantly from their most natural frequency – in essence, Tania helps you to remember your song.

Posted on May 1, 2019, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 23 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:

  2. Thanks for the reminders to play, connect with nature, and set our intentions for the upcoming cycle. Happy May Day Tania!

  3. 365dniwobiektywielg

    Beautiful place

  4. Those photo’s and the light are so beautiful. It’s like magic where you live.

    • thank you simon! i’m so happy you enjoyed the images and energy from them. i do feel that magick always. i believe it exists everywhere. just sometimes have to open our eyes or be present a little more to see it through a different lens.

  5. Lovely post! I hadn’t seen the photo with the golden ray. Sync wink, of course, it’s almost exactly like what I’m painting in my Sun card portal. That golden ray activates the child on the unicorn. Sweet Cosmo … always around, too. Love you!

    • thank you L! i had posted all of these on my instagram in a post, but you have to scroll through to see them all. very cool though that it mirrors your painting. i can see the sun card clearly 😉 yes, my precious boy is so so present. his essence lingers most profoundly being that he crossed at the thinnest veil time like now, but also that he IS the heart bridge. love you too!

  6. RJ in Truckee

    Those are incredible photos Tania. Thank you for sharing. Your post is a good reminder to slow down and look for the magick, joy and love in everyday life. ❤

    • i’m so glad you enjoyed them. more and more i think what you said is exactly what is being reflected for us. there is so much we miss when we’re caught up in things and so much to be grateful for.

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