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A Crystal for Every Season of Experience – NEW CRYSTALS Plus How Crystal Consciousness is Mirroring Our Shifts

singing4I’m finding more and more people being drawn to work with crystals and/or are finding themselves suddenly attracting crystal friends into their lives for the first time. I get a lot of questions and inquiries about crystals and which would be good for certain things people are working on and I also hear a lot about children asking specifically for certain crystals by name (who have never been told anything about crystals in “this” life so far), and are finding particular crystal energies to be supportive for their highly developed consciousness.

The types of crystals people used to be attracted to is also changing, finding that they are now drawn to ones their body and soul are calling out for rather than mirroring the aesthetic preferences they have usually liked. And many new crystals and stones are making themselves known to all of us, that we never had on our radar before, because they are so aligned with the New Earth experience we are creating – hence becoming a part of the collective consciousness experience, as we become more aware and ready.

I also find that with all of the varying stages in each individual’s unique process, a variety of crystal energy is showing up to support the different parts of the path being worked on. And this is also why we are seeing more crystals flowing in and out of our lives more than they used to, as they are only needed for short periods of time to assist with current focuses and shifts, and then are ready to move on to other keepers to help them in similar ways. Of course there are some that are our loyal partners in life too, and will likely be with us indefinitely.

carn5Crystals have a collective consciousness and so they are attuned to the greater good in their service and therefore will be happy working with a variety people. I have also found things shift in my own experience with my crystals. I used to be more protective of my crystals and keep them in my own experience to work with only. But I have in the last several months started receiving the message from them that they were wanting very much for me to share them and allow others to experience their energy and support when they are in my presence or during classes I teach.

This feels to be reflecting shifts I am making, along with how that synergizes with the collective experience.

With the ability to cleanse and charge crystals with Reiki, as well as having the ability to program crystals, I have found no need to worry about things I may have before, and to relax in trust of supporting service for the highest good of all concerned.

Things are constantly shifting and so I feel it is important to allow these shifts to flow in all aspects of our lives and not block energy, if in fact you ARE receiving nudges about things that may be different to your regular practices. The Age of Aquarius and this Age of Intuition is based on collective sharing, unconventional vision and new ideas, and trust in inner guidance, knowing it is always connected to the greater good.

citrine5In the shifts we have been experiencing, there is also a blend of high vibrational crystals coming into our experience that are powerfully transformative and pure in unity consciousness, as well as crystals that are helping us to balance, fully ground ourselves, restore our vitality, and help us to manifest all of the things we have been envisioning and opening up to energetically – assisting the creation of new realities.

There is a tendency to forget about the body temple and to work with high crystal energy stones that have the ability to take us “out of body” and in many ways “escape” life – especially something many souls subconsciously may feel drawn to do because they are not fully comfortable living here on Earth at this time, and may be more connected to their cosmic Source.

However, doing this may mean that you are unable to truly achieve your potential or remember why you came here to Earth at this time. If you feel like this, it may be beneficial to look at ways to integrate your experience, which may be by working with lower Chakra connected crystals and stones, as one potential.

This may already be happening for some of you. I know it did for me. And as you continue to trust your inner guidance, you will find how this continually shifts in terms of which crystals you will be drawn to for assistance at any given time.

By using crystals of a more “base” nature you can help yourself to fully ground into the physical, and restore your vitality, passion for life, creative power, strength, and manifesting abilities. They will also help you to draw energy through all of your Chakras in more balance, while connecting a circuit between all of your Chakras and into the Earth Chakra to connect your heart with that of Gaia’s herself.

apacheGrounding crystals of the three lower Chakra’s energy will help you to move energy through the body, which may help to enhance poor circulation, as well as may aid in the increase of your energy levels, general vitality, overall well being, and zest for living.

All of our parts are necessary and important. And so too, then, are tools that mirror all of these varying frequencies that can assist every level of our experience. These are some of the reasons I have been guided to offer a variety of crystals and stones, some many of us know well, and others that are more new to our current life experiences, along with a spectrum of lower and higher Chakra energies to assist anyone at any stage of their personal journey.

I try to also provide a spectrum of price ranges that can fit anyone’s needs, as well as created the Crystal Illuminations sacred paintings to provide meditational sacred art that synergized crystal energy with creative energy.

I continually update my Etsy Shop: Crystal Illumination with new crystals and sacred paintings, when I have time, to keep the flow moving, as crystals continue to find new keepers. I follow my intuition as to the Divine timing certain crystal energies would be most supportive to put out there.

I just added new inventory of amazing crystals (Lower, Upper, and Heart Chakra connected), as many have moved on, and will add more again in another week or so, as I have time. Some of these include a Trinity of Magical Singing Lemurian Seed Crystal Laser Wands, a stunning Fire Agate, Natural Lemurian Citrine Quartz with Rainbows, an amazing Natural Rainbow Anandalite Quartz from India, a gorgeous Carnelian, Apache Tears, and Icy Blue Kyanite.

ananda3I’m still in the process of creating the new Crystal Illuminations paintings – of which there will be 13 in total to look forward to. In the meantime, there are still a few in the shop available still.

There is potentially something new I feel percolating, which I was receiving a vision today of while at the beach. So keep checking back for what may be coming up, plus all the new I mentioned already.

Everything unfolds as is perfect always, but if something calls to you with a strong nudge, you may not want to wait too long, as I have had a few people do so and were sad to find someone else follow their nudges before they had a chance to trust their own.

Life is a journey of remembering our Divinity and what ever tools or methods you are drawn to, to support empowering that experience is perfect. Crystals are living beings that not only love, as their focus through the particular frequency they are attuned to, but also light up from the love we share from our frequency merging with theirs through conscious cocreation.

If you have any questions about crystals, or particular crystals you see in my Etsy shop, you can contact me at

Don’t forget that the Thank You Coupon Discount Code you receive with purchase for 10% Off is only good until 8/31/13 (that’s the end of this month!). So please remember to take advantage of this special discount. Also, there are only FOUR Lemurian L.O.V.E. Seed Crystal Pendulums remaining. Don’t miss out on these amazing little ones you will LOVE working with.

To view all of the crystal friends that are available to welcome into heart and home, you may visit Crystal Illumination.