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Circles in Triangles – Joy Sacred Geometry Messages

After having a significant dream about the Great Pyramid and Ra just two nights ago and finding a giant, intact, spiral, pyramid- shaped shell over the weekend after a dream about a spiral building I was ascending with crystal grids in it, I found finding Joy in this position (laying within the circular foot of my standing lamp) this morning to be quite interesting and synchronous. And mind you she was in this position only long enough for me to see it and a minute later removed herself.

joy in circle triangleJoy sacred geometry – circle in triangle/pyramid. 🙂

Joy often places herself in purposefully uncanny positions and active engagement, often finding her directly at center of the spirals in my carpet, directly under the small table holding my Crystal Skull, climbing my shelves to get at a particular crystal that is important right now to work with, running to me when I pull out Tarot cards or engage in a distant Reiki session she wants in on assisting, sitting in a place she knows will send a message to me by way of what she is sitting by, facing, or how she is sitting….

Needless to say, I loved her position this morning and just had to share.

These symbols have varying meanings for everyone and I have my own ways of interpreting messages for myself.

But it is interesting that upright triangles represent active male energy and solar power and that the Egyptian gods Ra and Horus (whom I was speaking of yesterday and take on the same embodiment) both are affiliated with it.

Triangles of course are also about creativity, magick, harmony, balance, ascension, manifestation, illumination, and one of my favorite words – integration.

The peak at top symbolizes higher thought, inspiration, enlightenment, oneness of mind, aspiration, focus, and unity consciousness. In this way it helps you focus and center the inner conflicts in order to be in stillness of peace with the wholeness of who you are and within that peace to be guided by your authentic voice.

The triangle symbol expresses itself in terms of clarity, focus, and a doorway to extraordinary, higher wisdom, which is attained by balancing thought and emotion (or the alchemy of polarities combined that create a new opening).

They also represent the symbolism of the number 3, which I am by birth. No wonder I talk about triangles a lot in my workshops when conveying an understanding of our evolution.

The circle is divine perfection, wholeness, infinity, centering, unity, consciousness, feminine energy, the sacred. The circle also involves a more inclusive way of connection and deeper meaning.

The alchemy of the circle within the triangle could be bringing forth an illuminated awareness that takes into account the bigger picture of integrated wholeness, focusing and harmonizing consciousness, and/or divine, centered unity.

Thank you Joy for your guiding wisdom and knowing heart of love.


Celtic Butterfly and Tree of Life Sacred Tattoo Design

Celtic Butterfly & Tree of Life Sacred Tattoo DesignAs mentioned, I’ve been in flowing with the beautiful Celtic energy this week in the most recent wave of new sacred tattoo designs. I had a lot of fun working with this current piece and the essences of things my clients wanted to see embodied in this design.

Each piece I design is so unique because they embody the energy of each individual soul and so they take me on these limitless journeys that not only creatively challenge me to draw from the limitless source of the Universe, but beautifully fill me with the honor of experiencing such brilliant lights along the way.

This sacred design combines the symbolism of Butterfly medicine, the Tree of Life, Spiral and Heart energy, and the Trinity Knot. Interestingly, this pieces is ALSO going on my client’s inner left forearm. Quite the synchronicities flowing energetically with these!

The image that first came to me in right away was a butterfly for this client. Butterfly medicine symbolizes transformation, celebration, transition, lightness, soul, time, grace, elegance, freedom, joy and bliss, miracles, flexibility, cycles of life, creativity, gentleness, preciousness of life, as well as the medicine the ability and clarity of mind needed before self-transformation.

I felt to create a more abstract butterfly, as is mirroring of her unique style, with beautifully Celtic-inspired wing designs that held symbolism in them as well. I included Spiral and Trinity Knot designs that it unveils with spreaded wings. A Spiral, signifying growth, spins into a Trinity Knot, symbol of eternity – therefore symbolizing a spirit journeying into the infinite.

This Butterfly also represents the more feminine aspects with her gracefulness and curved wings and design, and that connection with understanding both the strength and fragility simultaneously in life.

I set it off with a stylized Tree of Life that blends the Spiral energy throughout and merges the top Spirals into Hearts. The Tree of Life captures the essence of Celtic belief in the interconnectedness of all things – earth and sky, plants, animals and all beings – in the cycle of life. This Tree of Life depicts a tree, leaves opening in the new Spiral cycles of life into eternal journeys that lead to abundant of heart expansion in the process. The trees roots grounding in the earth and the limbs reaching in different directions of where the path will lead on the continuous journey of enlightened awareness.

There is a vulnerability of Heart (hence the addition of the Spirals creating Hearts at top – also to represent the deepening and opening of my client’s own heart to embrace unconditional love and compassion for self and others always through the journey) and strength present. There is also a focused energy in creating the very clear and asymmetrical design with symbols that have both Triangular points and Circular energy (which we learned in the last Celtic design post are both symbols that represent clarity). The Circle symbolizing also your self-awareness within the construct of the universe and cosmic consciousness and of course, eternity. The Trianglular shapes of the Trinity Knot pointing upright is a visual symbol of ascension and brings the concept of duality to a third position of integration and harmony. The peak at top symbolizes higher thought, inspiration, enlightenment, oneness of mind, aspiration, focus, unity consciousness. In this way it helps to focus and center the inner conflicts in order to be in stillness of peace with the wholeness of who you are and within that peace to be guided by your authentic voice.

The Butterfly and Tree of Life merge at center and share the same body from which their energy unfurls into individual beautiful through the growth cycles. This shared body creates a strong foundation that is grounded and focused, yet from this center of groundedness, has the freedom to take flight and flow  – the root wholeness and sum of the individual paths taken along the soul journey.

These symbols felt very empowering in terms of the energy intents to embody – those of enhanced feminine power, sweetness, yet strength, tenderness, awareness, gentleness, clarity of mind, and a time of honesty within self.

If you would like to partner in co-creating your own sacred tattoo design to embody the empowerment you desire, you can contact me at

For more information about the process and pricing please visit: What is a Tattoo Design Consultation

Some people have preferred to read my book, Spiritual Skin ~ Sacred Tattoos: More than Skin Deep, especially if they are new to sacred tattoo designs, before embarking on this journey.

If you are drawn to learn more about sacred tattoos you can order a copy of the book here: Spiritual Skin

It is also available in Kindle and PDF formats here: Spiritual Skin

Sacred Celtic Mandala Tattoo Design

Celtic MandalaI love observing the shifts that take place and the energy that flows in at any given time. It’s all very telling…always. They seem to come in waves and this especially holds true with the sacred tattoo energy I help co-create. There definitely feels to be an energetic pattern or commonality that aligns.

As shared, there was a big surge of “Africa” energy for a while and a lot of Divine Male clients all at once, then a major shift into Shamanic energy, and now we come into the enchanting Celtic flow.

It’s really fun to be able to travel the eclectic, mystical waters as I dive into where the next co-creative sacred tattoos will take me.

Today’s design I’m sharing is what channeled through as a sort of magickal Celtic Mandala integrating both a sacred geometry and organic energy together. The symbols that came through for it (mirroring of my client) were the Spiral, Triple Spiral, Triangle, Circle, Daffodil, and Dragonfly. This piece was intuited for my client’s left inner forearm, at the widest area just under the vein where you give blood.

A little about the symbolism in it, as I know everyone likes to see what all is possible to bring into sacred tattoo designs:

The Triple Spiral represents drawing in the three powers of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone and is a sign of feminine power and empowerment through transition and growth. It’s called the Threefold in this case when that center triangular shape with hole is present, representing the hub and signifying unity of the three power.

The Spiral, which I added to the Triple Spiral arms and inside of the Dragonfly represents ethereal energy radiating both outward and inward and symbolizes growth, birth and expansion consciousness, as well as the continuous cycles of life.

Both the Circle and Triangle commonly symbolize clarity. The Circle symbolizing also your self-awareness within the construct of the universe and cosmic consciousness and of course, eternity. The Triangle pointing upright is a visual symbol of ascension and brings the concept of duality to a third position of integration and harmony. The peak at top symbolizes higher thought, inspiration, enlightenment, oneness of mind, aspiration, focus, unity consciousness. In this way it helps you focus and center the inner conflicts in order to be in stillness of peace with the wholeness of who you are and within that peace to be guided by your authentic voice.

My client resonates with wild flowers, like me, and Daffodils immediately struck me. The daffodil has beautiful symbolism that felt very balancing for this piece. Daffodils are symbols of rebirth, new beginnings (as they are connected to March and the Spring Equinox that heralds a new season), good fortune and luck (you never want to have or give just one as it is said this will not bring good fortune, but more than one is fortuitous – I added three in the design to keep with the energy), ray of hope and light ahead, assists in reminding you to be in your heart and not let ego lead you, purity, the sun always shining down upon you, and joy. The flowers I felt to make more organic, to balance the more abstract qualities to bring in that energy of sensitivity, sweetness, tenderness, and gentleness, as well as connection to the Earth Mother and Nature.

The Number 3 generally symbolizes creative power, growth, magic, intuition, expression, versatility, pure joy of creativity, celebration, very goddess energy connected and reflective of the Empress in the Tarot, overcoming duality, manifestation, integration, complete cycles, flow.

The Dragonfly symbolizes also prosperity, good luck, strength, peace, harmony, purity, but also change, change of perspective, going beyond the surface to the deeper meanings of life, power, poise, maturity, elegance, grace, defeat of self-created illusions, clear vision into the realities of life, discovery of your own abilities and your true self, removal of doubts, self-discovery, removal of inhibitions, living in the moment, living to the fullest, and ability to see beyond human limitations. I created the Dragonfly as a mixture of magickal and organic to be that energy of Divinity within the Human Temple Body where physical and spiritual meet, and created it in a more flowy quality to bring in that femininity and natural elegance.

I integrated all of them to create a very potent and focused energy that also had room to flow and grow in an organic nature – balancing right and left brain and bringing a wisdom and alchemy of how to work in that middle space that knows how and when to use each part in the attainment of the whole. While the Mandala itself was lovely, I felt that combining a magickal dragonfly flying toward it would signify the continuous journey of evolution and to work towards consistence presence and mindfulness in your conscious awareness and choices. There is also a sense of drawing energy inward and outward at the same time within the Mandala, and a blossoming energy, along with a bit of alchemical mysticism.

This all felt to be perfectly mirroring of the essence my client had expressed and that came through for where she is at, what she is celebrating, and what she is moving into and intending to create.

Looking forward to tomorrow’s journey, as we continue with the Celtic flow.

If you would like to partner in co-creating your own sacred tattoo design to embody the empowerment you desire, you can contact me at

For more information about the process and pricing please visit: What is a Tattoo Design Consultation

Some people have preferred to read my book, Spiritual Skin ~ Sacred Tattoos: More than Skin Deep, especially if they are new to sacred tattoo designs, before embarking on this journey.

If you are drawn to learn more about sacred tattoos you can order a copy of the book here: Spiritual Skin

It is also available in Kindle and PDF formats here: Spiritual Skin