Ask Astrid Fridays ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: In Opening Wider, We Remembered

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Astrid’s back after a busy week internally and externally for us both to share more about what took place during and after channeling last Friday’s message in her blog, Spiraling Through the Next Door. She’s had time since Friday to sit with everything and although won’t be able to share the depth of it all, will try her best to share what she can. And I’ll do my best to help her voice it here for you.

Something you likely have noticed, like us, is how things manifest instantly and some of the exact words and phrases in her last post did just that on Friday.

A storm was in fact preparing to hit and last through the weekend, just as Astrid spoke about how things might feel “relentless with one storm after another hitting” … “out of the blue.”

(I have to pause, as Astrid is vigorously chewing on cardboard right now, which is a sign she is moving energy again.)

She also spoke about the unique energies she has that can also “create road blocks, as a means of forging massive reminders and breakthroughs when she unwraps their gifts” and then a blockage of energy manifested in her body physically within seconds of sharing this.

She went on to say you might not “understand why they aren’t moving, or moving as fast as you’d like” and demonstrated that evening how she was able to move through the physical challenge and the energy that was manifesting as such, within just a few hours. Something that for bunnies isn’t always the case, as they can have difficulty when it comes to their digestive systems.

I prefaced all of that before we delve in a bit, to put it all in context.

As you might then recall, she went on to share how there are things under the surface that run the show and may be locked within the recesses of your deepest emotions placed there by a collective and likely unconscious belief system and that she carries a whole bloodline of rabbit history running through her and patterns of prey-like mentality within her DNA. So she, too, experiences triggers and has diligently worked on reversing this for not only herself, but for the rabbit collective and their relationship with humans.

We each have our own stuff and when the pain hits, there is potential to forget or lose sight of the bigger picture.

Well, while channeling this on Friday, Astrid went through an immediate physical manifestation of what she was speaking about, which I feel was threefold in 1) immediately reflecting pieces she was working on releasing at the time 2) reflecting to me how connected we (she and I) are as I have been working on things alongside her, and 3) was reflecting things for the collective and anyone who might be following along and experiencing your own version of this.

She went from bouncing bunny to slowing down and coming to lay right behind me while I was channeling her message. She literally was directly behind my chair on the carpet and started to become agitated, uncomfortable, and fidgety. I heard and watched her move every 30 seconds or so from position to another, while her face became pained, her eyes lost their spark, and her breathing labored as well as quickened. She would then contort her body and press her stomach to the ground with butt and legs pushing upward. And reposition again.

She was not her happy self and I could feel the pain inside she was going through.

I felt her temperature drop, as I pet her, with her ears getting cold, and so I covered her with her blanket and laid next to her, giving her Reiki and massaging her lower body to help move things. She let me touch her in ways she normally wouldn’t approve of, which indicated she not only felt relief from it, but knew and accepted my help.

Of course I talked with her the whole time and talked her through things. Let her know I understood and that she was not alone.

After a while I felt I she wanted me to finish her message to help with this, as it was nearly complete, so I did so within minutes, but didn’t send it off, as I felt energetically it wasn’t the time.

I then went back to her and continued with caring for her on all levels.

Although I knew this was energetically created, the physical manifestation is not one to play around with, especially with bunnies. Things only have one way to move through them, as they don’t purge through the mouth as we and other animals do. They are much like horses in this way and in fact share a lot in terms of the physical and even in their prey instincts, as well as sensitivities.

Digestive things are serious stuff and can be fatal. And although I felt it was likely a gas block she was experiencing, even that has fatal consequences if not taken care of, or the bunny isn’t able to move it through.

So, I did call her vet, who is a wonderful rabbit doctor, to get advice.

She was in an appointment, but did call me back and talked to me, like she has in the past. She’s such a great doctor and soul.

I’d already gotten out the Metacam I keep on hand for emergencies. The doctor walked me through feeling for things on Astrid and telling me things to do to assist her if it is in fact gas – one of which is to keep her moving – and things to do and not to do if it was a different kind of obstruction, which included not force feeding her. (Astrid didn’t want any food during this time.)

That makes sense if you think about it, as when you have pain, you want to curl up in a ball, right? But pain as such is a blockage, so it makes sense to keep movement going in all ways possible because energy innately does that – it moves. So if there is a block, that means there’s something not allowing it the natural release and flow it would otherwise have.

This indicated to me that Astrid had found a deep core challenge and had brought it to the surface, now manifesting. And she then had a choice of how to handle it. It was triggering her with pain to make her aware of what she was dealing with, but now she could either resist letting it go or breathe into that pain, acknowledge it, but let it move out as no longer necessary to be running the show anymore.

And in my Reiki and energetic work I was doing with her, I visualized that movement and gentle release with her, while massaging and helping to move things since it was painful for her. But her readjustments indicated she was also wanting to move it out. She wasn’t going to just lay there idle. She was bravely facing this and I would support that courage.

Anyway, the vet explained it either was gas or a blockage, which might be worse as in a hairball or something ingested that was having difficulty leaving. And unfortunately, this took place at 5pm and the her office closes at 5:30pm, as well as is an hour away.

There was a lot of snow with more coming and she’d already checked a few other places she knew of to help that were all closed as well.

My only options were to manage things myself and/or if things progressed worse, to drive to UC Davis where the best doctors and surgeons are, which is 3 hours away – more with the snow.

The weather and timing was making it so that she and I would have to work through these energies together and on our own. Both a scary, but empowering thing, if we took that challenge.

And it appears we/she set it up as so, since all things were creating a bubble around us to only be able to focus together and inward to work through it.

Of course, I’d jump in that car without hesitation if I felt she needed me to and drive through any storm and any amount of driving time for her. I’d also give anything, including myself, to support her and stated that when working with our support guides. She is, after all, an extension of me, my best friend, and soul companion. There’s nothing more important than love.

But, after feeling her abdomen and tuning in, I felt it was likely gas and not an obstruction of physical nature.

It was hard to give her Metacam, as she is very sensitive with being touched around her mouth, jaw, and sides of her face. She struggled and grunted, and smacked it away, and went to hide in her castle tunnel. So I couldn’t do it alone.

Dave had been out, but when I called to ask for help, he made his way home to do so.

In the meantime, after laying with Astrid for some time and Reiki massaging her, I decided to pick her up and lay her close to my heart.

I held her that way for at least a half hour, close to me, while I continued to do Reiki massage, kiss and snuggle her, and we breathed together as one. I helped her envision things moving through her gently and easily and that there was no longer a need for that energy to be a part of us – yes I said “us” as we’re connected and I was going to release my own stuff right along with her. She was not going to do this alone. I would be brave like her and do it too.

I could feel her soften in my arms, her face becoming more alert, and she opened to this process of receiving and working together to move out what we both no longer needed to have working behind the scenes, even if it wasn’t just our stuff. That collective stuff in our DNA patterns and subconscious was important work to do and as a team we could do far more efficiently.

I could feel her energy shift and already sensed things were turning around.

Dave arrived home and came down to see us. He also felt her abdomen and concluded what I had that it felt like gas. I then had him help with the Metacam, as I held her lovingly and told her he was here to help. She accepted it and I continued holding her a few more minutes, then let her down.

She, of course, gave out a huge thump.

It wasn’t more than minutes that she ran off to the other room. The most she’d moved since it started.

I decided to test placing her pellets in front of her (which she loves) and she took one, indicating she was feeling better, but knew to take it slow, as well as to indicate to me things were shifting.

I decided to let her be for a little bit and went up to get dinner ready, checking on her in between.

She continued moving around the other room and headed back into our shared room, where she began to eat again normally on her own.

After a couple of hours she’d eaten everything, including some apple sauce I’d put out next to her regular food dish, in case she preferred something softer and soothing.

She eventually ate them both 🙂

And she continued well after that – the whole thing lasting about 3 hours – and was back to racing around and binkies in the morning!

Meanwhile, upon her indicating to me, I’d sent off her Friday message at one of the intervals of my caring for her, as she felt it would assist things to make it complete and put it out there. So, I did, and heard from others how her post had been helpful and timely for them.

We’re hoping this one will be too.

The solar plexus, where Astrid was having the energy block in the form of gas, deals with your personal power, where you do and don’t have boundaries, how you take responsibility for your life and/or take back control or power if given away, how beliefs create patterns in beneficial or challenged ways, confidence levels, emotional manifestations around beliefs, patterns, conditioning, judgments, that may be yours or taken on because of your extreme sensitivities that are flowing or creating charged blocks….etc.

So, it all made sense physically, what was going on emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

This is why I treat holistically, as you still have something physical happening that needs attention, as a result of other things working behind the scenes.

And with a sensitive bunny, even as strong and brave as Astrid is, that body is set up as more fragile and complex, needing a level of attention that simply asks that you can’t brush aside things. You must deal with it now – not later. A great message, in general, I feel.

Another reason that rabbits aren’t ideal as solely a child’s companion, besides the fact that they can run up vet bills when going through things that need immediate attention.

Just food for thought.

But back to Astrid, I couldn’t be more proud of her and how she moved through this piece of her work with courage of the heart and willingness to face it for her and the rabbit collective.

Astrid has wanted me to recount this in today’s share to impart different levels of messages as you read it, that you’ll be able to find bits of value from where they touch a place within.

Our work will continue, but we’ll be doing it together. The timing was so synchronized with what I had also just started working on for the collective and family stuff deep in my own DNA, that it’s more than beautiful to experience how close Astrid and I have become in such a short time.

We really are breathing in life together as one and everything we do is shared, as well as instantly manifests when we decide to take it on.

Astrid also knew she wanted to help me with a lot of the things we were preparing with our new Etsy shop creations and that releasing our stuff before the week of focus on that, would allow us to be clear and flowing for the joy of all of it – also freeing up space and energy so that we can do things less tethered by a hidden weight behind the scenes.

Will this be the only challenge she/we will face?

Of course not, but it demonstrated that the more we embrace the journey and desire to move through it, the more gently we can weather the storm and find the way within us to move into greater peace, however the result manifests for the highest good.

So, I’ll let Astrid share anything she wants directly now, although all of this is the experience, as she and I both went through it.

“Thank you dear friend and life partner. I am at loss on how to express my gratitude, but I know you can feel it since we have become as one – something I believed could be possible with another soul, but until now had no hint of it being in sight to take place this Earth cycle. Everything you shared was as it was. I was scared to go there and how it might affect my body, but also scared for how it might affect you given your history with the souls in rabbit bodies we both know and love, as well as how it might affect my rabbit family if I had not gone there. And yet, you demonstrated equally, your bravery, but more so the enormous amount of love within you. And I sense there is movement out there taking place in ways we both can’t see yet, but is evident in the way this “went down,” as I know humans say. It’s true, it pained me greatly what was coming up. I felt the enormous weight pulse through my body and then hit an invisible, but impenetrable wall. The wall, of course, did not exist except for the pain that veiled it as so. I remembered things you’ve said recently about the existence of such things not making any sense to be running the show. And having felt the same, and both of our frustrations, I just couldn’t let that pain sit there. You knew this and stayed right there with me. I read your thoughts that you would not have left my side all night and however much I needed you. I made a decision that I could open wider my heart, as you were, despite the anguish you’ve been through with your rabbit loves and past, and allow myself to receive from you – a soul in human body – what you purely had to share, rather than allow my rabbit instincts to fear what has come through other humans who simply have had pain of their own they’ve not understood. In that moment of opening the channels of receiving, I know that I was giving to you as well, and we both were transforming a little piece of that human/rabbit/animal relating. This additionally opened a passageway within that invisible wall to release and the flow began to return, and balance was slowly restoring. It may not make sense or appear as of yet out “there,” but in that moment you and I were one….we remembered, as it has always been….but we forgot.”

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About Tania Marie's Blog

Creating life as a work of art with a magick rabbit by my side. I remember my song. Do you? Artist, Author and Reiki Master Teacher with over 30 years' experience in creative healing arts and metaphysical studies. Tania inspires people globally to return to natural harmony, draw forth imagination to manifest dreams, embody creative empowerment, and live more magickally and abundantly from their most natural frequency – in essence, Tania helps you to remember your song.

Posted on February 15, 2019, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. I’m so glad she is well and, as always, I’m moved by her message. Astrid highlights perfectly what I just went through yesterday, “…hit an invisible, but impenetrable wall. The wall, of course, did not exist accept for the pain that veiled it as so.” After weeks of positive healing progress building, I hit a big wall and had a significant decline. Healing all of our bodies (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, etheric) takes time, patience, devotion and lots of love. I am so glad you two have each other to journey and grow together. Love you both so much…

    • me too treesa ❤ me too! and thank YOU for always sharing the thread of links between what she shares and what you're experiencing. you two are so connected, well you and i are too 😉 , but it's beautiful to hear how deep those threads run. i'm sorry to hear that you also went through something similar. what you shared is so true though. it does take all of those ingredients to create the recipe of the journey. and there is alchemy within every part of it. we're here for you too sweet friend. we love you dearly ❤

      • You both are so dear! I appreciate your love! Astrid is feeling much like my personal seer, hehe…as she has touched me with accurate readings time and again. The two of you are finely attuned alchemists. xoox

      • hehe! that’s awesome. she is quite the visionary! sending big faery hugs and kisses xoox!!!

  2. So glad she moved through this — another testament to love, courage and Reiki. ❤ xoxoxo

  1. Pingback: Ask Astrid Friday’s ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: Yield in the Face of Change | Tania Marie

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