Intuition Nurtures the Parts of Us We Have Yet to Understand

I’m constantly reminded how important nurturing and supporting intuition is, the more convoluted the energetic landscape around me gets. There are SO many voices literally and subconsciously barking at us from all corners that it can become extremely challenging to navigate anything without wondering which voice is running the show. The more the world turns upside down and tries to play tug-of-war with me, the more I turn within, as the only voice that speaks my truth the best, is MY voice…the one that whispers softly to me through the vortex of my heart.

If we don’t practice listening though, then we’ll never learn how to distinguish it from the rest. Listening to intuition is the way to your truest heart calling. It’s the bridge to greater peace and strength, even when chaos is swirling all around.

The last few days have continued to be filled with messengers and sign posts of support and upcoming change that I’ll share about likely in another post, as I listen to where to focus my energy next. My head healed rather quickly, but not surprisingly, given what I know about its origins and the work I’ve been focused on. There only remains a single 3/4 of an inch long scab that is already starting to come off naturally. I still to date have had no repercussions in physical challenges, including no dizziness or pain. Very grateful for all of that.

And through it all I’ve continued to take pause when anything arises that doesn’t feel resonant, so that I can stay centered and wait for the spirit connected part of me to respond from the highest place within, rather than get caught up in any momentary ego trigger. This is how I stay in control and work with my energies in a balanced way.

Your intuition is a master navigator. So, if we can learn to take pause, listen, and feel for it before we start running on old programming and ego battles, then we can save ourselves and others a lot of unnecessary challenges.

Listening to that subtle or not so subtle inner nudge, voice, vision, or feeling you have that doesn’t always make sense, is your support system that keeps you in alignment and always has your back. We don’t need to know the why or how. That only comes through experience, once you trust the innate wisdom you DO already have within.

Intuition is always speaking to us, but we may need to retrain ourselves to pause, listen and back it up. The more we do, the easier it gets and eventually will become a seamless experience.

We are intuitive beings by nature. We just have a lot of noise in the way of believing that.

If I feel something heavy coming at me or in me, I stop to reframe things and support energy to move rather than keep me down by listening to intuition and what it is telling me in that moment to do, even if it doesn’t make sense. Sometimes intuition might tell you to do something completely opposite or seemingly random than you think you feel like doing, but if you stretch yourself for a moment to just be curious about that voice and explore a little courage to follow it, you will find yourself likely feeling a whole lot better even if you don’t have the meaning of life or even the vision yet of what the end result will be of your current quandary.

It’s perfect to go through every kind of feeling. It’s when things get stuck that having a natural guiding system can be helpful to see you through so energy keeps moving.

It’s not necessarily that you arrive at answers, but you become able to feel more balanced, hopeful, and refreshed to try things from another perspective.

Over the course of my life I’ve had a lot of intuitional voices run through me. Some I ignored and others I didn’t. The latter being my more consistent experience these days, which I’m grateful for as the ignoring didn’t make things easier.

One of the big hits I received through the voice of intuition has to do with where I currently reside.

I’ll use it as an example for what I’ve been sharing so far, to give you an idea of how something rather “random” seeming and that makes no sense at all, came to unfold for me. I remembered something I was shown years before it happened, but I tucked it away because I knew it was meaningful.

Sometimes intuition can tell us how to navigate something immediately, or it may come beforehand to help prepare the way and remind you when the time is aligned.

The healing waters of Tahoe have always been activating for me, but I never knew anything about this lake – at least not the current me. This lake and area carry ancient memories from times long ago and these were in my DNA to awaken at the perfect timing they would be needed.

This lake called to my soul long before I even knew of her. Back in my mid 20’s during one of my biggest and most profound healing transformations while I lived in Sedona, part of my studies and inner work led me to a map and intuitive hit that pointed to Lake Tahoe. One of the things I was exploring as part of the big shifts I was undergoing at the time, was where would be most supportive for me to live.

I didn’t know anything about Lake Tahoe other than my parents mentioning they’d been there when I was growing up, nor was it ever on my conscious radar in any way. I received then the vision I was to live there. The when was unknown. I was told of a vortex and given nothing else, but a knowing around a place I had personally never even visited.

I tucked it away and forgot about it, as the timing obviously wasn’t aligned yet.

At 33, life took me there in my previous marriage to look for a house over a long weekend’s first-ever visit, knowing I was to be here even without exploring the area.

I hadn’t been comfortable living where we were in Washington state on Puget Sound, although we had a dream location on the water and a private beach with a view of Seattle. What you think you might love, doesn’t always pan out the way you’d think, as experiencing the energy of something is completely different than simply idealizing something.

We discussed this and in wanting to find that balance, even though I didn’t want to live in his home state and house, I also didn’t feel it right to live in mine or anything familiar for me either.

We decided we needed a place that was not of his or my family past…a new beginning. I remembered the strong intuitive nudge about Lake Tahoe and mentioned it to him as a possible idea. He proceeded to say, with a surprise in his eyes that I would bring it up since I’d never even been there, that he loved Tahoe, as he had visited it before and spent time skiing and working there for a Winter. It was an instant click and we made plans to explore it for a long weekend.

The intuitive hit I had was supported the moment we got to Tahoe, feeling so good to me, and within two days we were in contract to buy the perfect home overlooking the lake. We moved immediately from the Seattle area, traveling with my then twin soul rabbit, Nestor, who was a large part of navigating my life.

And so, Tahoe would come to be the place of my next transformative journey, but my intuition had been right.

It ended up being where I got a divorce, but also where I met my now husband after that happened.

I lived in Tahoe 3 years before moving away, but I constantly felt her pull. My life took many twists and turns on every front, but I always thought of and missed Tahoe, and I found my way back to her where we’ve been for the last nearly 5 years.

There is much more to the story, but the bottom line is…these waters, mountains, forests and land speak to what I have energetically needed and match my essence. My intuition knew more about me and the future me I would become, then I knew of myself in the moments I simply was wondering where would be most supportive for me to live.

And since then, I integrated into being more myself than ever on all fronts – spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I began my biggest ventures onto my path in Tahoe. I became my own person – independent and empowered in Tahoe.

I learned how to balance my astrological energies in Tahoe. I discovered how to heal many things in Tahoe.

I became an avid hiker, biker, and skier in Tahoe. The nature girl I always had been within, but never put into motion, got activated into being, right here. I’ve met the key people in my life in Tahoe, or while living in Tahoe. All of my most influential animal companions have lived in, come to me in, and visited Tahoe. And so much more.

I learned, through many adventures and explorations around the area that Lake Tahoe has the best of all the worlds I personally love, in one place – mountains, forests, meadows, wetlands, lakes galore, rivers, creeks, beaches, tropical colored waters like the ocean, stone outcroppings, desert-like areas, places that remind me of the surface of the Moon or another planet and some of my other favorite exotic areas of the world, and has the four seasons to mirror life cycles.

I also discovered that I thrive at high altitudes and it suits my essence so well.

“Although I deeply love oceans, deserts and other wild landscapes, it is only mountains that beckon me with that sort of painful magnetic pull to walk deeper and deeper into their beauty. They keep me continuously wanting to know more, feel more, see more.” ~Viktoria Erickson

I trusted an insight without seeing, simply because my soul knew something beyond explanation and it’s proven accurate.

There are other places I enjoy in the world, but only a few fingers counting of where my soul loves and knows to be resonant enough for living- I keep them close to heart and listen in case they ever call like Tahoe has in her own divine timing.

I have learned to trust my intuition even when it doesn’t make sense because it’s always proven to nurture and care for me. Intuition is not out to hurt us, even if the things it tells us equate to massive unknown changes. There is a meaning we don’t need to understand. That’s simply our minds trying to work it out. I had no idea how I would come to be here, but here I am once and again. 

This isn’t a post about Tahoe, but about following intuition, and one of the ways I have around the subject of where to live, which I know can oftentimes be a big one for people.

Intuition will guide you best, not only doing research about an area (or anything for that matter), alone, as there is no cookie-cutter place that is better than any other place on the planet for EVERYONE. There is only the place that resonates, aligns, and is most supportive for YOU at any GIVEN TIME in your life, as this can evolve based on what is best for your evolution.

I have spent time in places that others love and are also considered high-energy, vortex, and super nature-stunning places that very spiritual and in-tune people feel drawn to, support more eco-conscious and Earth-based living, as well as places that artisans love and reside in, and I found them to not work for me at all.

I am not one to name places or bad-mouth anything, as I don’t like to create biases and blanket statements or opinions that are merely from my own experience. All I know is that I’ve experienced non-harmonious, low energy, not great feelings, and heavier, denser spaces where others don’t and vice versa.

I also know that my own state of being plays a huge part in what I experience. Therefore when someone shares all the negativity they are experiencing by living somewhere, this isn’t everyone’s experience necessarily. Our own experience can cloud perspective since we will continue to magnetize or draw in things that support our beliefs and feelings adopted or support a message we may not be listening to. This could come in the form of telling you that a move would be most supportive, or you might think a move is supportive, but in actuality the place you live is activating parts of you that are needing to change and be active in new ways you have been neglecting or pushing aside.

Places can be transformational springboards for us to help us to shift and stay, or shift and move on.

And there’s nothing wrong with that, as perhaps that’s the way to move you forward. I just know that we carry ourselves where ever we go and even if we find a place that feels right, the current state we are in can magnetize more of that outwardly simply as a messaging system to view our lives through and make different choices at every moment.

I’ve only focused on intuition navigating me to where I currently am, but I’ll continue to use intuition to let me know if at any given point things change with that, but also with any part of my life in general.

There’s so much emphasis on analyzing things, but when we partner both sides of our brain together – left AND right – and infuse the heart as the mediator for that partnership, then we get led to more aligned experiences.

It’s not “just” about intuition, but indeed the better we get at listening to intuition we will find that it is the part of us that “knows” what all parts of us use their own language system to try to tell us. Each part has their own way of going about things and it can get kind of exhausting at times to appease them. They’re there for a reason to understand the power of each, yet they also simply exist within a marriage of unity.

Intuition merges gut feelings with higher self guidance and already knows the details of our analyzing side of the brain, but in a snapshot of innate inner knowing and wisdom.

Fear, doubt, expectations, misconceptions, pressure, ego, and beliefs can all be some of the stumbling blocks to hearing, trusting, supporting, and acting upon intuition. They all make it harder to receive information from spiritual sources. Intuition isn’t as dramatic of an experience as we think it’s supposed to be, or hear it to be maybe from others who experience it that way.

Don’t discount the subtle things. When I was looking at where would be best for me to live, it wasn’t this big dramatic scene that played out with lightning bolts and an angel landing in front of me speaking the words, “Lake Tahoe” and tapping my head and having a clear movie vision of myself there with rainbow lights and trumpets playing.

It was like a treasure hunt that kept unfolding and leading me to clues along the way that I kept following in the moment that seemed random and having nothing to do with a place to live. I was having a fun time exploring the dots in each moment that led me to Lake Tahoe on a map and then the feeling I had arrived at the treasure chest, but in a subtle resonance of peace and comfort. I then trusted to make mental and physical note of this to see how it would unfold since there was nothing in sight of how at the time for it making any sense to my analytical brain. I just knew somewhere within me that felt alignment with it.

If you put too much pressure on yourself and try to force things it shuts you down or you become unclear. This can be a form of self-sabotage to keep yourself small.

You doubt yourself because you weren’t supported in trusting from the time you were a child, so you have to practice to create a new support system with this and back yourself up.

Intuition nurtures the part of us we have yet to understand and I believe that the process of trusting that voice is our way of unraveling the pieces in order to return us back to it – all things are part of the whole. Intuition already has the answers of clarity without separation. Just one more of the divisions we are working toward uniting so the war within our parts no longer has to play out in the world around us.

When we learn to listen more to our intuition, we begin to experience what it truly is to live our best life yet.

About Tania Marie's Blog

Creating life as a work of art with a magick rabbit by my side. I remember my song. Do you? Artist, Author and Reiki Master Teacher with over 30 years' experience in creative healing arts and metaphysical studies. Tania inspires people globally to return to natural harmony, draw forth imagination to manifest dreams, embody creative empowerment, and live more magickally and abundantly from their most natural frequency – in essence, Tania helps you to remember your song.

Posted on June 7, 2021, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. You know I get this! Also goes along with some of today’s post about the eclipse energies. ❤

  2. Kudos Tania on listening and following your intuition so we’ll. Everytime you post photos from your area I get a hit of curiosity and excitement. Maybe it’s something to pay attention to. 🙏♥️

  3. Desiree Bergeron

    I LOVED and NEEDED this post.
    Soooooo good. The pictures you share of your area just flood my soul and heart with nourishment and joy!
    I soaked up ALL your words about intuition.
    Love love love 🙌🏻💛

  4. Thank you Tania.

    This was beautiful reading for me! Also supportive.



    Sent from my iPhone

  5. Very good insights thank you for your transparency and truth~

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