Origins Renewed

After teaching Reiki yesterday morning where a group of sixteen of us gathered together to intentionally raise vibrations, the water energy called. We shared a most beautiful synergy together and I’m still in awe of the incredible energy that was threaded together by everyone who embraced the invitation to another opening on their journey that has far-reaching potential.

As we stand in the doorway of Leo’s New Moon tomorrow, it’s no wonder to me that this group gathered at this time to anchor in a new level of visionary leadership with bravery, integrity, and inspired creativity. These souls are people who are not afraid to step up, show up, and help guide the way. They are bridge workers who I see forging connections for others to cross and move into a more essence and truth filled life.

Awakening is a return to alignment and the gridding of energies from across the globe yesterday was a declaration of arising new potentials being seeded. I love it!

It’s also, to me, about origins and reclaiming this in a more conscious and embodied way.

After class and a little lunch nourishment, we felt called to Fallen Leaf Lake, which was the perfect way to keep the energies fluid and integrated. I spent a lot of good earthing time leading up to the class and continued moving that energy through me to encourage continued integration, balance, and merging of experiences as one and not separate.

I can’t explain it, but being in and around these waters was like a return to origins. The alpine lake temperatures were perfect to me and I spent prolonged time floating in the crystalline-activated lake while soaking in mountain sunshine.

The feeling was freeing, expansive, fluid, and connective.

There was no separation and I experienced the realization of how merged life has become. More effortless instead of a struggle or split between realities.

I mentioned to a dear friend who shared a reflection with me this morning of how she saw a big shift in me. I responded “there’s definitely been an increased dropping into embodiment shift for me, able to more consistently bring through the ‘other’ here and now….whereas I used to feel much more anchored elsewhere.”

There is an increased fluidity of worlds – human and spirit as one…Terra and Cosmos living in unity and harmony.

I am seeing this as a new reality potential emerging on a grander scale, as we continue to crack open.

I found this feather and stone while I laid on the pebble-laced beach.

They speak to me of this integration. Ancient and timeless…Earth and Spirit…a new vision and more freeing way of navigating…of possibilities…

I’ve continued to have a lot of different animal spirit guides showing up, but I’d have to say that coyote and snake medicine has been the most profound and frequent lately.

Sweetly my big lizard friend, Fantasia, ran by the door and is sun bathing right now on a rock as if to say – “Hey, don’t forget me!”

I shared about these spirit guides already. This is just one of them in the photo above – more of a youngster – but we have larger ones in the back forest (one of which I just saw again this morning) and both morning and night we can hear packs of them howling that soul-haunting sound that is both mysterious and eerie.

An ancient call of origins.

I’ve also seen more garter snakes than I ever have. There’s one that continues to show up in the garden and front yard when I’m out watering and she literally stopped to stare at me with her little neck and head up as I spoke to her. Her sweet little red tongue ssssslithering in and out. She even opened her mouth as if to speak and just kept it open, revealing her fangless mouth, while she looked at me.

I felt a message of change through authentic voice was whispered.

So yes, significant and dramatic change continues to unfold and it’s not isolated to my experience, as I see and hear it all around to some degree or another in relative ways, reflective of each soul’s journey.

Origins, is the word that came through for me yesterday while at the lake, immersed in the water of life all around and within me.

I sense a continued deepening into accessing those roots and remembrance is coming alive and more to the surface for many.

It’s much more than an integration process, but seems to be almost like opening a time capsule that is now aligned to access as keys to what was once behind closed doors. And this creates an organic merging that for some, unless you stop to recognize it, can go almost undetectable.

It’s been an ongoing journey, but things have been showing up more and lighting up an intuitive treasure map. It’s definitely more on an esoteric level so it’s hard to put into words, but that percolation is igniting subtle seeds of activation into being.

The things we’ve envisioned or felt were happening or coming, are now starting to take form and it’s subtle, but profound. There’s a lot of richness in the overall experience of it, although still is blossoming.

I saw and felt it yesterday with the group as well. And I marveled at the courage and energy that was all gathered in one place. My sense is that not everyone saw that about themselves, but did in each other.

My hope is that everyone will feel the beauty I and others did, and know the value of who they are, how far they’ve come, and what a gift they are being for others in their own way.

May the origin of your soul song be the voice that carries your frequency into everything and to everyone you touch.

About Tania Marie's Blog

Creating life as a work of art with a magick rabbit by my side. I remember my song. Do you? Artist, Author and Reiki Master Teacher with over 30 years' experience in creative healing arts and metaphysical studies. Tania inspires people globally to return to natural harmony, draw forth imagination to manifest dreams, embody creative empowerment, and live more magickally and abundantly from their most natural frequency – in essence, Tania helps you to remember your song.

Posted on August 17, 2020, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. Such a wonderful post. So happy for your Reiki participants and you. All of you elevating the overall energy within and without. Such a blessing for all.
    Your spirit guides and gifts are a wealth of confirmation and insight. So much love sweet T

  2. Kudos on where you are in life Tania. You have such a beautiful way of expressing, writing, and being in the world. Thank you for shining, sharing, and showing the way to live more fully alive, integrated, and flowing. I honor the Water Goddess in you! 🔱

  3. Desiree Bergeron

    Tania, I just feel so grateful and such happiness reading your beautiful insights and shares! They bring me deep joy! This makes me smile— and is so so incredible…. I was also drawn to waters as well before/after Reiki! Spent time swimming in very deep waterfalls that have enormous ancient stone/boulders etc; ( I really must take some pics and videos of this place so you can see!) It is so special to me how connected I feel to you. I am opening and receiving so much at this time and feel that I am exactly where I need to be! We also had thunderstorms here and heavy rains all night/ into this morning… Very fitting. Also, I am being STRONGLY drawn to Preseli Bluestone… I feel a piece of it calling to me…. I’ve never worked with this crystal before! But as I read about it, I understand why. It holds the power of Ancient Healing, and helps one to ‘remember‘ (There’s much much more and very deep energies…. as you know!) So, very exciting! xx I love you. Feeling your light and support. 🙌🏻 😌 💫✨💞

    • aw! and i feel the same about your shares, messages, photos, and reflections of your blossoming journey!! so wonderful to hear that you were also drawn to the water in connection with our reiki experience and that you are having thunderstorms like us too! 🙂 yes, yes! would love to see the waterfalls and ancient stones of your beautiful realm there. it truly is a gift and blessing beyond words to be able to experience the connections we do.
      so wonderful to hear about your stone affinity – the stonehenge magickal healing preseli bluestone! no doubt when the perfect one finds you it will support a remembrance of origins. i love you too!!

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